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Natural and sexual selection are crucial factors in the evolutionary process, yet recent reviews show that researchers have focused narrowly on this topic, with the majority of research centered on the morphological traits of single species. However, in the past several years, several bodies of work have emerged that have examined both selection on performance capacity and selection in a community context, and our goal is to highlight these two growing areas and point toward future directions. Recent studies of selection on performance capacity point toward directional selection favoring high levels of performance, and we detected less evidence for selection favoring intermediate (i.e., stabilizing) or bimodal (i.e., disruptive) kinds of performance levels. Studies of selection in a community context, using the paradigm of indirect genetic effects, show significant community heritability and strong capacity for evolution to occur in a community context via the force of natural selection. For future directions, we argue that researchers should shift toward longer-term studies of selection on both individual species and communities, and we also encourage researchers to publish negative selection results for both performance and community studies to act as balancing influences on published positive selection results.  相似文献   
Among species with sexual size dimorphism (SSD), taxa in which males are the larger sex have increasing SSD with increasing body size, whereas in taxa in which females are the larger sex, SSD decreases with body size: Rensch's rule. We show in flying lizards, a clade of mostly female‐larger species, that SSD increases with body size, a pattern similar to that in clades with male‐biased SSD or more evenly mixed SSD. The observed pattern in Draco appears due to SSD increasing with evolutionary changes in male body size; specifically divergence in body size among species that are in sympatric congeneric assemblages. We suggest that increasing body size, resulting in decreased gliding performance, reduces the relative gliding cost of gravidity in females, and switches sexual selection in males away from a small‐male, gliding advantage and toward selection on large size and fighting ability as seen in many other lizards. Thus, selection for large females is likely greater than selection for large males at the smaller end of the body size continuum, whereas this relationship reverses for species at the larger end of the continuum. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 270–282.  相似文献   
Variation in aggression among species can be due to a number of proximate and ultimate factors, leading to patterns of divergent and convergent evolution of behavior among even closely related species. Caribbean Anolis lizards are well known for their convergence in microhabitat use and morphology, but they also display marked convergence in social behavior and patterns of aggression. We studied 18 Anolis species across six ecomorphs on four different Caribbean islands to test four main hypotheses. We hypothesized that species differences in aggression would be due to species differences in circulating testosterone (T), a steroid hormone implicated in numerous studies across vertebrate taxa as a primary determinant of social behavior; more aggressive species were expected to have higher baseline concentrations of T and corticosterone. We further hypothesized that low-T species would increase T and corticosterone levels during a social challenge. Within three of the four island assemblages studied we found differences in T levels among species within an island that differ in aggression, but in the opposite pattern than predicted: more aggressive species had lower baseline T than the least aggressive species. The fourth island, Puerto Rico, showed the pattern of baseline T levels among species we predicted. There were no patterns of corticosterone levels among species or ecomorphs. One of the two species tested increased T in response to a social challenge, but neither species elevated corticosterone. Our results suggest that it is possible for similarities in aggression among closely related species to evolve via different proximate mechanisms.  相似文献   
The combined presence of WSN gene segments 6 (neuraminidase), 7 (M1 and M2), and 8 (NS1 and NS2) in reassortants of WSN with A/Aichi/2/68 (H3N2) has been found by others to be necessary for full expression of neurovirulence in mice. We are examining the expression of the analogous three gene segments in brains of mice after intracerebral infection with non-neuroadapted strains A/WS/33 (WS) (from which WSN was derived) and A/PR/8/34 (PR8). Our aim is to determine possible mechanisms by which one or more of the five gene products may restrict replication of these strains in mouse brain cells to a single cycle, yielding noninfectious hemagglutinating particles (incomplete growth cycle). We found that minority subsets of such particles did produce plaques, provided they were activated by trypsin (analogous to other abortive systems producing virions with uncleaved HA), a step obviated for some WSN virions by indirect promotion of hemagglutinin cleavage by the neuraminidase of that strain. The percentage of such potentially infectious virions, relative to total hemagglutinating particles, was significantly lower in WS- or PR8-infected than in WSN-infected brains, suggesting possible defects in synthesis or function of M1 protein in the former. Cells in immunostained sections and appropriate bands in Western blots (immunoblots) of viral proteins electrophoretically separated from lysates of PR8-infected brains reacted with antibody to nucleoprotein but not to M1 protein. Either method revealed the presence of both proteins in WSN-infected brains. In contrast, Western blot analyses of particles concentrated from PR8-, WS-, or WSN-infected brains by hemadsorption, elution, and pelleting did reveal NP and M1 bands with comparable relative peroxidase-antiperoxidase staining intensities. The findings suggest that availability of M1 protein is a factor influencing the extent or rate of assembly of potentially infectious (i.e., trypsin-activated) progeny virions in mouse brains and that in this respect the two non-neurovirulent strains differ from WSN quantitatively rather than qualitatively.  相似文献   
Husak PJ  Kuo T  Enquist LW 《Journal of virology》2000,74(23):10975-10983
The membrane proteins gI and gE of Pseudorabies virus (PRV) are required for viral invasion and spread through some neural pathways of the rodent central nervous system. Following infection of the rat retina with wild-type PRV, virus replicates in retinal ganglion neurons and anterogradely spreads to infect all visual centers in the brain. By contrast, gI and gE null mutants do not infect a specific subset of the visual centers, e.g., the superior colliculus and the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. In previous experiments, we suggested that the defect was not due to inability to infect projection-specific retinal ganglion cells, because mixed infection of a gE deletion mutant and a gI deletion mutant restored the wild-type phenotype (i.e., genetic complementation occurred). In the present study, we provide direct evidence that gE and gI function to promote the spread of infection after entry into primary neurons. We used stereotaxic central nervous system injection of a fluorescent retrograde tracer into the superior colliculus and subsequent inoculation of a PRV gI-gE double null mutant into the eye of the same animal to demonstrate that viral antigen and fluorescent tracer colocalize in retinal ganglion cells. Furthermore, we demonstrate that direct injection of a PRV gI-gE double null mutant into the superior colliculus resulted in robust infection followed by retrograde transport to the eye and replication in retinal ganglion neuron cell bodies. These experiments provide additional proof that the retinal ganglion cells projecting to the superior colliculus are susceptible and permissive to gE and gI mutant viruses. Our studies confirm that gI and gE specifically facilitate anterograde spread of infection by affecting intracellular processes in the primary infected neuron such as anterograde transport in axons or egress from axon terminals.  相似文献   
Aflatoxins are polyketide-derived secondary metabolites produced by Aspergillus spp. The toxic effects of aflatoxins have adverse consequences for human health and agricultural economics. The aflR gene, a regulatory gene for aflatoxin biosynthesis, encodes a protein containing a zinc-finger DNA-binding motif. AFLR-Protein three-dimensional model was generated using Robetta server. The modeled AFLR-Protein was further optimization and validation using Rampage. In the simulations, we monitored the backbone atoms and the C-α-helix of the modeled protein. The low RMSD and the simulation time indicate that, as expected, the 3D structural model of AFLR-protein represents a stable folding conformation. This study paves the way for generating computer molecular models for proteins whose crystal structures are not available and which would aid in detailed molecular mechanism of inhibition of aflatoxin.  相似文献   
Animal color patterns are a compromise between sexual selection pressures that increase advantages accrued from conspicuousness, and natural selection pressures that decrease those advantages through reduced survivorship. Predation pressure, as a mode of natural selection, often is invoked as a counter‐selective force to sexual selection, yet few studies have demonstrated empirically that more conspicuous individuals experience higher rates of predation. We quantified predator attacks on models of collared lizards, Crotaphytus collaris, in three well‐studied populations (Oklahoma, USA). These populations differ in coloration and in visual backgrounds against which the lizards are viewed by conspecifics and predators. Attack frequencies varied considerably among study sites but at all sites the models exhibiting the strongest color contrast with local rocks were detected and attacked most often. By comparison, inconspicuous models of females were never attacked at any of the sites. These results suggest a survival cost of conspicuous coloration in collared lizards, and reiterate the importance of considering the visual environment as well as differences among populations when examining the influence of predation on the evolution of animal color patterns.  相似文献   
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