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J Iglesias  G F Gibbons 《Steroids》1989,53(3-5):311-328
The effects of ketoconazole, an inhibitor of cytochrome P-450, on the metabolism of the cholesterol precursors lanosterol, dihydrolanosterol, lanost-8-en-3 beta,32-diol, and 3 beta-hydroxylanost-8-en-32-al were investigated in subcellular fractions of rat liver and in rat hepatocytes in culture. At low (1-2 microM) concentrations of the drug, the oxidative demethylation of lanosterol was inhibited by about 70% in the subcellular fractions but there was no effect on the metabolism of the 3 beta, 32-diol or the 32-aldehyde. Higher drug concentrations (10-20 microM) were required to inhibit the oxidative metabolism of these cholesterol precursors. Similar results were obtained during longer-term incubations using hepatocytes in culture medium, but higher concentrations of ketoconazole were required to effect the same degree of inhibition of each precursor. In the subcellular fractions, dihydrolanosterol, the 3 beta,32-diol and the 32-aldehyde were each metabolized to more polar sterols, in addition to cholesterol. Ketoconazole also inhibited the formation of these polar substances.  相似文献   
H Fluxes in Excised Samanea Motor Tissue : II. Rhythmic Properties   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Homogeneous groups of cells were excised at regular intervals from opposing (extensor and flexor) motor tissue of Samanea saman (Jacq) Merrill maintained in white light for 34 hours. H+ fluxes between the tissue and bathing solution were then monitored during 30 minutes of darkness. Flux rates in both cell types vary with circadian rhythms. Flexor cells secrete H+ to the medium during two-thirds of the circadian cycle and take up H+ during the remainder of the cycle, while extensor cells take up H+ from the medium during the entire cycle.  相似文献   
1. Segments, 3.5 mm. long, cut from the first internode of Avenasativa seedlings grown in complete darkness respond to bothauxins and gibberellic acid by accelerated extension. 2. The optimum concentration of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is10 p.p.m. and of gibberellic acid (GA) is 0.1 p.p.m. 3. The degree of stimulation relative to the growth of controlsegments is affected by the inclusion in the segement of thenode between the internode and coleoptile. Thus the gibberellineffect is greatly increased while the IAA effect is decreased.The optimal concentrations are not affected by inclusion ofthe node. 4. These results can best be explained in terms of the supplyby the node tissue of an endogenous auxin which is necessaryfor the expression of GA action. 5. Numerous factorial experiments demonstrated that there isno detectable interaction between applied IAA and GA in thepromotion of first-internode extension. This implies that thepostulated endogenous auxin which synergized GAA action in (4)is either an active form of IAA produced only in the node tissueor is a completely different auxin. 6. No synergism of growth-promotive action can be detected betweenGA and the two synthetic auxins I-naphthylacetic acid and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyaceticacid. 7. p-chlorophenoxy-iso-butyric acid (PCIB) anc 2,4,6-trichlorophenoxyaceticacid (2,4,6-T) act as weak auxins and thus antagonize competitivelythe promotive action of GA. 8. The anti-auxin -(I-naphythyl-methyl-sulphide)propionic acid(NMSP) antagonizes competitively the promotive action of bothIAA and GA. 9. The facts under (5)–(8) suggest that auxins and GAare acting at the same growth-promotion centres and may competefor them. 10. Growth inhibitions are induced by high concentrations ofPCIB, 2,4,6-T and NMSP. The inhibitions produced by PCIB and2,4,6-T are both synergized by supra-optimal concentrationsof IAA while that of NMSP is synergized by supra-optimal concentrationsof both IAA and GA. This similarity of the effects of IAA andGA suggests that their inhibition actions also are of a closelysimilar nature.  相似文献   
A A Iglesias  Y Y Charng  S Ball    J Preiss 《Plant physiology》1994,104(4):1287-1294
ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (ADP-Glc PPase) from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells was purified over 2000-fold to a specific activity of 81 units/mg protein, and its kinetic and regulatory properties were characterized. Inorganic orthophosphate and 3-phosphoglycerate were the most potent inhibitor and activator, respectively. Rabbit antiserum raised against the spinach leaf ADP-Glc PPase (but not the one raised against the enzyme from Escherichia coli) inhibited the activity of the purified algal enzyme, which migrated as a single protein band in native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Two-dimensional and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicate that the enzyme from C. reinhardtii is composed of two subunits with molecular masses of 50 and 53 kD, respectively. The molecular mass of the native enzyme is estimated to be 210 kD. Antisera raised against the spinach leaf holoenzyme and against the 51-kD spinach subunit cross-reacted with both subunits of the algal ADP-Glc PPase in immunoblot hybridization, but the cross-reaction was stronger for the 50-kD algal subunit than for the 53-kD subunit. No cross-reaction was observed when antiserum raised against the spinach leaf pyrophosphorylase 54-kD subunit was used. These results suggest that the ADP-Glc PPase from C. reinhardtii is a heterotetrameric protein, since the enzyme from higher plants and its two subunits are structurally more related to the small subunit of the spinach leaf enzyme than to its large subunit. This information is discussed in the context of the possible evolutionary changes leading from the bacterial ADP-Glc PPase to the cyanobacterial and higher plant enzymes.  相似文献   
In sesquioxide-rich soils of tropical and subtropical areas and volcanic-ash soils with high levels of active Al(Fe), large amounts of phosphate fertilizers are needed to overcome their high P-fixation capacity (quenching strategy). A greenhouse pot experiment has been used to evaluate the effectiveness of city refuse compost (CRC) as a P-source for these variable-charge soils, compared to inorganic P. Mature CRC and K2HPO4 were applied at rates equivalent to 125, 250, 375, 500 and 625 kg P ha–1 to a ferrallitic soils from Tenerife Island (Andeptic Paleudult) with a high content in active Al+Fe (4.82%) and a high P-fixation capacity (87%). Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was grown in pots and plants were harvested at regular intervals after seedling emergence. CRC increases plant P concentration and soil labile-P proportional to the applied rate. The best results were obtained from a compost application of 30 t ha–1 equivalent-rate, after a residence time of at least three months. An important residual effect in the supply capacity of P in relation to the phosphate fertilizer was also observed. The relative agronomic effectiveness (RAE) in comparison to K2HPO4 was 66% after 6 months, considering P uptake + soil labile-P. The soil P-fixation capacity was significantly reduced from a compost application of 40 t ha–1 equivalent-rate. Competition in adsorption between organic ligands and phosphate, in combination with net mineralization of organic P in compost, might account for the high RAE value obtained. The main conclusion is that the city refuse compost could be a suitable P-amendment for resquioxic soils due to its high RAE, and the residual effect on P-supply. ei]H. Lambers  相似文献   
Urrutia  M. B.  Iglesias  J. I. P.  Navarro  E. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,355(1-3):173-180
Resuspension of bottom sediments by wind andtide-driven currents often occur in shallow waters,coastal embayments and estuaries. These processes maylead to dramatic variations in the concentration andorganic richness of suspended particle assemblages.Since resuspended matter is mainly inorganic,decreasing organic contents are usually associatedwith higher seston loads.Under this environmental context the feeding behaviourof bivalves shows a wide degree of plasticity, whichhas been interpreted as having high adaptive value. Inorder to evaluate benefits derived from thisbehaviour, we have used functional relationshipsobtained in previous studies, relating feedingparameters to characteristics of suspended food, topredict the effect that different feeding responseswould have exerted. In cockles, main processesdetermining energy acquisition are feeding rates andpreingestive food selection. Thus, the procedurefollowed in the present work consisted of simulatingrates of food absorption under alternative feedingbehaviours characterised by: (a) no preferentialingestion of filtered organic matter and (b) maintenance ofconstant clearance rates. In theabsence of selection of organic matter at thepreingestive level, ingestion rate of organics (OIR)would decline with increasing seston loads to 30% ofvalues predicted by functions fitted to experimentaldata; difference in absorption rate (AR) would be evengreater, falling to 10%, due to the strong effectthat the organic content of ingested matter exerts onabsorption efficiency. On the other hand, had theclearance rate (CR) kept constant despite theincreasing seston load, OIR and AR would have fallento values respectively 30% and 49% lower than actualvalues.From these results it is concluded that the ability ofsorting particles before ingestion and the capabilityof adjusting clearance rate are key elements in thefeeding behaviour that enable cockles to be welladapted to cope with changes in the water columncaused by resuspension events.  相似文献   
The term athlete's heart refers to an increased left ventricular mass. Few studies have assessed the prevalence and normal upper limit of cardiac hypertrophy in highly trained cyclists and this was the aim of this study. A group of 40 professional road cyclists [mean age 26 (SD 3) years] who had participated in European competitions for 3–10 years, were evaluated at the beginning of the 1992–93 season. Evaluation included a clinical history and physical examination, one and two-dimensional echocardiography, 12-lead resting electrocardiogram and a graded exercise test. Determination of the left ventricular mass index (LVMI) was performed using Devereux's formula with correction for the body surface area. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure were measured at rest and at peak exercise. Of the group 23 cyclists (58%) presented a LVMI greater than 130 g · m–2, 21 cyclists presented a diastolic ventricular thickness equal to or greater than 13 mm, with a superior limit of 19 mm; 3 cyclists presented asymmetrical septum hypertrophy; and the relationship between posterior wall and left ventricular diastolic radius was equal to or greater than 0.45 in 14 cases (35%). Electrocardiographic abnormalities of ST-T segment were seen in only 1 subject. No correlation was found between the degree of ventricular hypertrophy and arterial blood pressure. We concluded that these professional cyclists showed a high prevalence of cardiac hypertrophy (58%). The distribution of this hypertrophy was concentric in 20/33 and asymmetric in 3/23 of the subjects with left ventricular hypertrophy. The electrocardiograms were normal in 98% of the subjects.  相似文献   
The asexual nature of the first cortical reorganization of conjugation in Stylonychia was analyzed by comparing the effect of amputation performed at different stages of early conjugation to that performed on vegetative cells at different stages of the cell cycle. Amputation of vegetative cells delineated a point of commitment to binary fission at 0.51–0.57 of the cell cycle. Cells amputated before this point were induced to undergo the regenerative mode of asexual development, but those amputated after this point continued with binary fission. In parallel, during conjugation a similar commitment was made around the time of formation of tight mating-pairs: early conjugants amputated around this time might undergo regeneration, and those operated on after this stage continued with the first cortical reorganization as in typical conjugants. The two mates of a pair might differ in their response to amputation, suggesting that the timing of commitment to the first cortical reorganization is not related to the events of conjugation, but rather is individually determined in the vegetative cycle of the cells before they pair up in mating. These observations provide support for the notion that the first cortical reorganization of conjugants is homologous to the asexual mode of cortical development in dividers, according to the theory of developmental heterochrony in the sexual reproduction of hypotrichs. The timing of commitment to the first cortical reorganization was found to temporally correlate with the entrance of the micronuclei into meiosis. Since the first cortical reorganization can proceed without the micronucleus, this raises the possibility that initiation of micronuclear meiosis is closely coupled with, and may be determined by, the commitment to the first cortical reorganization.  相似文献   
Four widely used bubble oxygenators-the Optiflo I, the Bentley Q 200 A, the Harvey 200, and the Shiley 100 A-were tested and compared in 182 patients undergoing cardiac valve surgery. Fifty-six cases were performed with normothermia and 126 cases incorporated mild hypothermia (28-30 degrees C). There was no significant difference in the average age of the patients (51 yrs) or the perfusion time (60 min). All components of the extracorporeal circuit were identical, and anesthetic regimens and surgical techniques were also similar. In this study, the Shiley 100 A oxygenator was found to be the most suitable for cases requiring mild hypothermia and was generally considered to be the oxygenator of choice.  相似文献   
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