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Kotta  Jonne  Simm  Mart  Kotta  Ilmar  Kanošina  Inga  Kallaste  Kalle  Raid  Tiit 《Hydrobiologia》2004,514(1-3):259-268
Phytoplankton, mesozooplankton, mysids and fish larvae were studied during 15–29 annual cycles measured weekly to monthly in Pärnu Bay, the Gulf of Riga. The monthly variability of the biological data was related to temperature, ice conditions, salinity, influx of nutrients, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index, cloudiness and solar activity. Phytoplankton development was mainly a function of the NAO index. For the whole study period the abundance of zooplankton increased with increasing water temperature and solar activity. Significant correlations between phytoplankton and zooplankton densities were found until 1990. After the invasion of the predatory cladoceran Cercopagis pengoi in 1991, the zooplankton community was likely to be regulated by the introduced species rather than phytoplankton dynamics. The increased abundances of rotifers and copepods triggered the increase in mysid densities. The development of herring larvae was positively affected by the high density of copepods and rotifers but also by increased eutrophication. Until 1990 there was no significant relationship between the density of zooplankton and herring larvae. A negative relationship between the density of zooplankton and herring larvae in the 1990s suggests that the major shift in zooplankton community resulted in food limitation for herring larvae. The results indicated that (1) atmospheric processes in the northern Atlantic explain a large part of the interannual variation of the local phytoplankton stock, (2) trophic interactions control the development of pelagic communities at higher trophic levels, and (3) the introduction of an effective intermediate predator has repercussions for the whole pelagic food web in Pärnu Bay.  相似文献   
We applied a multi-proxy palaeolimnological approach to provide insights into the natural variability and human-mediated trends of two interconnected temperate large shallow lakes, Peipsi and Võrtsjärv, during the twentieth century. The history of the lakes was assessed on the basis of age-related changes in the sediment main constituents (water, organic matter and carbonate), sub-fossil pigments, diatom assemblages and organic matter dissolved in pore water. The temporal changes in the palaeodata indicate an increase of the in-lake biological production in both lakes from about the 1960s, suggesting enhanced nutrient inputs. In subsequent decades, the gradual increase of autochthonous organic matter becomes more obvious, indicating progressive eutrophication of the lakes. Palaeolimnological indicators from the sediment record of Lake Peipsi indicate a slight recession of the lake’s eutrophication in the 1990s but not for Lake Võrtsjärv. The results of the study also suggest that after the lakes became eutrophied, the climatically induced water-level fluctuations ceased to be the main driver determining the abundance of phytoplankton. Responses of the lakes to human-induced impacts are better recorded in the sediments of Lake Peipsi than in those of Lake Võrtsjärv, which is shallower of the two and where the wave-induced resuspension of deposits markedly smooths or erases the signals of environmental changes. The results of the investigation expand the knowledge on how large shallow lakes respond to human-mediated and natural perturbations, including those in the lake catchment areas and the capability of the lakes to store the chronology and sequence of these changes.  相似文献   
Chikungunya virus (CHIKV; genus Alphavirus, family Togaviridae) has recently caused several major outbreaks affecting millions of people. There are no licensed vaccines or antivirals, and the knowledge of the molecular biology of CHIKV, crucial for development of efficient antiviral strategies, remains fragmentary. CHIKV has a 12 kb positive-strand RNA genome, which is translated to yield a nonstructural (ns) or replicase polyprotein. CHIKV structural proteins are expressed from a subgenomic RNA synthesized in infected cells. Here we have developed CHIKV trans-replication systems, where replicase expression and RNA replication are uncoupled. Bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase or cellular RNA polymerase II were used for production of mRNAs for CHIKV ns polyprotein and template RNAs, which are recognized by CHIKV replicase and encode for reporter proteins. CHIKV replicase efficiently amplified such RNA templates and synthesized large amounts of subgenomic RNA in several cell lines. This system was used to create tagged versions of ns proteins including nsP1 fused with enhanced green fluorescent protein and nsP4 with an immunological tag. Analysis of these constructs and a matching set of replicon vectors revealed that the replicases containing tagged ns proteins were functional and maintained their subcellular localizations. When cells were co-transfected with constructs expressing template RNA and wild type or tagged versions of CHIKV replicases, formation of characteristic replicase complexes (spherules) was observed. Analysis of mutations associated with noncytotoxic phenotype in CHIKV replicons showed that a low level of RNA replication is not a pre-requisite for reduced cytotoxicity. The CHIKV trans-replicase does not suffer from genetic instability and represents an efficient, sensitive and reliable tool for studies of different aspects of CHIKV RNA replication process.  相似文献   
Viral vectors have a wide variety of applications ranging from fundamental studies of viruses to therapeutics. Recombinant viral vectors are usually constructed using methods of reverse genetics to obtain the genetic material of the viral vector. The physicochemical properties of DNA and RNA make them unable to access cells by themselves, and they require assistance to achieve intracellular delivery. Non-viral delivery vectors can be used for this purpose if they enable efficient intracellular delivery without interfering with the viral life cycle. In this report, we utilize Semliki Forest virus (genus alphavirus) based RNA and DNA vectors to study the transfection efficiency of the non-viral cell-penetrating peptide-based delivery vector PepFect6 in comparison with that of the cationic liposome-based Lipofectamine 2000, and assess their impact on viral replication. The optimal conditions for transfection were determined for both reagents. These results demonstrate, for the first time, the ability of PepFect6 to transport large (13-19 kbp) constructs across the cell membrane. Curiously, DNA molecules delivered using the PepFect6 reagent were found to be transported to the cell nucleus approximately 1.5 hours later than DNA molecules delivered using the Lipofectamine 2000 reagent. Finally, although both PepFect6 and Lipofectamine 2000 reagents can be used for alphavirus research, PepFect6 is preferred because it does not induce changes in the normal cellular phenotype and it does not affect the normal replication-infection cycle of viruses in previously transfected cells.  相似文献   
In the 1990s a sharp decrease in nitrogen loading occurred in Estonian rivers, bringing about a reduction of the nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratio (N:P ratio) in the large shallow lakes, Peipsi (3,555 km2, mean depth 7.1 m) and Võrtsjärv (270 km2, 2.8 m). The average mass ratio of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in Võrtsjärv (45) was about twice as high as that in Peipsi (22). In Peipsi, the N2-fixing Gloeotrichia echinulata, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and Anabaena species prevailed in the summer phytoplankton, while in Võrtsjärv the dominant cyanobacteria were Limnothrix planktonica, L. redekei and Planktolyngbya limnetica, which cannot fix N2; the main N2-fixing taxa Aphanizomenon skujae and Anabaena sp. seldom gained dominance. In May–October the critical TN:TP mass ratio, below which N2-fixing cyanobacteria (Nfix) achieved high biomasses, was ~40 in Võrtsjärv and ~30 in Peipsi. The percentages of both total cyanobacteria (CY) and Nfix (CY% and Nfix%) in Peipsi achieved their maximum values at an N:P mass ratio at or below 20 for both TN:TP and Nmin:SRP. In Võrtsjärv, the TN:TP supporting a high Nfix% was between 30 and 40 and the Nmin:SRP supporting this high percentage was in the same range as that in Peipsi (<20), though the maximum Nfix% values in Võrtsjärv (69%) were much lower than in Peipsi (96%). The Nmin:SRP ratio explained 77% of the variability in Nfix% in May–October. The temperature dependence of Nfix% approximated to the maximum function type, with an upper limiting value at a certain water temperature, and this was most distinct in May–October. The critical TN:TP ratios obtained from our study (roughly 30 for Peipsi and 40 for Võrtsjärv) are much higher than the Redfield N:P mass ratio routinely considered (7). Our results represent valuable guidelines for creating effective management strategies for large shallow lakes. They provide a basis for stressing the urgent need to decrease phosphorus loading and to keep the in-lake P concentration low, and not to implement nitrogen reduction measures without a simultaneous decrease of phosphorus concentration.  相似文献   
The metabolic fate of [1-14-C]hexadecylsulphate and hexadecyl[35-S]sulphate, administered intravenously as the sodium and trimethylammonium salt to dogs and orally as the erythromycin salt to dogs, rats and humans, was studied. Studies with rats indicated that the compounds were well absorbed and rapidly excreted in the urine. However, after oral administration of the 14-C-and 35-S-labelled hexadecyl sulphate erythromycin salt to dogs, considerable amounts of radioactivity were excreted in the faeces as unmetabolized hexadecyl sulphate. Studies with two humans showed that orally administered erythromycin salt of [1-14C]hexadecyl sulphate was well absorbed in one person but poorly absorbed in the other. Radioactive metabolites in urine were separated by t.l.c. in two solvent systems. The main metabolite of hexadecyl sulphate in the dog, rat and human was identified as the sulphate ester of 4-hydroxybutyric acid. In addition, psi-[14-C]butyrolactone as a minor metabolic product of [1-14-C]hexadecyl sulphate was also isolated from the urine of rat, dog and man. However, there was still another metabolite in dog urine, which comprised about 20% of the total urinary radioactivity and carried both 14-C and 35-S labels. This metabolite was absent from rat urine. The metabolite in dog urine was isolated and subsequently identified by t.l.c. and g.l.c. and by isotope-dilution experiments as the sulphate ester of glycollic acid. Small amounts (about 5% of the total recovered radioactivity in excreta) of labelled glycollic acid sulphate were also found in human urine after ingestion of erythromycin [1-14-C]hexadecyl sulphate.  相似文献   
Remdesivir (RDV), a broadly acting nucleoside analogue, is the only FDA approved small molecule antiviral for the treatment of COVID-19 patients. To date, there are no reports identifying SARS-CoV-2 RDV resistance in patients, animal models or in vitro. Here, we selected drug-resistant viral populations by serially passaging SARS-CoV-2 in vitro in the presence of RDV. Using high throughput sequencing, we identified a single mutation in RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (NSP12) at a residue conserved among all coronaviruses in two independently evolved populations displaying decreased RDV sensitivity. Introduction of the NSP12 E802D mutation into our SARS-CoV-2 reverse genetics backbone confirmed its role in decreasing RDV sensitivity in vitro. Substitution of E802 did not affect viral replication or activity of an alternate nucleoside analogue (EIDD2801) but did affect virus fitness in a competition assay. Analysis of the globally circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants (>800,000 sequences) showed no evidence of widespread transmission of RDV-resistant mutants. Surprisingly, we observed an excess of substitutions in spike at corresponding sites identified in the emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (i.e., H69, E484, N501, H655) indicating that they can arise in vitro in the absence of immune selection. The identification and characterisation of a drug resistant signature within the SARS-CoV-2 genome has implications for clinical management and virus surveillance.  相似文献   
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