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Mutations in the DIIS4-S5 linker and DIIS5 have identified hotspots of pyrethroid and DDT interaction with the Drosophila para sodium channel. Wild-type and mutant channels were expressed in Xenopus oocytes and subjected to voltage-clamp analysis. Substitutions L914I, M918T, L925I, T929I and C933A decreased deltamethrin potency, M918T, L925I and T929I decreased permethrin potency and T929I, L925I and I936V decreased fenfluthrin potency. DDT potency was unaffected by M918T, but abolished by T929I and reduced by L925I, L932F and I936V, suggesting that DIIS5 contains at least part of the DDT binding domain. The data support a computer model of pyrethroid and DDT binding.  相似文献   

A common feature of neurodegenerative disorders, in particular Alzheimer's disease (AD), is a chronic neuroinflammation associated with aberrant neuroplasticity. Development of neuroinflammation affects efficacy of stem and progenitor cells proliferation, differentiation, migration, and integration of newborn cells into neural circuitry. However, precise mechanisms of neurogenesis alterations in neuroinflammation are not clear yet. It is well established that expression of NLRP3 inflammasomes in glial cells marks neuroinflammatory events, but less is known about contribution of NLRP3 to deregulation of neurogenesis within neurogenic niches and whether neural stem cells (NSCs), neural progenitor cells (NPCs) or immature neuroblasts may express inflammasomes in (patho)physiological conditions. Thus, we studied alterations of neurogenesis in rats with the AD model (intra-hippocampal injection of Aβ1-42). We found that in Aβ-affected brain, number of CD133+ cells was elevated after spatial training in the Morris water maze. The number of PSA-NCAM+ neuroblasts diminished by Aβ injection was completely restored by subsequent spatial learning. Spatial training leads to elevated expression of NLRP3 inflammasomes in the SGZ (subgranular zones): CD133+ and PSA-NCAM+ cells started to express NLRP3 in sham-operated, but not AD rats. Taken together, our data suggest that expression of NLRP3 inflammasomes in CD133+ and PSA-NCAM+ cells may contribute to stimulation of adult neurogenesis in physiological conditions, whereas Alzheimer’s type neurodegeneration abolishes stimuli-induced overexpression of NLRP3 within the SGZ neurogenic niche.

Globally, there is substantial concern regarding the challenges of treating complex drug resistance patterns in multidrug resistant tuberculosis cases. Utilising data from three different settings (Estonia, Latvia, Romania) we sought to contrast drug susceptibility profiles for multidrug resistant tuberculosis cases, highlight the difficulties in designing universal regimen, and inform future regimen selection. Demographic and microbiological surveillance data for multidrug resistant tuberculosis cases from 2004–13 were analysed. High levels of additional resistance to currently recommended second line drugs were seen in all settings, with extensive variability between countries. Accurate drug susceptibility testing and drug susceptibility testing data are vital to inform the development of comprehensive, flexible, multidrug resistant tuberculosis guidance.  相似文献   
We follow the effect of osmotic pressure on isoelectric complexes that self-assemble from mixtures of DNA and mixed neutral and cationic lipids. Using small angle x-ray diffraction and freeze-fracture cryo-electron microscopy, we find that lamellar complexes known to form in aqueous solutions can reversibly transition to hexagonal mesophases under high enough osmotic stress exerted by adding a neutral polymer. Using molecular spacings derived from x-ray diffraction, we estimate the reversible osmotic pressure-volume (Π-V) work needed to induce this transition. We find that the transition free energy is comparable to the work required to elastically bend lipid layers around DNA. Consistent with this, the required work is significantly lowered by an addition of hexanol, which is known to soften lipid bilayers. Our findings not only help to resolve the free-energy contributions associated with lipid-DNA complex formation, but they also demonstrate the importance that osmotic stress can have to the macromolecular phase geometry in realistic biological environments.  相似文献   
To better understand the mechanisms by which PKA-dependent phosphorylation regulates CFTR channel activity, we have assayed open probabilities (Po), mean open time, and mean closed time for a series of CFTR constructs with mutations at PKA phosphorylation sites in the regulatory (R) domain. Forskolin-stimulated channel activity was recorded in cell-attached and inside-out excised patches from transiently transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells. Wild-type CFTR and constructs with a single Ser-to-Ala mutation as well as octa (Ser-to-Ala mutations at 8 sites) and constructs with one or two Ala-to-Ser mutations were studied. In cell-attached patches, Ser-to-Ala mutations at amino acids 700, 795, and 813 decreased Po, whereas Ser-to-Ala mutations at 737 and 768 increased Po. In general, differences in Po were due to differences in mean closed time. For selected constructs with either high or low values of Po, channel activity was measured in excised patches. With 1 mM ATP, Po was similar to that observed in cell-attached patches, but with 10 mM ATP, all constructs tested showed elevated Po values. ATP-dependent increases in Po were due to reductions in mean closed time. These results indicate that R-domain phosphorylation affects ATP binding and not the subsequent steps of hydrolysis and channel opening. A model was developed whereby R-domain phosphorylation, in a site-dependent manner, alters equilibrium between forms of CFTR with low and high affinities for ATP. site-directed mutagenesis; kinase-dependent activation; cell-attached patch clamp; open probability; mean open time  相似文献   
Reconstruction and interpretation of lipid bilayer structure from X-ray scattering often rely on assumptions regarding the molecular distributions across the bilayer. It is usually assumed that changes in head-head spacings across the bilayer, as measured from electron density profiles, equal the variations in hydrocarbon thicknesses. One can then determine the structure of a bilayer by comparison to the known structure of a lipid with the same headgroup. Here we examine this procedure using simulated electron density profiles for the benchmark lipids DMPC and DPPC. We compare simulation and experiment in both real and Fourier space to address two main aspects: (i) the measurement of head-head spacings from relative electron density profiles, and (ii) the determination of the absolute scale for these profiles. We find supporting evidence for the experimental procedure, thus explaining the robustness and consistency of experimental structural results derived from electron density profiles. However, we also expose potential pitfalls in the Fourier reconstruction that are due to the limited number of scattering peaks. Volumetric analysis of simulated bilayers allows us to propose an improved, yet simple method for scale determination. In this way we are able to remove some of the restrictions imposed by limited scattering data in constructing reliable electron density profiles.  相似文献   
Adipose stem and precursor cells (ASPCs) give rise to adipocytes and determine the composition and plasticity of adipose tissue. Recently, several studies have demonstrated that ASPCs partition into at least three distinct cell subpopulations, including the enigmatic CD142+ cells. An outstanding challenge is to functionally characterise this population, as discrepant properties, from adipogenic to non‐ and anti‐adipogenic, have been reported for these cells. To resolve these phenotypic ambiguities, we characterised mammalian subcutaneous CD142+ ASPCs across various experimental conditions, demonstrating that CD142+ ASPCs exhibit high molecular and phenotypic robustness. Specifically, we find these cells to be firmly non‐ and anti‐adipogenic both in vitro and in vivo, with their inhibitory signals also impacting adipogenic human cells. However, these CD142+ ASPC‐specific properties exhibit surprising temporal phenotypic alterations, and emerge only in an age‐dependent manner. Finally, using multi‐omic and functional assays, we show that the inhibitory nature of these adipogenesis‐regulatory CD142+ ASPCs (Aregs) is driven by specifically expressed secretory factors that cooperate with the retinoic acid signalling pathway to transform the adipogenic state of CD142 ASPCs into a non‐adipogenic, Areg‐like state.  相似文献   
The bioactivity of stearidonic acid (SDA, 18:4n-3) and alpha-linolenic acid (LNA, 18:3n-3) on cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enzyme expression and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) production has not been evaluated. This investigation examined the effects of SDA and LNA on PGE2 biosynthesis and COX-2 protein and mRNA levels in MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells. Cells were supplemented with SDA, LNA, linoleic acid and arachidonic acid (AA) at concentrations ranging from 10 to 200 microM. At 50 and 200 microM, both SDA and LNA treatments and their combinations reduced PGE2 production as compared with AA. At 50 microM, SDA treatment also lowered the COX-2 protein level as compared with the vehicle, but this reduction was not observed with the LNA treatment. Gas chromatographic analysis of fatty acids in cellular lipids of breast cancer cells revealed that SDA led to significantly greater concentrations of 20:5n-3 and other long-chain (LC) n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) (20:4n-3, 22:4n-3 and 22:5n-3) as compared with the LNA treatment. Both SDA and LNA reduced the level of 20:4n-6; however, SDA was more effective than LNA in decreasing the ratio of n-6/n-3 PUFAs in cells. In addition, SDA was more potent than LNA in suppressing the expression of the COX-2 gene, which was associated with the reduction in the levels of nuclear factor kappa B and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma mRNA. This study showed that although PGE2 production in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells was not significantly different between the SDA and LNA treatments, SDA was more effective than LNA in converting into LC n-3 PUFAs and in reducing COX-2 protein and mRNA levels.  相似文献   
The association between monovalent salts and neutral lipid bilayers is known to influence global bilayer structural properties such as headgroup conformational fluctuations and the dipole potential. The local influence of the ions, however, has been unknown due to limited structural resolution of experimental methods. Molecular dynamics simulations are used here to elucidate local structural rearrangements upon association of a series of monovalent Na(+) salts to a palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine bilayer. We observe association of all ion types in the interfacial region. Larger anions, which are meant to rationalize data regarding a Hofmeister series of anions, bind more deeply within the bilayer than either Cl(-) or Na(+). Although the simulations are able to reproduce experimentally measured quantities, the analysis is focused on local properties currently invisible to experiments, which may be critical to biological systems. As such, for all ion types, including Cl(-), we show local ion-induced perturbations to headgroup tilt, the extent and direction of which is sensitive to ion charge and size. Additionally, we report salt-induced ordering of the water well beyond the interfacial region, which may be significant in terms of hydration repulsion between stacked bilayers.  相似文献   
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