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A novel endosperm-specific gene named Esr (e mbryo s urrounding r egion) has been isolated by differential display between early developmental stages of maize endosperms and embryos. It is expressed in a restricted region of the endosperm, surrounding the entire embryo at early stages (4 to 7 days after pollination, DAP) and ever-decreasing parts of the suspensor at subsequent stages. The expression starts at 4 DAP and is maintained until at least 28 DAP. A minimum of three Esr genes are present in the maize genome and at least two of them map to the short arm of chromosome 1 at position 56. The Esr genes contain no introns and show no significant nucleotide or amino acid sequence homologies to sequences in the databases. The open reading frames encode basic proteins of 14 kDa with presumptive signal peptides at their N-termini followed by a hypervariable and a conserved region. The gene product may play a role in the nutrition of the developing embryo or in the establishment of a physical barrier between embryo and endosperm.  相似文献   
In a study of androgenesis in 90 Norwegian genotypes of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), heritabilities ranged from h b 2 =0.46 to 0.80. Very high or completely positive genotypic correlations were found between most characters of androgenetic response (e.g. embryo-like structures per 100 anthers, plants per 100 embryo-like structures, albino plants per 100 anthers, green plants per 100 anthers). Three genotypes, 2 Norwegian (7-5 and 9-5) and 1 Danish (245), which had significantly different androgenetic responses were selected to study the genetic control of the processes. Genotypes 7-5 and 9-5 were highly embryogenie, 7–5 and 245 were relatively high producers of green plants, while 9-5 was unable to produce green plants. The six possible reciprocal crosses between these three genotypes were made, and 10 or 11 F1 plants from each cross were used for anther culture experiments. The cross 7-5 x 245 showed average superiority over both parents for total plant regeneration and green plant production, results not previously reported. The phenotypic correlations estimated among progenies from the crosses ranged from r=-0.99*** to 0.81***. These considerable changes, relative to the results of the screening experiment, are most likely the result of changed allele frequencies caused by the strong selection of parents in these crosses, and a relatively simple genetical control. This is also inferred from the large transgressive segregation observed.Abbreviations ANT anthers - ELS embryo-like structures - ALB albino plants - GRP green plants - DH doubled haploid plants  相似文献   
The maize (Zea mays L.) endosperm consists of an epidermal like layer of isodiametric aleurone cells surrounding a central body of starchy endosperm cells. In disorgal1 (dil1) and disorgal2 (dil2) mutants the control of the mitotic division plane is relaxed or missing, resulting in mature grains with disorganized aleurone layers. In addition to orientation of the division plane, both the shape and size of the aleurone cells are affected, and often more than one layer of aleurone cells is present. Homozygous dil1 and dil2 grains are shrunken due to reduced accumulation of starchy endosperm and premature developmental arrest of the embryo, and mature mutant grains germinate at a very low rate and fail to develop into plants. However, homozygous mutant plants can be obtained through embryo rescue, revealing that both mutants have an irregular leaf epidermis as well as roots with a strongly reduced number of root hairs and aberrant root hair morphology. Our results suggest the presence of common regulatory mechanisms for the control of cell division orientation in the aleurone and plant epidermis.Abbreviations DAP days after pollination - dek defective kernel mutant - dil disorganized aleurone layer mutant - GUS -glucuronidase - LM light microscopy - PPB pre-prophase band - SEM scanning electron microscopy - TUSC Trait Utility System for Corn  相似文献   
Summary Genotypes of Lolium perenne L. with different androgenetic responses were used to test effects of induction medium composition. The media tested were potato II (pII), 190-2, and modified Linsmaier and Skoog media, LS-1, LS-2, and LS-3. The effect of different gelling agents, activated charcoal in a double layer design, and casein hydrolysate were also studied. From 36,696 anthers, 25,906 embryo-like structures, 1,959 albino and 173 green plants were generated. Significant differences were found between media, genotypes and medium-genotype interactions studied. All three media commonly used, pII, 190-2, and LS-3, were equivalent in production of green plants. Cold pretreatment of the anthers (4°C) significantly increased the number of embryo-like structures, the number and proportion of albino plants produced, but not the production of green plants.Abbreviations ELS embryo-like structures - ALB albino plants - ANT anthers - GRP green plants - DH doubled haploid plants - AC activated charcoal - CH casein hydrolysate - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - LS Linsmaier and Skoog (1965) basal medium - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) - PL plants - pII potato II induction medium - DL double layer  相似文献   
Barley, one of the major small grain crops, is especially important in climatically demanding agricultural areas of the world, with multiple uses within food, feed, and beverage. The barley endosperm is further of special scientific interest due to its three aleurone cell layers, with the potential of bringing forward the molecular understanding of seed development and cell specification from Arabidopsis and maize. Work done in Arabidopsis and maize indicate the presence of conserved seed developmental pathways where Crinkly4 (Cr4), Defective kernel1 (Dek1), and Supernumerary aleurone layer1 (Sal1) are key players. With the use of microscopy, a comprehensive phenotypic characterization of the barley defective seed5 (des5) mutant is presented here. The analysis further extends to molecular quantification of gene expression changes in the des5 mutant by qRT-PCR. Moreover, full-length genomic sequences of the barley orthologues were generated and these were annotated as HvDek1, HvCr4, and HvSal1. The most striking results in this study are the patchy reduction in number of aleurone cells, rudimentary anticlinal aleurone cell walls, and the specific change of HvCr4 expression compared to HvDek1 and HvSal1. The data presented support the involvement of Hvdes5 in establishing aleurone cells. Finally, how these results might affect the current model of aleurone and epidermal cell identity and development is discussed with a speculation regarding a possible role of Des5 in regulating cell division/ secondary cell wall building.  相似文献   
DEFECTIVE KERNEL1 (DEK1), which consists of a membrane-spanning region (DEK1-MEM) and a calpain-like Cys proteinase region (DEK1-CALP), is essential for aleurone cell formation at the surface of maize (Zea mays) endosperm. Immunolocalization and FM4-64 dye incubation experiments showed that DEK1 and CRINKLY4 (CR4), a receptor kinase implicated in aleurone cell fate specification, colocalized to plasma membrane and endosomes. SUPERNUMERARY ALEURONE LAYER1 (SAL1), a negative regulator of aleurone cell fate encoding a class E vacuolar sorting protein, colocalized with DEK1 and CR4 in endosomes. Immunogold localization, dual-axis electron tomography, and diffusion of fluorescent dye tracers showed that young aleurone cells established symplastic subdomains through plasmodesmata of larger dimensions than those connecting starchy endosperm cells and that CR4 preferentially associated with plasmodesmata between aleurone cells. Genetic complementation experiments showed that DEK1-CALP failed to restore wild-type phenotypes in maize and Arabidopsis thaliana dek1 mutants, and DEK1-MEM also failed to restore wild-type phenotypes in Arabidopsis dek1-1 mutants. Instead, ectopic expression of DEK1-MEM under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter gave a dominant negative phenotype. These data suggest a model for aleurone cell fate specification in which DEK1 perceives and/or transmits a positional signal, CR4 promotes the lateral movement of aleurone signaling molecules between aleurone cells, and SAL1 maintains the proper plasma membrane concentration of DEK1 and CR4 proteins via endosome-mediated recycling/degradation.  相似文献   
Members of the plant-specific gibberellic acid-stimulated Arabidopsis (GASA) gene family play roles in hormone response, defense and development. We have identified six new Arabidopsis GASA genes, bringing the total number of family members to 14. Here we show that these genes all encode small polypeptides that share the common structural features of an N-terminal putative signal sequence, a highly divergent intermediate region and a conserved 60 amino acid C-terminal domain containing 12 conserved cysteine residues. Analysis of promoter::GUS (beta-glucuronidase) transgenic plants representing six different GASA loci reveals that the promoters are activated in a variety of stage- and tissue-specific patterns during development, indicating that the GASA genes are involved in diverse processes. Characterization of GASA4 shows that the promoter is active in the shoot apex region, developing flowers and developing embryos. Phenotypic analyses of GASA4 loss-of-function and gain-of-function lines indicate that GASA4 regulates floral meristem identity and also positively affects both seed size and total seed yield.  相似文献   
Esr genes share high homology among each other, code for small hydrophilic proteins, and are expressed in a restricted region of maize endosperm surrounding the embryo. We show here that not only Esr2 but also Esr1 and Esr3 are expressed in maize, and that the relative contribution of Esr1, Esr2 and Esr3 to total Esr mRNA is 17%, 55% and 28%, respectively. DNA sequence analysis of putative promoter fragments ranging from 0.53 kb to 3.54 kb revealed the presence of retrotransposons related to the Zeon and Cinful families in the distal parts of the promoters. The proximal parts show high homology that extended over 504bp between Esr2 and Esr3, and 265bp between Esr1 and the other two genes. The most conspicuous potential cis element is a fully conserved tandem repeat of the sequence CTACACCA close to the respective open reading frames (ORFs). By the analysis of transgenic maize plants carrying promoter-Gus fusions, it was shown that all three cloned upstream fragments contain functional promoters, that the spatial activity of all three Esr promoters is identical, and that the cis element(s) responsible for the expression in the embryo surrounding region reside in the 265 bp upstream of the respective ORFs.  相似文献   
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