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Recently, we have shown that inhalation of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) protects against ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI). In the present study, we aimed to determine the underlying molecular mechanisms of H2S-dependent lung protection by analyzing gene expression profiles in mice. C57BL/6 mice were subjected to spontaneous breathing or mechanical ventilation in the absence or presence of H2S (80 parts per million). Gene expression profiles were determined by microarray, sqRT-PCR and Western Blot analyses. The association of Atf3 in protection against VILI was confirmed with a Vivo-Morpholino knockout model. Mechanical ventilation caused a significant lung inflammation and damage that was prevented in the presence of H2S. Mechanical ventilation favoured the expression of genes involved in inflammation, leukocyte activation and chemotaxis. In contrast, ventilation with H2S activated genes involved in extracellular matrix remodelling, angiogenesis, inhibition of apoptosis, and inflammation. Amongst others, H2S administration induced Atf3, an anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic regulator. Morpholino mediated reduction of Atf3 resulted in elevated lung injury despite the presence of H2S. In conclusion, lung protection by H2S during mechanical ventilation is associated with down-regulation of genes related to oxidative stress and inflammation and up-regulation of anti-apoptotic and anti-inflammatory genes. Here we show that Atf3 is clearly involved in H2S mediated protection.  相似文献   
In view of the importance of impedance plethysmography requirements are formulated for a modern impedance measuring device basing on a long experience with this method of measurement. The principle mode of action of the measuring equipment and the pneumatics with the timing element are described. A number of recordings is shown to illustrate the universality of the measuring equipment.  相似文献   
We have examined the switch region content of 25 hybridomas that secret antibodies of various isotypes with specificity for phosphocholine or glycoproteins of herpes simplex virus. These Southern hybridization experiments included probes for the murine JH region as well as probes for the mu, gamma 3, gamma 1, gamma 2b, gamma 2a, and alpha switch regions. For 22 of the hybridomas, the deletion model of the heavy chain switch fits the data well--all switch regions upstream of the rearranged (and expressed) switch regions are deleted and all switch regions downstream remain in the germline configuration. As exceptions to a simple deletion model of the switch recombination, we have observed two, and perhaps three, examples of switch region rearrangements downstream of an expressed heavy chain gene. The 25 hybridoma DNA samples include 28 rearranged gamma switch regions; the sizes of at least 25 of these rearranged fragments are consistent with recombination in the tandemly repeated sequences associated with gamma genes. For those hybridomas with two spleen cell-derived Igh loci, including three mu-expressers, three gamma 3-expressers, four gamma 1-expressers, and one gamma 2b-expresser, the two loci tend to be rearranged to the same switch region, suggesting that the heavy chain switch rearrangement is an isotype-specific event. The exceptions within this group include three hybridomas in which the switch seems to be incomplete--on one chromosome the JH complex is rearranged to the S gamma 3 region, while on the other it remains associated with the S mu region. A second group of hybridomas, which includes four gamma 3-expressers, have both gamma 3 and gamma 1 switch rearrangements. Each of these four hybridomas includes three rearranged JH segments, suggesting that they may be the result of an unusual differentiative pathway or a technical artifact. These experiments suggest that the heavy chain switch rearrangement in normal spleen cells is a deletion event that occurs within tandemly repeated elements. The rearrangement is mediated by factors with partial, or perhaps complete, isotype specificity.  相似文献   
Four new bromoacetamido pyrimidine nucleosides have been synthesized and are affinity labels for the active site of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A). All bind reversibly to the enzyme and react covalently with it, resulting in inactivation. The binding constants Kb and the first-order decomposition rate constants k3 have been determined for each derivative. They are the following: 3'-(bromoacetamido)-3'-deoxyuridine, Kb = 0.062 M, k3 = 3.3 X 10(-4) s-1; 2'-(bromoacetamido)-2'-deoxyxylofuranosyluracil, Kb = 0.18 M, k3 = 1700 X 10(-4) s-1; 3'-(bromoacetamido)-3'-deoxyarabinofuranosyluracil, Kb = 0.038 M, k3 = 6.6 X 10(-4) s-1; and 3'-(bromoacetamido)-3'-deoxythymidine, Kb = 0.094 M, k3 = 2.7 X 10(-4) s-1. 3'-(Bromoacetamido)-3'-deoxyuridine reacts exclusively with the histidine-119 residue, giving 70% of a monoalkylated product substituted at N-1, 14% of a monoalkylated derivative substituted at N-3, and 16% of a dialkylated species substituted at both N-1 and N-3. Both 2'-(bromoacetamido)-2'-deoxyxylofuranosyluracil and 3'-(bromoacetamido)-3'-deoxyarabinofuranosyluracil react with absolute specificity at N-3 of the histidine-12 residue. 3'-(Bromoacetamido)-3'-deoxythymidine alkylates histidines-12 and -119. The major product formed in 57% yield is substituted at N-3 of histidine-12. A monoalkylated derivative, 8% yield, is substituted at N-1 of histidine-119. A disubstituted species is formed in 14% yield and is alkylated at both N-3 of histidine-12 and N-1 of histidine-119. A specific interaction of the "down" 2'-OH group, unique to 3'-(bromoacetamido)-3'-deoxyuridine, serves to orient the 3'-bromoacetamido residue close to the imidazole ring of histidine-119. The 2'-OH group of 3',5'-dinucleoside phosphate substrates may serve a similar role in the catalytic mechanism, allowing histidine-119 to protonate the leaving group in the transphosphorylation step. (Bromoacetamido)nucleosides are bound in the active site of RNase A in a variety of distinct conformations which are responsible for the different specificities and alkylation rates.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to determine whether the recordingof chemosensory evoked potentials (CSEP) in healthy subjects(n = 11) can be helpful in differentiating the olfactory ortrigeminal component possessed by odorants. By recording fromseveral positions on the surface of the skull it was attemptedto ascertain whether different generators are responsible forCSEP associated with the different sensory components of odorants.Birhinal stimulation was used in order to establish an interactionbetween the stimulated side and the stimulated sensory channel.The four substances carbon dioxide, menthol, hydrogen sulphideand vanillin were tested. EEG was recorded from eight positions. The CSEPs' topographical distribution revealed differences inthe location of maximum amplitudes following stimulation withdifferent types of stimulants. Largest amplitudes always appearedat the vertex when trigeminal stimulants (menthol, carbon dioxide)were presented, whereas olfactory substances (vanillin, hydrogensulphide) elicited maximal amplitudes at parietal and centralsites. This suggests that at least two neuronal populationsare involved in the cortical generation of CSEP. Another interestingfinding was that the evoked potentials differed in relationto the stimulated side. Generally, responses to carbon dioxide,menthol and hydrogen sulphide had shorter latencies and smalleramplitudes after stimulation of the left nostril. In contrast,after stimulation with vanillin latencies were shorter and amplitudestended to be smaller after stimulation of the right side. Sincevanillin was the only substance which always evoked pleasantand positive associations, it was assumed that the differencesin CSEP after stimulation of the two nostrils are related tothe different processing of emotional information within thetwo hemispheres.  相似文献   
Summary Mutants of Methanobacterium formicicum resistant to the anti-80S ribosome-targeted inhibitor anisomycin were isolated and characterized. The resistance phenotype is correlated with a mutationally altered 50S ribosomal subunit. Anisomycin resistance in the mutants is accompanied by cross-resistance to other inhibitors of the 80S peptidyl-transferase centre like narciclasine, bruceantin, trichodermin and verrucarin A and by hypersensitivity to sparsomycin. This phenotype is identical to that reported for anisomycin-resistant mutants of yeast; it appears therefore, that the anisomycin interaction sites on the 70S ribosomes from M. formicicum bear the structural features typical of eukaryotic 80S organelles.  相似文献   
Studies of the GTPase domain of archaebacterial ribosomes   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Ribosomes from the methanogens Methanococcus vannielii and Methanobacterium formicicum catalyse uncoupled hydrolysis of GTP in the presence of factor EF-2 from rat liver (but not factor EF-G from Escherichia coli). In this assay, and in poly(U)-dependent protein synthesis, they were sensitive to thiostrepton. In contrast, ribosomes from Sulfolobus solfataricus did not respond to factor EF-2 (or factor EF-G) but possessed endogenous GTPase activity, which was also sensitive to thiostrepton. Ribosomes from the methanogens did not support (p)ppGpp production, but did appear to possess the equivalent of protein L11, which in E. coli is normally required for guanosine polyphosphate synthesis. Protein L11 from E. coli bound well to 23S rRNA from all three archaebacteria (as did thiostrepton) and oligonucleotides protected by the protein were sequenced and compared with rRNA sequences from other sources.  相似文献   
Summary The new enzyme d-2-hydroxyisocaproate dehydrogenase (NAD+-dependent) was detected in strains of the genus Lactobacillus and related genera. Straight and branched chain aliphatic as well as aromatic 2-ketocarboxylic acids are stereospecifically reduced to the corresponding d-2-hydroxycarboxylic acids according to the following equation:R-CO-COOH + NADH + H+ R-CHOH-COOH + NAD+ The enzyme is called d-hydroxyisocaproate dehydrogenase by us because 2-ketoisocaproate is the substrate with the lowest KM-value. NAD(H) as a cofactor cannot be replaced by NADP(H). Because of its broad substrate specificity we chose the strain Lactobacillus casei ssp. pseudoplantarum (DSM 20 008) for enzyme production and characterization. d-2-hydroxyisocaproate dehydrogenase could be purified 180-fold starting with 500 g of wet cells.The purification procedure involved liquid-liquid extraction with aqueous two-phase systems and ion-exchange chromatography. At this stage the enzyme has a specific activity of 25 U/mg and can be used for technical applications. Further purification up to a homogeneous protein with a specific activity of 110 U/mg can be achieved by chromatography on Amberlite CG 50 at pH 3.5. Properties important for technical application of the d-HicDH were investigated, especially the substrate specificity and the optimum pH- and temperature ranges for activity and stability of the catalist.  相似文献   
The effects of cytosol, NADPH and reduced glutathione (GSH) on the activity of 5'-deiodinase were studied by using washed hepatic microsomes from normal fed rats. Cytosol alone had little stimulatory effect on the activation of microsomal 5'-deiodinase. NADPH had no stimulatory effect on the microsomal 5'-deiodinase unless cytosol was added. 5'-deiodinase activity was greatly enhanced by the simultaneous addition of NADPH and cytosol (P less than 0.001); this was significantly higher than that with either NADPH or cytosol alone (P less than 0.001). GSH was active in stimulating the enzyme activity in the absence of cytosol, but the activity of 5'-deiodinase with 62 microM-NADPH in the presence of cytosol was significantly higher than that with 250 microM-GSH in the presence of the same concentration of cytosol (P less than 0.001). The properties of the cytosolic components essential for the NADPH-dependent activation of microsomal 5'-deiodinase independent of a glutathione/glutathione reductase system were further assessed using Sephadex G-50 column chromatography to yield three cytosolic fractions (A, B and C), wherein A represents pooled fractions near the void volume, B pooled fractions of intermediate Mr (approx. 13 000), and C of low Mr (approx. 300) containing glutathione. In the presence of NADPH (1 mM), the 5'-deiodination rate by hepatic washed microsomes is greatly increased if both A and B are added and is a function of the concentrations of A, B, washed microsomes and NADPH. A is heat-labile, whereas B is heat-stable and non-dialysable. These observations provide the first evidence of an NADPH-dependent cytosolic reductase system not involving glutathione which stimulates microsomal 5'-deiodinase of normal rat liver. The present data are consistent with a deiodination mechanism involving mediation by a reductase (other than glutathione reductase) in fraction A of an NADPH-dependent reduction of a hydrogen acceptor in fraction B, followed by reduction of oxidized microsomal deiodinase by the reduced acceptor (component in fraction B).  相似文献   
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