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The effects of oncogene activation on glycosphingolipid (GSL) synthesis by a mouse fibroblast clonal cell line were studied. A transfectant that expressed the activated ras gene showed a definite change in the composition of acidic GSLs, probably an increase in polysialoganglioside, while one that expressed the myc gene showed only a slight change. Neither transfectant grew in soft agar. However, another transfectant, which expressed both the myc and ras genes, and grew in soft agar, showed a more dramatic increase in the acidic GSL component. Thus, activations of the myc and ras oncogenes have a synergistic effect on GSL synthesis during transformation.  相似文献   
Seedlings of Pharbitis nil, strain Kidachi, were grown undercontinuous light at 20°C in vessels containing 5,000-mlnutrient solution, 24 plants per vessel. NAA (0.005–0.5µM), GA3 (0.1–0.5 µM), kinetin (0.5–5µM), benzyladenine (0.05–5 µM) or abscisicacid (4 µM) added to the nutrient solution induced long-dayflowering, and the flowering was always accompanied by suppressionof root elongation. 3,4-Dichlorobenzoic acid (0.05–10µM) and some other benzoic acid derivatives which arehighly effective for the induction of flowering in Lemna paucicostataalso showed similar effects. Neither NAA, kinetin nor 3,4-dichlorobenzoicacid applied via the apical part of the hypocotyl could causeflowering or suppression of root elongation. Thus, the flower-inducingeffect of the above substances was presumed to be secondaryto the suppression of root elongation. Ethrel (1–50 µM)added to the nutrient solution suppressed root elongation, butdid not induce flowering probably because it has flower-inhibitingactivity. 1 This paper is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Joji Ashida,the first president of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists. (Received December 15, 1982; Accepted February 25, 1983)  相似文献   
Flowering responses to a single photoperiod, of various durationsand irradiances, followed by an inductive dark period were investigatedwith dark-grown seedlings of Pharbitis nil Choisy. The numberof flower buds induced in each plant (NFB) increased with theincrease of both duration and irradiance of the photoperiod.Reciprocity did not hold for this photoresponse within the rangeof 0-16 h and 2.5-10 W-m-2, NFB depending on the duration ratherthan the irradiance. With lengthening of the dark period followinga photoperiod of 8 h or less, two different phases alternatelyappeared so that NFB sharply increased at 20-24 h and 40-43h after the onset of the photoperiod, then gradually decreased.When the photoperiod was longer than 8 h, NFB sharply increasedat 12–16 h after the end of the photoperiod and remainedaround the saturated value with longer dark periods. Far-redlight given immediately after the photoperiod inhibited flowering,the inhibitory effect being stronger the shorter the photoperiod.This far-red effect is mediated by phytochrome and PFR seemsto be required during the inductive dark period following ashort photoperiod for floral induction. (Received December 23, 1983; Accepted April 12, 1984)  相似文献   
Pharbitis nil, strain Violet which had been exposed to high-intensitylight (18,000 lux at 23?C) for 7 days followed by a low-temperaturetreatment (13–14?C) for 7 days initiated flower buds evenunder continuous light, but plants given these treatments inreverse order failed to bud. Three days of high-intensity lightat 23?C was most effective in promoting the flower-inducingeffect of the subsequent low-temperature period. Six days oflow temperature following the 3-day high-intensity light periodinduced near-maximum flowering response. DCMU (5?10–6M) given during the high-intensity light period inhibited flowering,but when given during or after the low-temperature period itwas ineffective. DCMU at the same concentration given before,during or after an inductive 16-hr dark period at 26?C did notinhibit flowering. Sucrose, ATP, NADPH and some other reducingagents tested did not nullify the DCMU effect nor substitutefor the effect of high-intensity light. But, the high-intensitylight effect could be substituted, at least partly, by 5-chlorosalicylicacid, 3,4-dichlorobenzoic acid and some other benzoic acid derivatives,which are highly effective in inducing long-day flowering inthe short-day plant, Lemna paucicostata. (Received October 20, 1981; Accepted February 3, 1982)  相似文献   
l(+)-tartrate-[U-14C] or sucrose-[U-14C] was fed into grape berries and 14CO2 evolution was determined. 14CO2 evolution front l(+)-tartrate-[U-14C] was slightly higher in mature than immature berries, and that from sucrose-[U-14C] was higher in immature than mature ones. 14CO2 evolution from l(+)-tartrate-[U-14C] was irregular throughout the day until 2 or 3 weeks after flowering. This stage shifted to regular 14CO2 evolution until 6 or 7 weeks after flowering, and the mode of 14CO2 evolution showed diurnal variation; higher in the day than at night. Then the stage without variation of 14CO2 evolution followed 10 weeks after flowering. These observations indicate that tartrate is not biochemically inert in grape berries, while the amount of 14CO2 evolution from sucrose-[U-14C] was higher at night than in the day through the whole ripening process, except in the early stage.  相似文献   
Lemna perpusilla 6746, a short-day duckweed, flowered undercontinuous illumination if some of the SH inhibitors, such ascyanide or tungstate were added to the M-sucrose medium. Theeffect of tungstate was not overcome by simultaneous applicationof molybdate, but deletion of the Mo from the medium was enoughto induce the long-day flowering. In vivo assay of nitrate reductaseactivity suggested that nitrate reduction was not inhibitedby tungstate, CuSO4 or AgNO3 which induced longday flowering.The possibility was suggested that suppression of some Mo-requiringprocess other than nitrate reduction brings about the long-dayflowering in this plant. (Received November 12, 1975; )  相似文献   
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