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There was an intensive trawl fishery in the Enonselkä basin in Lake Vesijärvi (southern Finland) in 1989–1993 and thereafter the fishing intensity declined. The fish assemblage dynamics were studied both during the years of intensive trawling and for 3 years afterwards. Roach Rutilus rutilus dominated the fish assemblage before the mass removal. The intensive trawling effectively diminished the roach stock and the present fishing intensity has been sufficient to prevent its recovery. There were significant decreasing trends in the gillnet cpue (catch per unit effort) of bream Abramis brama (L.) and bleak Alburnus alburnus (L.) while increasing trend was observed in cpue of ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus (L.) and vendace Coregonus albula (L.). Perch Perca fluviatilis L. and pikeperch Stizostedion lucioperca (L.) showed variations in cpue but no trends existed. The proportion of cyprinids decreased while that of percids and coregonids increased in the catches. The changes in the fish assemblage were induced by the intensive fishing and by the concomitant decline in the ecosystem productivity.  相似文献   
The abundance of pelagic invertebrate predators in relation to turbidity and depth gradients in Lake Hiidenvesi (southern Finland) were studied. In the shallow (<5 m) and the most turbid (up to 75 NTU) part of the lake, the community of invertebrate predators consisted of cyclopoid copepods (max biomass >500 μg dw l−1) and Leptodora kindtiii (Focke) (17 μg dw l−1), while in the less turbid (10–40 NTU) stratifying area Chaoborus flavicans (Meigen) dominated (max 146 μg dw l−1). In the temporarily stratifying and moderately turbid basin Chaoborus and small-bodied invertebrate predators co-existed. Mysis relicta (Lovén) occurred only in the stratifying area (max 15 μg dw l−1). The results suggested that both water depth and turbidity contributed to the community structure of Chaoborus flavicans. Depth great enough for stratification was of special importance and its effect was amplified by elevated turbidity, while high turbidity alone could not maintain chaoborid populations. Mysis relicta also requires a hypolimnetic refuge but is more sensitive to low oxygen concentrations and may therefore be forced to the epilimnion where it is vulnerable to fish predation. Cyclopoids as rapid swimmers can take advantage at elevated turbidity levels and coexist in high biomass with fish even in shallow water. Leptodora kindtii can form high biomass despite planktivorous fish providing that turbidity exceeds 20 NTU. The results demonstrated that depth and water turbidity can strongly regulate the abundance and species composition of invertebrate predators. These factors must thus be taken into account when applying food web management, which aims to reduce phytoplankton biomass by depressing planktivorous fish.  相似文献   
Horppila  Jukka  Kairesalo  Timo 《Hydrobiologia》1992,(1):323-331
Lake Vesijärvi, southern Finland, suffered sewere eutrophication by sewage effluent from the city of Lahti during the 1960's and the early 1970's. The municipal sewage loading was diverted from the lake in 1976 and the lake started to recover. However, in the 1980's blue-green algal blooms increased again and the recovery of the lake faded. Enclosure experiments demonstrated that high roach (Rutilus rutilus) biomass is one of the key factors in the fading recovery of the lake. In this study, the influence of roach and another cyprinid fish species (bleak, Alburnus alburnus) to planktonic algal productivity and biomass in Lake Vesijärvi was examined. Enclosure experiments in the field showed the impacts of planktivorous bleak on water quality; in an enclosure with a density of 1 fish m–2 average daily algal production (1370 mg C m–2) and chlorophyll-a concentration (50–90 µg 1–1) were more than twice that in an enclosure without fish. Laboratory experiments showed that the availability of planktonic food affects the foraging behaviour of roach and consequently the internal nutrient loading from the sediment into the water. Roach caused the highest phosphorus loading and turbidity when there was no zooplanktonic food available in the water. The possible interactions between planktivorous and omnivorous fish species are discussed.  相似文献   
Food web management is a frequently used lake restoration method, which aims to reduce phytoplankton biomass by strengthening herbivorous zooplankton through reduction of planktivorous fish. However, in clay‐turbid lakes several factors may reduce the effectivity of food web management. Increasing turbidity reduces the effectivity of fish predation and weakens the link between zooplankton and phytoplankton. Therefore, the effects of fish stock manipulations may not cascade to lower trophic levels as expected. Additionally, in clay‐turbid conditions invertebrate predators may coexist in high densities with planktivorous fish and negate the effects of fish reductions. For instance, in the stratifying regions of the clay‐turbid Lake Hiidenvesi, Chaoborus flavicans is the main regulator of cladocerans and occupies the water column throughout the day, although planktivorous Osmerus eperlanus is very abundant. The coexistence of chaoborids and fish is facilitated by a metalimnetic turbidity peak, which prevents efficient predation by fish. In the shallow parts of the lake, chaoborids are absent despite high water turbidity. We suggest that, generally, the importance of invertebrate predators in relation to vertebrate predators may change along turbidity and depth gradients. The importance of fish predation is highest in shallow waters with low turbidity. When water depth increases, the importance of fish in the top‐down regulation of zooplankton declines, whereas that of chaoborids increases, the change along the depth gradient being moderate in clear‐water lakes and steep in highly turbid lakes. Thus, especially deep clay‐turbid lakes may be problematic for implementing food web management as a restoration tool.  相似文献   
The contribution of predators and abiotic factors to the regulation of the biomass and seasonal succession of crustacean zooplankton was studied in Lake Rehtijärvi (southern Finland). Field data in combination with bioenergetics modeling indicated that invertebrate planktivory by Chaoborus depressed cladoceran populations during early summer. In particular, bosminids that generally form the spring biomass peak of cladocerans in stratified temperate lakes did not appear in the samples until July. In July, predation pressure by chaoborids was relaxed due to their emergence period and cladoceran population growth appeared to be limited by predation by planktivorous fish. The effect of fish predation was amplified by reduced refuge availability for cladocerans. The concentration of dissolved oxygen below the epilimnion was depleted, forcing cladocerans to move upward to less turbid and thus more dangerous water layers. The effect of size selective predation by fish resulted in reduced mean size of cladocerans during the period when refuge thickness (thickness of the water layer with oxygen concentration <1 mg l?1 and water turbidity >30 NTU) was lowest. The results confirmed that in clay-turbid lakes, invertebrate predators could be the main regulators of herbivorous zooplankton even when cyprinid fish are abundant.  相似文献   
Predation often represents the prevailing process shaping aquatic ecosystems. As foraging and antipredatory behaviour frequently relate to vision, turbidity may often impair the interactions between the predator and its prey, depending on prey type and source and level of turbidity. We studied the effect of inorganic turbidity (0–30 NTU) on the effectiveness of fish feeding on two types of prey in different habitats: free-swimming cladoceran (Daphnia pulex) in open water and plant-associated cladoceran (Sida crystallina) attached to Nuphar lutea leaves. For the planktivore, we used vision-oriented perch (Perca fluviatilis) common in the littoral zone of temperate lakes. In our study, increasing inorganic turbidity did not appear to initiate any significant change in the feeding efficiency of perch on free-swimming Daphnia pulex. However, we saw a markedly different feeding efficiency when perch targeted plant-attached Sida crystallina. Our results substantiate that floating-leaved macrophytes in turbid lakes may provide a favourable habitat for plant-attached cladocerans.  相似文献   
The dynamics of crustacean zooplankton in the littoral and pelagic zones of four forest lakes having variable water qualities (colour range 130–340 mg Pt l−1, Secchi depth 70–160 cm) were studied. The biomass of zooplankton was higher in the littoral zone than in the pelagic zone only in the lake having the highest transparency. In the three other lakes, biomass was significantly higher in the pelagic zone than in the littoral zone. In the two lakes with highest transparency, the littoral biomass of cladocerans significantly followed the development of macrophyte vegetation, and cladoceran biomass reached the maximum value at the time of highest macrophyte coverage. In lakes with lowest transparency, littoral zooplankton biomass developed independently of macrophyte density and decreased when macrophyte beds were densest. The seasonal development of the littoral copepod biomass did not follow the development of macrophytes in any of the lakes. The mean size of cladocerans in the pelagic zone decreased with increasing Secchi depth of the lake, whereas in the littoral zone no such phenomenon was detected. Seasonally, when water transparency increased temporarily in two of the lakes, the mean size of cladocerans in the pelagic zone decreased steeply. For copepods, no relationship between water transparency and body size was observed. The results suggested that in humic lakes the importance of the littoral zone as a refuge decreases with decreasing transparency of the water and that low water transparency protects cladocerans from fish predation. All the observed between-lake differences could not be explained by fish predation, but were probably attributed to the presence of chaoborid larvae with variable densities. Feeding efficiency of chaoborids is not affected by visibility and thus they can obscure the relationship between water quality, fish density, and the structure of crustacean zooplankton assemblages. Handling editor: S. I. Dodson  相似文献   
1. The effects of emergent macrophytes on water turbidity and sediment resuspension in the shallow Kirkkojärvi basin of Lake Hiidenvesi were studied with sediment traps, and concomitant sediment and water samples. The study was conducted during May–August in three different zones of a stand of the emergent Typha angustifolia .
2. Within the stand (5 m from the edge), both the concentration of suspended solids and the rate of sediment resuspension were significantly lower than at the edge and outside the stand (5 m from the edge). The differences between the zones increased towards the end of summer together with the growing stem density. During the study period (82 days), 2210 g dw m−2 of sediment was resuspended in the outer zone. At the edge and in the inner zone, the corresponding numbers were 1414 and 858 g dw m−2, respectively.
3. With the resuspended sediment, 39.4 mg P  m−2 day−1 was brought to the water column outside the stand, 22.4 mg P  m−2 day−1 at the edge and 13.4 mg P  m−2 day−1 within the stand.
4. In early summer, the concentration of suspended solids had a highly significant positive effect on soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentration in the water, whereas in late summer no effect was found. During the study period, phosphorus retention by emergent macrophyte stands corresponded to 3–5% of the present annual external phosphorus loading of the Kirkkojärvi basin.  相似文献   
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