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Chymase is an important enzyme for the generation of angiotensin (Ang) II and in the activation of transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta1. Therefore, chymase may be involved in the hemodialysis access dysfunction, which is caused by intimal hyperplasia that occurs after polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) graft implantations. Bilateral U-shaped PTFE grafts were placed between the femoral vein and artery in dogs. Chymase inhibitor (NK3201, 1 mg/kg per day, p.o.) treatments were initiated 3 days before the operation. After the implantation, the stenosis by neointima proliferation was most frequently observed in the venous side of the PTFE grafts. In the hyperplastic neointima, myofibroblasts were the main cellular components. On the other hand, fibroblasts only occupied cellular components in a much smaller proportion in the neointima. However, these cells seem to be rich in the properties of proliferation and migration. After PTFE graft implantations, extensive accumulations of chymase-positive mast cells were found mainly in the tissue surrounding the grafts. The Ang II- and TGF-beta-positive cells were found in an adjacent section that was in close proximity to the chymase-positive cells. In contrast, the AT(1) receptors, as well as TGF-beta type II receptors, were expressed either in the neointima or in the outside adventitia of the PTFE grafts. Chymase inhibitor treatment resulted in a reduction of chymase, Ang II and TGF-beta1 expression, leading to a significant inhibition of neointimal formation. These findings indicating that an increase of chymase via promoting Ang II and TGF-beta1 generation plays a pivotal role in the neointimal formation after the implantation of PTFE grafts and also suggesting that chymase inhibition may be a new strategy that can be used to prevent PTFE graft dysfunctions in clinical settings.  相似文献   


Schistosoma japonicum causes major public health problems in China and the Philippines; this parasite, which is transmitted by freshwater snails of the species Oncomelania hupensis, causes the disease intestinal schistosomiasis in humans and cattle. Researchers working on Schistosoma in Africa have described the relationship between the parasites and their snail intermediate hosts as coevolved or even as an evolutionary arms race. In the present study this hypothesis of coevolution is evaluated for S. japonicum and O. hupensis. The origins and radiation of the snails and the parasite across China, and the taxonomic validity of the sub-species of O. hupensis, are also assessed.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The findings provide no evidence for coevolution between S. japonicum and O. hupensis, and the phylogeographical analysis suggests a heterochronous radiation of the parasites and snails in response to different palaeogeographical and climatic triggers. The results are consistent with a hypothesis of East to West colonisation of China by Oncomelania with a re-invasion of Japan by O. hupensis from China. The Taiwan population of S. japonicum appears to be recently established in comparison with mainland Chinese populations.


The snail and parasite populations of the western mountain region of China (Yunnan and Sichuan) appear to have been isolated from Southeast Asian populations since the Pleistocene; this has implications for road and rail links being constructed in the region, which will breach biogeographical barriers between China and Southeast Asia. The results also have implications for the spread of S. japonicum. In the absence of coevolution, the parasite may more readily colonise new snail populations to which it is not locally adapted, or even new intermediate host species; this can facilitate its dispersal into new areas. Additional work is required to assess further the risk of spread of S. japonicum.  相似文献   
There is increasing evidence that basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) plays an important role in cell proliferation, differentiation, and survival in various systems. In the eye, although a truncated, dominant negative bFGF receptor in transgenic mice induced defective lens development and caused lens fiber cells to display characteristics of apoptosis, there is little direct evidence of the effect of bFGF on lens epithelial cell apoptosis. Our study examines the effects of bFGF on programmed cell death induced by serum deprivation using a human lens epithelial cell line. Cells supplemented with 20% fetal bovine serum were used as normal controls. Over a period of 7 days, the addition of 100 ng/ml bFGF effectively suppressed serum-deprived apoptosis. The expression of gamma-crystallin and major intrinsic protein, which are markers of lens cell differentiation, was not detected. Also there was no significant difference in cell proliferation between serum-deprived cells with or without bFGF. ICE (caspase-1) was expressed under both the conditions, but the level of expression between the two groups was not substantially different. bcl-2 and c-myc were upregulated only in bFGF-treated cells. Thus we speculate that the inhibitory effect of bFGF on apoptosis is through the upregulation of the inhibitor of apoptosis, instead of downregulation of the initiator. This effect appears to be independent of lens cell differentiation and proliferation.  相似文献   
蚂蚁属真社会性昆虫。真社会性最主要的特性是在一个社会集团内个体间有生殖上的分工。即多数个体 (如工蚁 ,兵蚁等 )自身不行生殖 ,而一生“竭力”“帮助”少数个体 (如蚁后和雄蚁 )繁殖后代。蚂蚁生活的基本单位是社群 (colony)。一个单独的个体 (除创建蚁后 )是没有意义的。“典型”的社群由一个创建蚁后和其后代组成 (即单母 :monogyny)。单母社群内个体间亲缘关系密切。在自然界 ,多母社群 (polygyny)亦普遍存在。在多母社群里 ,如蚁后间亲缘关系密切 (如姐妹 ) ,社群内遗传关系同质性亦较高 ,个体间的平均遗传相关也密切。但如蚁后间亲缘关系疏远或无亲缘关系 ,那么社群内遗传异质性很高 ,个体间平均遗传相关也随之降低。和其它复杂的社会群体一样 ,蚂蚁社会拥有高度发达的通讯系统。社群不仅需要在内部个体间相互沟通以确保社群的平衡和协调性 ,而且必需和社群外各种息息相关的有机体间交流信息 ,以便有效利用有用的资源并避开各种危险。如果说信息素是蚂蚁通讯最重要的物质基础 ,那么对周围各类生物的识别便是蚂蚁通讯最为基本的环节。蚂蚁的识别行为及其机理是多样的 ,其生物学功能亦随被识别的对象不同而异。如 :为了确保社会群体的安全 ,蚂蚁必须准确识别“敌”、“我”和“朋友”。为了使得  相似文献   
Twenty-four G?ttingen Miniature Swine/csk, in order to evaluate their potential usefulness as a model for experimental atherosclerosis studies, were fed diets of three types, a high-fat plus high cholesterol diet, a high-fat diet, and a commercial diet. Each group consisted of 4 males and 4 females. Swine fed the experimental diet were investigated by gross, microscopic and serum biochemical examination on the 1st, 3rd, 6th and 9th month after start of experimentation. Lesions of atherosclerosis were observed in the high-fat plus high-cholesterol diet group. After a month on the experimental diet, intimal thickening was detected in the abdominal aorta just above the origin of internal iliac artery, left coronary artery and ascending aorta by microscopic examination. Thereafter, on the 9th month after the start, there was more extensive and severe atherosclerosis. These lesions were classified into two types by the difference in the histologic architecture of arterial wall. One was fatty streaks that were in thoracic aorta belonging to the elastic type and the other was fibrous plaques that were in abdominal aorta and iliac artery and so on, belong to the transitional or muscular type. High-fat plus high-cholesterol diet feeding led to elevated serum cholesterol and beta-lipoprotein levels, and had an effect on several kinds of metabolism. All of the swine fed high-fat or commercial diet had little gross, microscopic lesions and had no change in serum cholesterol and beta-lipoprotein levels. Hypercholesterolemia and hyper-beta-lipoproteinemia had a close relation to the development and acceleration of atherosclerosis. It was possible to show that the diet induced atherosclerosis was similar in quality to that observed in humans, and that the G?ttingen miniature swine was a suitable animal for the study of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   
Visual inputs can distort auditory perception, and accurate auditory processing requires the ability to detect and ignore visual input that is simultaneous and incongruent with auditory information. However, the neural basis of this auditory selection from audiovisual information is unknown, whereas integration process of audiovisual inputs is intensively researched. Here, we tested the hypothesis that the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) and superior temporal sulcus (STS) are involved in top-down and bottom-up processing, respectively, of target auditory information from audiovisual inputs. We recorded high gamma activity (HGA), which is associated with neuronal firing in local brain regions, using electrocorticography while patients with epilepsy judged the syllable spoken by a voice while looking at a voice-congruent or -incongruent lip movement from the speaker. The STS exhibited stronger HGA if the patient was presented with information of large audiovisual incongruence than of small incongruence, especially if the auditory information was correctly identified. On the other hand, the IFG exhibited stronger HGA in trials with small audiovisual incongruence when patients correctly perceived the auditory information than when patients incorrectly perceived the auditory information due to the mismatched visual information. These results indicate that the IFG and STS have dissociated roles in selective auditory processing, and suggest that the neural basis of selective auditory processing changes dynamically in accordance with the degree of incongruity between auditory and visual information.  相似文献   
The present work describes a digital image analysis method based on leaf color analysis to estimate chlorophyll content of leaves of micropropagated potato plantlets. For estimation of chlorophyll content, a simple leaf digital analysis procedure using a simple digital still camera was applied in parallel to a SPAD chlorophyll content meter. RGB features were extracted from the image and correlated with the SPAD values. None of the mean brightness parameters (RGB) were correlated with the actual chlorophyll content following simple correlation studies. However, a correlation between the chromaticity co-ordinates ‘r’, ‘b’ and chlorophyll content was observed, while co-ordinate ‘g’ was not significantly correlated with chlorophyll content. Linear regression and artificial neural networks (ANN) were applied for correlating the mean brightness (RGB) and mean brightness ratio (rgb) features to chlorophyll content of plantlet leaves determined through a SPAD meter. The chlorophyll content as determined by the SPAD meter was significantly correlated (RMSE = 3.97 and 3.59, respectively, for linear and ANN models) to the rgb values of leaf image analysis. Both the models indicate successful prediction of chlorophyll content of leaves of micropropagated plants with high correlation. The developed RGB-based digital image analysis has the advantage over conventional subjective methods for being objective, fast, non-invasive, and inexpensive. The system could be utilized for real-time estimation of chlorophyll content and subsequent analysis of photosynthetic and hyperhydric status of the micropropagated plants for better ex vitro survival.  相似文献   
Time courses of photochemical reflectance index (PRI) of an attached cucumber leaf during a dark–light transition were compared with those of photochemical yields of photosystem II (YII) to discuss the feasibility of PRI imaging for estimating the efficiency of photosynthetic light use. YII and PRI were simultaneously evaluated with a pulse‐amplitude modulation chlorophyll fluorometer and a low‐cost imaging system consisting of digital cameras and band‐pass filters, respectively. YII decreased immediately after the transition and then increased under various photon flux densities. Although PRI exhibited delayed time courses with respect to YII under low light conditions, PRI decreased monotonically under high light conditions. There was no correlation between YII and the changes in PRI (ΔPRI) immediately after the transition but YII was correlated with ΔPRI under the steady‐state photosynthesis. These results indicate that the use of PRI to estimate YII under fluctuating light based on the regression obtained at steady state can overestimate YII. The imaging system was also applied to evaluate the spatial PRI distribution within a leaf. While PRI of leaf areas that remained untreated, or had been treated with H2O again, first dropped and then rose under low light and monotonically decreased under high light conditions, leaf areas treated with inhibitor (dichlorophenyl dimethylurea) did not exhibit any changes. It is likely that the inhibitor suppressed lumen acidification, which triggers a decrease in PRI. It was suggested that YII of leaves with malfunctions in the photosynthetic electron transport can be overestimated by the PRI‐based estimation.  相似文献   
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