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Background aimsThe potential protective effects of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) on some kidney diseases has been reported. However, the effect of MSCs on doxorubicin-induced nephropathy is still poorly understood.MethodsRats with doxorubicin-induced kidney injuries were treated with human cord-derived MSCs. Human MSCs were first labeled with 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine to track their homing in kidneys after infusion.ResultsAlleviation of proteinuria, decreased serum albumin, alleviation of lipid disorders and histologic alterations were found in rats 4 weeks after treatment with MSCs, particularly in rats that were given repeat doses. Decreases in serum levels of interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-α and prostaglandin E2 and decreases in messenger RNA levels of kidney tissue cylooxygenase-2 and EP4 were found in MSC-treated rats. MSC-treated rats also displayed an increase in serum interleukin-10 levels.ConclusionsThese results indicate that MSCs ameliorate doxorubicin-induced kidney injuries and inflammation, suggesting a potential clinical treatment for inflammatory kidney diseases.  相似文献   
The envelope fusion protein F of baculoviruses is a class I viral fusion protein which play a significant role during virus entry into insect cells. F is initially synthesized as a precursor(F_0) and then cleaved into a disulfide-linked F_1 and F_2 subunits during the process of protein maturation and secretion. To facilitate further investigation into the structure and function of F protein during virus infection, monoclonal antibodies(mAbs) against the F_2 subunit of Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus(HearNPV)(Ha F) were generated. Two kinds of mAbs were obtained according to their different recognition epitopes: one kind of mAbs, as represented by 38F10,recognizes amino acid(aa) 85 to 123 of F_2 and the other kind, represented by 44D11, recognizes aa148 to 173 of F_2. Western blot and immunofluorescence assay confirmed that both of the mAbs recognized the F protein expressed in HearNPV infected cells, however, only 44D11 could neutralize HearNPV infection. The results further showed that 44D11 may not interact with a receptor binding epitope, rather it was demonstrated to inhibit syncytium formation in cells expressing the Ha F protein. The results imply that the monoclonal antibody 44D11 recognizes a region within HaF_2 that may be involved in the F-mediated membrane fusion process.  相似文献   
In this work, a highly sensitive biosensor for detecting cadmium ions (Cd2+) was developed based on a Cd2+-specific DNA aptamer and a hybridization chain reaction (HCR). The Cd2+ aptamer (named S0) was used to recognize Cd2+ and trigger the HCR. Without Cd2+, S0 initiated the HCR to form long nicked dsDNA structures to quench the fluorescence. Then, Cd2+ could bind with S0 to block HCR to recover fluorescence. This biosensor had high sensitivity with a detection limit of 0.36 nM and a linear range from 0 to 10 nM. Moreover, it showed a satisfactory selectivity and recovery rates.  相似文献   
Helicoverpa armigera single nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (HaSNPV) has been developed as a commercial biopesticide to control the cotton bollworm, H. armigera, in China. The major limitation to a broader application of this virus has been the relative long time to incapacitate the target insect. Two HaSNPV recombinants with improved insecticidal properties were released in bollworm-infested cotton. One recombinant (HaCXW1) lacked the ecdysteroid UDP-glucosyltransferase (egt) gene and in another recombinant (HaCXW2), an insect-selective scorpion toxin (AaIT) gene replaced the egt gene. In a cotton field situation H. armigera larvae treated with either HaCXW1 or HaCXW2 were killed faster than larvae in HaSNPV-wt treated plots. Second instar H. armigera larvae, which were collected from HaCXW1 and HaCXW2 treated plots and further reared on artificial diet, showed reduced ST(50) values of 15.3 and 26.3%, respectively, as compared to larvae collected from HaSNPV-wt treated plots. The reduction in consumed leaf area of field collected larvae infected with HaCXW1 and HaCXW2 was approximated 50 and 63%, respectively, as compared to HaSNPV-wt infected larvae at 108 h after treatment. These results suggest that in a cotton field situation the recombinants will be more effective control agents of the cotton bollworm than wild-type HaSNPV.  相似文献   
In diploid cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the α2 and a1 homeodomain proteins bind cooperatively to sites in the promoters of haploid cell-type-specific genes (hsg) to repress their expression. Although both proteins bind to the DNA, in the α2 homeodomain substitutions of residues that are involved in contacting the DNA have little or no effect on repression in vivo or cooperative DNA binding with a1 protein in vitro. This result brings up the question of the contribution of each protein in the heterodimer complex to the DNA-binding affinity and specificity. To determine the requirements for the a1-α2 homeodomain DNA recognition, we systematically introduced single base-pair substitutions in an a1-α2 DNA-binding site and examined their effects on repression in vivo and DNA binding in vitro. Our results show that nearly all substitutions that significantly decrease repression and DNA-binding affinity are at positions which are specifically contacted by either the α2 or a1 protein. Interestingly, an α2 mutant lacking side chains that make base-specific contacts in the major groove is able to discriminate between the wild-type and mutant DNA sites with the same sequence specificity as the wild-type protein. These results suggest that the specificity of α2 DNA binding in complex with a1 does not rely solely on the residues that make base-specific contacts. We have also examined the contribution of the a1 homeodomain to the binding affinity and specificity of the complex. In contrast to the lack of a defective phenotype produced by mutations in the α2 homeodomain, many of the alanine substitutions of residues in the a1 homeodomain have large effects on a1-α2-mediated repression and DNA binding. This result shows that the two proteins do not make equal contributions to the DNA-binding affinity of the complex.  相似文献   
介绍了我国沿海常见牡蛎种类及太平洋牡蛎的生物学知识,人工育苗技术,北方海区养殖技术。  相似文献   
Bunyavirus ribonucleoprotein (RNP) that is assembled by polymerized nucleoproteins (N) coating a viral RNA and associating with a viral polymerase can be both the RNA synthesis machinery and the structural core of virions. Bunyaviral N and RNP thus could be assailable targets for host antiviral defense; however, it remains unclear which and how host factors target N/RNP to restrict bunyaviral infection. By mass spectrometry and protein-interaction analyses, we here show that host protein MOV10 targets the N proteins encoded by a group of emerging high-pathogenic representatives of bunyaviruses including severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (SFTSV), one of the most dangerous pathogens listed by World Health Organization, in RNA-independent manner. MOV10 that was further shown to be induced specifically by SFTSV and related bunyaviruses in turn inhibits the bunyaviral replication in infected cells in series of loss/gain-of-function assays. Moreover, animal infection experiments with MOV10 knockdown corroborated the role of MOV10 in restricting SFTSV infection and pathogenicity in vivo. Minigenome assays and additional functional and mechanistic investigations demonstrate that the anti-bunyavirus activity of MOV10 is likely achieved by direct impact on viral RNP machinery but independent of its helicase activity and the cellular interferon pathway. Indeed, by its N-terminus, MOV10 binds to a protruding N-arm domain of N consisting of only 34 amino acids but proving important for N function and blocks N polymerization, N-RNA binding, and N-polymerase interaction, disabling RNP assembly. This study not only advances the understanding of bunyaviral replication and host restriction mechanisms but also presents novel paradigms for both direct antiviral action of MOV10 and host targeting of viral RNP machinery.  相似文献   
The cytochrome P450 (CYP) superfamily plays a key role in the oxidative metabolism of a wide range of drugs and exogenous chemicals. CYP2C8 is the principal enzyme responsible for the metabolism of the anti-cancer drug paclitaxel in the human liver. Nearly all previous works about polymorphic variants of CYP2C8 were focused on unpurified proteins, either cells or human liver microsomes; therefore their structure–function relationships were unclear. In this study, two polymorphic enzymes of CYP2C8 (CYP2C8.4 (I264M) and CYP2C8 P404A) were expressed in E. coli and purified. Metabolic activities of paclitaxel by the two purified polymorphic enzymes were observed. The activity of CYP2C8.4 was 25% and CYP2C8 P404A was 30% of that of WT CYP2C8, respectively. Their structure–function relationships were systematically investigated for the first time. Paclitaxel binding ability of CYP2C8.4 increased about two times while CYP2C8 P404A decreased about two times than that of WT CYP2C8. The two polymorphic mutant sites of I264 and P404, located far from active site and substrate binding sites, significantly affect heme and/or substrate binding. This study indicated that two important nonsubstrate recognition site (SRS) residues of CYP2C8 are closely related to heme binding and/or substrate binding. This discovery could be valuable for explaining clinically individual differences in the metabolism of drugs and provides instructed information for individualized medication.  相似文献   
高海拔山区气候条件恶劣, 资源匮乏, 探究同域分布的近缘物种如何利用有限的资源以实现稳定共存, 对于了解高山生态系统生物多样性格局的形成和维持机制具有重要意义。鸡形目鸟类飞行能力弱, 属于典型的地栖物种, 生态位空间相对狭窄, 可能面临更高的种间竞争压力。本研究旨在比较几种同域分布的鸡形目鸟类的时空生态位, 为了解高山生态系统同域物种的共存机制提供新的研究案例。2020年4-9月, 研究人员在四川卧龙国家级自然保护区海拔3,300-4,200 m的高山区域进行了野外调查, 通过样线法和样方法对鸡形目鸟类群落优势物种绿尾虹雉(Lophophorus lhuysii)、雉鹑(Tetraophasis obscurus)和雪鹑(Lerwa lerwa)繁殖期的微生境进行调查, 使用红外相机对其活动节律进行监测, 并运用核密度估计法从微生境利用和日活动节律两个生态维度进行了种间生态位比较。结果显示, 雪鹑在微生境利用和日活动节律上均与其他两个物种存在显著差异。绿尾虹雉与雉鹑在微生境的利用上具有相似偏好; 但绿尾虹雉的早活动高峰晚于雉鹑, 晚活动高峰早于雉鹑, 表现出显著的种间日活动节律差异; 然而, 整合两个维度后, 绿尾虹雉和雉鹑的整体生态位仍然高度重叠, 没有显著分化。本研究表明高山鸡形目物种间的生态位分化体现于多个不同的生态维度, 并且不同物种之间的分化方式有所差异。在空间和时间生态位上的显著分化使雪鹑与同域物种间的竞争压力相对较小, 有利于其实现稳定共存。而绿尾虹雉与雉鹑的整体生态位高度重叠, 建议进一步对其食性开展研究, 探讨营养生态位上的潜在种间分化。  相似文献   
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