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The distribution and levels of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) in tissues and plasma were assessed in naturally infected African green monkeys (AGM) of the vervet subspecies (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) by limiting-dilution coculture, quantitative PCR for viral DNA and RNA, and in situ hybridization for SIV expression in tissues. A wide range of SIV RNA levels in plasma was observed among these animals (<1,000 to 800,000 copies per ml), and the levels appeared to be stable over long periods of time. The relative numbers of SIV-expressing cells in tissues of two monkeys correlated with the extent of plasma viremia. SIV expression was observed in lymphoid tissues and was not associated with immunopathology. Virus-expressing cells were observed in the lamina propria and lymphoid tissue of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as within alveolar macrophages in the lung tissue of one AGM. The range of plasma viremia in naturally infected AGM was greater than that reported in naturally infected sooty mangabeys. However, the degree of viremia in some AGM was similar to that observed during progression to AIDS in human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals. Therefore, containment of viremia is an unlikely explanation for the lack of pathogenicity of SIVagm in its natural host species, AGM.  相似文献   
A fraction of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-infected macaques develop rapidly progressive disease in the apparent absence of detectable SIV-specific antibody responses. To characterize the immunopathogenesis of this syndrome, we studied viral load, CD4+ T-lymphocyte numbers as well as cellular and humoral immune responses to SIV and other exogenous antigens in four SIVsm-infected rhesus macaques that progressed to AIDS 9 to 16 weeks postinoculation. Each of these animals exhibited high levels of viremia but showed relatively preserved CD4 T lymphocytes in blood and lymphoid tissues at the time of death. Transient SIV-specific antibody responses and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte responses were observed at 2 to 4 weeks postinoculation. Two of the macaques that were immunized sequentially with tetanus toxoid and hepatitis A virus failed to develop antibody to either antigen. These studies show that the SIV-infected rapid progressor macaques initially mounted an appropriate but transient cellular and humoral immune response. The subsequent immune defect in these animals appeared to be global, affecting both cellular and humoral immunity to SIV as well as immune responses against unrelated antigens. The lack of CD4 depletion and loss of humoral and cellular immune responses suggest that their immune defect may be due to an early loss in T helper function.  相似文献   
Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection of rhesus macaques has become an important surrogate model for evaluating HIV vaccine strategies. The extreme resistance to neutralizing antibody (NAb) of many commonly used strains, such as SIVmac251/239 and SIVsmE543-3, limits their potential relevance for evaluating the role of NAb in vaccine protection. In contrast, SIVsmE660 is an uncloned virus that appears to be more sensitive to neutralizing antibody. To evaluate the role of NAb in this model, we generated full-length neutralization-sensitive molecular clones of SIVsmE660 and evaluated two of these by intravenous inoculation of rhesus macaques. All animals became infected and maintained persistent viremia that was accompanied by a decline in memory CD4(+) T cells in blood and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. High titers of autologous NAb developed by 4 weeks postinoculation but were not associated with control of viremia, and neutralization escape variants were detected concurrently with the generation of NAb. Neutralization escape was associated with substitutions and insertion/deletion polymorphisms in the V1 and V4 domains of envelope. Analysis of representative variants revealed that escape variants also induced NAbs within a few weeks of their appearance in plasma, in a pattern that is reminiscent of the escape of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) isolates in humans. Although early variants maintained a neutralization-sensitive phenotype, viruses obtained later in infection were significantly less sensitive to neutralization than the parental viruses. These results indicate that NAbs exert selective pressure that drives the evolution of the SIV envelope and that this model will be useful for evaluating the role of NAb in vaccine-mediated protection.  相似文献   
Neutralizing antibodies were assessed before and after intravenous challenge with pathogenic SIVsmE660 in rhesus macaques that had been immunized with recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara expressing one or more simian immunodeficiency virus gene products (MVA-SIV). Animals received either MVA-gag-pol, MVA-env, MVA-gag-pol-env, or nonrecombinant MVA. Although no animals were completely protected from infection with SIV, animals immunized with recombinant MVA-SIV vaccines had lower virus loads and prolonged survival relative to control animals that received nonrecombinant MVA (I. Ourmanov et al., J. Virol. 74:2740-2751, 2000). Titers of neutralizing antibodies measured with the vaccine strain SIVsmH-4 were low in the MVA-env and MVA-gag-pol-env groups of animals and were undetectable in the MVA-gag-pol and nonrecombinant MVA groups of animals on the day of challenge (4 weeks after final immunization). Titers of SIVsmH-4-neutralizing antibodies remained unchanged 1 week later but increased approximately 100-fold 2 weeks postchallenge in the MVA-env and MVA-gag-pol-env groups while the titers remained low or undetectable in the MVA-gag-pol and nonrecombinant MVA groups. This anamnestic neutralizing antibody response was also detected with T-cell-line-adapted stocks of SIVmac251 and SIV/DeltaB670 but not with SIVmac239, as this latter virus resisted neutralization. Most animals in each group had high titers of SIVsmH-4-neutralizing antibodies 8 weeks postchallenge. Titers of neutralizing antibodies were low or undetectable until about 12 weeks of infection in all groups of animals and showed little or no evidence of an anamnestic response when measured with SIVsmE660. The results indicate that recombinant MVA is a promising vector to use to prime for an anamnestic neutralizing antibody response following infection with primate lentiviruses that cause AIDS. However, the Env component of the present vaccine needs improvement in order to target a broad spectrum of viral variants, including those that resemble primary isolates.  相似文献   
The antagonistic interaction with host restriction proteins is a major driver of evolutionary change for viruses. We previously reported that polymorphisms of the TRIM5α B30.2/SPRY domain impacted the level of SIVsmm viremia in rhesus macaques. Viremia in macaques homozygous for the non-restrictive TRIM5α allele TRIM5Q was significantly higher than in macaques expressing two restrictive TRIM5alpha alleles TRIM5TFP/TFP or TRIM5Cyp/TFP. Using this model, we observed that despite an early impact on viremia, SIVsmm overcame TRIM5α restriction at later stages of infection and that increasing viremia was associated with specific amino acid substitutions in capsid. Two amino acid substitutions (P37S and R98S) in the capsid region were associated with escape from TRIM5TFP restriction and substitutions in the CypA binding-loop (GPLPA87-91) in capsid were associated with escape from TRIM5Cyp. Introduction of these mutations into the original SIVsmE543 clone not only resulted in escape from TRIM5α restriction in vitro but the P37S and R98S substitutions improved virus fitness in macaques with homozygous restrictive TRIMTFP alleles in vivo. Similar substitutions were observed in other SIVsmm strains following transmission and passage in macaques, collectively providing direct evidence that TRIM5α exerts selective pressure on the cross-species transmission of SIV in primates.  相似文献   
Simian immunodeficiency virus from African green monkeys (SIVagm) results in asymptomatic infection in its natural host species. The virus is not inherently apathogenic, since infection of pigtailed (PT) macaques (Macaca nemestrina) with one isolate of SIVagm results in an immunodeficiency syndrome characterized by progressive CD4+-T-cell depletion and opportunistic infections. This virus was passaged once in a PT macaque and, thus, may not be entirely reflective of the virulence of the parental strain. The goal of the present study was to assess the pathogenicity of the PT-passaged isolate (SIVagm9063) and two primary SIVagm isolates in PT macaques, including the parental strain of the PT-passaged variant. Infection of macaques with any of the three isolates resulted in high levels of primary plasma viremia by 1 week after inoculation. Viremia was quickly controlled following infection with SIVagm155; these animals have maintained CD4+-T-cell subsets and remain healthy. The plateau levels among SIVagm90- and SIVagm9063-inoculated macaques varied widely from 100 to 1 million copies/ml of plasma. Three of four animals from each of these groups progressed to AIDS. Setpoint viremia and the degree of CD4+-T-cell loss at 6 months postinfection were not significantly different between macaques inoculated with SIVagm90 and SIVagm9063. However these parameters were significantly different in SIVagm155-inoculated macaques (P values of <0.01). Considering all the macaques, the degree of CD4+-T-cell loss by 6 months postinfection correlated with the plateau levels of viremia. Thus, similar to SIVsm/mac infection of macaques and human AIDS, viral load is an excellent prognostic indicator of disease course. The inherent pathogenicity of natural SIVagm isolates varies, but such natural isolates are capable of inducing AIDS in macaques without prior macaque passage.  相似文献   
Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection of macaques and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection of humans result in variable but generally fatal disease outcomes. Most SIV-infected macaques progress to AIDS over a period of 1 to 3 years, in the face of robust SIV-specific immune responses (conventional progressors [CP]). A small number of SIV-inoculated macaques mount transient immune responses and progress rapidly to AIDS (rapid progressors [RP]). We speculated that the underlying pathogenic mechanisms may differ between RP and CP macaques. We compared the pathological lesions, virus loads, and distribution of virus and target cells in SIVsmE660- or SIVsmE543-infected RP and CP rhesus macaques at terminal disease. RP macaques developed a wasting syndrome characterized by severe SIV enteropathy in the absence of opportunistic infections. In contrast, opportunistic infections were commonly observed in CP macaques. RP and CP macaques showed distinct patterns of CD4(+) T-cell depletion, with a selective loss of memory cells in RP macaques and a generalized (naive and memory) CD4 depletion in CP macaques. In situ hybridization demonstrated higher levels of virus expression in lymphoid tissues (P < 0.001) of RP macaques and a broader distribution to include many nonlymphoid tissues. Finally, SIV was preferentially expressed in macrophages in RP macaques whereas the primary target cells in CP macaques were T lymphocytes at end stage disease. These data suggest distinct pathogenic mechanisms leading to the deaths of these two groups of animals, with CP macaques being more representative of HIV-induced AIDS in humans.  相似文献   
The immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) recombinant expressing the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) Gag-Pol proteins (MVA-gag-pol) was explored in rhesus monkeys expressing the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I allele, MamuA*01. Macaques received four sequential intramuscular immunizations with the MVA-gag-pol recombinant virus or nonrecombinant MVA as a control. Gag-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses were detected in all MVA-gag-pol-immunized macaques by both functional assays and flow cytometric analyses of CD8(+) T cells that bound a specific MHC complex class I-peptide tetramer, with levels peaking after the second immunization. Following challenge with uncloned SIVsmE660, all macaques became infected; however, viral load set points were lower in MVA-gag-pol-immunized macaques than in the MVA-immunized control macaques. MVA-gag-pol-immunized macaques exhibited a rapid and substantial anamnestic CTL response specific for the p11C, C-M Gag epitope. The level at which CTL stabilized after resolution of primary viremia correlated inversely with plasma viral load set point (P = 0.03). Most importantly, the magnitude of reduction in viremia in the vaccinees was predicted by the magnitude of the vaccine-elicited CTL response prior to SIV challenge.  相似文献   
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