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SYNOPSIS Interacellular membrane potential and spontaneous changes associated with motile responses in the zooid of Vorticella convallaria Linnaeus were recorded by conventional electrophysiological technics. an all-or-none large transient depolarization (large pulse) occurs in association with a spontaneous contraction of the zooid. A small transient potential change (small pulse) was observed in association with periodic contraction of the contractile vacuole.  相似文献   
A placebo is a substance or intervention believed to be inactive, but is administered by the healthcare professional as if it was an active medication. Unlike standard treatments, clinical use of placebo usually involves deception and is therefore ethically problematic. Our attitudes toward the clinical use of placebo, which inevitably includes deception or withholding information, have a tremendous effect on our practice regarding truth‐telling and informed consent. A casual attitude towards it weakens the current practice based on shared decision‐making and mutual trust between patients and healthcare professionals. Issues concerning the clinical use of placebo are thus intimately related to patient‐provider relationships, the public's trust in medicine, and medical education. A review of recent survey studies suggests that the clinical use of placebo appears to be fairly well accepted among healthcare professionals and is common in clinical settings in various countries. However, we think that an ethical discussion is urgently needed because of its controversial nature. If judged to be ethically wrong, the practice should end. In the present paper, we discuss the ethicality of the clinical use of placebo with deception and argue against it, concluding that it is unethical and should be banned. We will show that most arguments in favor of the clinical use of placebo can be refuted and are therefore incorrect or weak. These arguments will be presented and examined individually. Finally, we will briefly consider issues relevant to the clinical use of placebo without deception.  相似文献   
Physical disorders are, compared to the general population, more prevalent in people with severe mental illness (SMI). Although this excess morbidity and mortality is largely due to modifiable lifestyle risk factors, the screening and assessment of physical health aspects remains poor, even in developed countries. Moreover, specific patient, provider, treatment and system factors act as barriers to the recognition and to the management of physical diseases in people with SMI. Psychiatrists can play a pivotal role in the improvement of the physical health of these patients by expanding their task from clinical psychiatric care to the monitoring and treatment of crucial physical parameters. At a system level, actions are not easy to realize, especially for developing countries. However, at an individual level, even simple and very basic monitoring and treatment actions, undertaken by the treating clinician, can already improve the problem of suboptimal medical care in this population. Adhering to monitoring and treatment guidelines will result in a substantial enhancement of physical health outcomes. Furthermore, psychiatrists can help educate and motivate people with SMI to address their suboptimal lifestyle, including smoking, unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. The adoption of the recommendations presented in this paper across health care systems throughout the world will contribute to a significant improvement in the medical and related psychiatric health outcomes of patients with SMI.  相似文献   
Non-host resistance is the most general form of disease resistance in plants because it is effective against most phytopathogens. The importance of hypersensitive responses (HRs) in non-host resistance of Nicotiana species to the oomycete Phytophthora is clear. INF1 elicitin, an elicitor obtained from the late-blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans , is sufficient to induce a typical HR in Nicotiana species. The molecular mechanisms that underlie the non-host resistance component of plant defence responses have been investigated using differential-display polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in a model HR system between INF1 elicitin and tobacco BY-2 cells. Differential-display PCR has revealed that Cdc27B is down-regulated in tobacco BY-2 cells after treatment with INF1 elicitin. Cdc27B is one of 13 essential components of the anaphase-promoting complex or cyclosome (APC/C)-type E3 ubiquitin ligase complex in yeast. This APC/C-type E3 ubiquitin ligase complex regulates G2-to-M phase transition of the cell cycle by proteolytic degradation. In this study, we investigated the roles of this gene, NbCdc27B , in plant defence responses using virus-induced gene silencing. Suppression of NbCdc27B in Nicotiana benthamiana plants induced defence responses and a gain of resistance to Colletotrichum lagenarium fungus. Elicitin-induced hypersensitive cell death (HCD) was inhibited mildly in plants silenced with tobacco rattle virus::Cdc27B. Cdc27B could manage the signalling pathways of plant defence responses as a negative regulator without HCD.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. The helical coiling state of a glycerinated stalk in the family Vorticellidae had been regarded, without any evidence, as a reversible and completely equilibrated mechano-chemical system regulated by the external free Ca2+ concentration. Our present detailed observations of many individual stalks of glycerinated Vorticella convallaria revealed that the contraction-extension cycle of the helical stalks caused by increasing and decreasing free Ca2+ concentrations in the medium represents a kind of hysteresis. This phenomenon was observed in extensively glycerinated Vorticella in a medium of very low or physiological ionic strength, as well as in briefly glycerinated ciliates. With regard to the configurational change in various parts of a glycerinated stalk during the contraction-extension cycle, it was found that the initial bending of the stalk caused by increasing free Ca2+ concentration begins to take place near the zooid (head) while the initial reextension of the stalk with decreasing free Ca2+ concentration begins to take place near the zooid (head) while the initial reextension of the stalk with decreasing free Ca2+ concentration takes place simultaneously throughout the entire stalk. The Ca2+ threshold for complete reextension of the part of the stalk near the rootlet was found to be much higher than that near the zooid.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. The behavior of Paramecium caudatum in small capillary glass tubes was investigated under various ionic conditions and at the various tube diameters. Along the inner walls of the tubes ciliates undergo regular spiral motion, which is completely different from natural spirallings or random walk-like movements observed usually in large vessels. The curvature calculated from the tracks of spiral motions was independent of the inner diameters of capillary tubes, but depend specifically on ionic conditions.
A plausible law governing such regular spiral motions of Paramecium caudatum is proposed. A definite part of the anterior end of a ciliate seems to contact the curved surface of the inner wall of a capillary tube during the motion so that the organism receives a constant tactile stimulus, and the direction of motive force keeps a certain angle against the surface.  相似文献   
The chelator GEDTA was used to show that Ca2+ is required for the growth of Tetrahymena pyriformis strain W and for normal galvanotactic responses and swimming.  相似文献   
As of 2009, the number of donors in Japan is the lowest among developed countries. On July 13, 2009, Japan's Organ Transplant Law was revised for the first time in 12 years. The revised and old laws differ greatly on four primary points: the definition of death, age requirements for donors, requirements for brain‐death determination and organ extraction, and the appropriateness of priority transplants for relatives. In the four months of deliberations in the National Diet before the new law was established, various arguments regarding brain death and organ transplantation were offered. An amazing variety of opinions continue to be offered, even after more than 40 years have elapsed since the first heart organ transplant in Japan. Some are of the opinion that with the passage of the revised law, Japan will finally become capable of performing transplants according to global standards. Contrarily, there are assertions that organ transplants from brain‐dead donors are unacceptable because they result in organs being taken from living human beings. Considering the current conditions, we will organize and introduce the arguments for and against organ transplants from brain‐dead donors in contemporary Japan. Subsequently, we will discuss the primary arguments against organ transplants from brain‐dead donors from the perspective of contemporary Japanese views on life and death. After introducing the recent view that brain death should not be regarded as equivalent to the death of a human being, we would like to probe the deeply‐rooted views on life and death upon which it is based.  相似文献   
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