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A peptide (extra signal peptide) comprising amino acids 1-29 of pig liver pre-mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase (p-mAAT) was synthesized chemically. The peptide was found to block the import of rat liver p-mAAT into rat liver mitochondria. An antibody raised against the peptide immunoprecipitated rat liver p-mAAT synthesized in a rabbit reticulocyte cell-free translation system. These results suggested that the extra signal peptide sequence of p-mAAT is essential for import of p-mAAT into the mitochondria and that there is structural homology between the extra signal peptides of pig and rat liver p-mAAT. An anti-idiotypic antibody against the peptide was also prepared and purified by affinity chromatography on an Affi-Gel 10 anti-peptide IgG column and was then characterized.  相似文献   
We previously reported that sera from various kinds of animals contain a protein(s) capable of inhibiting the growth of the non-malignant epithelial cell line derived from Buffalo rat liver (BRL). In the present study, a similar epithelial cell-specific growth inhibitor (EGI) was purified to homogeneity from an acid-ethanol extract of human platelets. During purification, EGI was separated from the major component of type beta transforming growth factor (TGF-beta), which can stimulate the colony formation of the non-malignant fibroblastic cell line derived from rat kidney (NRK) in soft agar in the presence of epidermal growth factor (EGF). The purified EGI had an Mr of 27,000, and was composed of two subunits identical in Mr. It significantly inhibited the growth in monolayer cultures of three non-malignant epithelial cell lines, BRL, MDCK (from Madin-Darby canine kidney) and BSC-1 (from African green monkey kidney), at doses lower than 40 pg/ml in medium containing 10% fetal calf serum. Its inhibitory activity was stable against heating at 90 degrees C for 3 min, but not against treatment with 50 mM dithiothreitol. In addition, TGF-beta was also partially purified from the same extract. The purified TGF-beta did not show any inhibitory activity toward the growth of BRL, MDCK, BSC-1, or NRK.  相似文献   
Summary We have previously reported the transformation by Rous sarcoma virus of a cloned epithelial cell line (BRL) established from Buffalo rat liver by H. Coon. The nontransformed (BRL) and transformed (RSV-BRL) cells grew at comparable rates in culture, whereas only the transformed cells were tumorigenic in vivo. We report here on the existence in rat and mouse sera of a growth inhibitor for the nontransformed BRL cells. The transformed BRL cells (RSV-BRL) were insensitive to this inhibitor. The inhibitory activity was not prominent in sera from other species of animals tested except for rabbit; this serum inhibited the growth of RSV-BRL cells more strongly than that of BRL cells. The growth inhibitor was partially purified from rat serum. It is a protein free of lipid and has a molecular weight of about 220 000. The inhibitor could be separated into three components of pI 4.6, 5.2 (major) and 5.6 by isoelectric electrophoresis. EDITOR'S STATEMENT Although compelling theoretical arguments sometimes can be made for the likely existence of growth-inhibitory substances of physical relevance in the control of cell proliferation, experiments aimed at identifying and studying such factors often are difficult to design and interpret, and little strong data exists to suggest that growth-inhibitory substances are important regulatorsin vivo. The information presented in this paper represents a start toward developing a useful system for studying growth-inhibitory factor. David W. Barnes  相似文献   
1. The chlorophyllase [EC] purified from greened rye seedlings hydrolyzed the bacteriochlorophyll isolated from Rhodospirillum rubrum, but not the pigment bound to the membrane of chromatophores or spheroplasts from the bacterium. 2. Acetone, if added at such concentrations that the bound bacteriochlorophyll would not be solubilized, enabled the enzyme to hydrolyze the bound pigment. The acetone concentrations required for half the maximum hydrolysis rates were 16% with chromatophores and 7% with spheroplasts. 3. The enzymic hydrolysis of the bound bacteriochlorophyll in the presence of acetone removed bacteriochlorophyllide from the membrane, leaving its esterifying alcohol, possibly all-trans-geranylgeraniol, in situ. 4. Washing of chromatophores with 30% acetone removed about 10% of the bound bacteriochlorophyll. The bound pigment remaining after washing was not hydrolyzed by the enzyme unless acetone was added. 5. It seems possible that light-harvesting bacteriochlorophyll was mostly, if not all, bound to the inner surface of chromatophores (the outer surface of spheroplasts), having its esterifying alcohol residue buried in the membrane and its porphyrin residue emerging from the membrane into the inside solution; thus, chlorophyllase could not make contact with the ester linkage between the esterifying alcohol and porphyrin moieties of the pigment unless the esterifying alcohol residue was partly exposed.  相似文献   
Summary An in vivo 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) labeled DNA probe was used for in situ DNA-RNA hybridization. BrdUrd was incorporated into plasmid DNA by inoculating E. coli with Luria-Bertani (LB) culture medium containing 500 mg/L of BrdUrd. After purification of the plasmid DNA, specific probes of the defined DNA fragments, which contained the cloned insert and short stretches of the vector DNA, were generated by restriction endonuclease. The enzymatic digestion pattern of the BrdUrd-labeled plasmid DNA was the same as that of the non-labeled one. BrdUrd was incorporated in 15%–20% of the total DNA, that is, about 80% of the thymidine was replaced by BrdUrd. Picogram amounts of the BrdUrd-labeled DNA probe itself and the target DNA were detectable on nitrocellulose filters in dot-blot spot and hybridization experiments using a peroxidase/diaminobenzidine combination. The BrdUrd-labeled DNA probe was efficiently hybridized with both single stranded DNA on nitrocellulose filters and cellular mRNA in in situ hybridization experiments. Through the reaction with BrdUrd in single stranded tails, hybridized probes were clearly detectable with fluorescent microscopy using a FITC-conjugated monoclonal anti-BrdUrd antibody. The in vivo labeling method did not require nick translation steps or in vitro DNA polymerase reactions. Sensitive, stable and efficient DNA probes were easily obtainable with this method.  相似文献   
Normal rabbit serum contained two kinds of growth-inhibitory protein, GI-I and GI-II, in latent forms. These latent inhibitors were activated by incubation at 37 degrees C for 12 h, and their activation was lowered by inhibitors for serine, cysteine and metalloproteinases. Both growth inhibitors were highly purified in active forms by successive column chromatographies. GI-I showed a major protein band with an Mr of 18,000 on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, while GI-II showed a major protein band with an Mr of 36,000. GI-I and GI-II half-inhibited the growth of rat tumorigenic cell line (RSV-BRL) at concentrations of 0.5 ng/ml and 10 ng/ml, excess concentrations. Of the 15 cell lines tested, GI-I specifically inhibited the growth of rodent and lagomorph cells, whereas GI-II nonspecifically inhibited the growth of all cell lines tested. Specificities for cell type and malignancy were not observed with either inhibitor. These growth inhibitors were stable to a reducing reagent and proteinase inhibitors, but labile to urea, acid, organic solvents, trypsin, plasmin and heating at 95 degrees C for 5 min. These properties suggested that both growth inhibitors might be distinct from known growth-inhibitory factors.  相似文献   
1. The membrane of Rhodospirillum rubrum chromatophores was disintegrated with mild detergents (cholate and deoxycholate) in order to study the spatial arrangement of the functional proteins in the photochemical apparatus and the electron transport system in the membrane. 2. The components solubilized from the membrane by a mixture of cholate and deoxycholate (C-DOC) were separated into four fractions by molecular-sieve chromatography in the presence of C-DOC; they were designated as F1, F2, F3, and F4 in the order of elution. The fractions were further purified by repeated molecular-sieve chromatography in the presence of C-DOC until each fraction was chromatographically homogeneous. 3. F1 appeared to be conjugated forms of F2. 4. The purified F2 was composed of a rigid complex having a weight of 7 X 10(5) daltons, containing approximately 10 different kinds of protein species with molecular weights of 3.8 X 10(4), 3.6 X 10(4), 3.5 X 10(4), 2.8 X 10(4), 2.7 X 10(4), 2.6 X 10(4), 1.3 X 10(4), 1.2 X 10(4), 1.1 X 10(4), and 1.0 X 10(4). The complex contained 33 bacteriochlorophylls, 4 iron atoms, and 90 phosphates, but no cytochrome, ubiquinone, or phospholipid. It showed the same reaction center activity as chromatophores, indicating that the complex was a unit of the photochemical apparatus (photoreaction unit). Each chromatophore of average size was estimated to possess about 24 photoreaction units. 5. The purified F3 showed an absorbance spectrum characteristic of reaction centers, and contained 3.4 bacteriochlorophylls, 2.0 bacteriopheophytins, and 1.9 acid-labile iron atoms, but no cytochrome or ubiquinone (C-DOC reaction center). It had a weight of 1.2 X 10(5) daltons, and the main components were 4 protein species with molecular weights of 2.8 X 10(4), 2.7 X 10(4), 2.6 X 10(4), and 1.0 X 10(4). 6. The purified F4 showed a molecular weight of about 11,000, and contained one mole of ubiquinone-10 per mole (ubiquinone-10 protein). 7. The reaction center activity of C-DOC reaction centers was stimulated by ubiquinone-10 protein. In addition, the reaction center oxidized reduced cytochrome c2 in the light, provided that ubiquinone-10 protein was present (photo-oxidase activity).  相似文献   
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