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Differentiation of placental trophoblast stem (TS) cells to trophoblast giant (TG) cells is accompanied by transition from a mitotic cell cycle to an endocycle. Here, we report that Cdh1, a regulator of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C), negatively regulates mitotic entry upon the mitotic/endocycle transition. TS cells derived from homozygous Cdh1 gene-trapped (Cdh1GT/GT) murine embryos accumulated mitotic cyclins and precociously entered mitosis after induction of TS cell differentiation, indicating that Cdh1 is required for the switch from mitosis to the endocycle. Furthermore, the Cdh1GT/GT TS cells and placenta showed aberrant expression of placental differentiation markers. These data highlight an important role of Cdh1 in the G2/M transition during placental differentiation.  相似文献   
The primary structure ofHLA-B51 andHLA-Bw52 suggested thatHLA-B51 was derived fromHLA-Bw52 by the combination of a genetic exchange withHLA-B8 and a point mutation. To investigate the evolution of theHLA-B5 cross reactive group, theHLA-B35 gene was cloned and the primary structure was determined.HLA-B35 is identical toHLA-Bw58 except in the α1 domain. The α1 domain ofHLA-B35 except Bw4/Bw6-associated amino acids is identical to that ofHLA-B51 *, which was suspected to be an intermediate gene betweenHLA-B51 andHLA-Bw52. These data suggest thatHLA-B35 has evolved fromHLA-Bw58 in two steps; an in vivo replacement of the α1 domain withHLA-B51 and genetic exchange with one of theHLA-Bw6 genes. These three genes andHLA-Bw58 are postulated to share a common ancestor.  相似文献   
DNA and RNA contents in 20 brain regions or nuclei of the rat were determined by a highly sensitive method using high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. The high DNA and RNA contents were found in the hypothalamic nuclei, especially the median eminence-arcuate nucleus. These results may be available for the preparation of nucleic acids as the regional control.  相似文献   
Growth and death rates of aboveground plant parts were measured in a mature forest and four different-aged deciduous broadleaf forests regeneratede after clear-cutting, with special reference to rates for woody parts (stems and branches) of different diameters (ø) in rerms of the pipe model theory (Shinozaki et al., 1964). The total biomass increment of woody parts of trees higher than 1.3 m varied within a range of 2.1-4.6 ton ha?1 yr?1, the increase beingdue largely to the growth of canopy trees exposed to direct sunlight. Biomass increments of small (ø<1 cm) and medium (1≤ø<5 cm) woody parts were negligibly small except in the youngest forest, and changes in aboveground woody biomass with forest age after clear-cutting mainly resulted from accumulation of large (5 cm<ø) woody parts of canopy trees. Biomass loss of trees due to death and grazing increased with forest age from 4.0 to 8.3 ton ha?1 yr?1. Recovery of leaf and small wood falls was observed at the early stage of regeneration, while large wood falls increased during regeneration. Flower and fruit fall was markedly higher in the mature forest than in the other four forest types. Mortality of woody parts became higher with forest age and was 20, 5.0 and 0.46% yr?1 for small, medium and large parts, respectively, at the mature stage. Aboveground net production of the forest was in therange 7.6-13.3 ton ha?1 yr?1 with the undergrowth vegetation lower than 1.3 m being 0.4-1.4 ton ha?1 yr?1. Production recovered rapidly at an early stage of regeneration and was highest in mature forest.  相似文献   
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) microimaging and proton relaxation times were used to monitor differences between the hydration state of the nucleus and cytoplasm in the Rana pipiens oocyte. Individual isolated ovarian oocytes were imaged in a drop of Ringer's solution with an in-plane resolution of 80 μm. Proton spin echo images of oocytes arrested in prophase I indicated a marked difference in contrast between nucleoplasm and cytoplasm with additional intensity gradations between the yolk platelet-rich region of the cytoplasm and regions with little yolk. Neither shortening τe (spin echo time) to 9 msec (from 18 msec) nor lengthening τr (spin recovery time) to 2 sec (from 0.5 sec) reduced the observed contrast between nucleus and cytoplasm. Water proton T1 (spin-lattice) relaxation times of oocyte suspensions indicated three water compartments that corresponded to extracellular medium (T1= 3.0 sec), cytoplasm (T1= 0.8 sec) and nucleoplasm (T1= 1.6 sec). The 1.6 sec compartment disappeared at the time of nuclear breakdown. Measurements of plasma and nuclear membrane potentials with KCl-filled glass microelectrodes demonstrated that the prophase I oocyte nucleus was about 25 mV inside positive relative to the extracellular medium. A model for the prophase-arrested oocyte is proposed in which a high concentration of large impermeant ions together with small counter ions set up a Donnan-type equilibrium that results in an increased distribution of water within the nucleus in comparison with the cytosol. This study indicates: (i) a slow exchange between two or more intracellular water compartments on the NMR time-scale, (ii) an increased rotational correlation time for water molecules in both the cytoplasmic and nuclear compartments compared to bulk water, and (iii) a higher water content (per unit dry mass) of the nucleus compared to the cytoplasm, and (iv) the existence of a large (about 75 mV positive) electropotential difference between the nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments. Received: 18 January 1996/Revised: 29 April 1996  相似文献   
The effects of dwarf bamboo,Sasa, cover on the initial morrality of hardwood seedlings were investigated by transplanting 1-year-old beech (Fagus crenata) and current-year oak (Quercus mongolica var.grosseserrata) seedling to three different stands; old-growth beech and secondary oak forests withSasa undergrowth, and aSasa grassland in a grassland-forest series near the top of Mt Jippo, southwestern Japan. The most frequent cause of seedling morrality was gnawing of the stems by rodents. In the beech forest, the gnawing was more likely to occur underSasa cover, suggesting that it provides a good habitat for rodents on the beech forest floor. TheSasa under growth may thus play an imporrant role in regeneration of beech forest. In the oak floor, mortality of both species was low and only a little gnawing occurred during a year. However, no natural oak seedling were found in the forest even after a mast year. This may be because most of the acorns disappeated before establishment. The early-stage demography of hardwood seedling as oak may thus play an imporrant role in regeneration of oak forest. In theSasa grassland where the seed supply is small, almost all of the seedlings died fromo gnawing regardless of the presence ofSasa cover. These factors prevent the recruitment of a sizable seedling bank. Rodents may thus play an imporrant role in maintenance of theSasa grassland.  相似文献   
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