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Summary Biochemical and ultrastructural studies indicate that the atrophy of adrenal cortex in hypoyhysectomized rats involves the following changes: (1) One to two days after hypophysectomy, there is loss of template activity resulting from cumulative DNA-damage and heterochromatinization.In vivo ACTH-administration led to recuperation of these cells, indicating damage during hypophysectomized state to be reversible. (2) If the duration of hypophysectomy is prolonged, some of the cells become irreversibly damaged and can no longer recuperate afterin vivo ACTH administration. (3) The period of most rapid cell death is from the third to seventh day after hypophysectomy. The cause of cell death is probably due to membrane damage in the absence of protein synthesis, leading to lysis of the cells. Lysozomes and macrophages are apparently not involved.Supported by U.S.P.H.S. grants AM-5384 and AM-13724 and taken in part from dissertations submitted by Chan and by Mostafapour to Wayne State University in partial fulfillment towards the Ph.D. degree.An invited article.  相似文献   
Slaughterhouse wastewater contains various and high amounts of organic matter (e.g., proteins, blood, fat and lard). In order to produce an effluent suitable for stream discharge, chemical coagulation and electrocoagulation techniques have been particularly explored at the laboratory pilot scale for organic compounds removal from slaughterhouse effluent. The purpose of this work was to investigate the feasibility of treating cattle-slaughterhouse wastewater by combined chemical coagulation and electrocoagulation process to achieve the required standards. The influence of the operating variables such as coagulant dose, electrical potential and reaction time on the removal efficiencies of major pollutants was determined. The rate of removal of pollutants linearly increased with increasing doses of PACl and applied voltage. COD and BOD(5) removal of more than 99% was obtained by adding 100 mg/L PACl and applied voltage 40 V. The experiments demonstrated the effectiveness of chemical and electrochemical techniques for the treatment of slaughterhouse wastewaters. Consequently, combined processes are inferred to be superior to electrocoagulation alone for the removal of both organic and inorganic compounds from cattle-slaughterhouse wastewater.  相似文献   
A campaign was conducted to assess the PM1 concentration and elemental composition on the platforms and adjacent outdoor areas of an underground subway station (Imam Khomeini) and a surface subway station (Sadeghiye) in Tehran from June 2014 to November 2014. The respective mean concentrations of PM1 on the platforms and in the outdoor areas of Imam Khomeini station were 42.04 and 30.92 µg/m3 and for Sadeghiye station 31.42 and 26.02 µg/m3. Statistical analyses demonstrated that the platforms of the Imam Khomeini and Sadeghiye stations were influenced by the adjacent ambient air of these stations (p < 0.05). PM1 was found to be highly enriched with Fe on the platforms of metro systems, which were more frequently encountered in the Imam Khomeini station than the Sadeghiye station as 41.06% and 37.73% of the total PM1 mass respectively. Minor elements, particularly Ba, Pb, Cr, Cu, Ni, Mn, Ti, V, and Zn, were elevated for the platform of Imam Khomeini and, to a lesser degree, the platform of Sadeghiye stations, which may be due to abrasion processes between rail tracks, wheels, and brake pads.  相似文献   
Plasma levels of atrial natriuretic factor (ANP) were examined in 12 patients with liver cirrhosis (6 with ascites) and 6 controls before and after the administration of the infusion of 2000 ml of saline solution per 70 kg of body weight during 2 hours. Basal concentration of ANF tended to be slightly, but nonsignificantly higher in patients with ascitic liver cirrhosis (5.5 +/- 1.3 fmol/ml) than in controls (3.0 +/- 1.0 fmol/ml) and in patients with non-ascitic liver cirrhosis (4.6 +/- 1.3 fmol/ml). Saline administration led to the comparable increase of plasma ANF in ascitic (14.2 +/- 4.0 fmol/ml) and non-ascitic cirrhotics (15.7 +/- 3.7 fmol/ml) and in controls (12.4 +/- 4.3 fmol/ml). The increase of plasma ANF was accompanied by the suppression of plasma renin activity (PRA) and plasma aldosterone (PA) in all groups; in ascitic patients, however, PRA and PA remained above the normal range. While in controls and non-ascitic cirrhotics saline administration led to the increase of urine flow rate /from 0.74 +/- 0.13 to 2.04 +/- 0.44 ml/min, P less than 0.01, in controls; from 0.83 +/- 0.05 to 1.28 +/- 0.07 ml/min, P less than 0.01, in non-ascitic cirrhotics) and urinary sodium excretion (from 110.7 +/- 21.3 to 364.8 +/- 74.4 umol/min, P less than 0.01, in controls; from 125.0 +/- 16.7 to 218.7 +/- 24.3 umol/min, P less than 0.01 in non-ascitic cirrhotics), in patients with ascitic liver cirrhosis neither urine flow rate (from 0.66 +/- 0.1 to 0.72 +/- 0.15 ml/min, n.s.), nor urinary sodium excretion (from 16.7 +/- 9.9 to 54.2 +/- 40.3 umol/min, n.s.) changed significantly.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
A blood group B-specific lectin from the mushroom Marasmius oreades (MOA) was investigated with respect to its molecular structure and carbohydrate binding properties. SDS-PAGE mass spectrometric analysis showed it to consist of an intact (H; 33 kDa) and truncated (L; 23 kDa) subunit in addition to a small polypeptide (P; 10 kDa). Isolation in the presence of EDTA produced only the H subunits, indicating that the latter two are formed by metalloprotease cleavage of the intact H subunit. Tryptic digestion of the H, L, and P polypeptide chains followed by mass spectral analysis supports this view. The lectin strongly precipitated blood group type B substance, was nonreactive with type A substance, and reacted weakly with type H substance. Carbohydrate binding studies reveal a high affinity for Galalpha1,3Gal (but not for the isomeric alpha1,2-, alpha1,4-, and alpha1,6-disaccharides); Galalpha1,3Galbeta1,4GlcNAc; and the type B branched trisaccharide. MOA also reacts strongly with murine laminin from the Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm sarcoma and bovine thyroglobulin, both of which contain multiple Galalpha1,3Galbeta1,4GlcNAc end groups. This linear B trisaccharide is a component of porcine tissues and organs, preventing their transplantation into humans. MOA also shares carbohydrate recognition of this trisaccharide with toxin A elaborated by Clostridium difficile.  相似文献   
Liver sections removed from phenobarbital induced rats 24 to 48 hours after a 2 hour exposure to 1.0% halothane with 10% oxygen and subjected to immunocytochemical treatment showed evidence of centrilobular damage as well as evidence of the production of a protein which has immunoreactivity with anti HSP 72 antibodies. The cells showing evidence of immunoreactivity were within the area of the centrilobular lesion. The level of immunoreactive protein varied directly with the intensity of the lesion. Liver sections from animals treated with phenobarbital alone, phenobarbital plus 10% oxygen, or phenobarbital plus 20% oxygen and 1.0% halothane all were without lesions as well as the immunoreactive protein.  相似文献   
Insulin is an important biotherapeutic protein, and it is also a model protein used to study amyloid diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. The preparation of the protein can lead to small amounts of aggregate in the solution, which in turn may lead to irreproducible in vitro results. Using several pre‐treatment methods, we have determined that pH cycling and diafiltration of the insulin removes microaggregates that may be present in the solution. These microaggregates were not detectable with traditional biochemical methods, but using small‐angle neutron scattering, we were able to show that pH cycling reduces the radius of gyration of the insulin. Diafiltration removes the aggregates by size and pH cycling dissolves the aggregates by adjusting the pH through the pI of the protein. Pre‐treating the insulin with either pH cycling or diafiltration allowed reproducible kinetics of fibrillation for the insulin protein. Microaggregates are a common problem in protein production, formulation, and preparation; here we show that they are the main cause for inconsistent behavior and how pH cycling and diafiltration can mitigate this problem. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2011; 108:237–241. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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