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The effect of mouse anti-mosquito antibodies, present in the bloodmeal, on the infectivity of Plasmodium berghei Vincke to Anopheles farauti Laveran was investigated. Significantly fewer oocysts developed in mosquitoes feeding on mice immunized with sugar-fed mosquito midgut antigens than in mosquitoes feeding on control mice. Mosquitoes feeding on mice immunized with the midgut antigens derived from sugar-fed mosquitoes also showed reduced mortality and had lower infection rates than those fed on unimmunized mice. Blood-fed midgut antigen was less effective in producing these effects than sugar-fed midgut antigen.  相似文献   
Summary The gene encoding human esterase D (EsD), a member of the nonspecific esterase family, is a useful genetic marker for retinoblastoma (RB) and Wilson's disease. Previously we identified a cDNA clone from this gene and determined its chromosomal location. In this report, we present the complete cDNA sequence of the human EsD gene. A long open reading frame encoded a predicted protein of 282 amino acids with molecular weight of 30 kD. A computer-assisted search of a protein sequence data base revealed homology with two other esterases, acetylcholinesterase of Torpedo and esterase-6 of Drosophila. Homologous region were centered around presumptive active sites, suggesting that the catalytic domains of the esterases are conserved during evolution. Three genomic clones of this gene were also isolated and characterized by restriction mapping. At least ten exons were distributed over a 35-kb (kilobase pair) region; each exon contained an average of 100 basepairs (bp). A polymorphic site for Apa I, located within an intron of the esterase D gene, can be used to identify chromosome 13 carrying defective RB alleles within retinoblastoma families.  相似文献   
On the basis of various measures taken from geniculate gangliontaste neurons in four species, it was concluded that withineach species the neurons could be subdivided into distinct functionalgroups. In this report, the neural groups of different specieswere directly compared. Units from all four species were studiedwith a common test series of solutions in addition to otherstimuli. Since these stimuli were presented at the same concentrationsto all species, direct quantitative comparisons across specieswere possible for a wide range of chemical compounds. In addition,the neural groups were compared with respect to spontaneousand evoked activity measures, latency to electrical stimulation,and receptive field characteristics. These neurophysiologicaldata suggest a basic model of four distinct subgroups: acidunits, salt units, amino acid units, and X units.  相似文献   
Summary Using a combinatorial peptide library method, we identified YIYGSFK as an efficient and specific peptide substrate for pp60c-src protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) [Lam et al., Int. J. Pept. Protein Res., 45 (1995) 587]. Employing YIYGSFK as a template, we synthesized and evaluated a series of pseudosubstrate-based inhibitors for pp60c-src. We found that the efficiency of a given inhibitor was highly dependent on the specific tyrosine analog used at the phosphorylation site of the substrate. One of these pseudosubstrate inhibitors, YI(2-Nal)GSFK, selectively inhibited the kinase activity of pp60c-src, with a Ki of 24 M. This peptide inhibitor exhibited selectivity for pp60c-src as compared to other PTKs tested, such as c-Abl and Bcr-Abl. Our results suggest that selective inhibitors for a specific PTK can be developed when the structure of a specific and efficient small peptide substrate for this PTK can be used as a template for structure modification.Abbreviations 1-Nal l-1-naphthylalanine - 2-Nal l-2-naphthylalanine - BOP benzotriazolyl-N-oxy-tris(dimethylamino)-phosphonium hexafluorophosphate - BSA bovine serum albumin - cAPK cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase - DIEA diisopropylethylamine - EGFR epidermal growth factor receptor - Fmoc fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl - HOBt 1-hydroxybenzotriazole - MES 2-[N-morpholino]ethanesulfonic acid - PBS phosphate-buffered salts - pCl l-p-chlorophenylalanine - pF l-p-fluorophenylalanine - PTK protein tyrosine kinase - TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   
When flax seedlings are decapitated above cotyledons and three days later one of the two cotyledons is removed then the remaining cotyledon stimulates in four to five days growth of its axillary bud. It has been found that content of endogenous cytokinins was higher in the stimulated bud as compared with the other one already 12 h after the cotyledon removal. Flax seedlings decapitated under cotyledons regenerate adventitious buds on thy hypocotyl stump during 5–6 days. The endogenous fytohormonal preparation of this regeneration was investigated in the 20 mm apical part of the hypocotyl stump. Decrease in auxin and increase in gibberellins was already found during the first day after decapitation while the level of cytokinins increased as late as three days after the apex removal.  相似文献   
桑亚转  尤杨  李多才  安玉峰  侯扶江 《生态学报》2023,43(15):6364-6377
土壤质量是维持陆地生态系统稳定性与功能多样性的基础。放牧作为草地资源最广泛的利用方式之一,其对草地土壤质量的影响却缺乏量化标准,且两者之间的作用机理尚不明确。以祁连山高寒草原两个季节性牧场为研究对象,结合生态系统耦合与生态系统多功能性,探究了放牧对高寒草原土壤质量的影响与潜在机制。试验结果表明:基于最小数据集,不同放牧率下土壤质量指数差异显著(P<0.05),冬季牧场和春秋季牧场放牧率分别在2.45头月-1 hm-2和0.80头月-1 hm-2时土壤质量指数最高。土壤速效磷、有机碳、氮磷比和土壤pH是决定冬季牧场土壤质量的关键因子,而春秋季牧场中则是土壤有机碳、碳氮比和土壤pH;两个季节性牧场土壤质量指数与物种丰富度指数(P<0.05)和香浓维纳多样性指数(P<0.0001)呈显著正相关。高寒草原季节性牧场放牧地植物群落物种多样性与土壤因子耦合度在0.67—0.81之间,平均耦合度为0.74,属于中度协调;随着放牧率的增加,生态系统多功能性指数逐渐减低且与土壤质量指数变化趋势相似,...  相似文献   
为探究不同人工林型微生物残体碳(Microbial necromass carbon, MNC)对土壤有机碳组分的积累贡献及影响因素,在黄土高原选取刺槐林、山杏林、油松林为研究对象,分析了三种人工林0-60 cm土层真菌残体碳(Fungal necromass carbon, FNC)、细菌残体碳(Bacterial necromass carbon, BNC)、MNC对颗粒态有机碳(Particulate organic carbon, POC)和矿物结合态有机碳(Mineral-associated organic carbon, MAOC)的积累贡献及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)三种人工林POC、MAOC中FNC、BNC、MNC含量均随土层深度的增加而降低;(2)刺槐林和山杏林MNC对MAOC的积累贡献(60.9%,52.0%)高于POC(33.5%,49.5%),其中FNC对MAOC的积累贡献分别是BNC的4.4和2.5倍,油松林在0-10 cm土层MNC对POC的积累贡献(73.8%)高于MAOC(48.2%),其中FNC对POC的积累贡献是BNC的3.5倍,而在10-60 cm土层MNC对MAOC的积累贡献(30.9%)高于POC(24.4%),其中FNC对MAOC的积累贡献是BNC的3.4倍;(3)总有机碳和全氮含量与MNC/POC、MNC/MAOC呈显著正相关关系(P < 0.05),黏粒含量与MNC/MAOC呈显著正相关关系(P < 0.05),pH值、砂粒含量与MNC/MAOC呈显著负相关关系(P < 0.05)。说明黄土高原三种人工林0-60 cm土层MNC主要贡献MAOC的积累,油松林0-10cm土层除外,且与细菌残体碳相比,真菌残体碳在土壤有机碳组分积累中的贡献更大,土壤总有机碳、全氮、黏粒、砂粒含量、pH值是影响该区不同人工林型微生物残体碳贡献土壤有机碳组分积累的主要因素。  相似文献   
海南五指山热带山地雨林植物物种多样性研究   总被引:35,自引:4,他引:35  
王指山热带山地雨林的物种种类十分丰富,在1hm^2样地中共出现54个科,100个属的乔木树种177种,1337个个体。区系地理分析表明属的分布区类型以热带分布型成分占优,为89.0%,充分体现了五指山山地雨林的热带性质。多样性指数分析结果为:样地1Margalef指数17.822,Shannon-Wiener指数5.621,均匀度0.823,Simpson指数0.050,均匀度6.775,表明五指  相似文献   
不同植物群落下酸化尾矿养分状况及土壤酶活性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
调查不同植被群落下铜尾矿的养分状况及土壤酶活性的变化动态,通过常规方法测定了尾矿的pH和电导率,以及有机质,总氮,有效磷,速效钾的含量。用底物反应法测定了过氧化氢酶,芳基硫酯酶,脲酶,酸性磷酸化酶和脱氢酶的活性。结果表明,与酸化的裸露尾矿相比,定居其上的芦苇(Phragmites australis)、狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)和双穗雀稗(Paspalum distichum)均能显著增加尾矿基质pH值(从3.6上升到5.4),降低电导率,减缓尾矿酸化过程。芦苇和狗牙根能够显著提高尾矿基质中N、K和有机质含量(P<0.05),增加尾矿中的养分。3种植物群落下有效磷较裸露尾矿没有显著增加。植物的定居显著提高了尾矿中过氧化氢酶、芳基硫脂酶和脲酶的活性(P<0.05);但酸性磷酸化酶和脱氢酶活性没有显著提高。研究表明,植物对尾矿有明显的改良作用,而且芦苇和狗牙根优于双穗雀稗。在各种植被条件的尾矿中除酸性磷酸化酶以外的其它实验土壤酶活性均与尾矿中有机质和总氮呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。  相似文献   
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