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Small biopsy samples are used increasingly to assess the biomarker expression for prognostic information and for monitoring therapeutic responses prior to and during neoadjuvant therapy. The issue of intratumor heterogeneity of expression of biomarkers, however, has raised questions about the validity of the assessment of biomarker expression based on limited tissue samples. We examined immunohistochemically the expression of HER-2neu (p185erbB-2), epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), Bcl-2, p53, and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in 30 breast carcinomas using archived, paraffin embedded tissue and determined the extent of intratumor heterogeneity. Each section was divided into four randomly oriented discrete regions, each containing a portion of the infiltrating carcinoma. For each tumor, the entire lesion and four regions were analyzed for the expression of these markers. Scores of both membrane and cytoplasmic staining of HER-2neu and EGFR, scores of cytoplasmic staining of Bcl-2, and scores of nuclear staining of both p53 and PCNA were recorded. The intensity of staining and the proportion of immunostained cells were determined. A semiquantitative immunoscore was calculated by determining the sum of the products of the intensity and corresponding proportion of stained tumor cells. We analyzed both invasive (IDC) and in situ (DCIS) carcinomas. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used for paired comparisons between overall and regional immunoscores and between overall and regional percentages of stained cells. Spearman's correlation coefficients were used to assess the level of agreement of overall biomarker expression with each of the regions. Generalized linear models were used to assess overall and pair-wise differences in the absolute values of percent changes between overall and regional expression of biomarkers. For IDCs, there were no statistically significant differences in the expression of the biomarkers in terms of either the percentage of cells staining or the immunoscores when comparing the entire tumor with each region except for the lower EGFR expression of arbitrarily selected region 1 and lower p53 expression of region 1 compared to that of the entire tumor section. For DCIS, there were no statistically significant differences in the expression of the biomarkers between the entire tumor and each region except in PCNA of region 2 compared to that of entire tumor section. Positive correlation of immunoscores was observed between the entire tumor and each region as well as across all four regions for IDC. Similar observations were noted with DCIS except for HER-2neu and PCNA. No statistically significant differences were observed in the absolute values of percent changes of biomarker expression between overall and the four regions for both DCIS and IDC. Therefore, no significant intratumor heterogeneity in the expression of HER-2neu, Bcl-2, and PCNA was observed in IDC. Minor regional variations were observed for EGFR and p53 in IDC. Similarly, no significant regional variation in the expression of markers was observed in DCIS except for PCNA.  相似文献   
During human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection, disease progression correlates with the occurrence of variants using the coreceptor CXCR4 for cell entry. In contrast, apathogenic simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) from African green monkeys (SIVagm), specifically the molecular virus clone SIVagm3mc, uses CCR5, Bob, and Bonzo as coreceptors throughout the course of infection. The influence of an altered coreceptor usage on SIVagm3mc replication was studied in vitro and in vivo. The putative coreceptor binding domain, the V3 region of the surface envelope (SU) glycoprotein, was replaced by the V3 loop of a CD4- and CXCR4-tropic HIV-1 strain. The resulting virus, termed SIVagm3-X4mc, exclusively used CD4 and CXCR4 for cell entry. Consequently, its in vitro replication was inhibited by SDF-1, the natural ligand of CXCR4. Surprisingly, SIVagm3-X4mc was able to replicate in vitro not only in interleukin-2- and phytohemagglutinin-stimulated but also in nonstimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from nonhuman primates. After experimental infection of two pig-tailed macaques with either SIVagm3-X4mc or SIVagm3mc, the coreceptor usage was maintained during in vivo replication. Cell-associated and plasma viral loads, as well as viral DNA copy numbers, were found to be comparable between SIVagm3mc and SIVagm 3-X4mc infections, and no pathological changes were observed up to 14 months postinfection. Interestingly, the V3 loop exchange rendered SIVagm3-X4mc susceptible to neutralizing antibodies present in the sera of SIVagm3-X4mc- and SIVagm3mc-infected pig-tailed macaques. Our study describes for the first time a successful exchange of a V3 loop in nonpathogenic SIVagm resulting in CD4 and CXCR4 usage and modulation of virus replication in nonstimulated PBMCs as well as sensitivity toward neutralization.  相似文献   
Pulmonate snails occupy a wide range of marine, estuarine, freshwater and terrestrial environments. Non-terrestrial forms are supposed to be basal in pulmonate evolution but the group's phylogeny is not well resolved either morphologically or on the basis of available DNA sequence data. The lack of a robust phylogeny makes it difficult to understand character polarization and habitat transformation in pulmonates. We have investigated pulmonate relationships using 27 new sequences of 28S rRNA from pulmonates and outgroups, augmented with data from GenBank. The complete alignments comprised about 3.8kb. Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses of alignments generated under different assumptions are reported. Complete alignments appear to have a degree of substitution saturation so where there is conflict between hypothesised relationships more weight is given to analyses where regions of random similarity are excluded and which are not affected by this complication. Monophyly of the five main pulmonate groups was robustly supported in almost all analyses. The marine group Amphiboloidea and the freshwater Glacidorbidae are the most basal. The remaining pulmonates (Siphonariidae, Hygrophila and Eupulmonata) form a moderately-supported monophyletic group in all analyses bar one probably affected by saturation of substitutions. Siphonariidae, a predominantly marine and intertidal family, and Eupulmonata (mainly terrestrial with marine, estuarine and freshwater species) form a strongly supported clade that is the sister group to Hygrophila (freshwater). Multiple colonizations of freshwater and terrestrial habitats by pulmonate snails are suggested. No analyses strongly support the possibility of habitat reversions. The colonizations of freshwater by Hygrophila and of land by Stylommatophora were apparently phylogenetically independent although it cannot yet be excluded that there were transient terrestrial phases in the history of the former group or freshwater phases in the latter.  相似文献   
A cultured rat ovarian cell line (31 A-F(2)) was used to study the effect of growth factors (epidermal growth factor [EGF] and fibroblast growth factor [FGF]), a survival factor (ovarian growth factor [OGF]), a hormone (insulin), and an iron-binding protein (transferring) on cell proliferation and steroid production under defined culture conditions. EGF and insulin were shown to be mitogenic (half-maximal response at 0.12 nM and 0.11 muM, respectively) for 31A-F(2) cells incubated in serum-free medium. EGF induced up to three doublings in the cell population, whereas insulin induced an average of one cell population doubling. FGF, OGF, and transferrin were found not to have any prominent effect on cell division when incubated individually with 31A-F(2) cells in serum-free medium. However, a combination of EGF, OGF, insulin, and transferrin stimulated cell division to the same approximate extent as cells incubated in the presence of 5 percent fetal calf serum. EGF or insulin did not significantly affect total cell cholesterol levels (relative to cells incubated in serum-free medium) when incubated individually with 31A-F(2) cells. However, cell cholesterol levels were increased by the addition of OGF (250 percent), FGF (370 percent), or a combination of insulin and EGF (320 percent). Progesterone secretion from 31A-F(2) cells was enhanced by EGF (25 percent), FGF (80 percent), and insulin (115 percent). However, the addition of a mitogenic mixture of EGF, OGF, insulin, and transferrin suppressed progesterone secretion 150 percent) below that of control cultures. These studies have permitted us to determine that EGF and insulin are mitogenic factors that are required for the growth of 31A-F(2) cells and that OGF and transferrin are positive cofactors that enhance growth. Also, additional data suggest that cholesterol and progesterone production in 31A-F(2) cells can be regulated by peptide growth factors and the hormone insulin.  相似文献   
Human immunodeficiency virus infection is characterized by a progressive decline in the number of peripheral blood CD4+ T lymphocytes, which finally leads to AIDS. This T-cell decline correlates with the degree of in vitro-induced lymphocyte apoptosis. However, such a correlation has not yet been described in feline AIDS, caused by feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection. We therefore investigated the intensity of in vitro-induced apoptosis in peripheral blood lymphocytes from cats experimentally infected with a Swiss isolate of FIV for 1 year and for 6 years and from a number of long-term FIV-infected cats which were coinfected with feline leukemia virus. Purified peripheral blood lymphocytes were either cultured overnight under nonstimulating conditions or stimulated with phytohemagglutinin and interleukin-2 for 60 h. Under stimulating conditions, the isolates from the infected cats showed significantly higher relative counts of apoptotic cells than did those from noninfected controls (1-year-infected cats, P = 0.01; 6-year-infected cats, P = 0.006). The frequency of in vitro-induced apoptosis was inversely correlated with the CD4+ cell count (P = 0.002), bright CD8+ cell count (P = 0.009), and CD4/CD8 ratio (P = 0.01) and directly correlated with the percentage of bright major histocompatibility complex class II-positive peripheral blood lymphocytes (P = 0.004). However, we found no correlation between in vitro-induced apoptosis and the viral load in serum samples. Coinfection with feline leukemia virus enhanced the degree of in vitro-induced apoptosis compared with that in FIV monoinfected cats. We concluded that the degree of in vitro-induced apoptosis was closely related to FIV-mediated T-cell depletion and lymphocyte activation and could be used as an additional marker for disease progression in FIV infection.Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection is a naturally occurring infection, and disease progression in infected cats is associated with a decline in the number of CD4+ cells (2, 6, 22, 23, 36), a loss of bright CD8+ cells in the advanced stage of the disease (22), an increased number of activated T cells (39, 41), and a changed cytokine production, i.e., decreased production of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and concomitantly increased production of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) (25, 26). The increased production of TNF-α has been reported to induce apoptosis in chronically FIV-infected cells (38). Apoptosis, a controlled mode of cell death (34), plays an important role in the regulation of immune responses (5, 14). As described for FIV (23), the hallmark of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-induced disease is the loss of T-helper cells (31, 43). Theoretically, cell loss can be caused by decreased production of cells, increased destruction, or a combination of the two mechanisms. Findings of an early infection of thymocytes followed by pathologic changes in the thymus support the model of decreased T-helper cell production triggered by HIV (13) and FIV (52). The destruction model is supported by findings of an increased number of peripheral blood T cells undergoing apoptosis upon HIV (20, 32) and FIV (11, 21, 33) infection. However, increased CD4+-T-cell turnover may not be the main cause of the observed T-helper cell decline in HIV-1 infection, as reviewed by others (44, 51). In addition, the degree of HIV-induced apoptosis correlates with the T-helper cell decline and disease progression (19, 40). However, such a relationship has not yet been described for FIV. It has been reported that cross-linking of CD4 molecules by HIV gp160 triggers apoptosis in noninfected CD4+ T cells (1). Investigation of this aspect in the feline system is especially interesting since FIV does not use the feline homologue of CD4 (50).The aim of the present study was to compare the degree of in vitro-induced lymphocyte apoptosis in FIV-infected cats with normal and decreased T-helper cell counts. We used two different culture conditions to trigger apoptosis in vitro: cells were either cultured overnight under nonstimulating conditions and in the absence of growth factors or cultured for 60 h in the presence of phytohemagglutinin, IL-2, and fetal calf serum. We additionally examined cats which were coinfected with the feline leukemia virus (FeLV). This coinfection is known to accelerate the progression toward feline AIDS (23) by an unknown mechanism (8).  相似文献   
Mollusks are an extraordinarily diverse group of animals with an estimated 200,000 species, second only to the phylum Arthropoda. We conducted a comparative analysis of complete mitochondrial ribosomal large subunit sequences (LSU) of a chiton, two bivalves, six gastropods, and a cephalopod. In addition, we determined secondary structure models for each of them. Comparative analyses of nucleotide variation revealed substantial length variation among the taxa, with stylommatophoran gastropods possessing the shortest lengths. Phylogenetic analyses of the nucleotide sequence data supported the monophyly of Albinaria, Euhadra herklotsi + Cepaea nemoralis, Stylommatophora, Cerithioidea, and when only transversions are included, the Bivalvia. The phylogenetic limits of the mitochondrial LSU rRNA gene within mollusks appear to be up to 400 million years, although this estimate will have to be tested further with additional taxa. Our most novel finding was the discovery of phylogenetic signal in the secondary structure of rRNA of mollusks. The absence of entire stem/loop structures in Domains II, III, and V can be viewed as three shared derived characters uniting the stylommatophoran gastropods. The absence of the aforementioned stem/loop structure explains much of the observed length variation of the mitochondrial LSU rRNA found within mollusks. The distribution of these unique secondary structure characters within mollusks should be examined.  相似文献   
The decision to use 10% neutral buffered formalin fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) archival pathology material may be dictated by the cancer research question or analytical technique, or may be governed by national ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI), biobank, and sample availability and access policy. Biobanked samples of common tumors are likely to be available, but not all samples will be annotated with treatment and outcomes data and this may limit their application. Tumors that are rare or very small exist mostly in FFPE pathology archives. Pathology departments worldwide contain millions of FFPE archival samples, but there are challenges to availability. Pathology departments lack resources for retrieving materials for research or for having pathologists select precise areas in paraffin blocks, a critical quality control step. When samples must be sourced from several pathology departments, different fixation and tissue processing approaches create variability in quality. Researchers must decide what sample quality and quality tolerance fit their specific purpose and whether sample enrichment is required. Recent publications report variable success with techniques modified to examine all common species of molecular targets in FFPE samples. Rigorous quality management may be particularly important in sample preparation for next generation sequencing and for optimizing the quality of extracted proteins for proteomics studies. Unpredictable failures, including unpublished ones, likely are related to pre-analytical factors, unstable molecular targets, biological and clinical sampling factors associated with specific tissue types or suboptimal quality management of pathology archives. Reproducible results depend on adherence to pre-analytical phase standards for molecular in vitro diagnostic analyses for DNA, RNA and in particular, extracted proteins. With continuing adaptations of techniques for application to FFPE, the potential to acquire much larger numbers of FFPE samples and the greater convenience of using FFPE in assays for precision medicine, the choice of material in the future will become increasingly biased toward FFPE samples from pathology archives. Recognition that FFPE samples may harbor greater variation in quality than frozen samples for several reasons, including variations in fixation and tissue processing, requires that FFPE results be validated provided a cohort of frozen tissue samples is available.  相似文献   
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