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The aim of this study was to examine if E. coli isolated from asymptomatic bacteriuria differed in pathogenic features from strains isolated from symptomatic infections of urinary tract. In this study 130 strains of E. coli isolated from women having asymptomatic bacteriuria and 112 strains isolated from patients with symptoms of urinary tract infection were examined. It was shown that E. coli isolated from patients with symptomatic urinary tract infection showed the more frequently ability to cause mannose-resistant haemagglutination of human erythrocytes, resistance to bactericidal activity of serum and haemolytic properties than those isolated from asymptomatic bacteriuria. These strains showed also the higher ability to adhere to Vero cells in tissue culture. Among E. coli strains isolated from persons with asymptomatic bacteriuria the pathogenic features were most frequently found in strains from healthy women and the most rarely in isolated from diabetic women.  相似文献   
This study demonstrates the effects of simulated microgravity on E. coli K 12 MG1655 grown on LB medium supplemented with glycerol. Global gene expression analysis indicated that the expressions of hundred genes were significantly altered in simulated microgravity conditions compared to that of normal gravity conditions. Under these conditions genes coding for adaptation to stress are up regulated (sufE and ssrA) and simultaneously genes coding for membrane transporters (ompC, exbB, actP, mgtA, cysW and nikB) and carbohydrate catabolic processes (ldcC, ptsA, rhaD and rhaS) are down regulated. The enhanced growth in simulated gravity conditions may be because of the adequate supply of energy/reducing equivalents and up regulation of genes involved in DNA replication (srmB) and repression of the genes encoding for nucleoside metabolism (dfp, pyrD and spoT). In addition, E. coli cultured in LB medium supplemented with glycerol (so as to protect the cells from freezing temperatures) do not exhibit multiple stress responses that are normally observed when cells are exposed to microgravity in LB medium without glycerol.  相似文献   
Though the vascular endothelial growth factor coreceptor neuropilin-1 (Nrp1) plays a critical role in vascular development, its precise function is not fully understood. We identified a group of novel binding partners of the cytoplasmic domain of Nrp1 that includes the focal adhesion regulator, Filamin A (FlnA). Endothelial cells (ECs) expressing a Nrp1 mutant devoid of the cytoplasmic domain (nrp1cytoΔ/Δ) migrated significantly slower in response to VEGF relative to the cells expressing wild-type Nrp1 (nrp1+/+ cells). The rate of FA turnover in VEGF-treated nrp1cytoΔ/Δ ECs was an order of magnitude lower in comparison to nrp1+/+ ECs, thus accounting for the slower migration rate of the nrp1cytoΔ/Δ ECs.  相似文献   
This report describes the clinical value of transrectal prostate biopsy during which 12 biopsy cores are taken in comparison to the classical sextant method. There were 106 patients included in the study, who had transrectal prostate biopsy (TRB) due to abnormal finding after digitorectal examination (DRE) and/or values of PSA > 4 ng/ml in the period from 4 October 2001 till 14 August 2002. There were 117 biopsies with 12 biopsy cores taken, 6 cores from each lobe. Prostate cancer was confirmed in 49 patients (46%). Out of total number of confirmed cancer cases, initial biopsy detected 94%. There were three patients who had suspicious DRE finding, with PSA value of < 4 ng/ml, but cancer was not detected in any of them. In the patient group with PSA value between 4-10 ng/ml, cancer was detected in 26% of them and in the group with PSA value > 10 ng/ml cancer was detected in 58%. The most common Gleason score in the case of cancer was 7 (43%). During the biopsy procedure, 3 patients experienced strong vasovagal reactions, meaning that out of 117 biopsies incidence of complications was 2.6%. Few days after the biopsy, two patients developed urogenital tract infections (1.7%) and right after the procedure, there was one case of strong hematuria (0.8%) and strong rectal bleeding (0,8%) that needed hospitalization. Our results regarding the incidence of complications do not differ much from the results in the literature. According to data in the literature regarding sextant biopsy, 15-34% of cancer cases remain undiagnosed at initial biopsy. The method of 12 biopsy cores fails to diagnose only 6% of all cancers, but it is important to note that in the mentioned period, re-biopsy was indicated only in 11 from 60 patients with negative biopsies.  相似文献   
We report on a PCR-RFLP procedure for recognising of a silent point mutation of ITGB2 CD18 subunit gene in cattle. Polymorphism screening was performed in a Polish Black-and-White cattle population (n=210). The genotype and allele frequencies were established in the sires and cows. Further research is needed to explain the possible applications of the CD18 silent point mutation as a potential molecular marker for high milk productivity.  相似文献   
The aim of this investigation was to determine the levels of heavy metals and metalloids in freshwater fish from the Zagreb area. A total of 216 freshwater fish samples from 5 sites were examined: Sava river upstream from Zagreb, Sava river at Zagreb, Sava river downstream from Zagreb, Jarun Lake, and 5 "ecologic" fishponds from the Zagreb surroundings. The metals lead, cadmium, mercury and the metalloid arsenic were determined by the method of atomic absorption spectrometry. The mean pooled levels of lead, cadmium and arsenic in all fish samples were 112.3 +/- 95 micrograms/kg, 8.5 +/- 11 micrograms/kg and 23.5 +/- 36 micrograms/kg, and did not exceed the allowed levels of 1,000 mg/kg, 100 micrograms/kg and 200 micrograms/kg, respectively. In 4 fish samples, the levels of mercury exceeded the allowed limit of 500 micrograms/kg (509, 596, 605 and 788 micrograms/kg), however, the pooled mean level of mercury was 127.8 +/- 90 micrograms/kg. There was no major difference in the levels of heavy metals between the two fish families observed, although the levels of lead, cadmium and mercury were higher in the family Ictaluridae (144 vs. 107 micrograms/kg, 10.4 vs. 8.2 micrograms/kg, and 153 vs. 124 micrograms/kg, respectively), whereas the level of arsenic was higher in the family Cyprinidae (23.8 vs. 21.8 micrograms/kg). Although the Sava river at Zagreb is the main recipient of sewage and wastewater in the Republic of Croatia, the levels of heavy metals were within the allowed limits in all groups of freshwater fish samples, with the exception of 4 samples that contained moderately elevated levels of mercury. Study results suggest that only mercury could be considered a good indicator of environmental pollution, because higher levels of mercury were measured in the fish from the Sava river than in the fish from the Jarun Lake and fishponds from the Zagreb surroundings, considering both pooleded and fish family specified data.  相似文献   
The yeast protein Rad23 belongs to a diverse family of proteins that contain an amino-terminal ubiquitin-like (UBL) domain. This domain mediates the binding of Rad23 to proteasomes, which in turn promotes DNA repair and modulates protein degradation, possibly by delivering ubiquitinylated cargo to proteasomes. Here we show that Rad23 binds proteasomes by directly interacting with the base subcomplex of the regulatory particle of the proteasome. A component of the base, Rpn1, specifically recognizes the UBL domain of Rad23 through its leucine-rich-repeat-like (LRR-like) domain. A second UBL protein, Dsk2, competes with Rad23 for proteasome binding, which suggests that the LRR-like domain of Rpn1 may participate in the recognition of several ligands of the proteasome. We propose that the LRR domain of Rpn1 may be positioned in the base to allow the cargo proteins carried by Rad23 to be presented to the proteasomal ATPases for unfolding. We also report that, contrary to expectation, the base subunit Rpn10 does not mediate the binding of UBL proteins to the proteasome in yeast, although it can apparently contribute to the binding of ubiquitin chains by intact proteasomes.  相似文献   
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