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  1996年   1篇
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Plants of white lupin (Lupinus albus L cv Multolupa) and soyabean(Glycine max L cv Clarke) were grown in controlled-environmentcabinets, subjected to various stresses and their nodular nitrogenaseactivity and total root respiration measured When these measurementswere used to calculate nodular oxygen diffusion resistance,using a simplified equation for Fick's first law of diffusion,it was found that the apparent resistance of stressed nodulesincreased anomalously with decreases in external oxygen concentrationA new analysis procedure is proposed to alleviate this anomalyThis procedure also uses the simplified Fick's law equationbut includes a respiratory contribution to the total oxygenflux across the diffusion barrier which is not coupled to nitrogenaseactivity Also, resistance is modelled as an exponential functionof external oxygen concentration Use of this analysis procedureproduces realistic values for total resistance and providesa characterisation of this resistance into a minimum value andan adjustment factor for changes in external oxygen It is postulatedthat the additional respiration component represents the activityof nodule cortex cells involved in the diffusion barrier, particularlythat of vascular bundles Oxygen diffusion resistance, nodule, nitrogen fixation, respiration  相似文献   
The oxygen diffusion resistance of Lupinus albus (L.) cv. Multoluparoot nodules was increased by subjection to short-term stresses;lowering rhizosphere temperature from 25 to 16 °C (2 h),detopping plants (3 h), darkening plants (21 h) or exposingroots to 20 mol m–3 KN03 for 2, 4 or 6 d. Microscopicobservations and measurements showed that this resulted in thearea of open intercellular spaces within the inner cortex beingreduced due to both cell expansion and increased productionof an occluding glycoprotein. Electrophoretic and Western Blotanalysis using the monoclonal antibodies MAC236 and MAC265 showedtwo distinct glycoprotein antigens with molecular weights of240 and 135 kDa, respectively. Both antigens are localized withinintercellular spaces of the inner cortex. The amount of glycoproteinwas determined using either ELISA, with MAC265, or quantificationof immunolabelling with MAC236. This immunolabelling also localizedthe glycoprotein within globules adhering to the inside of theinner cortical cell walls. Key words: Oxygen diffusion resistance, glycoprotein, nodules, nitrogen fixation, Lupinus albus  相似文献   
Root nodules of Lupinus albus (L.) cv. Multolupa were subjectedto short- and medium-term stresses by lowering rhizosphere temperaturefrom 25 to 16°C (2 h), detopping plants (3 h), darkeningplants (21 h) or exposing roots to 20 mol m–3 KNO3 for4 d. All experimental treatments produced increases in oxygendiffusion resistance, compared with control plants. These correlatedwith structural changes in the nodule cortex, which is describedin detail for the first time. The most noticeable change isthe occlusion of intercellular spaces by a glycoprotein whichwas identified using the monoclonal antibody MAC236. This glycoproteinwas also found surrounding bacteria in intercellular spacesof the cortex of control nodules. Key words: Oxygen diffusion resistance, glycoprotein, nodules, nitrogen fixation, Lupinus albus  相似文献   
Photosystem II and oxygen regulation in Sesbania rostrata stem nodules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The tropical wetland legume Sesbania rostrata Brem. produces nitrogen-fixing stem nodules which are green and contain chlorophyll, the chloroplasts being concentrated in a hand in the inner and mid-cortex close to the nitrogen-fixing cells. The photosystem II thylakoid membrane proteins D1, D2 and PsbO, which are essential for photo-synthetic O2 evolution, were shown by immunoblotting to be present in extracts of leaves and stem nodules. Immunogold labelling confirmed their presence on stem nodule thylakoids and showed that labelling was most intense in well-developed chloroplasts in the mid-cortex and least intense in the smaller, less-abundant chloroplasts adjacent to the nitrogen-fixing cells. Concentrations of the oxygen-carrying protein leghaemoglobin (Lb) did not differ between stem and S. rostrata root nodules, and Lb was localized in bacteroid-containing cells, including those immediately adjacent to the cortex, in both nodule types. Moreover, nitrogenase component 2 was localized in bacteroids within the outermost layers of infected cells, suggesting that a low pO2 was maintained, despite the nearby chloroplasts. Nodule extracts examined by ELISA and immunoblots, using the monoclonal antibody MAC265, showed greatly enhanced expression of a 139 kDa glycoprotein in stem compared to root nodules. Immunogold labelling showed that material containing the MAC265 antigen occluded intercellular spaces, and was present in cell walls, throughout the cortex of stem nodules (particularly in the chloroplasl-rich inner and mid-cortex), but was considerably less evident in root nodules.  相似文献   
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