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Female hamsters were mated shortly after the onset of oestrus. At 3 or 6 h after mating, the right oviduct was flushed in situ with 30, 90 or 180 microliters medium to remove spermatozoa from the lumen, leaving only those firmly attached to the isthmic mucosa of the oviduct. When eggs were recovered from oviducts at 20 h after flushing the majority were fertilized, indicating that the spermatozoa that were firmly attached to the mucosa were capable of detaching and ascending to the ampulla to fertilize eggs. Neither the time of flushing nor the volume of flushing medium had a significant effect on the percentage of spermatozoa that remained in the isthmus after flushing. These results suggest that there is no change in the surface of the oviduct mucosa that causes the release of spermatozoa from the caudal isthmus near the time of ovulation. When incapacitated spermatozoa were introduced into the oviduct, many of them attached to oviductal mucosa, while capacitated spermatozoa did not. This indicates that it is a change in the sperm surface, rather than the mucosal surface, that causes the release of spermatozoa, i.e. spermatozoa remain attached to the isthmic mucosa until they become capacitated and then detach and migrate to the ampulla to fertilize the eggs.  相似文献   
Alpha-L-fucosidase was purified from the bull seminal plasma by chromatography on DEAE-disk, octyl sepharose hydrophobic column and HPLC. The enzyme appeared to be pure as judged by the polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis both under the nondenaturing and denaturing conditions. The pure enzyme promoted the acrosome reaction of guinea pig spermatozoa in vitro. This is the first report showing that an acrosomal enzyme induces acrosome reaction which is an essential pre-requisite for the gamete interaction and fertilization.  相似文献   
Living spermatozoa of seven mammalian species were treated with the thiol-alkylating fluorescent labelling compound, monobromobimane (MBBR). MB-labelling alone had no effect on sperm motility, nor on the time course or ability of golden hamster spermatozoa to undergo the acrosome reaction when capacitated in vitro. Exposure of MB-labelled spermatozoa to ultraviolet (UV) light and excitation of the MB fluorochrome resulted in virtually immediate immobilization of the spermatozoa without affecting acrosomal status. UV exposure of unlabelled spermatozoa for up to 30 sec had no effect upon motility. Immobilization of MB-labelled spermatozoa depended on the midpiece being irradiated, as irradiation of the head alone, or of the more distal parts of the principal piece, had little or no effect upon motility. Labelling with MB followed by immobilization of individually selected spermatozoa was most useful for detailing the course and site of occurrence of the acrosome reaction during penetration of the cumulus oophorus by golden hamster spermatozoa in vitro. In these often hyperactivated spermatozoa, precise determination of the acrosomal status could not often otherwise be made due to the difficulty in visualizing the acrosomal region of a vigorously thrashing, hyperactivated spermatozoon. This technique should prove valuable in a variety of studies on sperm motility, capacitation and fertilization, and could also be extended to other cell systems.  相似文献   
The inner acrosomal membrane (IAM) develops during the spermatid stage of differentiation as that portion of the Golgi-derived acrosome granule that tightly associates with the condensing sperm nucleus. In some mammalian species, an electron-dense proteinaceous material accumulates between the IAM and the nuclear envelope, collectively comprising the "perforatorium." Evidence, including its partial purification and its structural resistance to detergents and sonication, suggests that the IAM is an unusually resiliant membrane. Dense paracrystalline arrays of intramembranous particles, a lack of lectin-mediated receptor modulation, and its lack of participation in sperm-egg fusion suggest that the IAM lacks the same degree of fluidity as the egg surface plasmalemma. Observations using monoclonal antibodies, however, suggest that some specific antigenic modulations may be possible within the IAM. Its structural rigidity is of obvious mechanical value during sperm penetration through the zone pellucida. An additional role as a scaffold for putative zona lysin material remains controversial. Biochemical evidence suggests that acrosin, for example, is not entirely soluble and that some remains sperm-associated, depending on the conditions of acrosome disruption. Nevertheless, morphological studies do not agree on acrosin's specific localization to the IAM. Currently there is only very limited information concerning the localization of the other acrosomal enzymes to the IAM. Another possible role for the IAM in some species may be in recognizing the zona pellucida. Evidence for this derives from the observation that fucoidin, a fucose heteropolysaccharide, inhibits guinea pig sperm-zona binding, and bound fucoidin can be localized to the IAM and equatorial regions of the living acrosome-reacted spermatozoa. Finally, the IAM may have a role in early recognition/adhesion with the colemma.  相似文献   
Cycling adult female hamsters can be induced to mate and ovulate 24 h early by the injection of 20 IU human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) at 1500 h on Day 3 (day before proestrus), but pregnancy is not established. Although there is evidence of decreased sperm transport in precociously ovulated females, this does not appear to be the primary cause of infertility. Reduced size and vascularity of corpora lutea (CL) in treated females suggests incomplete or failed CL activation. Control and hCG-treated females were killed by exsanguination under ether anesthesia at intervals for the first 5 days after mating. Serum luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), prolactin, estradiol, and progesterone were measured by radioimmunoassay. Luteinizing hormone in treated animals was very high at 2200 h on Day 1 after mating (31 h after the hCG injection), due to endogenous release, and dropped below control levels thereafter. Follicle-stimulating hormone, by contrast, was significantly lower than controls at 2200 h on Day 1 and remained low until 2200 h on Day 3 after mating. Prolactin in treated animals was not different from that in controls, except for 1000 h on Day 4, when it showed a significant dip. Estradiol in treated animals was significantly higher than in controls at 2200 h on Day 1 (when LH was also high and FSH was low), and remained high at 1000 h and 2200 h on Day 2, dropping thereafter to control levels. Progesterone was initially at control levels but had dropped significantly by 1000 h on Day 2 and remained low for the next 24 h. These results suggest that pregnancy failure is due to inadequate activation of corpora lutea. This may be due to: 1) immaturity of follicles at the time of ovulation; 2) inappropriate timing of preovulatory events; 3) the luteolytic effects of high levels of LH or estradiol or both; 4) the low level of FSH in the early stages of corpus luteum development; or 5) a combination of the above. Abnormalities of prolactin secretion were not investigated in detail but cannot be ruled out at this time.  相似文献   
Summary Temperature-sensitive (ts) mutations were isolated within a ribosomal protein gene (rpsL) of Escherichia coli K12. Mutations were mapped by complementation using various transducing phages and plasmids carrying the rpsL gene, having either a normal or a defective promoter for the rpsL operon. One of these mutations, ts118, resulted in a mutant S12 protein which behaved differently from the wild-type S12 on CM-cellulose column chromatography. Suppressors of these ts mutations were isolated and characterized; one was found to be a mutation of a nonribosomal protein gene which was closely linked to the RNAase III gene on the E. coli chromosome. This suppressor, which was recessive to its wild-type allele, was cloned into a transducing phage and mapped finely. A series of cold-sensitive mutations, affecting the assembly of ribosomes at 20°C, was isolated within the purL to nadB region of the E. coli chromosome and one group, named rbaA, mapped at the same locus as the suppressor mutation, showing close linkage to the RNAase III gene.  相似文献   
The permanent human cell lines preserving defects of lysosomal enzymes, GM1-1019-SV and SA-1077-SV, were established from the respective fibroblasts from patients with GMl-gangliosidosis and Sandhoff disease by transfection with replication origin-minus simian virus 40 DNA. These ceils grow rapidly without entering senescence during more than 120 population doublings. The activity of -galactosidase in GM1-1019-SV and of B-N-acetylhexosaminidase in SA-1077-SV was respectively 40- and 180-fold lower than that of normal fibroblasts.  相似文献   
A structural locus (C-6) for the sixth component of complement in mice is assigned to chromosome 15. Three-point linkage analysis indicated that the order of loci is C-6, Gpt-1, Gdc-1, and that the map distances are 25.9±4.9 between C-6 and Gpt-1, and 36.4±5.5 between C-6 and Gdc-1. Since Gdc-1 is more distal than Gpt-1, and C-6 is 26 cM away from Gpt-1, it is estimated that the C-6 is proximal to the centromere. In addition, a new C6 form found in AKR mice is described. We propose the designation C6B for it and C-6 b for the allele encoding C6B.Abbreviations used in this paper IEF isoelectric focusing - GPT glutamic-pyruvic transaminase - GDC L-glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase - cM centimorgan  相似文献   
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