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Hubmayr, Rolf D., and Susan S. Margulies. Regionalventilation in statically and dynamically hyperinflated dogs.J. Appl. Physiol. 81(4):1815-1821, 1996.Using the parenchymal marker technique innormal anesthetized dogs, we compared the dynamics of regional lungexpansion between two ventilation strategies designed to increase meanthoracic volume. Dynamic hyperinflation (DH) was produced byventilating the lungs at a rate of 50 breaths/min and with a duty cycleof 0.5. Static hyperinflation (SH) was produced throughthe application of extrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure while thelungs were ventilated at a rate of 15 breaths/min and with a duty cycleof 0.15. Regional tidal volume(VT,r), regional functionalresidual volume, and the time delay between regional expansion and the flow signal at the common airway were computed for upto 100 regions/lobe in 5 animals. Ventilation strategy had no effect onthe overall variance of VT,rwithin lobes. Although the VT,rmeasured during SH correlated withVT,r measured during DH, theaverage correlation coefficient was only 0.69. Ventilation rate-relateddifferences in VT,r and regionalfunctional residual capacity varied with the regional time delay inways qualitatively consistent with parallel inhomogeneity of unit timeconstants. However, a large component of frequency-dependent behaviorremains unexplained by established mechanisms. We conclude that DH and SH should not be considered equivalent lung unit recruitmentstrategies.

Motivated by the introduction of single-lung transplantation into clinical practice, we compared the static mechanical properties of the respiratory system in six supine dogs before (at baseline) with those after the induction of unilateral emphysema. Relaxation volume (Vrel), total lung capacity (TLC), and static compliance of the emphysematous lung increased to 214 +/- 68, 186 +/- 39, and 253 +/- 95% (SD) of baseline, respectively. Vrel of the nonemphysematous lung fell to 81 +/- 28% of baseline, with no significant change in TLC of the nonemphysematous lung or its pressure-volume relationship, indicating that unilateral hyperinflation does not cause dropout of contralateral lung units. After unilateral emphysema, the chest wall shifted to a higher unstressed or neutral volume (when pleural pressure equals atmospheric pressure) in three of six animals, minimizing the anticipated decrease in lung recoil pressure at the higher respiratory system Vrel. The pattern of relative lung emptying in the intact dog and in the excised lungs was similar during stepwise deflations from TLC, suggesting that mean pleural pressure of the hemithoraces is equal. We conclude that in the dog the static volume distribution between emphysematous and nonemphysematous lungs is determined only by differences in lung recoil and compliance.  相似文献   
Mechanisms of recruitment in oleic acid-injured lungs.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Lung recruitment strategies, such as the application of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), are thought to protect the lungs from ventilator-associated injury by reducing the shear stress associated with the repeated opening of collapsed peripheral units. Using the parenchymal marker technique, we measured regional lung deformations in 13 oleic acid (OA)-injured dogs during mechanical ventilation in different postures. Whereas OA injury caused a marked decrease in the oscillation amplitude of dependent lung regions, even the most dependent regions maintained normal end-expiratory dimensions. This is because dependent lung is flooded as opposed to collapsed. PEEP restored oscillation amplitudes only at pressures that raised regional volumes above preinjury levels. Because the amount of PEEP necessary to promote dependent lung recruitment increased the end-expiratory dimensions of all lung regions (nondependent AND dependent ones) compared with their preinjury baseline, the "price" for recruitment is a universal increase in parenchymal stress. We conclude that the mechanics of the OA-injured lung might be more appropriately viewed as a partial liquid ventilation problem and not a shear stress and airway collapse problem and that the mechanisms of PEEP-related lung protection might have to be rethought.  相似文献   
We present plasma membrane (PM) internalization responses of type I alveolar epithelial cells to a 50 mosmol/l increase in tonicity. Our research is motivated by interest in ATI repair, for which endocytic retrieval of PM appears to be critical. We validated pharmacological and molecular tools to dissect the endocytic machinery of these cells and used these tools to test the hypothesis that osmotic stress triggers a pathway-specific internalization of PM domains. Validation experiments confirmed the fluorescent analogs of lactosyl-ceramide, transferrin, and dextran as pathway-specific cargo of caveolar, clathrin, and fluid-phase uptake, respectively. Pulse-chase experiments indicate that hypertonic exposure causes a downregulation of clathrin and fluid-phase endocytosis while stimulating caveolar endocytosis. The tonicity-mediated increase in caveolar endocytosis was associated with the translocation of caveolin-1 from the PM and was absent in cells that had been transfected with dominant-negative dynamin constructs. In separate experiments we show that hypertonic exposure increases the probability of PM wound repair following micropuncture from 82 ± 4 to 94 ± 2% (P < 0.01) and that this effect depends on Src pathway activation-mediated caveolar endocytosis. The therapeutic and biological implications of our findings are discussed.  相似文献   
Belete HA  Hubmayr RD  Wang S  Singh RD 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e27469
Cell wounding is an important driver of the innate immune response of ventilator-injured lungs. We had previously shown that the majority of wounded alveolus resident cells repair and survive deformation induced insults. This is important insofar as wounded and repaired cells may contribute to injurious deformation responses commonly referred to as biotrauma. The central hypothesis of this communication states that extracellular adenosine-5' triphosphate (ATP) promotes the repair of wounded alveolus resident cells by a P2Y2-Receptor dependent mechanism. Using primary type 1 alveolar epithelial rat cell models subjected to micropuncture injury and/or deforming stress we show that 1) stretch causes a dose dependent increase in cell injury and ATP media concentrations; 2) enzymatic depletion of extracellular ATP reduces the probability of stretch induced wound repair; 3) enriching extracellular ATP concentrations facilitates wound repair; 4) purinergic effects on cell repair are mediated by ATP and not by one of its metabolites; and 5) ATP mediated cell salvage depends at least in part on P2Y2-R activation. While rescuing cells from wounding induced death may seem appealing, it is possible that survivors of membrane wounding become governors of a sustained pro-inflammatory state and thereby perpetuate and worsen organ function in the early stages of lung injury syndromes. Means to uncouple P2Y2-R mediated cytoprotection from P2Y2-R mediated inflammation and to test the preclinical efficacy of such an undertaking deserve to be explored.  相似文献   
Effect of body position on regional diaphragm function in dogs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The in situ lengths of muscle bundles of the crural and three regions of the costal diaphragm between origin and insertion were determined with a video roentgenographic technique in dogs. At total lung capacity (TLC) in both the prone and supine positions, the length of the diaphragm is not significantly different from the unstressed excised length, suggesting that the diaphragm is not under tension at TLC and that there is a hydrostatic gradient of pleural pressure on the diaphragmatic surface. Except for the ventral region of the costal diaphragm, which does not change length at lung volumes greater than 70% TLC, all other regions are stretched during passive deflations from TLC. Therefore below TLC the diaphragm is under passive tension and supports a transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi). The length of the diaphragm relative to its unstressed length is not uniform at functional residual capacity (FRC) and does not follow a strict vertical gradient that reverses when the animal is changed from the supine to the prone position. By inference, the length of muscle bundles is determined by factors other than the vertical gradient of Pdi. During mechanical ventilation, regional shortening is identical to the passive deflation length-volume relationship near FRC. Prone and supine FRC is the same, but the diaphragm is slightly shorter in the prone position. In both positions, during spontaneous ventilation there are no consistent differences in regional fractional shortening, despite regional differences in initial length relative to unstressed length.  相似文献   
Inthis review, we examine the hypothesis that plasma membrane stressfailure is a central event in the pathophysiology of injury fromalveolar overdistension. This hypothesis leads us to consider alveolarmicromechanics and specifically the mechanical interactions betweenlung matrix and alveolar epithelial cell cytoskeleton and plasmamembrane. We then explore events that are central to the regulation ofplasma membrane tension and detail the lipid-trafficking responses ofin vitro deformed and/or injured cells. We conclude with a reference toupregulation of stress-responsive genes after membrane injury and resealing.

Motivated by single lung transplantation, we studied the mechanics of the chest wall during single lung inflations in recumbent dogs and baboons and determined how pleural pressure (Ppl) is coupled between the hemithoraces. In one set of experiments, the distribution of Ppl was inferred from known volumes and elastic properties of each lung. In a second set of experiments, costal pleural liquid pressure (Pplcos) was measured with rib capsules. Both methods revealed that the increase in Ppl over the ipsilateral or inflated lung (delta Ppli) is greater than that over the contralateral or noninflated lung (delta Pplc). Mean d(delta Pplc)/d(delta Ppli) and its 95% confidence interval was 0.7 +/- 0.1 in dogs and 0.5 +/- 0.1 in baboons. In a third set of experiments in three dogs and three baboons, we prevented sternal displacement and exposed the abdominal diaphragm to atmospheric pressure during unilateral lung inflation. These interventions had no significant effect on Ppl coupling between the hemithoraces. We conclude that lungs of unequal size and mechanical properties need not be exposed to the same surface pressure, because thoracic midline structures and the lungs themselves resist displacement and deformation.  相似文献   
N E Vlahakis  R D Hubmayr 《Journal of applied physiology》2000,89(6):2490-6;discussion 2497
In this review, we examine the hypothesis that plasma membrane stress failure is a central event in the pathophysiology of injury from alveolar overdistension. This hypothesis leads us to consider alveolar micromechanics and specifically the mechanical interactions between lung matrix and alveolar epithelial cell cytoskeleton and plasma membrane. We then explore events that are central to the regulation of plasma membrane tension and detail the lipid-trafficking responses of in vitro deformed and/or injured cells. We conclude with a reference to upregulation of stress-responsive genes after membrane injury and resealing.  相似文献   
We evaluated the effects of the different patterns of chest wall deformation that occur with different body positions and modes of breathing on regional lung deformation and ventilation. Using the parenchymal marker technique, we determined regional lung behavior during mechanical ventilation and spontaneous breathing in five anesthetized recumbent dogs. Regional lung behavior was related to the patterns of diaphragm motion estimated from X-ray projection images obtained at functional residual capacity (FRC) and end inspiration. Our results indicate that 1) in the prone and supine positions, FRC was larger during mechanical ventilation than during spontaneous breathing; 2) there were significant differences in the patterns of diaphragm motion and regional ventilation between mechanical ventilation and spontaneous breathing in both body positions; 3) in the supine position only, there was a vertical gradient in lung volume at FRC; 4) in both positions and for both modes of breathing, regional ventilation was nonlinearly related to changes in lobar and overall lung volumes; and 5) different patterns of diaphragm motion caused different sliding motions and differential rotations of upper and lower lobes. Our results are inconsistent with the classic model of regional ventilation, and we conclude that the distribution of ventilation is determined by a complex interaction of lung and chest wall shapes and by the motion of the lobes relative to each other, all of which help to minimize distortion of the lung parenchyma.  相似文献   
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