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In the course of a single decade single molecule microscopy has changed from being a secluded domain shared merely by physicists with a strong background in optics and laser physics to a discipline that is now enjoying vivid attention by life-scientists of all venues 1. This is because single molecule imaging has the unique potential to reveal protein behavior in situ in living cells and uncover cellular organization with unprecedented resolution below the diffraction limit of visible light 2. Glass-supported planar lipid bilayers (SLBs) are a powerful tool to bring cells otherwise growing in suspension in close enough proximity to the glass slide so that they can be readily imaged in noise-reduced Total Internal Reflection illumination mode 3,4. They are very useful to study the protein dynamics in plasma membrane-associated events as diverse as cell-cell contact formation, endocytosis, exocytosis and immune recognition. Simple procedures are presented how to generate highly mobile protein-functionalized SLBs in a reproducible manner, how to determine protein mobility within and how to measure protein densities with the use of single molecule detection. It is shown how to construct a cost-efficient single molecule microscopy system with TIRF illumination capabilities and how to operate it in the experiment.  相似文献   
Treatment of patients diagnosed as schizophrenic with antipsychotic drugs (neuroleptics) is known to cause occasional unexplained depletion of white blood cells, especially neutrophil granulocytes. It has been known for many years that neuroleptics can interfere with the mitochondrial respiratory chain in vitro. Because there has been a growing interest recently in mitochondrial targeting of drugs, and since a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model that predicts mitochondrial accumulation of neuroleptics has been published, we investigated the effects of neuroleptics on white blood cell mitochondria. Venous blood samples were collected from both patients undergoing treatment with neuroleptics and healthy volunteers. The samples were processed for transmission electron microscopy. The resulting images of white blood cells were analyzed using stereology to compare quantitatively mitochondrial morphology in the patient and control groups. We found that in patients, but not in controls, there was swelling of mitochondria and fragmentation of the mitochondrial cristae. There also were fewer mitochondria in patients than in controls, although due to the swelling of the organelles, the volume density of mitochondria in the two groups was not significantly different. Such changes are typical of a toxic insult. Consequently, it seems plausible that, since schizophrenia is not a disease considered to affect white blood cells per se, these changes probably are due to the medication.  相似文献   
We previously described an enrichment-immunoassay utilizing a T6 monoclonal antibody capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Here we evaluated it for the rapid screening for Salmonella in fishmeal obtained from the national Animal and Plant Quarantine service in the People's Republic of China. In this method, the number of Salmonella present is first expanded by appropriate enrichment cultures, and the pathogens are then directly detected by the T6 immunoassay. In a total of 94 enrichment cultures of fishmeal, we obtained an overall concordance of 98% between the results obtained in parallel by this method and by conventional test method. The positive prediction by this method was 92% and the negative prediction was 100%. The turn around time for the new test was 27 h which is a significant improvement from the turn around time exceeding 96 h required for the conventional test method. This test proved to be compatible with the routine work flow in the practical setting of a quarantine laboratory.  相似文献   


Mannose binding lectin (MBL) is an important host defence protein against opportunistic fungal pathogens. This carbohydrate-binding protein, an opsonin and lectin pathway activator, binds through multiple lectin domains to the repeating sugar arrays displayed on the surface of a wide range of clinically relevant microbial species. We investigated the contribution of MBL to antifungal innate immunity towards C. parapsilosis in vitro.  相似文献   
Treatment of patients diagnosed as schizophrenic with antipsychotic drugs (neuroleptics) is known to cause occasional unexplained depletion of white blood cells, especially neutrophil granulocytes. It has been known for many years that neuroleptics can interfere with the mitochondrial respiratory chain in vitro. Because there has been a growing interest recently in mitochondrial targeting of drugs, and since a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model that predicts mitochondrial accumulation of neuroleptics has been published, we investigated the effects of neuroleptics on white blood cell mitochondria. Venous blood samples were collected from both patients undergoing treatment with neuroleptics and healthy volunteers. The samples were processed for transmission electron microscopy. The resulting images of white blood cells were analyzed using stereology to compare quantitatively mitochondrial morphology in the patient and control groups. We found that in patients, but not in controls, there was swelling of mitochondria and fragmentation of the mitochondrial cristae. There also were fewer mitochondria in patients than in controls, although due to the swelling of the organelles, the volume density of mitochondria in the two groups was not significantly different. Such changes are typical of a toxic insult. Consequently, it seems plausible that, since schizophrenia is not a disease considered to affect white blood cells per se, these changes probably are due to the medication.  相似文献   
The idea of immunological surveillance against cancer has existed for nearly 100 years but as no conclusive evidence has yet been published the importance of the cellular immune defense in the detection and removal of incipient or existing tumors is still a hotly debated subject. However, in order to select a relevant immunotherapeutic strategy in the treatment of cancer, a fundamental understanding of the basic immunologic conditions under which a tumor develops and exists is a prerequisite. Therefore, a murine model was set up that we hoped would enable us to confirm or reject the theory of immunological surveillance. A large panel of methylcholanthrene induced tumors was established in T-cell immunodeficient nude mice and congenic normal mice to study the influence of the immune system on developing tumors. As nude mice developed tumors fastest and with the highest incidence, we concluded that in this model the immune system constituted a ‘tumor-suppressive factor’ delaying and sometimes abrogating tumor growth, i.e. performing immune surveillance. Immunogenicity of the tumors was assessed by transplantation back to normal histocompatible mice. Tumors originating from the immunodeficient nude mice turned out to be far more immunogenic than tumors from normal mice, resulting in a high rejection rate. CD8+cytotoxic T cells were found to be indispensable for this rejection, leading to the conclusion that the cytotoxic T cells perform immune selection in normal mice, eliminating immunogenic tumor cell variants in the incipient tumor. In this review, we discuss the difficulties facing immunotherapy when conclusions are drawn from the presented observations and hypotheses.  相似文献   
After re-emergence of malaria in 1993, a continued increase in Plasmodium vivax cases was observed from 1993 to 2006 in northern Gyeonggi and Gangwon Provinces adjacent to the demilitarized zone separating North from South Korea. Annual parasite incidence per 1000 people ranged from 0.33 in 2004 to 0.89 in 2006. While malaria case rates declined (22.6%) in 2004, they increased 75.1% in 2005 and 51.7% in 2006 from the previous years. An initial incorrect diagnosis of 46.8% of malaria cases as common cold resulted in a mean delay of 1.3 days for the detection malarial parasites. Of the total cases, 10.2% from December to May were due to latent intrinsic incubation infections acquired the previous malaria season and the rest of the cases from June to November were either latent or short incubation infections. Overall, the peak anopheline population occurred from July to September, resulting in a similar peak in malaria cases. While malaria cases increased during 2005–2006, anopheline populations, based on trap indices, were not significantly different during 4 years of surveillance. To decrease the malaria patient infective period to mosquitoes, public health centers in Paju and Cheorwon in 2006 prescribed chloroquine + primaquine at days 0–3 after initial malaria diagnosis followed by an additional 11 days of primaquine (early primaquine treatment), rather than chloroquine on days 0–3 and primaquine on days 4–17 (delayed primaquine treatment). A reduction in the malaria parasite incidence during 2007 was recorded for the two locations offering the early primaquine treatment relative to other locations using the delayed primaquine treatment.  相似文献   
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