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The genes encoding proteins responsible for activity of the E1 component of branched-chain-oxoacid dehydrogenase of Pseudomonas putida have been subcloned and the nucleotide sequence of this region determined. Open reading frames encoding E1 alpha (bkdA1, 1233 bp) and E1 beta (bkdA2, 1020 bp) were identified with the aid of the N-terminal sequence of the purified subunits. The Mr of E1 alpha was 45,158 and of E1 beta was 37,007, both calculated without N-terminal methionine. The deduced amino acid sequences of E1 alpha and E1 beta had no similarity to the published sequences of the E1 subunits of pyruvate and 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenases of Escherichia coli. However, there was substantial similarity between the E1 alpha subunits of Pseudomonas and rat liver branched-chain-oxoacid dehydrogenases. In particular, the region of the E1 alpha subunit of the mammalian branched-chain-oxoacid dehydrogenase which is phosphorylated, was found to be highly conserved in the Pseudomonas E1 alpha subunit. There was also considerable similarity between the E1 beta subunits of Pseudomonas branched-chain-oxoacid dehydrogenase and human pyruvate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   
Glutamine phosphoribosylpyrophosphate amidotransferase (EC catalyzes the transfer of the amide group of glutamine to 5-phospho-α- -ribose-1-pyrophosphate. It is the first enzyme committed to the synthesis of purines by the de novo pathway. Previous assays of enzyme activity have either measured the phosphoribosylpyrophosphate-dependent disappearance of radioactive glutamine or have linked this reaction to subsequent steps in the purine pathway. A new assay for activity of the enzyme by directly measuring the synthesis of the product of the reaction, 5-β-phosphoribosyl-1-amine, using [1-14C]phosphoribosylpyrophosphate as substrate is described. Substrate and product are separated by thin-layer chromatography and identified by autoradiography. Glutamine or ammonia may be used as substrates; the apparent Km values of the human lymphoblast enzyme are 0.46 m for glutamine and 0.71 m for ammonia. GMP is a considerably more potent inhibitor of the human lymphoblast enzyme than is AMP; 6-diazo-5-oxo- -norleucine inhibits only glutamine-dependent activity and has no effect on ammonia-dependent activity.  相似文献   
We have purified the soluble form of guanylate cyclase from human placenta greater than 2400-fold. The enzyme shared several characteristics with the enzyme purified from other sources including molecular mass and subunit composition, activation by divalent cations, inhibition by ATP and Michaelis constants. The enzyme, however, had a lower absorption maximum in the Soret region (417 +/- 1 nm) than the enzyme from other sources and was activated only one-fifth as much by nitric oxide as the bovine lung enzyme. It appears that the heme prosthetic group in the human placental enzyme may be hexa-coordinate and in the bovine lung enzyme the heme group may be penta-coordinate.  相似文献   
Using a density gradient medium (Percoll) we succeeded in isolating homogeneous cell populations from the stromal-vascular fraction of the inguinal tissue of 3-day-old rats. In primary culture, in medium 199 supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum and 5.5 mM glucose, almost complete differentiation (90%) of these fractions was obtained for the first time in presence of a physiological concentration of insulin (10?9 M). During the adipose conversion, insulin markedly enhanced the activities of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and acid:CoA ligase. When VLDL and heparin were added with insulin to the medium, this effect was not potentiated. On the contrary, VLDL and heparin in presence of insulin increased the triglyceride content of the cells. With VLDL and heparin only, the biochemical and morphological characteristics of the cells were very similar to those observed in control culture. The heavier fraction was morphologically heterogeneous and did not undergo the adipose conversion to the same extent as the two lighter fractions. It was concluded that this model could be helpful in studying the proliferation and the differentiation of preadipocytes at an early stage of development.  相似文献   
Keto C-glycoside-fatty acid conjugates were synthesized from 6-hydroxy 2- and 4-keto unsaturated D-C-glycosides. These compounds were tested for cytotoxic activity against LFCl2A cells (Rat hepatocarcinoma cells). The introduction of a lipid chain to 2-keto C-glycosides induced a drop in the cyctotoxic activity of these compounds. On the other hand 4-keto unsaturated C-glycoside-fatty acid conjugates possessed IC50 values of 0.7–0.001 μM with 21 being the most potent.  相似文献   
N-Methyl isatin beta-thiosemicarbazone-copper complexes interact with nucleic acids and proteins as shown by ultraviolet (UV) and visible spectroscopy and Sephadex exclusion chromatography. The Cu++ ions are most effective; Co++ ions have less albeit significant activity. Chelating agents, such as Tris and histidine, high NaCl concentration, and dimethyl sulfoxide reduce the binding of the drug-metal complex. The binding constant of the drug-copper complex to calf-thymus DNA was calculated to range between 6.9 x 10(4) and 2.7 x 10(5) M-1.  相似文献   
Ceramide accumulation in the cell can occur from either hydrolysis of sphingomyelin or by de novo synthesis. In this study, we found that blocking de novo ceramide synthesis significantly inhibits ceramide accumulation and subsequent cell death in response to tumor necrosis factor alpha. When cells were pre-treated with glutathione, a proposed cellular regulator of neutral sphingomyelinase, inhibition of ceramide accumulation at early time points was achieved with attenuation of cell death. Inhibition of both pathways achieved near-complete inhibition of ceramide accumulation and cell death indicating that both pathways of ceramide generation are stimulated. This illustrates the complexity of ceramide generation in cytokine action.  相似文献   
The sperm head of the plains rat, an Australian hydromyine rodent, is highly complex in structure and contains, in addition to an apical hook, two large ventral processes (VPs) that extend from its upper concave surface and that are largely composed of a huge extension of the sperm head cytoskeleton surrounded by postacrosomal dense lamina. In this study we have attempted to determine their protein composition. For this, the VPs were isolated, the proteins within them separated by SDS-PAGE, and the resultant polypeptide bands Western blotted and probed with antibodies against laboratory rat perforatorial and bull perinuclear theca sperm proteins. Antibodies were also used to determine the perforatorial and perinuclear theca proteins by immunogold labeling of transmission electron microscopic sections. The results indicate that the material within the VPs is largely composed of perforatorial cross-reacting proteins together with F-actin with the dominant protein being PERF 15. The perinuclear theca proteins are, by contrast, restricted to a narrow region adjacent to the acrosomal and nuclear membranes. In conclusion, this study has shown that the VPs of the spermatozoa of Australian rodents are perforatorial-like appendages that contain similar proteins to the perforatorium of the apical hook together with F-actin; their functional significance remains unknown.  相似文献   


In Chad, several species of tsetse flies (Genus: Glossina ) transmit African animal trypanosomoses (AAT), which represents a major obstacle to cattle rearing, and sleeping sickness, which impacts public health. After the failure of past interventions to eradicate tsetse, the government of Chad is now looking for other approaches that integrate cost-effective intervention techniques, which can be applied by the stake holders to control tsetse-transmitted trypanosomoses in a sustainable manner. The present study thus attempted to assess the efficacy of restricted application of insecticides to cattle leg extremities using footbaths for controlling Glossina m. submorsitans, G . tachinoides and G . f . fuscipes in southern Chad.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Two sites were included, one close to the historical human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) focus of Moundou and the other to the active foci of Bodo and Moissala. At both sites, a treated and an untreated herd were compared. In the treatment sites, cattle were treated on a regular basis using a formulation of deltamethrin 0.005% (67 to 98 cattle were treated in one of the sites and 88 to 102 in the other one). For each herd, tsetse densities were monthly monitored using 7 biconical traps set along the river and beside the cattle pen from February to December 2009. The impact of footbath treatment on tsetse populations was strong (p < 10-3) with a reduction of 80% in total tsetse catches by the end of the 6-month footbath treatment.


The impact of footbath treatment as a vector control tool within an integrated strategy to manage AAT and HAT is discussed in the framework of the “One Health” concept. Like other techniques based on the treatment of cattle, this technology should be used under controlled conditions, in order to avoid the development of insecticide and acaricide resistance in tsetse and tick populations, respectively.  相似文献   
A surface acoustic wave sensor operating at 104 MHz and functionalized with a polypyrrole molecularly imprinted polymer has been designed for selective detection of dopamine (DA). Optimization of pyrrole/DA ratio, polymerization and immersion times permitted to obtain a highly selective sensor, which has a sensitivity of 0.55°/mM (≈550 Hz/mM) and a detection limit of ≈ 10 nM. Morphology and related roughness parameters of molecularly imprinted polymer surfaces, before and after extraction of DA, as well as that of the non imprinted polymer were characterized by atomic force microscopy. The developed chemosensor selectively recognized dopamine over the structurally similar compound 4‐hydroxyphenethylamine (referred as tyramine), or ascorbic acid,which co‐exists with DA in body fluids at a much higher concentration. Selectivity tests were also carried out with dihydroxybenzene, for which an unexpected phase variation of order of 75% of the DA one was observed. Quantum chemical calculations, based on the density functional theory, were carried out to determine the nature of interactions between each analyte and the PPy matrix and the DA imprinted PPy polypyrrole sensing layer in order to account for the important phase variation observed during dihydroxybenzene injection. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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