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Mesodermal cell differentiation begins in response to an inductive interaction early in frog development. In parallel with the recent finding that certain peptide growth factors can induce mesoderm, early cellular and genetic responses to the induction have been discovered. I review here recent work on these responses, work that aims to understand how cells respond to inducers to form the complex pattern of the vertebrate mesoderm.  相似文献   
This paper presents an animal model [the kangaroo], a quantitative anatomical dissection procedure, and a mathematical model [two-phase linear regression] which illustrate that body tissues grow at varying rates relative to each other. An argument is developed that biochemists interested in tissue chemical activity need to be able to sample tissue of known [predicted] growth rate. It is assumed that the ability to select, say muscle tissue samples, from any one animal at a stage of its growth where the individual selected pieces of tissue have known [predicted] low, average and high growth rates would allow comparisons to be made between the sampled tissues that may elucidate the underlying biochemical mechanisms involved in the growth process. It is asserted that to establish standards for tissue samples used in biochemical growth studies, the growth rate of the sampled tissue should be one of the criteria incorporated into the definition of what is "standard" for a tissue sample.  相似文献   
Initial purification of N-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulphate sulphatase from human liver homogenates containing approx. 1 mg of enzyme in 26 g of soluble proteins was achieved by a six-column chromatography procedure and yielded approx. 40 micrograms of a single major protein species. Enzyme thus prepared was used to produce N-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulphate sulphatase-specific monoclonal antibodies. The use of a monoclonal antibody linked to a solid support facilitated the purification of approx. 0.5 mg of N-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulphate sulphatase from a similar liver homogenate. Moreover the enzyme isolated contained a single protein species, shown by SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis to have an Mr of 57,000, which dissociated into subunits of Mr 43,000 and 13,000 in the presence of reducing agents. Essentially identical enzyme preparations were isolated from homogenates of human kidney and lung and from concentrated human urine. The native protein Mr of enzyme from human liver and kidney was assessed by gel-permeation chromatography to be 43,000 on Ultrogel AcA and Bio-Gel P-150. The liver N-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulphate sulphatase was shown to have pH optima of approx. 4 and 5.5 with the oligosaccharide substrate (GalNAc4S-GlcA-GalitolNAc4S) and fluorogenic substrate (methylumbelliferyl sulphate) respectively. Km values of 60 microM and 4 mM and Vmax. values of 2 and 20 mumol/min per mg were determined with the oligosaccharide and fluorogenic substrates respectively.  相似文献   
The RIF-1 tumor cell line contains a small number of cells (1-20 per 10(6) cells) that are resistant to various single antineoplastic drugs, including 5-fluorouracil (5FU), methotrexate (MTX), and adriamycin (ADR). For 5FU the frequency of drug resistance is lower for tumor-derived cells than for cells from cell culture; for MTX the reverse is true, and for ADR there is no difference. In vitro irradiation at 5 Gy significantly increased the frequency of drug-resistant cells for 5FU, MTX, and ADR. In vivo irradiation at 3 Gy significantly increased the frequency of drug-resistant cells for 5FU and MTX, but not for ADR. The absolute risk for in vitro induction of MTX, 5FU, and ADR resistance, and for in vivo induction of 5FU resistance, was 1-3 per 10(6) cells per Gy; but the absolute risk for in vivo induction of MTX resistance was 54 per 10(6) cells per Gy. The frequency of drug-resistant cells among individual untreated tumors was highly variable; among individual irradiated tumors the frequency of drug-resistant cells was significantly less variable. These studies provide supporting data for models of the development of tumor drug resistance, and imply that some of the drug resistance seen when chemotherapy follows radiotherapy may be due to radiation-induced drug resistance.  相似文献   
In humans, a deficiency of the lysosomal hydrolase α- -iduronidase (IDUA; EC results in the lysosomal storage of the glycosaminoglycans heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate, thereby causing the lysosomal storage disorder mucopolysaccharidosis type I. The gene for IDUA is split into 14 exons spanning approximately 19 kb. We report the sequence of two noncontiguous segments of the IDUA gene, one 1.8-kb segment containing exons 1 and 2 and surrounding sequences and a second segment of 4.5 kb containing the last 12 exons. The potential promoter for IDUA has only GC box type consensus sequences consistent with a housekeeping promoter and is bounded by an Alu repeat sequence. The first two exons of IDUA are separated by an intron of 566 bp, then there is a large intron of approximately 13 kb, and the last 12 exons are clustered within 4.5 kb. No consensus polyadenylation signal was found in the 3′ untranslated region, although two variant polyadenylation signals are proposed.  相似文献   
Summary Sequence analysis of the actVA region of the actinorhodin biosynthetic gene cluster of Streptomyces coelicolor revealed a succession of six open reading frames (ORFs), all running in the same direction and extending over 5.32 kb. The protein product of actVA-ORF1 strongly resembles that of another gene, elsewhere in the act cluster (actII-ORF2), which codes for a trans-membrane protein previously implicated in actinorhodin export from the mycelium. This suggests that the two gene products may co-operate in actinorhodin export, perhaps being sufficient for self-protection of the organism against suicide. At least four of the other five ORFs are implicated in the control of the C-6 and C-8 ring-hydroxylation reactions, lacking in actVA mutants, that occur at middle to late stages in the actinorhodin biosynthetic pathway. This conclusion was reached by genetic mapping of actVA mutants to actVA-ORF3 and-ORF5 (and perhaps -ORF4), and by the finding of strong resemblances between the protein products of actVA-ORF2 and -ORF6 and the products of genes of the oxytetracycline or tetracenomycin gene clusters that have been implicated in ring-hydroxylation reactions in the biosynthesis of these other aromatic polyketide antibiotics.  相似文献   
N-Acetylgalactosamine-4-sulphatase (EC, G4S) is composed of a 57 kDa species in human liver that dissociates into 43 kDa and 8 kDa subunits under reducing conditions and, when deficient, causes the lysosomal storage disorder, mucopolysaccharidosis type VI. We isolated genomic clones containing the G4S first exon, including the leader peptide and the amino terminus of the 43 kDa polypeptide. Amino-terminal amino acid sequences of the 43 kDa and 8 kDa subunits indicated that the 8 kDa component is linked to the 43 kDa polypeptide by a single disulphide bond, does not contain the mannose-6-phosphate lysosomal targeting signal and is at the carboxyl terminus of G4S.  相似文献   
Detailed restriction maps of the plasmid SCP2* and its deletion derivative pSCP103 were constructed. DNA fragments carrying hygromycin (Hyg), thiostrepton (Thio) or viomycin-resistance (VioR) determinants were inserted into pSCP103, and various segments were deleted from the resulting plasmids. Changes in plasmid phenotypes associated with these insertions and deletions allowed the localisation and characterisation of plasmid replication, stability, transfer and fertility functions. Several useful cloning vectors were constructed. They are able to maintain large (greater than 30 kb) DNA inserts, with stable inheritance at a low copy number (1-2 per chromosome) and without structural rearrangements, in Streptomyces hosts. The vectors have a broad host range in the genus Streptomyces. One of them (pIJ903) is a shuttle vector for Streptomyces and Escherichia coli.  相似文献   
Human sulphamate sulphohydrolase was purified at least 20,000-fold to homogeneity from liver with a three-step four-column procedure, which consisted of a concanavalin A-Sepharose/Blue A agarose coupled step, and Bio-Gel HT step and then a CM-Sepharose step. The procedure was also used to purify enzyme from kidney and placenta. The subunit Mr of liver, kidney and placenta sulphamate sulphohydrolase was assessed to be 56,000 by using SDS/polacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. The native protein Mr of enzyme from all three tissue sources was assessed by gel-permeation chromatography to be approx. 120,000 on Sephacryl S-300 and 100,000 on Fractogel TSK. It is probable that the native enzyme results from dimerization of subunits. Kinetic parameters (km and kcat.) of human liver sulphamate sulphohydrolase were determined with a variety of substrates matching structural aspects of the physiological substrates in vivo, namely heparin and heparan sulphate. More structurally complex substrates, in which several aspects of the aglycone structure of the natural substrate were maintained, are turned over up to 372000 times faster than the monosaccharide substrate 2-sulphaminoglucosamine. Aglycone structures that influence substrate binding and/or enzyme activity were penultimate-residue C-6 carboxy and C-2 sulphate ester groups and a post-penultimate 2-sulphaminoglucosamine residue. The C-4 hydroxy group of the 2-sulphaminoglucosamine under enzymic attack is involved in binding of substrate to enzyme. The presence of C-6 sulphate ester on the non-reducing end 2-sulphaminoglucosamine stimulates sulphamate bond hydrolysis and substrate affinity if the adjacent monosaccharide residue is idose or 2-sulphoidose, but strongly inhibits hydrolysis if the adjacent monosaccharide residue is iduronic acid. Sulphamate sulphohydrolase is an exoenzyme, since activity toward internal sulphamate bonds was not detected. The effect of incubation pH on enzyme activity towards the variety of substrates evaluated was complex and dependent on substrate aglycone structure. The presence of aglycone C-2 sulphate ester and aglycone C-6 carboxy groups and C-6 sulphate ester groups on the 2-sulphaminoglucosamine residue under attack considerably affect the pH response. Structurally complex substrates had two pH optima. Incubation temperature and buffer ionic strength markedly influenced pH optima and enzyme activity. Cu2+ and SO4(2-)ions are potent inhibitors of enzyme activity.  相似文献   
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