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The genome of the Gram-positive soil bacterium Bacillus subtilis encodes three potential diadenylate cyclases that may synthesize the signaling nucleotide cyclic di-AMP (c-di-AMP). These enzymes are expressed under different conditions in different cell compartments, and they localize to distinct positions in the cell. Here we demonstrate the diadenylate cyclase activity of the so far uncharacterized enzymes CdaA (previously known as YbbP) and CdaS (YojJ). Our work confirms that c-di-AMP is essential for the growth of B. subtilis and shows that an excess of the molecule is also harmful for the bacteria. Several lines of evidence suggest that the diadenylate cyclase CdaA is part of the conserved essential cda-glm module involved in cell wall metabolism. In contrast, the CdaS enzyme seems to provide c-di-AMP for spores. Accumulation of large amounts of c-di-AMP impairs the growth of B. subtilis and results in the formation of aberrant curly cells. This phenotype can be partially suppressed by elevated concentrations of magnesium. These observations suggest that c-di-AMP interferes with the peptidoglycan synthesis machinery. The activity of the diadenylate cyclases is controlled by distinct molecular mechanisms. CdaA is stimulated by a regulatory interaction with the CdaR (YbbR) protein. In contrast, the activity of CdaS seems to be intrinsically restricted, and a single amino acid substitution is sufficient to drastically increase the activity of the enzyme. Taken together, our results support the idea of an important role for c-di-AMP in B. subtilis and suggest that the levels of the nucleotide have to be tightly controlled.  相似文献   
Pilot-scale reactive-extraction technology for fully integrated L-phenylalanine (L-Phe) separation in Escherichia coli fed-batch fermentations was investigated in order to prevent an inhibition of microbial L-Phe production by-product accumulation. An optimal reactive-extraction system, consisting of an organic kerosene phase with the cation-selective carrier DEHPA (di-2-ethylhexyl phosphonic acid) and an aqueous stripping phase including sulphuric acid, was found particularly efficient. Using this system with two membrane contactors, mass-transfer coefficients of up to 288 x 10(-7) cm s(-1) for the aqueous/organic and 77 x 10(-7) cm s(-1) for the organic/stripping phase were derived from experimental data using a simple modelling approach. Concentration factors higher than 4 were achieved in the stripping phase as compared to the aqueous donor phase. Reactive extraction enabled a 98% cation portion of L-Phe in the stripping phase, leading to final product purity higher than 99% after L-Phe precipitation. A doubling of L-Phe/glucose yield was observed when kerosene/DEHPA was added to the fermentation solution in the bioreactor to experimentally simulate a fully integrated L-Phe separation process.  相似文献   
Nucleolin functions in ribosome biogenesis and contains an acidic N terminus that binds nuclear localization sequences. In previous work we showed that human nucleolin associates with the N-terminal region of human topoisomerase I (Top1). We have now mapped the topoisomerase I interaction domain of nucleolin to the N-terminal 225 amino acids. We also show that the Saccharomyces cerevisiae nucleolin ortholog, Nsr1p, physically interacts with yeast topoisomerase I, yTop1p. Studies of isogenic NSR1(+) and Deltansr1 strains indicate that NSR1 is important in determining the cellular localization of yTop1p. Moreover, deletion of NSR1 reduces sensitivity to camptothecin, an antineoplastic topoisomerase I inhibitor. By contrast, Deltansr1 cells are hypersensitive to the topoisomerase II-targeting drug amsacrine. These findings indicate that nucleolin/Nsr1 is involved in the cellular localization of Top1 and that this localization may be important in determining sensitivity to drugs that target topoisomerases.  相似文献   
Glutamate is an important excitatory amino acid in the central nervous system. Under pathological conditions glutamate levels dramatically increase. Aim of the present study was to examine whether the HMG-CoA inhibitor fluvastatin prevents glutamate-induced blood-brain-barrier (BBB) disruption. Measurements of transendothelial electrical resistance (TEER) were performed to analyze BBB integrity in an in vitro co-culture model of brain endothelial and glial cells. Myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation was detected by immunohistochemistry, or using the in-cell western technique. Intracellular Ca2+ and reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels were analyzed using the fluorescence dyes Ca-green or DCF. Glutamate induced a time- (1-3 h) and concentration- (0.25-1 mmol/l) dependent decrease of TEER values that was blocked by the NMDA-receptor antagonist MK801, the Ca2+ chelator BAPTA, the NAD(P)H-oxidase inhibitor apocynin and the MLC-kinase inhibitor ML-7. Furthermore we observed a concentration-dependent increase of intracellular Ca2+ and ROS after glutamate application. Glutamate caused an increase of MLC phosphorylation that was antagonized by apocynin, or BAPTA, indicating that Ca2+ and ROS signaling is involved in the activation of the contractile machinery. Fluvastatin (10-25 micromol/l) completely abolished the glutamate-induced barrier disruption and oxidative stress. The BBB-protecting effect of fluvastatin was completely lost if the cells were treated with the nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibitor L-NMMA (300 micromol/l). In the present study we demonstrated that glutamate-induced BBB disruption involves Ca2+ signalling via NMDA receptors, which is followed by an increased ROS generation by the NAD(P)H-oxidase. This oxidative stress then activates the MLC kinase. Fluvastatin preserves barrier function in a NO-dependent way and reduces glutamate-induced oxidative stress.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Although several potential risk factors have been discussed, risk factors associated with bacterial colonization or even infection of catheters used for regional anaesthesia are not very well investigated. METHODS: In this prospective observational trial, 198 catheters at several anatomical sites where placed using a standardized technique. The site of insertion was then monitored daily for signs of infection (secretion at the insertion site, redness, swelling, or local pain). The catheters were removed when clinically indicated (no or moderate postoperative pain) or when signs of potential infection occurred. After sterile removal they were prospectively analyzed for colonization, defined as > 15 colony forming units. RESULTS: 33 (16.7%) of all catheters were colonized, and 18 (9.1%) of these with additional signs of local inflammation. Two of these patients required antibiotic treatment due to superficial infections. Stepwise logistic regression analysis was used to identify factors associated with catheter colonization. Out of 26 potential factors, three came out as statistically significant. Catheter placement in the groin (odds-ratio and 95%-confidence interval: 3.4; 1.5-7.8), and repeated changing of the catheter dressing (odds-ratio: 2.1; 1.4-3.3 per removal) increased the risk for colonization, whereas systemic antibiotics administered postoperatively decreased it (odds ratio: 0.41; 0.12-1.0). CONCLUSION: Colonization of peripheral and epidural nerve catheter can only in part be predicted at the time of catheter insertion since two out of three relevant variables that significantly influence the risk can only be recorded postoperatively. Catheter localisation in the groin, removal of the dressing and omission of postoperative antibiotics were associated with, but were not necessarily causal for bacterial colonization. These factors might help to identify patients who are at increased risk for catheter colonization.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: In many studies investigating measures to attenuate the hemodynamic and humoral stress response during induction of anaesthesia, primary attention was paid to the period of endotracheal intubation since it has been shown that even short-lasting sympathetic cardiovascular stimulation may have detrimental effects on patients with coronary artery disease. The aim of this analysis was, however, to identify the influencing factors on high catecholamine levels before induction of anaesthesia. METHODS: Various potential risk factors that could impact the humoral stress response before induction of anaesthesia were recorded in 84 males undergoing coronary aortic bypass surgery, and were entered into a stepwise linear regression analysis. The plasma level of norepinephrine measured immediately after radial artery canulation was chosen as a surrogate marker for the humoral stress response, and it was used as the dependent variable in the regression model. Accordingly, the mean arterial blood pressure, heart rate and the calculated pressure-rate product were taken as parameters of the hemodynamic situation. RESULTS: Stepwise regression analysis revealed that the oral administration of low-dose clonidine (mean dose 1.75 μg.kg-1) on the morning of surgery was the only significant predictor (p = 0.004) of the high variation in preoperative norepinephrine plasma levels. This intervention decreased norepinephrine levels by more than 40% compared to no clonidine administration, from 1.26 to 0.75 nmol.l-1. There was no evidence for dose-responsiveness of clonidine. All other potential predictors were removed from the model as insignificant (p > 0.05). The use of beta-blocker, ace-inhibitors, ejection fraction, and body mass index were significant determinants for the hemodynamic situation (heart rate, mean arterial pressure, pressure rate product) of the patient during the pre-induction period. CONCLUSION: The oral administration of clonidine is the only significant predictor for the observed variation of norepinephrine levels during the preoperative period. Lack of significant dose responsiveness suggests that even a low dose of the drug can attenuate the preoperative stress response and thus is recommended in cardiovascular high risk patients.  相似文献   
Recent developments on Heusler alloys including Ni–Mn–X and Ni–Co–Mn–X (X = Ga, In, Sn,…) demonstrate multiferroic phase transformations with large abrupt changes in lattice parameters of several percent and corresponding abrupt changes in ferromagnetic ordering near the transition temperatures. These materials enable a new generation of thermomagnetic generators that convert heat to electricity within a small temperature difference below 5 K. While thermodynamic calculations on this energy conversion method predict a power density normalized to material volume of up to 300 mW cm?3, experimental results have been in the range of µW cm?3. Challenges are related to the development of materials with bulk‐like single‐crystal properties as well as geometries with large surface‐to‐volume ratio for rapid heat exchange. This study demonstrates efficient thermomagnetic generation via resonant actuation of freely movable thin‐film devices of the Heusler alloy Ni–Mn–Ga with unprecedented power density of 118 mW cm?3 that compares favorably with the best thermoelectric generators. Due to the large temperature‐dependent change of magnetization of the films, a periodic temperature change of only 3 K is required for operation. The duration of thermomagnetic duty cycle is only about 12 ms, which matches with the period of oscillatory motion.  相似文献   
In this study we investigated the relationship between maternalsize and size of ephippial hatchlings in Daphnia magna. We observedthat larger females produce larger ephippia; these larger ephippiahave a higher hatching probability, yield larger neonates, whichin turn yield larger adults, producing more eggs. We interpretthese observations as an explanation why older and larger femalesof D.magna continue to produce ephippia despite a higher predationrisk.  相似文献   
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