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An easy, reproducible and fast procedure to isolate DNA from cotton leaves is described. The addition of 0.5 M glucose in the extraction buffer avoids browning by polyphenolic compounds and improves the quality of DNA for molecular analysis. The DNA yield ranged between 150–400 mg per gram of fresh tissue. The DNA was suitable for digestion by restriction enzymes and amplificatiion by Taq DNA polymerase.  相似文献   
Abstract .The effect of the introduction of the entomophagous copepod Mesocyclops longisetus (Acuacultura F.C.B. strain) on the survival of Aedes aegypti immature stages in car tyres was evaluated under semi-natural conditions in the municipality of Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. Life tables were constructed for the immature stages of the mosquito in the presence and absence of M. longisetus , and the survival data were compared using log–linear models. The data set was adjusted using the GLIM statistical package and the quality of adjustment was evaluated with a chi-squared test . Survivorship curves were constructed for each treatment.
In the absence of M. longisetus , the survivorship of Ae. aegypti immature stages averaged 9%. The highest mortality rate was observed during the fourth larval instar (54%) and the resulting survival pattern corresponded to a type II survivorship curve. The mortality rate of Ae. aegypti first-instar larvae (fifty per tyre) increased more than 200-fold in the presence of M. longisetus (twenty per tyre) and the highest mortality was during the first two larval instars, where it reached 98.9%, with a resulting survivorship of 0.2%. Overall mortality was sixfold greater in the presence of the copepod than in its absence. The survival pattern of immature stages of Ae. aegypti in the presence of the copepod corresponded to a type III survivorship curve. As M. longisetus was so effective against Ae. aegypti immature stages in tyres under semi-natural conditions, its long-term effectiveness should be evaluated under socially and ecologically realistic field conditions in Mexico.  相似文献   
Eighty-five catalase- and oxidase-positive Gram-negative rods and cocci susceptible to penicillin G were isolated from a variety of food sources. The phenotypic relationships of these isolates with reference cultures of Bergeyella -like, Chryseobacterium, Empedobacter, Myroides , Moraxella , Sphingobacterium and Weeksella -like strains were examined by numerical taxonomy. Seventy-three isolates were recovered in five groups; 80% of the isolates clustered in groups 1, 2 and 3 and produced indole, bearing a strong resemblance to Weeksella and Bergeyella . They could not, however, be regarded as belonging to the known species of W. virosa and B. zoohelcum . It is suggested that three species may be necessary to accommodate the environmental Weeksella - or Bergeyella -like bacteria. The isolates in groups 4 and 5 had white colonies and were unable to produce indole, in this way resembling the Moraxella genus.  相似文献   
There are an increasing number of studies that are now focussing on the influence of climate change on species’ distributions. However, access to predictive climatic datasets for future scenarios is difficult due to their specific formats and/or the need to be geographically downscaled. The TYN dataset is freely available to users and provides a synthetic format with several climatic models and IPCC future climate scenarios. Moreover, the CRU historical dataset (1901–2000) is also available which allows users to create baseline models for current climatic variables. E‐clic is a free, user‐friendly software package that offers three different ways to convert these two datasets into a spatially explicit raster format which is compatible with the most common geographic information systems and usable on different platforms.  相似文献   
The effect of a segregating economic trait locus (ETL) can be detected with the aid of a linked genetic marker, if specific alleles of each locus are in association among the individuals genotyped for the genetic marker. For dairy cattle this can be achieved by application of the ‘granddaughter design’. If only the sires and their sons are genotyped for the genetic markers, then the allele origin of sons having the same genotypes as their sires cannot be determined. Seven sires and 101 sons were genotyped for five microsatellites. The mean frequency of heterozygous sires was 77%. The mean number of alleles per locus was 8.2. Frequency of informative sons per locus ranged from 60% to 80% with a mean of 72%. With highly polymorphic microsatellites, at least 60% more grandsire families can be included in the analysis, and the number of sons assayed can be reduced by 40%, as compared to diallelic markers.  相似文献   
Thermodilution cardiac output determinations and multigated equilibrium blood-pool scintigraphy were performed in ten healthy chacma baboons (Papio ursinus). The correlation was moderately good between both the radionuclide and thermodilution stroke volume (r = 0.58, SEE = 3 ml; SVth = 0.78SVr + 15.6 ml) as well as the cardiac output (r = 0.72, SEE = 0.2 liter/min; COth = 0.56 Cor + 2.1 liter/min). The attenuation depth dr as determined by radionuclide techniques was found to correlate well with the radiologically determined values dx (r = 0.8, SEE = 0.4 cm; dx = 0.87dr + 0.72 cm) which validated the depth values used in the calculations.  相似文献   
Activation of macrophages by lymphokines (including interferon-gamma; IFN-gamma) is presently considered to be a major host defense mechanism against a number of intracellular microorganisms. In a series of earlier studies that made use of mice undergoing spontaneous resolution of footpad infections with Leishmania major, we obtained evidence suggesting that a subpopulation of Leishmania-sensitized lymph node T lymphocytes could activate antimicrobial effects in Leishmania-infected macrophages by an apparently lymphokine-independent mechanism. These effector lymphocytes are not cytotoxic to host cells, and their effects are antigen specific and genetically restricted. To more rigorously investigate this apparently novel mechanism of macrophage activation, we examined the effect of blocking lymphokine production with cyclosporin A (CSA) on the capacity of these effector lymphocytes to exert macrophage activating function. Although CSA blocked lymphokines that activate antileishmanial effects, it did not inhibit the antimicrobial capacity of the effector lymphocytes. We also confirmed that IFN-gamma is the major macrophage-activating lymphokine that induces antileishmanial effects; treatment of lymphokine-containing supernatants with anti-IFN-gamma antibody markedly reduced their antimicrobial effects. In contrast, treatment of effector lymphocytes with this antibody failed to reduce their macrophage-activating capacity. We conclude that there exists an apparently novel macrophage-activating mechanism for antimicrobial defense that is independent of soluble lymphokine mediators.  相似文献   
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