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Paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium), a widely used non-selective herbicide, is a redox cycling agent with adverse effects on dopamine systems. Epidemiological data have shown that exposure to paraquat is one of the several risk factors for Parkinson's disease. We have already shown that cyclo(His-Pro), an endogenous cyclic dipeptide produced by the cleavage of the thyrotropin releasing hormone, has a cytoprotective effect through a mechanism involving Nrf2 activation that decreases production of reactive oxygen species and increases glutathione synthesis. Using primary neuronal cultures and PC12 cells as targets of paraquat neurotoxicity, we addressed whether and how cyclo(His-Pro) causes cellular protective response against paraquat-mediated cell death. We found that cyclo(His-Pro) attenuated reactive oxygen species production, and prevented glutathione depletion by up-regulating Nrf2 gene expression, triggering its nuclear accumulation and activating the expression of heme oxygenase1. These protective effects were abolished by RNA interference-mediated Nrf2 knock down whereas were unaffected by RNA interference-mediated Keap1 knock down. Inhibition of heme oxygenase activity decreased cyclo(His-Pro)-induced neuroprotection. These results suggest that cyclo(His-Pro), acting as a selective activator of the brain modulable Nrf2 pathway, may be a promising candidate as neuroprotective agent that act through induction of phase II genes.  相似文献   
A heterozygote protein C deficit was found in 4 members of the same family. The propositus is a 40 year old male with a clear thrombotic tendency. This included repeated thrombophlebitis of the right leg, and one episode of pulmonary embolism. Arterial thrombosis was not noted. The anticoagulant therapy undertaken by the patient appears to be of some benefit in the sense that no recurrence of thrombotic manifestations occurred. One brother and two nephews of the propositus, even though asymptomatic showed reduced levels of Protein C both as activity and antigen. The parallel reduction of Protein C activity and antigen points towards a "true" deficit of Protein C. The normal, although reduced, pattern in the crossed immunoelectrophoresis supplies further confirmation to this interpretation.  相似文献   
Abstract The expression of nitrite reductase has been tested in a wild-type strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pao1) as a function of nitrate concentration under anaerobic and aerobic conditions. Very low levels of basal expression are shown under non-denitrifying conditions (i.e. absence of nitrate, in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions); anaerobiosis is not required for high levels of enzyme production in the presence of nitrate. A Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain, mutated in the nitrite reductase gene, has been obtained by gene replacement. This mutant, the first of this species described up to now, is unable to grow under anaerobic conditions in the presence of nitrate. The anaerobic growth can be restored by complementation with the wild-type gene.  相似文献   
Coumarin drugs or vitamin K absence cause a decrease of factor II, VII, IX and X activities and the appearance of pre-factors into the circulation. Such pre-factors have been postulated to inhibit thrombin conversion. The current of research on the alleged activity of such "inhibitors" is taken into consideration. Thrombotest discrepancy, mixing experiments etc.) speak against the inhibitor theory. So far the only sure demonstration of the presence of coumarin induced pre-factors has been obtained by immunological means. However, this does not say anything about their biological activity. These pre-factors could well be "inert" as far as clotting is concerned. Until new, unequivocal data on the subject will be available, any method or technique claiming to be able to detect or monitor the "inhibitory" effect should be accepted with extreme caution. Too many unjustified views have been put forward in recent years.  相似文献   
The deterrent substances diverting D. oleae females from ovipositing on already attacked olives are contained, at least partly, in the juice which trickles from the oviposition wounds. Surprisingly, the water fraction of the olive juice had limited deterrent activity. The principal deterrent stimuli are present in the oil fraction. Acetophenone and benzaldehyde are likely to be involved.Some liposoluble volatile substances can be deterrent to the females as vapours. The deterrent power of olives containing D. oleae larvae is probably linked to these substances.Most deterrent hydro-soluble substances had two contiguous hydroxyls, characterized by a comparative acidity and located in the ortho position in diphenols and somewhat analogously in glycolic acid.Amongst orthodiphenols, Pyrocatechol-the simplest compound-was the most active substance.
Résumé Les jus d'olive qui sourt des blessures dues à la ponte, contient des substances inhibitrices qui empêchent les attaques ultérieures de la mouche de l'olivier.Une telle activité était attribuée à des substances hydrosolubles et, en particuliet, au dihydroxyphenil ethanol.On a testé l'activité inhibitrice des fractions huileuse et acqueuse obtenues par centrifugation de la pulpe des olives, rendue homogène.De facon inattendue, la fraction huileuse s'estavérée posséder une activité inhibitrice environ 20 fois supérieure à celle de la fraction acqueuse.Les différences d'activités inhibitrices d'huile d'olives mûres ou non, ou d'huiles commerciales, permet de penser que l'activité inhibitrice principale est liée à des substances liposolubles présentes dans l'huile.En outre, on a constaté que la pulpe d'olives, broyée, présente une action inhibitrice en l'absence de contact direct avec les femelles. Des substances inhibitrices volatiles sont aussi présentes dans l'huile.Des inhibiteurs volatiles qui se libèrent des tissus lacérés par les larves, peuvent expliquer l'activité inhibitrice des olives attaquées durant la période de développement des larves. Les substances inhibitrices dont la femelle couvre la surface cireuse des fruits, sont, en effet, facilement éliminées par la pluie.Parmi les substances liposolubles dont on connaît la présence dans l'huile, l'aceto-phénone et le benzaldehyde, possèdent un pouvoir inhibiteur prononcé.Les substances hydrolsolubles jouent un rôle mineur dans l'ensemble des stimuli inhibiteurs. Le pouvoir inhibiteur relatif est lié à deux hydroxyles contigus à une fonction acide présente en position ortho dans les diphénols, ceci par analogie avec l'acide glycolique qui possède un hydroxyle en caractérisé par une certaine acidité.Le plus actif orthodiphénol s'est avéré être la pyrocatéchine. Aussi une part des inhibiteurs liposolubles sont des substances liées au biochimisme des phénols.
The liver represents a site of expression of neurotrophins and their receptors. We have characterized the expression and intracellular localization of the nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor, Trk-A, in liver cells in vivo and in vitro. In both normal and fibrotic liver tissue, Trk-A immunostaining was present in different cell types, including parenchymal cells and cells of the inflammatory infiltrate. In hepatocytes and activated stellate cells (HSC), Trk-A showed a predominant nuclear localization, both in the presence and absence of injury. In cultured HSC, Trk-A was found to be functional, because exposure of the cells to recombinant NGF resulted in stimulation of cell migration and activation of intracellular signaling pathways, including Ras-ERK and PI3K/Akt. Remarkably, in cultured HSC, Trk-A staining was found constitutively in the nucleus. In these cells, Trk-A could be stained only by antibodies directed against the intracellular domain but not by those recognizing the extracellular portion of Trk-A suggesting that the intracellular portion of the receptor is the major determinant of nuclear Trk-A staining. In contrast to HSC, freshly isolated hepatocytes did not show any nuclear localization of the intracellular portion of Trk-A. In pheocromocytoma cells, nuclear staining for Trk-A was not present in conditions of serum deprivation, but could be induced by exposure to NGF or to a mixture of soluble mediators. We conclude that nuclear localization of the intracellular domain of Trk-A is observed constitutively in liver cells such as HSC, while in other cell types it could be induced in response to soluble factors.  相似文献   
From a screening on agar plates with bis(benzoyloxyethyl) terephthalate (3PET), a Bacillus subtilis p‐nitrobenzylesterase (BsEstB) was isolated and demonstrated to hydrolyze polyethyleneterephthalate (PET). PET‐hydrolase active strains produced clearing zones and led to the release of the 3PET hydrolysis products terephthalic acid (TA), benzoic acid (BA), 2‐hydroxyethyl benzoate (HEB), and mono‐(2‐hydroxyethyl) terephthalate (MHET) in 3PET supplemented liquid cultures. The 3PET‐hydrolase was isolated from non‐denaturating polyacrylamide gels using fluorescein diacetate (FDA) and identified as BsEstB by LC‐MS/MS analysis. BsEstB was expressed in Escherichia coli with C‐terminally fused StrepTag II for purification. The tagged enzyme had a molecular mass of 55.2 kDa and a specific activity of 77 U/mg on p‐nitrophenyl acetate and 108 U/mg on p‐nitrophenyl butyrate. BsEstB was most active at 40°C and pH 7.0 and stable for several days at pH 7.0 and 37°C while the half‐life times decreased to 3 days at 40°C and only 6 h at 45°C. From 3PET, BsEstB released TA, MHET, and BA, but neither bis(2‐hydroxyethyl) terephthalate (BHET) nor hydroxyethylbenzoate (HEB). The kcat values decreased with increasing complexity of the substrate from 6 and 8 (s?1) for p‐nitrophenyl‐acetate (4NPA) and p‐nitrophenyl‐butyrate (4NPB), respectively, to 0.14 (s?1) for bis(2‐hydroxyethyl) terephthalate (BHET). The enzyme hydrolyzed PET films releasing TA and MHET with a concomitant decrease of the water‐contact angle (WCA) from 68.2° ± 1.7° to 62.6° ± 1.1° due to formation of novel hydroxyl and carboxyl groups. These data correlated with a fluorescence emission intensity increase seen for the enzyme treated sample after derivatization with 2‐(bromomethyl)naphthalene. © 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2011  相似文献   
About 40% of the eukaryotic cell’s proteins are inserted co- or post-translationally in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), where they attain the native structure under the assistance of resident molecular chaperones and folding enzymes. Subsequently, these proteins are secreted from cells or are transported to their sites of function at the plasma membrane or in organelles of the secretory and endocytic compartments. Polypeptides that are not delivered within the ER (mis-localized proteins, MLPs) are rapidly destroyed by cytosolic proteasomes, with intervention of the membrane protease ZMPSTE24 if they remained trapped in the SEC61 translocation machinery. Proteins that enter the ER, but fail to attain the native structure are rapidly degraded to prevent toxic accumulation of aberrant gene products. The ER does not contain degradative devices and the majority of misfolded proteins generated in this biosynthetic compartment are dislocated across the membrane for degradation by cytosolic 26S proteasomes by mechanisms and pathways collectively defined as ER-associated degradation (ERAD). Proteins that do not engage ERAD factors, that enter aggregates or polymers, are too large, display chimico/physical features that prevent dislocation across the ER membrane (ERAD-resistant misfolded proteins) are delivered to endo-lysosome for clearance, by mechanisms and pathways collectively defined as ER-to-lysosomes-associated degradation (ERLAD). Emerging evidences lead us to propose ERLAD as an umbrella term that includes the autophagic and non-autophagic pathways activated and engaged by ERAD-resistant misfolded proteins generated in the ER for delivery to degradative endo-lysosomes.  相似文献   
Antithrombin III (AT III) abnormalities can be characterized by means of crossed immunoelectrophoresis. In the past, it was thought that the abnormalities could be demonstrated only if heparin is present in the system. Now some conditions (AT III Trento, for example) are known to show an abnormal pattern only in the absence of heparin. This indicates that some of the changes are heparin-independent. Furthermore, it could be demonstrated that in some cases the abnormality is present only in serum (AT III Vicenza, for example). Therefore, the test should be carried out as a screening procedure both in plasma and serum and in the presence or absence of heparin in every case of suspected AT III abnormality.  相似文献   
Platelet aggregation and adhesiveness were studied in 3 patients with combined factor V and factor VIII deficiency and in 3 patients with combined factor VII and factor VIII deficiency. The first three patients belonged to three different kindreds whereas the second group belonged to the same kindred. Serotonin C14 uptake and release was also found to be normal in these patients. These studies indicate that platelet function is normal in combined defects of factor VIII. These findings were in agreement with the presence of a normal bleeding time and a normal factor VIII antigen level in all these patients.  相似文献   
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