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The findings obtained in neurophysiological and psychophysical investigations using tactile stimuli that move at constant velocity across the skin are reviewed. For certain neurons in the postcentral gyrus of the cerebral cortex (S-I) of macaque monkeys, direction of stimulus motion is a "trigger feature" i.e., moving tactile stimuli evoke vigorous discharge activity in these neurons only if the stimuli are moved in a particular direction across the receptive field. This directional selectivity is maximal when stimulus velocity is between 5 and 50 cm/sec, and falls off rapidly at lower or higher velocities. The capacity for human subjects to correctly identify the direction of stimulus motion on the skin exhibits a similar dependence on stimulus velocity. The similar effects of velocity on neural and psychophysical measures of directional sensitivity support the idea that direction of stimulus motion on the skin can only be recognized if the moving stimulus optimally activates the group of S-I neurons for which that directions of simulus motion is the trigger feature.  相似文献   
Recent in silico analysis has revealed the presence of a group of proteins in pro and lower eukaryotes, but not in Man, that show extensive amino acid sequence similarity to known O(6)-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferases, but where the cysteine at the putative active site is replaced by another residue, usually tryptophan. Here we review recent work on these proteins, which we designate as alkyltransferase-like (ATL) proteins, and consider their mechanism of action and role in protecting the host organisms against the biological effects of O(6)-alkylating agents, and their evolution. ATL proteins from Escherichia coli (eAtl, transcribed from the ybaz open reading frame) and Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Atl1) are able to bind to a range of O(6)-alkylguanine residues in DNA and to reversibly inhibit the action of the human alkyltransferase (MGMT) upon these substrates. Isolated proteins were not able to remove the methyl group in O(6)-methylguanine-containing DNA or oligonucleotides, neither did they display glycosylase or endonuclease activity. S. pombe does not contain a functional alkyltransferase and atl1 inactivation sensitises this organism to a variety of alkylating agents, suggesting that Atl1 acts by binding to O(6)-alkylguanine lesions and signalling them for processing by other DNA repair pathways. Currently we cannot exclude the possibility that ATL proteins arose through independent mutation of the alkyltransferase gene in different organisms. However, analyses of the proteins from E. coli and S. pombe, are consistent with a common function.  相似文献   
The Pacinian channel has been implicated in the perception of fine textures (Hollins et al. , Somatosens Mot Res 18: 253-262, 2001a). In the present study, we investigate candidate codes for Pacinian-mediated roughness perception. We use a Hall effect transducer to record the vibrations elicited in the skin when a set of textured surfaces is passively presented to the index finger. The peak frequency of the vibrations is found to decrease systematically as spatial period increases. The power of the vibrations--weighted according to the spectral sensitivity of the Pacinian system--increases with spatial period for all but the coarsest surfaces. By varying the scanning velocity, we manipulate the temporal and intensive characteristics of the texture-induced vibrations and assess the effect of the manipulation on perceived roughness. We find that doubling the scanning velocity does not result in the substantial decrease in roughness predicted by a frequency theory of vibrotactile roughness perception. On the other hand, the effects of speed on roughness match those of speed on power. We propose that the roughness of a fine surface (spatial period<200 &#55 m) is a function of the Pacinian-weighted power of the vibrations it elicits.  相似文献   
Caenorhabditis elegans is unusual among animals in having a highly conserved octamer sequence at the 3' splice site: UUUU CAG/R. This sequence can bind to the essential heterodimeric splicing factor U2AF, with U2AF65 contacting the U tract and U2AF35 contacting the splice site itself (AG/R). Here we demonstrate a strong correspondence between binding to U2AF of RNA oligonucleotides with variant octamer sequences and the frequency with which such variations occur in splice sites. C. elegans U2AF has a strong preference for the octamer sequence and exerts much of the pressure for 3' splice sites to have the precise UUUUCAG/R sequence. At two positions the splice site has a very strong preference for U even though alternative bases can also bind tightly to U2AF, suggesting that evolution can select against sequences that may have a relatively modest reduction in binding. Although pyrimidines are frequently present at the first base in the exon, U2AF has a very strong bias against them, arguing there is a mechanism to compensate for weakened U2AF binding at this position. Finally, the C in the consensus sequence must remain adjacent to the AG/R rather than to the stretch of U's, suggesting this C is recognized by U2AF35.  相似文献   
Determining the relationship between protein folding pathways on and off the ribosome remains an important area of investigation in biology. Studies on isolated domains have shown that alteration of the separation of residues in a polypeptide chain, while maintaining their spatial contacts, may affect protein stability and folding pathway. Due to the vectorial emergence of the polypeptide chain from the ribosome, chain connectivity may have an important influence upon cotranslational folding. Using MATH, an all β-sandwich domain, we investigate whether the connectivity of residues and secondary structure elements is a key determinant of when cotranslational folding can occur on the ribosome. From Φ-value analysis, we show that the most structured region of the transition state for folding in MATH includes the N and C terminal strands, which are located adjacent to each other in the structure. However, arrest peptide force-profile assays show that wild-type MATH is able to fold cotranslationally, while some C-terminal residues remain sequestered in the ribosome, even when destabilized by 2–3?kcal?mol?1. We show that, while this pattern of Φ-values is retained in two circular permutants in our studies of the isolated domains, one of these permutants can fold only when fully emerged from the ribosome. We propose that in the case of MATH, onset of cotranslational folding is determined by the ability to form a sufficiently stable folding nucleus involving both β-sheets, rather than by the location of the terminal strands in the ribosome tunnel.  相似文献   
Group living is widespread among animals and has a range of positive effects on individual foraging and predator avoidance. For fishes, capture by humans constitutes a major source of mortality, and the ecological effects of group living could carry‐over to harvest scenarios if fish are more likely to interact with fishing gears when in social groups. Furthermore, individual metabolic rate can affect both foraging requirements and social behaviors, and could, therefore, have an additional influence on which fish are most vulnerable to capture by fishing. Here, we studied whether social environment (i.e., social group size) and metabolic rate exert independent or interactive effects on the vulnerability of wild zebrafish (Danio rerio) to capture by a baited passive trap gear. Using video analysis, we observed the tendency for individual fish to enter a deployed trap when in different shoal sizes. Fish in larger groups were more vulnerable to capture than fish tested individually or at smaller group sizes. Specifically, focal fish in larger groups entered traps sooner, spent more total time within the trap, and were more likely to re‐enter the trap after an escape. Contrary to expectations, there was evidence that fish with a higher SMR took longer to enter traps, possibly due to a reduced tendency to follow groupmates or attraction to conspecifics already within the trap. Overall, however, social influences appeared to largely overwhelm any link between vulnerability and metabolic rate. The results suggest that group behavior, which in a natural predation setting is beneficial for avoiding predators, could be maladaptive under a trap harvest scenario and be an important mediator of which traits are under harvest associated selection.  相似文献   
In a randomised prospective study of 68 women in spontaneous labour half were allocated to an ambulant group and half to a recumbent group. The duration of labour was significantly shorter, the need for analgesia significantly less, and the incidence of fetal heart abnormalities significantly smaller in the ambulant group than in the recumbent group. Apgar scores at one and five minutes were also significantly greater in the ambulant group. More patients in the recumbent group required augmentations with oxytocic drugs. There was no statistically significant difference in the third stage loss in the two groups. Ambulation in labour should be encouraged: it may bring human benefits while allowing the advantages of hospital supervision.  相似文献   
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