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A mutant of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) has been constructed and expressed in Escherichia coli in order to probe the kinetic and structural consequences of truncating the binding loop residues to alanine. In addition to two such mutations (Thr11Ala and Pro13Ala), it has a conservative Lys15Arg substitution at position P(1) and an unrelated Met52Leu change. In spite of the binding loop modification, the affinity for trypsin is only 30 times lower than that of the wild-type protein. At pH 7.5 the protein can be crystallized on the time-scale of hours, yielding very stable crystals of a new (tetragonal) form of BPTI. Conventional source X-ray data collected to 1.4 A at room temperature allowed anisotropic structure refinement characterized by R=0.1048. The structure reveals all 58 residues, including the complete C terminus, which is in a salt-bridge contact with the N terminus. The Cys14-Cys38 disulfide bridge is observed in two distinct chiralities. This bridge, together with an internal water molecule, contributes to the stabilization of the binding loop. The Ala mutations have only an insignificant and localized effect on the binding loop, which retains its wild-type conformation (maximum deviation of loop C(alpha) atoms of 0.7 A at Ala13). Four (instead of the typical three) additional water molecules are buried in an internal cleft and connected to the surface via a sulfate anion. Three more SO(4)(2-) anions are seen in the electron density, one of them located on a 2-fold axis. It participates in the formation of a dimeric structure between symmetry-related BPTI molecules, in which electrostatic and hydrogen bonding interactions resulting from the mutated Lys15Arg substitution are of central importance. This dimeric interaction involves direct recognition loop-recognition loop contacts, part of which are hydrophobic interactions of the patches created by the alanine mutations. Another 2-fold symmetric interaction between the BPTI molecules involves the formation of an antiparallel intermolecular beta-sheet that, together with the adjacent intramolecular beta-hairpin loops, creates a four-stranded structure.  相似文献   
A panel of phosphorescent oligoarginine conjugates of tetracarboxylic Pt(II)-coproporphyrin I dye (PtCP), monosubstituted with long peptides or tetra-substituted with short peptides and having different linkers and peripheral groups, is described. Their photophysical properties, cell loading efficiency, and mechanisms of transport into the cell were investigated and compared. The conjugates were seen to rely on endocytotic mechanisms of cell entry, which are different from that of the unconjugated oligoarginine peptide, and show diverse patterns of intracellular distribution. On the basis of this study, the tetra-substituted PtCP conjugate displaying whole cell distribution was selected for the sensing of intracellular O(2). This probe has been tested in biological experiments on a fluorescence plate reader, including the monitoring of in situ oxygenation of respiring cells and their responses to metabolic stimulation. Similar conjugates of the phosphorescent Pd(II)-coprorphyrin and fluorescent coproporphyrin-ketone were also synthesized and assessed for the sensing of low levels intracellular O(2) and ratiometric pH-sensing, respectively. The results produced and the structure-activity relationships determined can facilitate the rational design of new bioconjugates of porphyrin dyes tailored to specific applications.  相似文献   
Restricion endonuclease Ecl18kI is specific for the sequence /CCNGG and cleaves it before the outer C to generate 5 nt 5'-overhangs. It has been suggested that Ecl18kI is evolutionarily related to NgoMIV, a 6-bp cutter that cleaves the sequence G/CCGGC and leaves 4 nt 5'-overhangs. Here, we report the crystal structure of the Ecl18kI-DNA complex at 1.7 A resolution and compare it with the known structure of the NgoMIV-DNA complex. We find that Ecl18kI flips both central nucleotides within the CCNGG sequence and buries the extruded bases in pockets within the protein. Nucleotide flipping disrupts Watson-Crick base pairing, induces a kink in the DNA and shifts the DNA register by 1 bp, making the distances between scissile phosphates in the Ecl18kI and NgoMIV cocrystal structures nearly identical. Therefore, the two enzymes can use a conserved DNA recognition module, yet recognize different sequences, and form superimposable dimers, yet generate different cleavage patterns. Hence, Ecl18kI is the first example of a restriction endonuclease that flips nucleotides to achieve specificity for its recognition site.  相似文献   
Thirteen candidate genes for human obesity were selected for cytogenetic mapping by FISH in the pig genome. Among them, 6 genes were assigned to chromosomes for the first time (NR3C1, GNB3, ADRB1, ADRB2, ADRB3 andUCP1). Location of the other 7 genes (INSIG2, LIPIN1, PLIN, NAMPT, ADIPOQ, UCP2 andUCP3), earlier mapped by somatic cell hybridization or with the use of a radiation hybrid panel, was verified (INSIG2) or more precisely described. The genes were assigned to the following chromosomes:INSIG2 to SSC15q12,LIPIN1 to SSC3q26,NR3C1 to SSC2q29,PLIN to SSC7q15,GNB3 to SSC5q21,NAMPT to SSC9q23,ADIPOQ to SSC13q41,ADRB1 to SSC14q28,ADRB2 to SSC2q29,ADRB3 to SSC15q13-14,UCP1 to SSC8q21-22, and bothUCP2 andUCP3 to SSC9p24. Most of the genes were located within known QTL for pig fatness traits.  相似文献   
The ββα-Me restriction endonuclease (REase) Hpy99I recognizes the CGWCG target sequence and cleaves it with unusual stagger (five nucleotide 5′-recessed ends). Here we present the crystal structure of the specific complex of the dimeric enzyme with DNA. The Hpy99I protomer consists of an antiparallel β-barrel and two β4α2 repeats. Each repeat coordinates a structural zinc ion with four cysteine thiolates in two CXXC motifs. The ββα-Me region of the second β4α2 repeat holds the catalytic metal ion (or its sodium surrogate) via Asp148 and Asn165 and activates a water molecule with the general base His149. In the specific complex, Hpy99I forms a ring-like structure around the DNA that contacts DNA bases on the major and minor groove sides via the first and second β4α2 repeats, respectively. Hpy99I interacts with the central base pair of the recognition sequence only on the minor groove side, where A:T resembles T:A and G:C is similar to C:G. The Hpy99I–DNA co-crystal structure provides the first detailed illustration of the ββα-Me site in REases and complements structural information on the use of this active site motif in other groups of endonucleases such as homing endonucleases (e.g. I-PpoI) and Holliday junction resolvases (e.g. T4 endonuclease VII).  相似文献   
The PD-(D/E)XK type II restriction endonuclease ThaI cuts the target sequence CG/CG with blunt ends. Here, we report the 1.3 Å resolution structure of the enzyme in complex with substrate DNA and a sodium or calcium ion taking the place of a catalytic magnesium ion. The structure identifies Glu54, Asp82 and Lys93 as the active site residues. This agrees with earlier bioinformatic predictions and implies that the PD and (D/E)XK motifs in the sequence are incidental. DNA recognition is very unusual: the two Met47 residues of the ThaI dimer intercalate symmetrically into the CG steps of the target sequence. They approach the DNA from the minor groove side and penetrate the base stack entirely. The DNA accommodates the intercalating residues without nucleotide flipping by a doubling of the CG step rise to twice its usual value, which is accompanied by drastic unwinding. Displacement of the Met47 side chains from the base pair midlines toward the downstream CG steps leads to large and compensating tilts of the first and second CG steps. DNA intercalation by ThaI is unlike intercalation by HincII, HinP1I or proteins that bend or repair DNA.  相似文献   
Restriction endonuclease BcnI cleaves duplex DNA containing the sequence CC/SGG (S stands for C or G, / designates a cleavage position) to generate staggered products with single nucleotide 5'-overhangs. Here, we show that BcnI functions as a monomer that interacts with its target DNA in 1:1 molar ratio and report crystal structures of BcnI in the absence and in the presence of DNA. In the complex with DNA, BcnI makes specific contacts with all five bases of the target sequence and not just with a half-site, as the protomer of a typical dimeric restriction endonuclease. Our data are inconsistent with BcnI dimerization and suggest that the enzyme introduces double-strand breaks by sequentially nicking individual DNA strands, although this remains to be confirmed by kinetic experiments. BcnI is remotely similar to the DNA repair protein MutH and shares approximately 20% sequence identity with the restriction endonuclease MvaI, which is specific for the related sequence CC/WGG (W stands for A or T). As expected, BcnI is structurally similar to MvaI and recognizes conserved bases in the target sequence similarly but not identically. BcnI has a unique machinery for the recognition of the central base-pair.  相似文献   
Restriction endonuclease MvaI recognizes the sequence CC/WGG (W stands for A or T, ‘/’ designates the cleavage site) and generates products with single nucleotide 5′-overhangs. The enzyme has been noted for its tolerance towards DNA modifications. Here, we report a biochemical characterization and crystal structures of MvaI in an apo-form and in a complex with target DNA at 1.5Å resolution. Our results show that MvaI is a monomer and recognizes its pseudosymmetric target sequence asymmetrically. The enzyme consists of two lobes. The catalytic lobe anchors the active site residues Glu36, Asp50, Glu55 and Lys57 and contacts the bases from the minor grove side. The recognition lobe mediates all major grove interactions with the bases. The enzyme in the crystal is bound to the strand with T at the center of the recognition sequence. The crystal structure with calcium ions and DNA mimics the prereactive state. MvaI shows structural similarities to BcnI, which cleaves the related sequence CC/SGG and to MutH enzyme, which is a component of the DNA repair machinery, and nicks one DNA strand instead of making a double-strand break.  相似文献   
DNA methylation-dependent restriction enzymes have many applications in genetic engineering and in the analysis of the epigenetic state of eukaryotic genomes. Nevertheless, high-resolution structures have not yet been reported, and therefore mechanisms of DNA methylation-dependent cleavage are not understood. Here, we present a biochemical analysis and high-resolution DNA co-crystal structure of the N(6)-methyladenine (m6A)-dependent restriction enzyme R.DpnI. Our data show that R.DpnI consists of an N-terminal catalytic PD-(D/E)XK domain and a C-terminal winged helix (wH) domain. Surprisingly, both domains bind DNA in a sequence- and methylation-sensitive manner. The crystal contains R.DpnI with fully methylated target DNA bound to the wH domain, but distant from the catalytic domain. Independent readout of DNA sequence and methylation by the two domains might contribute to R.DpnI specificity or could help the monomeric enzyme to cut the second strand after introducing a nick.  相似文献   
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