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A mismatch of {small tilde}2–3 months was observed betweenreproductive rates and population abundances in the planktoniccopepod Centropages typicus, with the highest production atrelatively low female abundance and low production at high abundance,during the course of a 2 year study in 1989 and 1990 in neriticwaters of the Gulf of Naples. During this period, egg mortalitywas at times severe, with values as high as 59% in February1989. The seasonal trend in percentage hatching success didnot match seasonal fluctuations in breeding intensity, and wasnot correlated with variations in environmental variables suchas temperature and chlorophyll a. The results of experimentsusing the fluorescent dye Hoechst 33342 showed that unhatchedeggs had been fertilized and that in most cases developmenthad proceeded to an advanced stage before death of the embryo.The causes of high egg mortality are uncertain, but here wegive evidence, for the first time, that egg mortality may notonly be due to infertility caused by failure to remate.  相似文献   
Egg production rates in wild populations of Acartia clausi and Centropages typicus, sampled biweekly in the Gulf of Naples from October 1985 to July 1987, showed marked seasonal fluctuations with maximum values in early spring that proceeded the annual maxima for adult female densities in summer. A positive correlation between chlorophyll a concentrations and egg production was evident only during the early spring phytoplankton bloom. A strong diminution in egg deposition occurred later in spring and continued throughout the summer notwithstanding high chlorophyll concentrations. In winter, when population abundances for adult females were lowest, egg production rates were always higher than in summer. Differences in egg production rates coincided with pronounced morphological changes between summer and winter populations of both species. The most striking of these changes consisted, in winter, in the presence of a dark brown fluid-like mass of granular material that seemed to freely bathe the gonads. The presence of this substance only during periods of elevated egg production suggests that it may enhance egg production rates when the adult population reaches minimum annual levels. Such a mechanism of self-regulation may operate to dampen the effects of environmental variability thereby contributing to maintain a conservative structure in coastal copepod communities.  相似文献   
The effect of several biotic and abiotic factors on the fecundityand hatching success of Calanus helgolandicus was tested duringshort- and long-term incubations. The results show that thevariations of the reproductive responses of C.helgolandicusare time dependent and rely on the type of factor tested. Whenstandardized over a 24 h incubation period, estimates ofin situproduction and egg viability can be obtained with good accuracy.  相似文献   
Skeletonema marinoi produces 2,4-heptadienal, 2,4-octadienal, and 2,4,7-octatrienal, the latter only in traces. In nutrient-replete cultures, the production of potentially defensive polyunsaturated aldehydes (PUA) increases from the exponential to the stationary phase of growth from 1.2 fmol cell(-1) (+/-0.4 fmol cell(-1) SD) to 4.2 fmol cell(-1) (+/-1.0 fmol cell(-1) SD), with 2,4-heptadienal as the dominant aldehyde. The plasticity of PUA production with age of the culture supports the hypothesis of a direct link between toxin production and cell physiological state. N- and P-limited cells in stationary phase produced 1.4 and 1.8 fold higher amounts of PUA than control cultures and 10.7 and 4.6 times higher PUAs when compared to their own exponential growth phase, respectively. The increase in PUA production in the nutrient-limited cultures was not paralleled by an increase in the total amount of precursor fatty acids indicating that physiological stress might trigger an enhanced expression or activity of the enzymes responsible for PUA production, i.e. chemical defense increase in aged and nutrient-stressed diatoms. If this holds true during blooms, grazers feeding at the end of a bloom would be more affected than early-bloom grazers.  相似文献   
The vertical zonation and community structure of Mediterraneancopepods collected from the surface to 3000 m in the TyrrhenianSea were examined for different depth intervals and periodsof the year. Three major copepod communities, identified usingmultivariate analysis techniques, differed mainly in speciescomposition and less in depth distribution from those reportedfor the open ocean. The surface community (0–100 m) includednumerous offshore species comprising relatively uniform butquantitatively poor populations. These included a number ofcoastal forms that dominated offshore waters at certain periodsof the year. The midwater community (100–600 m) consistedof species that were primarily confined to intermediate waters,of which few underwent extensive vertical migrations. The deepcommunity (>600 m) consisted essentially of intermediate-water species with ample distribution ranges that formed a truebathypelagic community at these depths. Temporal changes incommunity structure affected only surface populations and diminishedvery rapidly with increasing depth. Species composition in deeplayers was not affected by did and seasonal changes. Biomassdistribution patterns indicated that the low quantities of planktonrecorded for deep layers were probably related to low surfacestanding crops for this region. The relationship between surfaceand deep biomass values appeared similar to those reported foropen ocean systems suggesting that the efficiency of the deepMediterranean subsystem was not offset by the absence of a truebathypelagic fauna.  相似文献   
Oxygen consumption and ATP content are reported for the planktonic marine copepod Pontella mediterranea during normal and diapause embryonic development. In subitaneous embryos that hatched without delay within 48 h, O2 uptake increased linearly after spawning to reach maximum levels about 25 h later. By contrast, ATP levels were initially very high but decreased rapidly within the next 5 h to reach stable values thereafter. In diapause embryos, O2 consumption followed the typical U-shaped curve described for insect diapause. An initial period of prediapause, which lasted for about 25 days, was characterized by elevated O2 uptake. This was followed by a period of diapause in which O2 consumption dropped to 25% of the values recorded during prediapause. This protracted period of dormancy, which lasted about 4 to 5 months, was followed by a period of high O2 consumption possibly due to the breaking of diapause and resumption in development. ATP content during the pre-diapause period showed a similar trend as in subitaneous embryos with high initial levels that decreased with time for the first 20 days and remained stable afterwards.Abbreviations E embryo - EDTA ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid - PCA perchloric acid - SW sea water - TEM transmission electron microscopy  相似文献   
Studies of the community structure and biomass of deep copepodsbelow 500 m from R/V Atlantis II cruises AII49 and AII59 inMay–June 1969 and September–October 1970 denoteuniformity in deep assemblages among all major Mediterraneansubregions. Of the 65 copepod species recorded from 600–2500m, 45 were common for both Western and Eastern basins Eightof these species were dominant for all deep Mediterranean waters,comprising 77% of the deep plankton population The uniformityof deep copepod assemblages was confirmed by the Mantel testapplied to a simulated sampling procedure Only in terms of biomassdid Western and Eastern basins show appreciable regional differenceswith highest values for density and volume characterizing Westernstations 1Died tragically at sea during the course of a cruise on December15, 1988  相似文献   
Changes in the internal morphology of parasitized copepods sampledin the Gulf of Naples from 1986 to 1988 were investigated usingboth light and transmission electron microscopy. The most commonand devastating form of infection was due to the parasitic dinoflagellateSyndinium, which induced gross modifications in the internaland external morphology of the host population. The parasitereduced fecundity and longevity of infected individuals, whichmainly included juvenile and female populations of the copepodParacalanus parvus. Infection rates for this species were ashigh as 12% for. juveniles and 13% for adult females for theperiod investigated. Infection by the parasitic dinoflagellateBlastodinium induced less negative effects on the reproductivebiology of their hosts. This pathogen did not lead to sexualcastration and oogonal development appeared normal. Other formsof infestation were rare and included infections due to protozoa,fungi and bacteria. *Died tragically at sea during a cruise on December 15, 1988  相似文献   
The effects of bioactive aldehydes from diatoms, unicellular algae at the base of the marine food web, were studied on fertilization and early development processes of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis. Using whole-cell voltage clamp techniques, we show that 2-trans-4-trans-decadienal (DD) and 2-trans-4-cis-7-cis-decatrienal (DT) inhibited the fertilization current which is generated in oocytes upon interaction with the spermatozoon. This inhibition was dose-dependent and was accompanied by inhibition of the voltage-gated calcium current activity of the plasma membrane. DD and DT did not inhibit the subsequent contraction of the cortex. Moreover, DD specifically acted as a fertilization channel inhibitor since it did not affect the steady state conductance of the plasma membrane or gap junctional (GJ) communication within blastomeres of the embryo. On the other hand, DD did affect actin reorganization even though the mechanism of action on actin filaments differed from that of other actin blockers. Possibly this effect on actin reorganization was responsible for the subsequent teratogenic action on larval development. The effect of DD was reversible if oocytes were washed soon after fertilization indicating that DD may specifically target certain fertilization mechanisms. Thus, diatom reactive aldehydes such as DD may have a dual effect on reproductive processes, influencing primary fertilization events such as gating of fertilization channels and secondary processes such as actin reorganization which is responsible for the segregation of cell lineages. These findings add to a growing body of evidence on the antiproliferative effects of diatom-derived aldehydes. Our results also report, for the first time, on the action of a fertilization channel blocker in marine invertebrates.  相似文献   
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