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The relationship between chronic inflammation and cancer is well known. The inflammation increases the permeability of blood vessels and consequently elevates pressure in the interstitial tissues. However, there have been only a few reports on the effects of hydrostatic pressure on cultured cells, and the relationship between elevated hydrostatic pressure and cell properties related to malignant tumors is less well understood. Therefore, we investigated the effects of hydrostatic pressure on the cultured epithelial cells seeded on permeable filters. Surprisingly, hydrostatic pressure from basal to apical side induced epithelial stratification in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) I and Caco-2 cells, and cavities with microvilli and tight junctions around their surfaces were formed within the multi-layered epithelia. The hydrostatic pressure gradient also promoted cell proliferation, suppressed cell apoptosis, and increased transepithelial ion permeability. The inhibition of protein kinase A (PKA) promoted epithelial stratification by the hydrostatic pressure whereas the activation of PKA led to suppressed epithelial stratification. These results indicate the role of the hydrostatic pressure gradient in the regulation of various epithelial cell functions. The findings in this study may provide clues for the development of a novel strategy for the treatment of the carcinoma.  相似文献   
The oligosaccharide structures ofCry j I, a major allergenic glycoprotein ofCryptomeria japonica (Japanese cedar, sugi), were analysed by 400 MHz1H-NMR and two-dimensional sugar mapping analyses. The four major fractions comprised a series of biantennary complex type N-linked oligosaccharides that share a fucose/xylose-containing core and glucosamine branches including a novel structure with a nongalactosylated fucosylglucosamine branch.Rabbit polyclonal anti-Cry j I IgG antibodies cross-reacted with three different plant glycoproteins having the same or shorter N-linked oligosaccharides asCry j I. ELISA and ELISA inhibition studies with intact glycoproteins, glycopeptides and peptides indicated that both anti-Cry j I IgGs and anti-Sophora japonica bark lectin II (B-SJA-II) IgGs included oligosaccharide-specific antibodies with different specificities, and that the epitopic structures against anti-Cry j I IgGs include a branch containing 1–6 linked fucose and a core containing fucose/xylose, while those against anti-B-SJA-II IgGs include nonreducing terminal mannose residues. The cross-reactivities of human allergic sera to miraculin andClerodendron Trichotomum lectin (CTA) were low, and inhibition studies suggested that the oligosaccharides onCry j I contribute little or only conformationally to the reactivity of specific IgE antibodies.Abbreviations Cry j I a major allergenic glycoprotein ofCryptomeria japonica - B-SJA-II Sophora japonica bark lectin II - CTA Clerodendron trichotomum lectin - TFMS trifluoromethanesulfonic acid - HRP horseradish peroxidase  相似文献   
A novel complex mutation with the presence of both deletion and insertion in very close proximity in the same region was detected in exon 8 of the LDL receptor gene from two apparently unrelated Japanese families with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). In this mutant LDL receptor gene, the nine bases from nucleotide (nt) 1115 to nt 1123 (AGGGTGGCT) were replaced by six different bases (CACTGA), and consequently the four amino acids from codon 351 to 354, Glu-Gly-Gly-Tyr, were replaced by three amino acids, Ala-Leu-Asn, in the conserved amino acid region of the growth factor repeat B of the LDL receptor. The nature of the amino acid substitution and data on the families suggest that this mutation is very likely to affect the LDL receptor function and cause FH. The generation of this complex mutation can be explained by the simultaneous occurrence of deletion and insertion through the formation of a hairpin-loop structure mediated by inverted repeat sequences. Thus this mutation supports the hypothesis that inverted repeat sequences influence the stability of a given gene and promote human gene mutations.  相似文献   
To sequence a DNA segment inserted into a cosmid vector underthe directed sequencing strategy, we established a simple andrapid method for generating nested deletions which uses thein vitro packaging system of bacteriophage T3 DNA. The principleis based on the previous finding that this system can translocateany linear double-stranded DNA up to 40 kb into the phage capsidin a time-dependent manner and the encapsulated DNA becomesDNase-resistant. For this purpose, we constructed a cosmid vectorthat carries two different antibiotic selection markers at bothsides of the multiple cloning site, and after insertion of aDNA segment, the clone was linearized by -terminase at the cossite. After the packaging reaction in vitro followed by DNasetreatment, the encapsulated DNA was introduced into Escherichiacoli cells to give clones with unidirectional deletions by differentialantibiotic selection. Restriction and sequence analyses of deletionclones demonstrated that an ordered set of clones with nesteddeletions, ranging from less than 1 kb to 25 kb, was createdfrom either the end of the DNA segment. Thus, nested deletionclones that cover the entire region of a 40-kb cosmid insertcan be obtained by a single packaging reaction, and its restrictionmap can be simultaneously obtained.  相似文献   
Abstract: The metamorphic changes in levels of glycolipids and myelin proteins and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase (CNP) in the brains of bullfrog tadpoles, adult frogs, and axolotls were investigated, with particular emphasis on myelin maturation. The concentrations of cerebroside. sulfatide, and galactosyldiacylglycerol gradually increased from the onset of prometamorphosis throughout the active metamorphic period and then greatly increased after metamorphosis was completed. The ratio of glucocerebroside to galactocerebroside increased greatly in the prometamorphic period and then rapidly decreased to the frog level during the climax period. The fatty acid compositions of cerebroside and sulfatide showed a developmental change, with 24:1 being more predominant in the later metamorphic stage. The proportion of hydroxy fatty acids increased up to the onset of the prometamorphic stage and thereafter remained constant at ∼ 50% of the total. The CNP activity remained unchanged throughout metamorphosis at 60% that in frog myelin and increased in the adult frog. The composition of tadpole myelin proteins remained constant during metamorphosis, with large basic protein being the most abundant, and in the frog, proteolipid protein and large basic protein were present in comparable amounts. The two adult forms of axolotl, i.e., the neotenous and metamorphosed forms, exhibited almost identical myelin constituents, and CNP activity in the neotenous form amounted to one-fifth that in the bullfrog. These results indicate that active biosynthesis of myelin marker components occurs as metamorphosis proceeds, but more pronounced changes of myelin components occur after metamorphosis is completed.  相似文献   
The fragile X mutation is the result of amplification in the repeat number of p(CGG) n in FMR-1; alleles with more than 52 repeats have been shown to be so unstable as to mutate in the repeat number in almost every transmission. To improve our understanding of mutations in normal alleles of FMR-1, the following studies were carried out in the Japanese population: a study on length variation in the repeat to determine the allele distribution of the repeat length in a non-retarded population, family studies to observe new mutations in normal allele, and haplotype analyses with microsatellite markers flanking the repeat to confirm estimated mutation rates and founder chromosomes in the fragile X syndrome. Analysis of the p(CGG) n in 370 unrelated males detected 24 distinct alleles with repeats of 18–44. A comparison with previously reported data suggests the presence of racial/ethnic differences in the allele distribution. No premutation allele was found in 824 unrelated X chromosomes examined by the polymerase chain reaction and Southern blot analysis. Family studies detected one new mutation in a total of 303 meioses. However, the mutation rate was not in accordance with the expected or observed heterozygosities in the population or with linkage disequilibrium observed between the repeat numbers and the haplotypes of the markers flanking the CGG. The haplotype in the chromosome in which the new mutation was found was the same as that frequently found in the Japanese fragile X chromosomes, and the variance in the CGG repeat number was wider in chromosomes with the haplotypes frequently found in the fragile X chromosome than in those with the other haplotypes. These observations suggest that a subgroup is present in normal alleles and that this subgroup is more liable to mutate than others.  相似文献   
Viet nam is known as an endemic area of melioidosis but its etiologic agent originated in Viet nam was not extensively studied. For the first time, we analyzed the cellular lipid and fatty acid compositions of 15 Vietnamese isolates of Burkholderia pseudomallei, 10 from humans and 5 from the environment. Cellular lipid compositions were analyzed by two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography on silica gel G plates. Cellular fatty acid methyl esters were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The major lipids in all the isolates were phosphatidylglycerol (PG), two forms of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE-1 and PE-2), and two forms of ornithine-containing lipid (OL-1 and OL-2). PE-1 contained non-hydroxy fatty acids at both sn-1 and ?2 positions, while PE-2 possessed 2-hydroxy fatty acids and non-hydroxy fatty acids in a ratio of 1: 1. Since snake venom phospholipase A2 digestion of PE-2 liberated 2-hydroxy fatty acids, it was confirmed that these acids are at the sn-2 position of glycerol moiety. In both OL-1 and OL-2, amide-linked fatty acid was 3-hydroxy palmitic acid (3-OH-C16: 0), while ester-linked fatty acids were non-hydroxy acids in OL-1 and 2-hydroxy acids in OL-2. The total cellular fatty acid compositions of the test strains were characterized by the presence of 2-hydroxy palmitic (2-OH-C16: 0), 2-hydroxy hexadecenoic (2-OH-C16: 1), 2-hydroxy octadecenoic (2-OH-C18: 1), 2-hydroxy methylene octadecanoic (2-OH-C19CPA), 3-hydroxy myristic (3-OH-C14: 0) and 3-hydroxy palmitic (3-OH-C16: 0) acids. There were significant differences in the concentration of hexadecenoic (C16: 1), methylene hexadecanoic (C17CPA), octadecenoic (C18: 1) and methylene octadecanoic (C19CPA) acids among the Vietnamese isolates of B. pseudomallei. However, no significant difference was observed in cellular lipid and fatty acid components between strains of human and environmental origins.  相似文献   
Abstract The serodiagnosis of melioidosis is commonly performed with tests using protein or polysaccharide as antigen. However, due to the low sensitivity, specificity and difficulty in the preparation of the antigens, more simple, precise and reproducible diagnostic tests were required. A purified glycolipid antigen (GL) which is a specific lipid component of Burkholderia pseudomallei has been used in an ELISA. With this antigen, specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) was detected in 49 out of 50 melioidosis sera. IgG was also detected in 2 out of 185 (Japanese) and 16 out of 181 (Vietnamese) control sera. Thus, the sensitivity was 98.0%, and specificity was 98.9% and 91.1% in the Japanese and Vietnamese sera, respectively. When the ELISA and indirect haemagglutination (IHA) tests were combined, a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 97.8% were achieved. The advantages of the glycolipid antigen are ease of preparation, stability, high sensitivity and specificity.  相似文献   
Effects on positive phototaxis and the cell motility of 7 cationsin 5mM MOPS (morpholinopropane sulfonic acid) buffer (pH 7.0)containing 0.16 mM NaCl, 0.68 mM KCl, 0.5 mM CaCl2 and 0.16mM MgCl2 were studied in the unicellular flagellate Cryptomonaswith a photoelectrical measuring apparatus and photomicrography.When calcium ion was removed from the medium by adding 1 mMEGTA (ethylene glycol-bis-(ß-amino-ethylether)-N,N'-tetraaceticacid), the phototactic response was totally inhibited, but theswimming rate was not much affected. The effect of EGTA waspartially reversed by the addition of 1 mM CaCl2. When 15mMKCl or RbCl was added to the medium, phototaxis was greatlyinhibited, but there was no significant influence on the swimmingrate. Similar but less inhibitory effects were induced in thepresence of NaCl, LiCl and CsCl. KCl-induced inhibition waspartially removed by the addition of 15 mM CaCl2 or MgCl2. (Received June 25, 1982; Accepted September 27, 1982)  相似文献   
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