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The acceleration of linear DNA during pulsed-field gel electrophoresis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The velocity and orientation of T4 and lambda DNA have been measured for the first 20 s during pulsed-field gel electrophoresis in order to clarify the DNA motions that occur. For a square pulse with field strength E = 10 V/cm, the velocity of lambda DNA increases gradually to 10.5 microns/s in 1.0 s, declines to 8.6 microns/s, and then rises to a plateau value of 9.3 microns/s after 4 s. T4 DNA behaves similarly, but more slowly. Parallel measurements of fluorescence-detected linear dichroism show that the DNA becomes substantially aligned with its chain axis parallel to the electrophoretic field E after the pulse is applied. The alignment also shows an overshoot, an undershoot, and a plateau comparable to those seen for velocity. When the field strength increases, both the velocity and the alignment reach their peaks more quickly. For all field strengths and both molecular weights, the velocity peak occurs when the molecular center of mass has moved 0.3 to 0.5 L, where L is the chain contour length. A qualitative model is provided.  相似文献   
The voltage sensitivity of the fluorescent styrylpyridinium dye RH421 has been investigated in dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles by inducing an intramembrane electric field through the binding of the hydrophobic ion tetraphenylborate (TPB). To assess the probability of electrochromic and solvatochromic mechanisms for the dye response, the ground-state dipole moment of the dye in chloroform solution was determined from dielectric constant measurements to be 12 (+/- 1) Debye, and the change in dipole moment upon excitation was calculated from measurements of the Stokes shift in solvents of varying polarity to be 25 (+/- 11) Debye. As well as causing absorbance and fluorescence changes of membrane-bound dye, the TPB-induced electrical field was found to reduce significantly the pKa of the dye. The pH at which experiments are carried out is, thus, an important factor in determining the amplitude of the voltage-induced absorbance and fluorescence changes. The observed absorbance changes induced by the field are inconsistent with a pure electrochromic mechanism. A reorientation/solvatochromic mechanism, whereby the electrical field reorients the dye molecules so that they experience a change in polarity of their lipid environment is likely to make a significant contribution to both the spectral changes and to the field effect on the acid-base properties of the dye.  相似文献   
We have isolated 5 families of proteins from human red blood cell membranes and characterized their secondary structure by ultraviolet circular dichroism measurements. The protein families were prepared by selective solubilization from ghosts under nondenaturing conditions. We find that the intact ghost has a mean α-helix fraction of 0.37, whereas a low-ionic-strength extract (bands 1, 2, 5, “spectrin”) has a substantially higher helix fraction, 0.55. Further extraction of the ghosts with para-chloromercuribenzoate yields bands 2.1, 4.1, 4.2, and 6; their helix content is only 0.17. Finally, the major intrinsic protein, band 3, was solubilized by a nonionic detergent. Its helix fraction is 0.38.  相似文献   
Photosynthesis Research - Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) in photosynthetic organisms provides the necessary photoprotection that allows them to cope with largely and quickly varying light...  相似文献   
The ultraviolet absorption, linear dichroism, circular dichroism, and oriented circular dichroism of collagen are reported and the spectra are resolved into a self-consistent set of bands in accord with exciton theory. The parallel band at 200 nm has 40% of the π → π* intensity; the perpendicular band is placed at 189 nm yielding a splitting of 2700 cm?1. The circular dichroism is resolved into two Gaussians at λ and λτ (rotational strengths +14 × 10?40 and ?32 × 10?40 esu2. cm2) plus a large non-Gaussian (“helix”) band with ampplitude ?25,000° at 201 nm. These data appear to be in reasonably good accord with recent calculations. Measurements of the absorption, linear dichroism and circular dichroism of polyproline I and II are also reported and are resolved into their component bands. Polyproline I is in good accord with exciton theory, whereas polyproline II remains unsatisfactory.  相似文献   
The energy transfer processes between Chls b and Chls a have been studied in the minor antenna complex CP29 by femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. Two samples were analyzed: the native CP29, purified from higher plants, and the recombinant one, reconstituted in vitro with the full pigment complement. The measurements indicate that the transfer kinetics in the two samples are virtually identical, confirming that the reconstituted CP29 has the same spectroscopic properties as the native one. In particular, three lifetimes (150 fs, 1.2 ps, and 5-6 ps) were identified for Chl b-652 nm to Chl a energy transfer and at least one for Chl b-640 nm (600-800 fs). Considering that the complexes bind two Chls b per polypeptide, the observation of more than two lifetimes for the Chl b to Chl a energy transfer, in both samples, clearly indicates the presence of the so-called mixed Chl binding sites--sites which are not selective for Chl a or Chl b, but can accommodate either species. The kinetic components and spectra are assigned to specific Chl binding sites in the complex, which provides further information on the structural organization.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to deduce whether the maximum force, steplike movement, and rate of ATP consumption of kinesin, as measured in buffer, are sufficient for the task of fast transport of vesicles in cells. Our results show that moving a 200-nm vesicle in viscoelastic COS7 cytoplasm, with the same steps as observed for kinesin-driven beads in buffer, required a maximum force of 16 pN and work per step of 1 +/- 0.7 ATP, if the drag force was assumed to decrease to zero between steps. In buffer, kinesin can develop a force of 6-7 pN while consuming 1 ATP/step, comparable to the required values. As an alternative to assuming that the force vanishes between steps, the measured COS7 viscoelasticity was extrapolated to zero frequency by a numerical fit. The force required to move the bead then exceeded 75 pN at all times and peaked briefly to 92 pN, well beyond the measured capabilities of a single kinesin in buffer. The work per step increased to 7 +/- 5 ATP, greatly exceeding the energy available to a single motor.  相似文献   
The energy transfer rates between chlorophylls in the light harvesting complex CP29 of higher plants at room temperature were calculated ab initio according to the F?rster mechanism (F?rster T. 1948, Ann. Physik. 2:55-67). Recently, the transition moment orientation of CP29 chlorophylls was determined by differential linear dichroism and absorption spectroscopy of wild-type versus mutant proteins in which single chromophores were missing (Simonetto R., Crimi M., Sandonà D., Croce R., Cinque G., Breton J., and Bassi R. 1999. Biochemistry. 38:12974-12983). In this way the Q(y) transition energy and chlorophyll a/b affinity of each binding site was obtained and their characteristics supported by reconstruction of steady-state linear dichroism and absorption spectra at room temperature. In this study, the spectral form of individual chlorophyll a and b ligands within the protein environment was experimentally determined, and their extinction coefficients were also used to evaluate the absolute overlap integral between donors and acceptors employing the Stepanov relation for both the emission spectrum and the Stokes shift. This information was used to calculate the time-dependent excitation redistribution among CP29 chlorophylls on solving numerically the Pauli master equation of the complex: transient absorption measurements in the (sub)picosecond time scale were simulated and compared to pump-and-probe experimental data in the Q(y) region on the native CP29 at room temperature upon selective excitation of chlorophylls b at 640 or 650 nm. The kinetic model indicates a bidirectional excitation transfer over all CP29 chlorophylls a species, which is particularly rapid between the pure sites A1-A2 and A4-A5. Chlorophylls b in mixed sites act mostly as energy donors for chlorophylls a, whereas site B5 shows high and bidirectional coupling independent of the pigment hosted.  相似文献   
We have studied energy transfer in chlorosomes of Chlorobium limicola UdG6040 containing a mixture of about 50% bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) c and BChl d each. BChl d-depleted chlorosomes were obtained by acid treatment. The energy transfer between the different pigment pools was studied using both steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy at room temperature and low temperature. The steady-state emission of the intact chlorosome originated mainly from BChl c, as judged by comparison of fluorescence emission spectra of intact and BChl d-depleted chlorosomes. This indicated that efficient energy transfer from BChl d to BChl c takes place. At room temperature BChl c/d to BChl a excitation energy transfer (EET) was characterized by two components of 27 and 74 ps. At low temperature we could also observe EET from BChl d to BChl c with a time constant of approximately 4 ps. Kinetic modeling of the low temperature data indicated heterogeneous fluorescence kinetics and suggested the presence of an additional BChl c pool, E790, which is more or less decoupled from the baseplate BChl a. This E790 pool is either a low-lying exciton state of BChl c which acts as a trap at low temperature or alternatively represents the red edge of a broad inhomogeneous absorption band of BChl c. We present a refined model for the organization of the spatially separated pigment pools in chlorosomes of Cb. limicola UdG6040 in which BChl d is situated distal and BChl c proximal with respect to the baseplate.  相似文献   
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