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Fructosyl Transfer between 1-Kestose and Sucrose in Wheat Leaves   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The labeling pattern of the sugar moieties of 1-kestose after in vivo pulse labeling with 14CO2 was not the same as that after in vitro labeling with 14C-sucrose. The two fructosyl residues of 1-kestose had similar specific radioactivities after in vitro synthesis, but after in vivo radiolabeling the specific radioactivity of the terminal fructosyl moiety was significantly less than the internal fructosyl moiety. Evidence is presented that the uneven specific radioactivity of in vivo radiolabeling results from enzymatic transfer of terminal fructosyl residue from 1-kestose to sucrose.  相似文献   
Past research on kernel growth in wheat (Triticum aestivum) has shown that the kernel itself largely regulates the influx of sucrose for consequent starch synthesis in the endosperm of the grain. The first step in the conversion of sucrose to starch is catalyzed by sucrose synthase (EC 2.4.13). Sucrose synthase activity was assayed in developing endosperms from kernels differing in growth rate and in maximum dry weight accumulation. From 10 to 22 days after anthesis, sucrose synthase activity per wheat endosperm remained constant with respect to time in all grains. However, kernels which had higher rates of kernel growth and which achieved greatest maximum weight had consistently and significantly higher sucrose synthase activities at any point in time than did kernels with slower rates of dry matter accumulation and lower maximum weight. In addition, larger kernels had a significantly greater amount of water in which this activity could be expressed. Although the results do not implicate sucrose synthase as the “rate limiting” enzyme in wheat kernel growth, they do emphasize the importance of sucrose synthase activity in larger or more rapidly growing kernels, as compared to smaller slower growing kernels.  相似文献   
Isolating the enzymes responsible for fructan synthesis in plants has been hampered by unsuitable assays used during purification. It is believed that there are two enzymes necessary for fructan synthesis in higher plants, one initiating synthesis utilizing sucrose as donor and the other elaborating the polymer using fructan oligomers as donor. In this paper, a rapid quantitative assay is described to measure the latter fructosyl transfer. The activity was absent from leaves that were not synthesizing fructan. Activity in crude extracts showed a hyperbolic dependence upon sucrose concentration. Activity against 1-kestose showed a pronounced optimum, suggesting that self-transfer also occurred.  相似文献   
P R Housley 《Biochemistry》1990,29(14):3578-3585
Fluoride, in the presence of aluminum ions, reversibly inhibits the temperature-mediated inactivation of unoccupied glucocorticoid receptors in cytosol preparations from mouse L cells. The effect is concentration-dependent, with virtually complete stabilization of specific glucocorticoid-binding capacity at 2 mM fluoride and 100 microM aluminum. These concentrations of aluminum and fluoride are ineffective when used separately. Aluminum fluoride also stabilizes receptors toward inactivation by gel filtration and ammonium sulfate precipitation. Aluminum fluoride prevents temperature-dependent transformation of steroid-receptor complexes to the DNA-binding state. Aluminum fluoride does not inhibit calf intestine alkaline phosphatase, and unoccupied receptors inactivated by this enzyme in the presence of aluminum fluoride can be completely reactivated by dithiothreitol. The effects of aluminum fluoride are due to stabilization of the complex between the glucocorticoid receptor and the 90-kDa mammalian heat-shock protein hsp90, which suggests that aluminum fluoride interacts directly with the receptor. Endogenous thermal inactivation of receptors in cytosol is not accompanied by receptor dephosphorylation. However, inactivation is correlated with dissociation of hsp90 from the unoccupied receptor. These results support the proposal that hsp90 is required for the receptor to bind steroid and dissociation of hsp90 is sufficient to inactivate the unoccupied receptor.  相似文献   
Trafficking of ionotropic glutamate receptors to the plasma membrane commonly requires occupation of the agonist binding sites. This quality control check does not typically involve receptor activation, as binding by competitive antagonists or to non-functional channels may also permit surface expression. The tetrameric kainate receptors can be assembled from five different subunits (GluK1–GluK5). While the “low-affinity” GluK1-3 subunits are able to produce functional homomeric receptors, the “high-affinity” GluK4 and GluK5 subunits require co-assembly with GluK1, 2, or 3 for surface expression. These two different types of subunits have distinct functional roles in the receptor. Therefore, we examined the relative importance of occupancy of the agonist site of the GluK2 or GluK5 subunit for surface expression of heteromeric receptors. We created subunits with a mutation within the S2 ligand-binding domain which decreased agonist affinity. Mutations at this site reduced functional surface expression of homomeric GluK2 receptors, but surface expression of these receptors could be increased with either a competitive antagonist or co-assembly with wild-type GluK5. In contrast, mutations in the GluK5 subunit reduced the production of functional heteromeric receptors at the membrane, and could not be rescued with either an antagonist or wild-type GluK2. These findings indicate that ligand binding to only the GluK5 subunit is both necessary and sufficient to allow trafficking of recombinant GluK2/K5 heteromers to the cell membrane, but that occupancy of the GluK2 site alone is not. Our results suggest a distinct role for the GluK5 subunit in regulating surface expression of heteromeric kainate receptors.  相似文献   
Previous studies on flagellar adhesion in chlamydomonas (Snell, W. and S. Roseman. 1979. J. Biol. Chem. 254:10820-10829.) have shown that as gametes adhere to flagella isolated from gametes of the opposite mating type, the adhsiveness of the added flagella but not of the gametes is lost. The studies reported here show that the addition of protein synthesis inhibitors (cycloheximide [CH] or anisomycin) to the medium of such cell- flagella mixtures causes the cells to lose their adhesiveness. This loss, however, occurs only after the cells have interacted with 4-8 flagella/cell and does not occur if the cells are kept in CH (7 h) without aggregating. The availability of an impotent (imp) mating type plus (MT(+)) mutant (provided by U.W. Goodenough), which adheres but is unable to undergo the fusion that normally follows adhesion, made it possible to determine whether a similar loss of adhesiveness occurs in mixtures of matting type minus (mt(-)) and imp mt(+) gametes. In the absence of inhibitor, mt(-) and imp mt(+) gametes adhered to each other (without fusing) for several hours; however, in the presence of CH or anisomycin, the gametes began to de-adhere 35 min after mixing, and, by 90 min, 100 percent of the cells were single again. This effect was reversible, and the rapid turnover of cells were single again. This effect was reversible, and the rapid turnover of molecules involved in adhesion occurred only during adhesion inasmuch as gametes pretreated for 4 h with CH were able to aggregate in CH for the same length of time as nonpretreated cells aggregated in CH. By the addition of CH at various times after the mt(-) and imp mt(+) gametes were mixed, measurements were made of the “pool size” of the molecules involved in adhesion. The pool reached a minimum after 25 min of aggregation, rapidly increased for the next 25 min, and then leveled off at the premixing level. These results suggest that flagellar adhesion in chlamydomonas causes modification of surface molecules (receptors, ligands), which brings about their inactivation and stimulates their replacement.  相似文献   
Freeze-substitution and Epon embedment were quantitatively evaluated for their effectiveness in retaining water-soluble metabolites in plant tissues. Roughly 99% of the 80% (v/v) ethanol-extractable radioactivity in photosynthetically labeled soybean leaf discs and in petiole fragments containing translocated 14C was retained during freeze-substitution in acetone or propylene oxide and embedment in Epon. Substantially more activity was lost from 14C-sucrose-infiltrated pith blocks, but most or all of this loss came from the block surface. The procedure was effective for a sucrose concentration as low as 0.004%. Sections floated on water retained most of their 14C-sucrose, and high resolution autoradiographs could easily be prepared without resorting to dry procedures. Embedded 14C-sucrose was apparently chemically unreactive, since there was no loss of radioactivity when sections were stained with the periodic acid-Schiff reagent, nor did the embedded sucrose show staining.  相似文献   
Estimation of evolutionary distances from coding sequences must take into account protein-level selection to avoid relative underestimation of longer evolutionary distances. Current modeling of selection via site-to-site rate heterogeneity generally neglects another aspect of selection, namely position-specific amino acid frequencies. These frequencies determine the maximum dissimilarity expected for highly diverged but functionally and structurally conserved sequences, and hence are crucial for estimating long distances. We introduce a codon- level model of coding sequence evolution in which position-specific amino acid frequencies are free parameters. In our implementation, these are estimated from an alignment using methods described previously. We use simulations to demonstrate the importance and feasibility of modeling such behavior; our model produces linear distance estimates over a wide range of distances, while several alternative models underestimate long distances relative to short distances. Site-to-site differences in rates, as well as synonymous/nonsynonymous and first/second/third-codon-position differences, arise as a natural consequence of the site-to-site differences in amino acid frequencies.   相似文献   
To establish whether several amino acids were equally able to enter the phloem of oat (Avena sativa L.) plants and be transported, several (14)C-labeled amino acids were applied individually to an abraded spot on a fully expanded source leaf. The base of an immature sink leaf was monitored with a GM tube for time and rate of arrival of radioactivity. Transport of (14)C-sucrose and (14)CO(2) assimilates was measured for a comparison. The applied l-serine, l-lysine, and l-leucine, as well as sucrose, entered the phloem and were transported to the sink leaf at rates between 1.16 and 1.83 cm/min. Transport velocity for CO(2) assimilates was 1.57 cm/min. A heat girdle near the top of the source leaf sheath blocked most transport, which indicated that transport was primarily through the phloem. Mass transfer rates for amino acids were only 3% as great as that for sucrose, suggesting different mechanisms of entry for sucrose than for amino acids into the phloem. The higher percentage of CO(2) assimilates mobilized to the sink leaf was attributed to the greater surface area of minor veins accessible to loading, as compared to those compounds supplied via an abraded spot. Serine was extensively metabolized in the source leaf, and radioactive products in the sink leaf mirrored those in the source leaf. Most radioactivity of lysine and leucine remained within these compounds in the source, path, and sink tissues. We concluded that there was no barrier to entry of amino acids into the phloem and transport therein. Data do not suggest a specific mechanism for entry of amino acids into the phloem.  相似文献   
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