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Three types of PS I Chl-protein complex, PS I 180, PS I 65,and PS I 30, have been prepared and the kinetic properties ofthe transfer of electrons from plastocyanin to P700 in the PSI complexes with different sized antennae were examined. ThePS I 180 complex, which consists of 180 Chi per P700, showedthe almost same rate constant and effects of cations for thetransfer of electrons from plastocyanin to P700 as those obtainedwith PS I-enriched membrane fragments. The rate constant increasedwith the addition of low concentrations of monovalent and divalentcations, but decreased with high concentrations of cations.However, the rate was severely reduced in the case of the PSI 65 and PS I 30 complexes, and quite different effects of cationswere observed. Given the presence of additional 25- to 28-kDapolypeptides in the PS I 180 complex as compared to the PS I65 and PS I 30 complexes, we discuss a possible function forthese polypeptides in the regulation of the reaction betweenplastocyanin and P700. 1This work was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for ScientificResearch from the Ministry of Education, Science and Cultureof Japan. (Received May 27, 1988; Accepted November 7, 1988)  相似文献   
We have examined the expression of mRNAs for epidermal growth factor (EGF), transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-α), EGF receptor (EGFR), PDGF-A chain (PDGFA), PDGF-B chain (PDGFB) and PDGF receptor (PDGFR) genes in seven human colorectal carcinoma cell lines and 18 human colorectal carcinomas. In surgically resected specimens of the 18 colorectal tumors, TGF-α, EGFR, PDGFA, PDGFB and PDGFR mRNAs were detected at various levels in 15 (83%), 9 (50%), 18 (100%), 8 (44%) and 12 (67%), respectively. They were also detected in normal tissues. Interestingly, EGF mRNA was detected in only five (28%) of the tumors, but not in normal mucosa. Expression of EGF was also confirmed immunohistochemically in tumor cells. Of the five tumors expressing EGF, four expressed EGFR mRNA and showed a tendency to invade veins and lymphatics. All the colorectal carcinoma cell lines expressed TGF-α mRNA, and five cell lines expressed EGFR mRNA simultaneously. Production of TGF-α protein by DLD-1 and CoLo320DM cells was confirmed by TGF-α specific monoclonal antibody binding assay. The spontaneous3H-thymidine uptake by DLD-1 was suppressed by an anti-TGF-α monoclonal antibody. PDGFA and PDGFB mRNA were also expressed in four cell lines, but PDGFR and EGF mRNA was not detected. These results suggest that human colorectal carcinomas express multi-loops of growth factors and that TGF-α produced by tumor cells functions as an autocrine growth factor in human colonic carcinoma.  相似文献   
We investigated light and electron microscopic localization of ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) in rat intestinal mucosa. In the immunoblotting assay of OTC-related protein, a single protein band with a molecular weight of about 36,500 is observed in extracts of liver and small intestinal mucosa but is not observed in those of stomach and large intestine. For light microscopy, tissue slices of the digestive system were embedded in Epon and stained by using anti-bovine OTC rabbit IgG and the immunoenzyme technique. For electron microscopy, slices of these and the liver tissues were embedded in Lowicryl K4M and stained by the protein A-gold technique. By light microscopy, the absorptive epithelial cells of duodenum, jejunum, and ileum stained positively for OTC, but stomach, large intestine, rectum, and propria mucosa of small intestine were not stained. Electron microscopy showed that gold particles representing the antigenic sites for OTC were confined to the mitochondrial matrix of hepatocytes and small intestinal epithelial cells. However, the enzyme was detected in mitochondria of neither liver endothelial cells, submucosal cells of small intestine, nor large intestinal epithelial cells. Labeling density of mitochondria in the absorptive epithelial cells of duodenum, jejunum, and ileum was about half of that in liver cells.  相似文献   
Tobacco mesophyll protoplasts were treated with plasmids, pCT2 (17.1 kbp) or pCT2T3 (18.3 kbp), which contained a chimeric aminoglycoside phosphotransferase II (APH(3′)II) gene and an intact nopaline synthase gene. Expression of two marker enzymes, APH(3′)II and nopaline synthase, were analyzed in transformed plants. Four out of 16 transformants obtained by pCT2T3 possessed both enzymes. Upon self-pollination, the progeny of one of transformants (T2) segregated to 153∶4 in terms of resistant and susceptible character to kanamycin, suggesting insertion of foreign genes into three independent chromosomes. The kanamycin resistant character in the rest of transformants showed 3∶1 segregation. DNA blot analysis of the T2 transformant and progenies indicated the presence of two marker genes.  相似文献   
To elucidate a possible role of tyrosine supply as a factor modulating catecholamine biosynthesis in the adrenergic cell, the transport of [14C]tyrosine into cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells was first examined, and the relationship between [14C]tyrosine transport and [14C]catecholamine formation was then investigated. Under the conditions which were routinely employed to determine the rate of catecholamine biosynthesis, tyrosine was taken up into the cells in a manner independent of extracellular Na+ and Ca2+, and this uptake was also insensitive to ouabain and various metabolic inhibitors. The stimulation of these cells with high K+ and other secretagogues caused no significant alteration in the uptake. While, tyrosine transport was markedly inhibited by tyrosine analogues and other L-aromatic amino acids, and this inhibition was accompanied by the reduction of [14C]catecholamine formation. In contrast, tyrosine transport was markedly enhanced by flavone, and this enhancement was also accompanied by the augmentation of catecholamine production under the same experimental conditions. These results seem to indicate that the transport of tyrosine into the cells may be closely related to catecholamine formation within the cells, thus providing an evidence for a possible role of tyrosine supply as one of the factors affecting catecholamine production in the adrenal chromaffin cell.  相似文献   
The 5'-upstream region (2.4 kb) of the gene for phytochromeI from Pisum sativum (phyl) was fused to the uidA gene fromEscherichia coli that encodes ß-glucuronidase (GUS).The resulting PHY-GUS fusion was introduced into Petunia hybridaand was used as a reporter of the expression of the phyI genewhich was recognized by GUS activity. The PHY-GUS fusion wasexpressed at a relatively high level when transgenic plantswere grown in the dark, while leaves and stems of light-grownplants showed background activity. Flowers of light-grown plantswere shown to have significant levels of GUS activity but rootsdid not have such activity. When light-grown transgenic plantswere transferred to the dark, they expressed the activity atlevels that corresponded to those of dark-grown plants. Lighttreatment prior to growth in darkness revealed red/far-red reversibilityof recovery of the activity. Thus, the 2.4-kb fragment fromthe 5' region of the phyI gene carries the information necessaryfor the light-repressible autoregulation. (Received March 30, 1991; Accepted May 20, 1991)  相似文献   
A pathogenic fungus of pea, Mycosphaerella pinodes, secretesa so-called "suppressor" in its pycnospore germination fluid.The suppressor blocks the defense responses and induces localsusceptibility (accessibility) in pea plants to agents thatare not pathogenic in pea. The suppressor nonspecifically inhibitsthe ATPase activity in plasma membranes prepared from pea, soybean,kidney bean, cowpea and barley plants. However, cytochemicalstudies by electron microscopy indicate that the suppressorspecifically inhibits the ATPase in pea cell membranes, butnot in those of four other plant species tested. That is, thespecificity of the suppressor appears at the cell and/or tissuelevel, but is not evident in vitro. Furthermore, the inhibitoryeffect of the suppressor is temporary because the ATPase activityrecovers 9 h after the treatment. A similar effect was observedafter inoculation with M. pinodes but not with a nonpathogenof pea, M. ligulicola. The role of the suppressor in host-parasitespecificity is discussed. (Received April 9, 1991; Accepted August 6, 1991)  相似文献   
In vitro binding of nuclear proteins from wheat germ to the5'-upstream region of the rolC gene of Ri plasmid was investigated.The specific DNA sequences interacting with proteins were detectedby DNase I footprinting. (Received October 8, 1990; Accepted November 30, 1990)  相似文献   
H Narita  M Hamano  F Cho 《Jikken dobutsu》1988,37(4):393-397
This paper describes usefulness of the ultrasonographical device (USD) for the diagnosis of pregnancy and the observation of fetal growth in the squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) conceived under group breeding conditions. Pregnancy was diagnosed on the basis of the detection of gestational sac (GS) in the uterus. The GS was first detected 127 +/- 10 days before delivery. The heart beat of embryo was detected around 114 days before delivery. It was able to judge conditions of fetal growth by measuring the size of GS and the biparietal diameter. No difference in uterine size between nonpregnant and pregnant animals was observed 135 days before delivery.  相似文献   
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