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Glutamine Synthetase of the Human Brain: Purification and Characterization   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Glutamine synthetase (GS) isolated from human brain formed a single band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel with a molecular weight of 44,000. The enzyme had a specific activity of 179.2 U/mg protein when assayed by measuring the rate of the formation of gamma-glutamylhydroxamate using hydroxylamine as a substrate. In the presence of manganese ions, the relative activity of human brain GS was much lower than that of the sheep brain enzyme. The suppression of activity by increasing the ADP concentration, however, was less marked in the human enzyme than that in the sheep enzyme. Antibodies were raised in rabbits against the purified enzyme. The double-immunodiffusion technique disclosed cross-reactivities among GSs isolated from human, sheep, and rat brains, but the enzymes were not immunologically identical. Immunohistochemically, GS was localized in the cytoplasm of astrocytes in the human and rat brains and in pericentral hepatocytes of the liver.  相似文献   
To assess exercise energy metabolism of forearm flexor muscles in rowers, six male student rowers and six control subjects matched for age and sex were studied using phosphorus-31 magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P-MRS). Firstly, to adjust for the effect of differences in cross-sectional muscle area, the maximal cross-sectional area (CSAmax) of the forearm flexor muscles was estimated in each individual using magnetic resonance imaging. Multistage exercise was then carried out with an initial energy production of 1 J.cm-2 CSAmax for 1 min and an increment of 1 J.cm-2 CSAmax every minute to the point of muscle exhaustion. A series of measurements of 31P-MRS were performed every minute. The CSAmax was significantly greater in the student rowers than in the control subjects [19.8 (SD 2.2) vs 17.1 (SD 1.2) cm2, P less than 0.05]. The absolute maximal exercise intensity (J.min-1) was greater in the rowers than in the control subjects. However, the maximal exercise intensity per unit of muscle cross sectional area (J.min-1.cm-2) was not significantly different between the two groups. During mild to moderate exercise intensities, a decrease in phosphocreatine and an increase in inorganic phosphate before the onset of acidosis were significantly less in the rowers, indicating a requirement of less adenosine 5'-diphosphate to drive adenosine 5'-triphosphate production. The onset of acidosis was also significantly delayed in the rowers. No difference was observed in forearm blood flow between the two groups at the same exercise intensity (J.min-1.cm-2).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary The fine structure of each type of anterior pituitary cell in the male goat was studied through the application of a superimposition technique in which adjacent thick sections were used to identify individual cells beforehand by light-microscopic immunohistochemistry. A cone of the pars intermedia protrudes into the pars anterior, being surrounded by the narrow pituitary cleft; the immunohistochemical appearances of the cells forming the cone resemble those of the pars anterior. Several follicles appear in the pars anterior. Ultrastructurally GH cells resemble prolactin cells. The secretory granules of both types are spherical; the diameter of the former is about 340 nm, whereas that of the latter is about 440 nm. ACTH cells are polygonal in shape with secretory granules, about 180 nm in diameter, scattered throughout the cytoplasm. TSH cells, which are spherical in shape, contain the smallest secretory granules, 150 nm in diameter. The highly electron-dense LH cells contain numerous secretory granules about 210 nm in diameter. Their nuclei are irregular with incisures. Thus, the anterior pituitary cells of the goat are ultrastructurally characteristic and species-specific.  相似文献   
Adeno-associated virus (AAV)-based gene therapy holds promise as a fundamental treatment for genetic disorders. For clinical applications, it is necessary to control AAV release timing to avoid an immune response to AAV. Here we propose an ultrasound (US)-triggered on-demand AAV release system using alginate hydrogel microbeads (AHMs) with a release enhancer. By using a centrifuge-based microdroplet shooting device, the AHMs encapsulating AAV with tungsten microparticles (W-MPs) are fabricated. Since W-MPs work as release enhancers, the AHMs have high sensitivity to the US with localized variation in acoustic impedance for improving the release of AAV. Furthermore, AHMs were coated with poly-l -lysine (PLL) to adjust the release of AAV. By applying US to the AAV encapsulating AHMs with W-MPs, the AAV was released on demand, and gene transfection to cells by AAV was confirmed without loss of AAV activity. This proposed US-triggered AAV release system expands methodological possibilities in gene therapy.  相似文献   
Abstract In haplodiploid Hymenoptera, unfertilized eggs produce haploid males while fertilized eggs lead to diploid females under most circumstances. Diploid males can also be produced from fertilization under a system of sex determination known as complementary sex determination (CSD). Under single-locus CSD, sex is determined by multiple alleles at a single sex locus. Individuals heterozygous at the sex locus are female while hemizygous and homozygous individuals develop as haploid and diploid males, respectively. In multiple-locus CSD, two or more loci, each with two or more alleles, determine sex. Diploid individuals are female if one or more sex loci are heterozygous, while a diploid is male only if homozygous at all sex loci. Diploid males are known to occur in 43 hymenopteran species and single-locus CSD has been demonstrated in 22 of these species. Diploid males are either developmentally inviable or sterile, so their production constitutes a genetic load. Because diploid male production is more likely under inbreeding, CSD is a form of inbreeding depression. It is crucial to preserve the diversity of sex alleles and reduce the loss of genetic variation in biological control. In the parasitoid species with single-locus CSD, certain precautionary procedures can prevent negative effects of single-locus CSD on biological control.  相似文献   
A new lupin alkaloid, (+)-5,17-dehydromatrine N-oxide, was isolated from the fresh aerial parts of Euchresta japonica. Its structure was confirmed by spectrometric data and by direct comparison with a synthetic sample, prepared from (+)-sophoranol ((+)-5-hydroxymatrine). It was also concluded that (+)-5,17-dehydromatrine N-oxide and (+)-matrine N-oxide possess the same configuration with respect to the asymmetric nitrogen by NMR spectra.  相似文献   
Two new cage-type lupin alkaloids, (?)-tsukushinamine-B and tsukushinamine-C, have been isolated from the fresh epigeal parts of Sophora franchetiana, along with (?)-cytisine, (?)-N-formylcytisine, (?)-rhombifoline, (?)-anagyrine, (?)-baptifoline and (±)-ammodendrine, as well as (?)-tsukushinamine-A. The structures of these novel tsukushinamine-type lupin alkaloids were determined by spectroscopic data and partly by a chemical reaction. Variations of the alkaloid contents in the seeds, seedlings and various parts of S. franchetiana were also examined.  相似文献   
Fbxo45 is an F-box protein that is restricted to the nervous system. Unlike other F-box proteins, Fbxo45 was found not to form an SCF complex as a result of an amino acid substitution in the consensus sequence for Cul1 binding. Proteomics analysis revealed that Fbxo45 specifically associates with PAM (protein associated with Myc), a RING finger-type ubiquitin ligase. Mice deficient in Fbxo45 were generated and found to die soon after birth as a result of respiratory distress. Fbxo45/ embryos show abnormal innervation of the diaphragm, impaired synapse formation at neuromuscular junctions, and aberrant development of axon fiber tracts in the brain. Similar defects are also observed in mice lacking Phr1 (mouse ortholog of PAM), suggesting that Fbxo45 and Phr1 function in the same pathway. In addition, neuronal migration was impaired in Fbxo45/ mice. These results suggest that Fbxo45 forms a novel Fbxo45-PAM ubiquitin ligase complex that plays an important role in neural development.Ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis is indispensable for various biological processes (3, 40). Protein ubiquitylation is mediated by several enzymes that act in concert, with a ubiquitin ligase (E3) playing a key role in substrate recognition (14). E3 enzymes contain specific structural motifs that mediate recruitment of a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2), with these motifs including HECT, RING finger, U-box, and PHD finger domains (30). The SCF complex consists of Skp1 (adaptor subunit), Cul1 (scaffold subunit), an F-box protein (substrate recognition subunit), and Rbx1 (also known as Roc1 or Hrt1; RING finger-containing subunit). Whereas Skp1, Cul1, and Rbx1 are common to all SCF complexes, the F-box protein is variable (with ∼70 such proteins having been identified in humans) and confers substrate specificity.Fbxo45 is an F-box protein that was originally isolated as an estrogen-induced protein (47). Human and mouse Fbxo45 genes comprise three exons and possess several consensus binding sequences for the estrogen receptor in the promoter region. Fbxo45 mRNA is rapidly induced on exposure of MCF-7 cells to 17β-estradiol (47). FSN-1, the Caenorhabditis elegans ortholog of Fbxo45, binds to RPM-1 (regulator of presynaptic morphology 1) together with CUL-1 and SKR-1, the C. elegans orthologs of mammalian Cul1 and Skp1, respectively (21, 46). RPM-1 belongs to an evolutionarily conserved family of proteins (the PHR family) that include Highwire (HIW) (Drosophila melanogaster), Esrom (Danio rerio), Phr1 (Mus musculus), and protein associated with Myc (PAM) (Homo sapiens), each of which contains a RING-finger domain that is required for its E3 activity (7, 20, 21, 27, 44). Complete loss of function of fsn-1 in C. elegans results in defects that are characterized by the simultaneous presence of overdeveloped and underdeveloped neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) and which are similar to, but not as pronounced as, those observed in rpm-1/ mutants. These genetic findings support the notion that the functions of FSN-1 and RPM-1 are partially overlapping (21).Although PHR family members interact with many potential targets (11, 24, 26, 31), genetic data have shown that one key substrate of RPM-1 and HIW is the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase known as DLK (dual leucine zipper kinase) in C. elegans and known as Wallenda in D. melanogaster, respectively. The abundance of this kinase is increased in rpm-1 or hiw mutants, and synaptic defects in the mutant worms and flies are suppressed by a loss of DLK or Wallenda. Furthermore, an increase in the level of DLK or Wallenda is sufficient to phenocopy the synaptic defects of the rpm-1 or hiw mutants (5, 27). PAM has also been shown to catalyze the ubiquitylation of tuberin (TSC2) and to regulate signaling by mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) in human cells (12).To elucidate the physiological functions of Fbxo45 in mammals, we have now generated mice deficient in this protein. Analysis of the mutant mice revealed that Fbxo45 is required for normal neuromuscular synaptogenesis, axon pathfinding, and neuronal migration. Moreover, we found that Fbxo45 does not form an authentic SCF complex as a result of an amino acid substitution in the F-box domain, and we identified PAM as a binding partner of Fbxo45. The phenotype of Fbxo45/ mice was found to be similar to that of Phr1/ mice, especially with regard to the defects of neuromuscular synapse formation and of axon navigation. Our results indicate that three fundamental processes of neural development— axonal projection, synapse formation, and neuronal migration—may be linked by a common machinery consisting of the Fbxo45-Phr1 complex.  相似文献   
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