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Genome size varies tremendously both within and among taxa, and strong correlations between genome size and various physiological and ecological attributes suggest that genome size is a key trait of organisms, yet the causalities remains vague. In the present study, we tested how genome size is related to key physiological and ecological properties in five large orders of crustaceans: Decapoda, Cladocera, Amphipoda, Calanoida, and Cyclopoida. These span a wide range in sizes, habitats and life-history traits. To some extent, genome size reflected phylogenetic footprints but, generally, a very wide range in genome size was found within all orders. Genome size was positively correlated with body size in Amphipoda, Cladocera, and Copepoda, but not for Decapoda in general. This could indicate that the evolution of body size occurs mainly by changing cell size for the three first orders, whereas it is more attributed to cell numbers for Decapoda. Cladocera, with direct development and a high growth rate, have minute genomes compared to copepods that possess a more complex life history, whereas, within Decapoda and Amphipoda, developmental complexity is not related to genome size. The present study suggests that, within the crustaceans, selection for a wide variety of life-history strategies has led to widely different genome sizes.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 393–399.  相似文献   
1. Aquatic ecosystems in Northern Europe are expected to face increases in temperature and water colour (TB) in future. While effects of these factors have been studied separately, it is unknown whether and how a combination of them might affect phenological events and trophic interactions. 2. In a mesocosm study, we combined both factors to create conditions expected to arise during the coming century. We focused on quantifying effects on timing and magnitude of plankton spring phenological events and identifying possible mismatches between resources (phytoplankton) and consumers (zooplankton). 3. We found that the increases in TB had important effects on timing and abundance of different plankton groups. While increased temperature led to an earlier peak in phytoplankton and zooplankton and a change in the relative timing of different zooplankton groups, increased water colour reduced chlorophyll‐a concentrations. 4. Increased TB together benefitted cladocerans and calanoid copepods and led to stronger top‐down control of algae by zooplankton. There was no sign of a mismatch between primary producers and grazers as reported from other studies. 5. Our results point towards an earlier onset of plankton spring growth in shallow lakes in future with a stronger top‐down control of phytoplankton by zooplankton grazers.  相似文献   
We respond to a number of objections raised by John Harris in this journal to our argument that we should pursue genetic and other biological means of morally enhancing human beings (moral bioenhancement). We claim that human beings now have at their disposal means of wiping out life on Earth and that traditional methods of moral education are probably insufficient to achieve the moral enhancement required to ensure that this will not happen. Hence, we argue, moral bioenhancement should be sought and applied. We argue that cognitive enhancement and technological progress raise acute problems because it is easier to harm than to benefit. We address objections to this argument. We also respond to objections that moral bioenhancement: (1) interferes with freedom; (2) cannot be made to target immoral dispositions precisely; (3) is redundant, since cognitive enhancement by itself suffices.  相似文献   
1. The one‐dimensional equation solver, PROgram for Boundary layers in the Environment, was used to simulate the temperature structure of Lake Erken, a medium‐sized Swedish lake, assuming differing extinction coefficients for a series of modelled years driven by observed meteorological data and by a set of idealized meteorological data. 2. Results suggested that, as expected, larger extinction coefficients initially led to surface waters becoming warmer. The reverse was true late in the summer, however, as the warming induced by greater absorption of solar radiation was outweighed by the cooling effects of entrained colder hypolimnetic water. 3. There was between a two‐ and fourfold inter‐annual variation in the effects on key physical lake parameters, induced by changing extinction coefficient, such as maximum heat flux, heat content and Schmidt stability. 4. The change in surface heat flux induced by a change in extinction coefficient was up to almost 50 W m−2. 5. In the summer, changes in extinction coefficient from 0.5 to 0.2 m−1 led to a dramatic shift in the duration of the stratified period as well as to enormous changes in Schmidt stability and hypolimnetic temperature. 6. Future changes to extinction coefficients of small and medium‐sized lakes are likely to have wide‐ranging effects on lake thermal structure and ecology.  相似文献   
Gene co‐expression analysis has emerged in the past 5 years as a powerful tool for gene function prediction. In essence, co‐expression analysis asks the question ‘what are the genes that are co‐expressed, that is, those that show similar expression profiles across many experiments, with my gene of interest?’. Genes that are highly co‐expressed may be involved in the biological process or processes of the query gene. This review describes the tools that are available for performing such analyses, how each of these perform, and also discusses statistical issues including how normalization of gene expression data can influence co‐expression results, calculation of co‐expression scores and P values, and the influence of data sets used for co‐expression analysis. Finally, examples from the literature will be presented, wherein co‐expression has been used to corroborate and discover various aspects of plant biology.  相似文献   
Effects of benthivorous fish on biogeochemical processes in lake sediments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Studies of aquatic environments have shown that community organisation may strongly affect ecosystem functioning. One common phenomenon is a change in nutrient level following a shift in the fish community composition. Although several hypotheses have been suggested, there is no consensus on which mechanisms are involved. Our study evaluated indirect effects of benthivorous fish on the biogeochemical processes at the sediment–water interface separately from direct effects caused by nutrient excretion or sediment resuspension. 2. We assigned field enclosures to three treatments representing typical pond communities; without fish, addition of approximately 10 small tench or addition of one large bream. After one summer, we monitored the water chemistry, benthic invertebrates and periphyton in the enclosures and sampled sediment cores for laboratory analysis of biochemical process rates (oxygen, phosphorus and nitrogen exchange between sediment and water, and denitrification rate). 3. Fish had strong negative effects on benthic invertebrates, but weaker effects on periphyton, organic content and porosity of the sediment. Moreover, there were significant positive fish effects on both phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations in the water. However, there were no general treatment effects on sediment processes that could explain the treatment effects on water chemistry in the enclosures. 4. Hence, overall treatment effects attenuated along the chain of interactions. We conclude that the observed effect of benthic fish on water chemistry was probably because of direct effects on nutrient excretion or resuspension of sediment. The similarity between bream and tench treatments suggests large niche complementarity despite their different habitat preferences.  相似文献   
Resource polymorphism has been suggested to be a platform for speciation. In some cases resource polymorphism depends on phenotypic plasticity but in other cases on genetic differences between morphotypes, which in turn has been suggested to be the ongoing development of a species pair. Here we study environmentally induced morphological differences in two age classes of Arctic char ( Salvelinus alpinus ) influencing char performance and diet in relation to resource availability. We found that structurally complex habitats with relatively lower zooplankton densities gave rise to individuals with a deeper body, and a downward positioned tip of the snout compared with individuals from structurally simple habitats with relatively higher zooplankton densities for both age classes. Environment also had an effect on foraging efficiency on zooplankton, with fish from structurally simple habitats had a higher foraging rate than fish from structurally complex habitats. Diet analyses showed that resource use in char mainly depends on the relative abundance of different resources. Therefore, to gain further understanding of resource polymorphism we suggest that future studies must include population dynamic feedbacks by the resources on the consumers.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 85 , 341–351.  相似文献   
1. This synthesis examines 35 long‐term (5–35 years, mean: 16 years) lake re‐oligotrophication studies. It covers lakes ranging from shallow (mean depth <5 m and/or polymictic) to deep (mean depth up to 177 m), oligotrophic to hypertrophic (summer mean total phosphorus concentration from 7.5 to 3500 μg L?1 before loading reduction), subtropical to temperate (latitude: 28–65°), and lowland to upland (altitude: 0–481 m). Shallow north‐temperate lakes were most abundant. 2. Reduction of external total phosphorus (TP) loading resulted in lower in‐lake TP concentration, lower chlorophyll a (chl a) concentration and higher Secchi depth in most lakes. Internal loading delayed the recovery, but in most lakes a new equilibrium for TP was reached after 10–15 years, which was only marginally influenced by the hydraulic retention time of the lakes. With decreasing TP concentration, the concentration of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) also declined substantially. 3. Decreases (if any) in total nitrogen (TN) loading were lower than for TP in most lakes. As a result, the TN : TP ratio in lake water increased in 80% of the lakes. In lakes where the TN loading was reduced, the annual mean in‐lake TN concentration responded rapidly. Concentrations largely followed predictions derived from an empirical model developed earlier for Danish lakes, which includes external TN loading, hydraulic retention time and mean depth as explanatory variables. 4. Phytoplankton clearly responded to reduced nutrient loading, mainly reflecting declining TP concentrations. Declines in phytoplankton biomass were accompanied by shifts in community structure. In deep lakes, chrysophytes and dinophytes assumed greater importance at the expense of cyanobacteria. Diatoms, cryptophytes and chrysophytes became more dominant in shallow lakes, while no significant change was seen for cyanobacteria. 5. The observed declines in phytoplankton biomass and chl a may have been further augmented by enhanced zooplankton grazing, as indicated by increases in the zooplankton : phytoplankton biomass ratio and declines in the chl a : TP ratio at a summer mean TP concentration of <100–150 μg L?1. This effect was strongest in shallow lakes. This implies potentially higher rates of zooplankton grazing and may be ascribed to the observed large changes in fish community structure and biomass with decreasing TP contribution. In 82% of the lakes for which data on fish are available, fish biomass declined with TP. The percentage of piscivores increased in 80% of those lakes and often a shift occurred towards dominance by fish species characteristic of less eutrophic waters. 6. Data on macrophytes were available only for a small subsample of lakes. In several of those lakes, abundance, coverage, plant volume inhabited or depth distribution of submerged macrophytes increased during oligotrophication, but in others no changes were observed despite greater water clarity. 7. Recovery of lakes after nutrient loading reduction may be confounded by concomitant environmental changes such as global warming. However, effects of global change are likely to run counter to reductions in nutrient loading rather than reinforcing re‐oligotrophication.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. The rate of gastric evacuation in perch (Perca fluviatilis) (89–170 mm length) fed on fish larvae was studied at temperatures between 12.0 and 21.7°C. Gastric evacuation rates were usually described by an exponential function. The instantaneous rate of gastric evacuation ( R ) was constant for a large number of different meal sizes. At higher food rations, a lag phase in digestion was found during the first part of digestion, and this ration size was smaller for smaller perch (89–110 mm) than for bigger perch (120–170 mm). Below these larger meal sizes, gastric evacuation was similar for the different size classes studied. The relation between R and temperature was described by an exponential function. The effects of meal size, number of food items, fish size and temperature on the rate of gastric evacuation are discussed.  相似文献   
The electrophysiological properties of cultured human melanocytes were investigated using the whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. Depolarizations to membrane potentials more positive than -30 mV resulted in the rapid development (<1 ms to peak) of an inward current. The maximum peak current was observed at +10 mV and reached an average amplitude of about 270 pA. During the depolarizations, the current inactivated with a time constant of about 2 ms. The current was abolished by the addition of 0.3 μM tetrodotoxin, a blocker of voltage-gated Na+-channels, and disappeared when Na+ was omitted from the extracellular medium. In addition, the melanocytes contain at least two types of outward K+-current. The first type, observed in every cell, was highly sensitive (Ki 1 mM) to the K+-channel blocker TEA, required depolarizations beyond zero to be activated and did not inactivate. The second type was less regularly observed (10% of the cells). This current activated at more negative voltages (–20 mV), was resistant to TEA (20 mM) but was blocked by 2 mM 4-aminopyridine and inactivated rapidly during depolarizations. We conclude that human melanocytes are equipped with voltage-dependent Na+-channels, a delayed rectifying K+-current and a K+-current similar to the A-current in neurones.  相似文献   
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