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The melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor (MC1-R) is a central regulator of mammalian coat colour, encoded by the extension locus. In cattle, the dominant extension allele ED is associated with the production of black pigment in coloured areas. Genotyping of the MC1-R gene in a bull with mosaic expression of red vs. black pigment verified the existence of the ED allele, in spite of the fact that the majority of the animal is red coloured. No further mutations were found within the ED variant of the MC1-R gene, which was inherited from a completely red mother (genotype ED/e).  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Intensive agricultural practices drive biodiversity loss with potentially drastic consequences for ecosystem services. To advance conservation and production goals, agricultural practices should be compatible with biodiversity. Traditional or less intensive systems (i.e. with fewer agrochemicals, less mechanisation, more crop species) such as shaded coffee and cacao agroforests are highlighted for their ability to provide a refuge for biodiversity and may also enhance certain ecosystem functions (i.e. predation).
2. Ants are an important predator group in tropical agroforestry systems. Generally, ant biodiversity declines with coffee and cacao intensification yet the literature lacks a summary of the known mechanisms for ant declines and how this diversity loss may affect the role of ants as predators.
3. Here, how shaded coffee and cacao agroforestry systems protect biodiversity and may preserve related ecosystem functions is discussed in the context of ants as predators. Specifically, the relationships between biodiversity and predation, links between agriculture and conservation, patterns and mechanisms for ant diversity loss with agricultural intensification, importance of ants as control agents of pests and fungal diseases, and whether ant diversity may influence the functional role of ants as predators are addressed. Furthermore, because of the importance of homopteran-tending by ants in the ecological and agricultural literature, as well as to the success of ants as predators, the costs and benefits of promoting ants in agroforests are discussed.
4. Especially where the diversity of ants and other predators is high, as in traditional agroforestry systems, both agroecosystem function and conservation goals will be advanced by biodiversity protection.  相似文献   
DORR  INGE 《Annals of botany》1997,79(5):463-472
The cellular contact betweenStriga hermonthica andStriga asiaticaand their hosts,Zea mays andSorghum bicolor , was investigatedby light, transmission electron and scanning electron microscopy.The xylem connections between parasites and hosts involve veryspecific, clustered intrusions into the host's water conductingelements, predominantly into the large vessel elements. A singlehaustorial cell can penetrate a host vessel element with morethan one intrusion. All intrusions become covered by an additionalelectron-opaque wall layer. During subsequent differentiation,a dissolution of specific wall parts of the cell intrusionsoccurs so that open, cup- or trunk-like structures result. Thevessel-like host contact can comprise up to five openings withina single intrusion. Concomitantly, the intrusions and the haustorialcells to which they belong lose their protoplasts and transforminto elements which take up water. The walls of the haustorialcells and both wall parts of their appendages become stronglylignified. The water and nutrient absorbing structures insertedinto the host vessel are named ‘oscula’. Withinthe whole haustorial complex of bothStriga species no phloemelements were detected. Translocation of substances from hostto parasite are briefly discussed. Striga hermonthica ; Striga asiatica ; haustorial anatomy; xylem contact; osculum  相似文献   
Myotubes, whose nuclei have stopped DNA synthesis were fused with replicative embryonic fibroblasts. In heterokaryons the postmitotic muscle nuclei resumed DNA synthesis. Incorporation of radioactive thymidine into muscle, and also into fibroblast nuclei was dependent upon the time elapsed between virus-mediated fusion and administration of radioactive thymidine. Whereas incorporation into fibroblast nuclei diminished with time, there was an early increase of labelling into muscle nuclei followed by a decrease of incorporation of 3H thymidine. DNA synthesis was also dependent upon the ratio of noncycling (muscle) to cycling (fibroblast) nuclei. There was a greater incorporation of 3H thymidine into muscle and fibroblast nuclei in myotubes containing larger numbers of fibroblast nuclei. A model is discussed for the control of DNA synthesis in polykaryocytes derived from fusion of cycling and noncycling cells.  相似文献   
Taxonomy: Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) belongs to the Potexvirus genus of the Flexiviridae family. Physical properties: PepMV virions are nonenveloped flexuous rods that contain a monopartite, positive‐sense, single‐stranded RNA genome of 6.4 kb with a 3′ poly‐A tail. The genome contains five major open reading frames (ORFs) encoding a 164‐kDa RNA‐dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), three triple gene block proteins of 26, 14 and 9 kDa, and a 25‐kDa coat protein. Genome diversity: Four PepMV genotypes, with an intergenotype RNA sequence identity ranging from 78% to 95%, can be distinguished: the original Peruvian genotype (LP); the European (tomato) genotype (EU); the American genotype US1; and the Chilean genotype CH2. Transmission: PepMV is very efficiently transmitted mechanically, and a low seed transmission rate has been demonstrated. In addition, bumblebees have been associated with viral transmission. Host range: Similar to other Potexviruses, PepMV has a rather narrow host range that is thought to be largely restricted to species of the Solanaceae family. After originally being isolated from pepino (Solanum muricatum), PepMV has been identified in natural infections of the wild tomato species S. chilense, S. chmielewskii, S. parviflorum and S. peruvianum. PepMV is causing significant problems in the cultivation of the glasshouse tomato Solanum lycopersicum, and has been identified in weeds belonging to various plant families in the vicinity of tomato glasshouses. Symptomatology: PepMV symptoms can be very diverse. Fruit marbling is the most typical and economically devastating symptom. In addition, fruit discoloration, open fruit, nettle‐heads, leaf blistering or bubbling, leaf chlorosis and yellow angular leaf spots, leaf mosaic and leaf or stem necrosis have been associated with PepMV. The severity of PepMV symptoms is thought to be dependent on environmental conditions, as well as on the properties of the viral isolate. Minor nucleotide sequence differences between isolates from the same genotype have been shown to lead to enhanced aggressiveness and symptomatology. Control: Prevention of infection through strict hygiene measures is currently the major strategy for the control of PepMV in tomato production. Cross‐protection can be effective, but only under well‐defined and well‐controlled conditions, and the effectiveness depends strongly on the PepMV genotype.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. This study examines limitation of nesting resources for leaf-litter and twig-nesting ants as a mechanism of diversity loss across an intensification gradient of coffee production in Colombia. Twelve farms were selected and classified into four management types: forest, polygeneric shade coffee, monogeneric shade coffee, and sun coffee (unshaded coffee monocultures).
2. At each of the farms, four treatment subplots were established at the corners of each of 10 25 m2 plots: (i) twig augmentation (adding 10 empty bamboo twigs); (ii) litter augmentation (tripling existing litter profile); (iii) twig and litter augmentation; and (iv) no manipulation control, for a total of 480 subplots. A twig addition experiment was also performed on coffee bushes.
3. The results showed significantly more ant colonies in the forest and monogeneric shade coffee litter augmentation plots after 4 months. Litter-nesting ant species richness was higher in all three shade systems than in the sun coffee. The identities of ants nesting on coffee bushes were different from those in the soil level litter. Fewer species nested in bamboo twigs placed in litter in the most intensive systems.
4. More ants nested in the resource addition treatments, and more ant species were found in forested habitats; however, a single mechanism cannot explain the observed patterns. It was concluded that a combination of bottom-up and top-down effects might lead to the loss of associated fauna with the intensification of these agroecosystems.  相似文献   
Tilletiopsis albescens grows well on powdery mildew fungi inoculated on barley or cucumber leaves and causes collapse of the colonies. Application of ballistospores or cut mycelium was equally effective for biocontrol, and the effectiveness tended to increase exponentially with the concentration of germinating units (conidia and cut mycelium) applied. Seventy percent relative humidity or more is required for effective biocontrol. Two applications of T. albescens in the period from 3 days before to 3 days after inoculation with powdery mildew were more effective than one. Applications before inoculation or 7 days after inoculation with powdery mildew had little effect. T. albescens followed the powdery mildew as it was disseminated to uninoculated leaves, but this did not result in an effective biocontrol. The potential for using T. albescens for biocontrol of powdery mildews is discussed.  相似文献   
Nine polymorphic microsatellite loci were identified in the tropical plant Vasconcellea ×heilbornii and used to estimate allelic diversity in two populations of southern Ecuador. Allelic richness ranged from two to five alleles, observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.150 to 0.947 and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.186 to 0.701. Most of these markers also amplified microsatellite loci in two other Vasconcellea species (Vasconcellea stipulata and Vasconcellea cundinamarcensis). Hence, these markers will be useful for population genetic analysis and the evaluation of genetic diversity and gene flow in these species.  相似文献   
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