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The cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of phenacetin and paracetamol were examined in monolayer cultures of hepatocytes isolated from the mouse, hamster, rat and guinea pig. No marked increase in unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) after exposing hepatocytes from any of the species to phenacetin was observed. At cytotoxic concentrations of paracetamol, an increased UDS in mouse hepatocytes in vitro was observed. Pretreatment of the mice by inducers of drug-metabolizing enzymes, such as 3-methylcholanthrene and Aroclor 1254, lowered the concentration threshold for the toxic responses. With rat hepatocytes only a minor increase in UDS was noted, while with hepatocytes from hamsters and guinea pigs in fact a decrease was seen. The narrow range observed between the cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of paracetamol makes it difficult to predict whether the initial DNA damage could lead to a mutation or whether the cells will die before the mutation is expressed. With respect to the cytotoxic effects, hamster hepatocytes were found to be most susceptible to paracetamol, followed by mouse, while rat and guinea pig were less affected. These data were in accordance with in vivo findings (Davis et al., 1974), indicating the potential value of hepatocyte culture when screening for possible liver toxic substances.  相似文献   
12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) has a profound and rapid influence on the cytoskeleton of Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells. Within 10 min, TPA induces a rapid change in morphology, from a flat, cuboidal state to a rounded or elongated morphology in which the cell membranes become convoluted. Concomitant with this morphological change is a rapid dissolution of stress fibres and a redistribution of F-actin from microfilament bundles to a membrane or sub-membranous location. The rearrangement of actin is paralleled by a rearrangement of alpha-actinin and a reduction in the number of vinculin-containing adhesion plaques. Unusual F-actin configurations are often found emanating from a perinuclear location, usually containing alpha-actinin and terminating in a vinculin-containing adhesion plaque. The cytoskeletal rearrangements occur in the presence of inhibitors of protein synthesis or oxidative phosphorylation, but do not occur if glycolysis is also inhibited. The rearrangements are partly abrogated by the presence of cytochalasin B (CB). Despite these dramatic changes in microfilaments the polymerization state of actin remained unaltered after TPA treatment. Furthermore, although changes in the movement of membrane lipids have been reported, no obvious differences in the ability of glycoproteins to redistribute in the plane of the membrane were found as judged by FITC-concanavalin A (conA) induced patching. The rapidity of the morphological response of MDCK cells to TPA indicates that the cytoskeleton is one of the primary targets of TPA, but that tumour promoters differ from RNA tumour viruses in their effect on the state of actin polymerization.  相似文献   
The adsorption rate constant (ARC) of the Felix O-1 (FO) bacteriophage to sensitive Salmonella strains was used to determine the effect of variations in surface antigens on phage attachment. The N-acetylglucosamine of the common-core polysaccharide of the Salmonella lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was found to be an essential part of the receptor for the FO phage in conformation with earlier reports. It was found that (i) the ARC was low for strains having O side chains containing two or three non core monosaccharides, (ii) the ARC varied when the O side chain contained no, or only one, noncore monosaccharide, (iii) the ARC was high when the O side chain contained only one repeating unit, and (iv) the ARC was high to mutants of chemotype Ra in which the N-acetylglucosamine was the terminal sugar of the LPS. Since a good correlation was found between the ARC of the FO phage and the phage-inactivating capacity of phenol water-extracted LPS, the results suggest that only the structure and composition of the LPS determines the adsorption rate of the FO phage. The phage-inactivating capacity of LPS from the Ra mutants increased in parallel with higher glucosamine contents in the core polysaccharide. In smooth strains having long and numerous O side chains, the access of the FO phage to its receptor is probably blocked by the presence of the side chains, whereas short and numerous side chains or T1 side chains do not interfere with the FO attachment.  相似文献   
We have studied the segregation and manifestations of the tRNA(Lys) A-->G(8344) mutation of mtDNA. Three unrelated patients with myoclonus epilepsy and ragged-red fibers (MERRF) syndrome were investigated, along with 30 of their maternal relatives. Mutated mtDNA was not always found in the offspring of women carrying the tRNA(Lys) mutation. Four women had 10%-33% of mutated mtDNA in lymphocytes, and no mutated mtDNA was found in 7 of their 14 investigated children. The presence of mutated mtDNA was excluded at a level of 3:1,000. Five women had a proportion of 43%-73% mutated mtDNA in lymphocytes, and mutated mtDNA was found in all their 12 investigated children. This suggests that the risk for transmission of mutated mtDNA to the offspring increases if high levels are present in the mother and that, above a threshold level of 35%-40%, it is very likely that transmission will occur to all children. The three patients with MERRF syndrome had, in muscle, both 94%-96% mutated mtDNA and biochemical and histochemical evidence of a respiratory-chain dysfunction. Four relatives had a proportion of 61%-92% mutated mtDNA in muscle, and biochemical measurements showed a normal respiratory-chain function in muscle in all cases. These findings suggest that > 92% of mtDNA with the tRNA(Lys) mutation in muscle is required to cause a respiratory-chain dysfunction that can be detected by biochemical methods. There was a positive correlation between the levels of mtDNA with the tRNA(Lys) mutation in lymphocytes and the levels in muscle, in all nine investigated cases. The levels of mutated mtDNA were higher in muscle than in lymphocytes in all cases. In two of the patients with MERRF syndrome, muscle specimens were obtained at different times. In both cases, biochemical measurements revealed a deteriorating respiratory-chain function, and in one case a progressive increase in the amount of cytochrome c oxidase-deficient muscle fibers was found.  相似文献   
We have investigated the daughter of a woman with Kearns-Sayre syndrome. The woman had a high percentage of deleted mtDNA in muscle, but no deleted mtDNA was detected in fibroblasts, bone marrow, and peripheral blood cells by Southern blot analysis. With PCR, analytical sensitivity was significantly increased, and deleted mtDNA was detected in all examined tissues from this patient. The patient had healthy parents and nine healthy siblings. No deleted mtDNA was detected in blood from the mother of the patient. The patient had an uneventful pregnancy and delivered at term. Deleted mtDNA could not be detected in placenta by Southern blot analysis. With PCR, deleted mtDNA was detected in the majority of placental specimens. This finding may, however, be due to contamination with maternal DNA. The patient's daughter was healthy at age 5 mo, and morphologic examination of muscle was normal. No transmission of deleted mtDNA to the daughter could be detected by Southern blot and PCR analysis of peripheral blood cells, bone marrow, fibroblasts, and muscle. The presence of deleted mtDNA was excluded at a fractional level of less than 1:100,000 in all examined tissues from the daughter.  相似文献   
Biological activity of leukotriene sulfones on respiratory tissues   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The biological activity of synthetic leukotriene C4, D4 and E4 sulfone has been determined in respiratory smooth muscle in vitro and in vivo. The sulfones of LTC4, LTD4 and LTE4 were potent contractile agonists on indomethacin-treated guinea pig tracheal chains with respective pD2-values of 8.2, 8.0 and 7.9. Contractions were submaximal (75-85% of the cholinergic maximum), slow in onset, prolonged in duration, slowly reversed by washing (compared to acetylcholine or histamine) and were partially reversed by 2 muM FPL-55712. The sulfones of LTC4, LTD4 and LTE4 also contracted indomethacin-treated guinea pig parenchyma (respective pD2's of 7.9 8.2 and 7.8) and rat parenchyma (respective pD2's of 7.1, 7.2 and 7.2) but were inactive on rat trachea (0.01-2.0 muM). When administered intravenously to anaesthetized guinea pigs, the sulfones of LTD4, LTE4 and to a lesser degree LTC4 (respective ED50's - 0.5; 2.0 and 4.6 microgram/kg) elicited dose-dependent increases in inflation pressure which were antagonized by FPL-55712 and indomethacin. Leukotriene C4, D4 and E4 sulfones display a qualitatively similar profile of biological activity to that of their corresponding sulfides.  相似文献   
The location of major quantitative trait loci (QTL) contributing to stem and leaf [Na+] and [K+] was previously reported in chromosome 7 using two connected populations of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of tomato. HKT1;1 and HKT1;2, two tomato Na+‐selective class I‐HKT transporters, were found to be closely linked, where the maximum logarithm of odds (LOD) score for these QTLs located. When a chromosome 7 linkage map based on 278 single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was used, the maximum LOD score position was only 35 kb from HKT1;1 and HKT1;2. Their expression patterns and phenotypic effects were further investigated in two near‐isogenic lines (NILs): 157‐14 (double homozygote for the cheesmaniae alleles) and 157‐17 (double homozygote for the lycopersicum alleles). The expression pattern for the HKT1;1 and HKT1;2 alleles was complex, possibly because of differences in their promoter sequences. High salinity had very little effect on root dry and fresh weight and consequently on the plant dry weight of NIL 157‐14 in comparison with 157‐17. A significant difference between NILs was also found for [K+] and the [Na+]/[K+] ratio in leaf and stem but not for [Na+] arising a disagreement with the corresponding RIL population. Their association with leaf [Na+] and salt tolerance in tomato is also discussed.  相似文献   
Thermal depolymerization of alginate in the solid state   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new method of introduction carboxyl groups to chitosan sulfate by the acylation reaction between hydroxyethyl chitosan sulfates and butane dioic anhydride in homogeneous solution was used to obtain carboxybutyrylated hydroxyethyl chitosan sulfates. The structures of the derivatives were characterized by element analysis, FT-IR, 13C-NMR, and gel permeation chromatography. The content and position of the carboxyl groups could be controlled favorably. Their anticoagulant activity was determined for human plasma with respect to activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), thrombin time (TT), and prothombin time (PT). The introducing of carboxyl groups to amino groups greatly prolonged the APTT and TT. The best result occurred when the degree of substitution of the carboxyl groups was about 0.4/unit that prolonged APTT and TT with about 5 and 1.5 times compared to that of the uncarboxylated hydroxyethyl chitosan sulfates; another conclusion is that introducing of carboxyl groups into N,O-position gave better results than that just into N-positions. Low S% chitosan sulfate and 6-O-desulfated chitosan sulfate showed little anticoagulant activity but their N,O-carboxybutyrylated derivatives (0.6/unit ds) showed increased APTT or TT, while their N-carboxybutyrylated derivatives (0.6/unit ds) gave no improvement. Generally, the introducing of carboxyl groups could not increase PT in spite of the position introduced.  相似文献   
Records of social interactions provide us with new sources of data for understanding how interaction patterns affect collective dynamics. Such human activity patterns are often bursty, i.e., they consist of short periods of intense activity followed by long periods of silence. This burstiness has been shown to affect spreading phenomena; it accelerates epidemic spreading in some cases and slows it down in other cases. We investigate a model of history-dependent contagion. In our model, repeated interactions between susceptible and infected individuals in a short period of time is needed for a susceptible individual to contract infection. We carry out numerical simulations on real temporal network data to find that bursty activity patterns facilitate epidemic spreading in our model.  相似文献   
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