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Adult male mice were given a continuous infusion of about 0.5 muCi of 3H-thymidine per gram body weight per day for periods varying from 1 to 60 days. Semithin sections of descending colon were cut from/plastic-embedded blocks and stained by a method combining silver impregnation and iron hematoxylin, by which argentaffin entero-endocrine cells and caveolated cells could be identified. From radioautographs, the labeling index of these cells was determined. One to three days after the beginning of 3H-thymidine infusion, label is observed in some of the stained entero-endocrine cells in the bottom of the crypts; the apices of these cells reach the crypt lumen and are joined to neighboring cells by terminal bars (junctional complexes). After five to seven days, labeled entero-endocrine cells are seen on the sides of the crypts, where their base stretches along the basement membrane and their apex has lost its terminal bar connections to neighboring cells. Finally, by 13 and 24 days, labeled cells are observed within the epithelium at the mucosal surface. The turnover time, which is taken to be equal to the mean time required for migration from site of origin to site of loss on the mucosal surface, has been estimated at 23.3 days. This is much longer than the 4.6 days required by the two main cell types of the epithelium -- vacuolated-columnar and mucous cells -- to travel the same route. It is likely that, after entero-endocrine cells lose their terminal bar attachment to other epithelial cells, they migrate independently and very slowly. Labeled caveolated cells are first seen in the crypt bottom one day after the beginning of 3H-thymidine infusion. By three to five days, they are on the sides of the crypts; their base is stretched along the basement membrane, but their apex retains its attachment to neighboring cells by terminal bars. By seven days, labeled caveolated cells are on the mucosal surface. Their turnover time has been assessed at 8.2 days. This is, again, longer than for the two main types to which they are bound by terminal bars throughout migration. The discrepancy is explained by the caveolated cells arising deeper in the crypts than most vacuolated-columnar and mucous cells.  相似文献   
Amino acid sequences of four peptide fragments of human hepatocyte growth factor purified from the plasma of patients with fulminant hepatic failure were determined. Based on the amino acid sequence of one of the fragments, two oligodeoxyribonucleotide mixtures were synthesized and used to screen a human placenta cDNA library. On the screening, two overlapping cDNA clones for human hepatocyte growth factor were isolated and the nucleotide sequence of the cDNA was determined. The entire primary structure of the protein was deduced from the sequence. The protein consists of 728 amino acid residues, including a possible signal peptide at the N-terminus. The sequence revealed that the heavy and light chains which comprise the protein are encoded by the same mRNA and are produced from a common translation product by proteolytic processing.  相似文献   
We detected immunohistochemically immunoreactive glucagon (IRG) in the smooth muscle of blood vessels and the myoepithelial cell of sweat glands of rats using two antisera against pancreatic glucagon; OAL-123 and 30K. The content of IRG in the blood vessels was found to be 320-1, 270 pg per g wet tissue weight. Filtration of the extracted IRG through a Bio Gel P-30 column yielded a single peak of IRG at 3,500 daltons, the same elution volume of pancreatic glucagon. These findings suggest that the blood vessels of the rats is one of the extrapancreatic sources of IRG in plasma, although physiological role of the IRG is not known.  相似文献   
Scanning electron-microscopy (SEM) revealed that, for starch granules relatively susceptible to amylase, numerous pin holes could be observed on the surfaces of granules attacked by amylase. We also observed that the pores penetrated into the inner layers of granules during the enzyme action and some of the granules exhibited a terraced or step-shaped apperance in their inner portions. These internal characteristics are most probably indicative of layered internal structures of the granules. The other characteristic observations by SEM were striated structures on the surfaces of starch granules of banana, lily, and lotus attacked by pancreatin.  相似文献   
A debranching enzyme was extracted from the endosperm of germinating rice seeds and purified through three steps, namely cyclohexaamylose-coupled Sepharose 6B, Ultrogel AcA-44 and Bio-Gel P-150 column chromatography. This disc-electrophoretically homogeneous enzyme showed a specific activity of 43 units/mg of protein (30°C) with a pH optimum of 5.5. The isoelectric point was 4.9, unlike that (pI 3.5) of debranching enzyme of ungerminated rice seeds. Our enzyme hydrolyzed pullulan rapidly, and glutinous rice starch and waxy corn starch moderately. The enzyme was also able to act on phytoglycogen and glycogen unlike debranching enzymes originating in some plants.  相似文献   
The extracellular protease urokinase is known to be crucially involved in morphogenesis, tissue repair and tumor invasion by mediating matrix degradation and cell migration. Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) is a secretory product of stromal fibroblasts, sharing structural motifs with enzymes of the blood clotting cascade, including a zymogen cleavage site. HGF/SF promotes motility, invasion and growth of epithelial and endothelial cells. Here we show that HGF/SF is secreted as a single-chain biologically inactive precursor (pro-HGF/SF), mostly found in a matrix-associated form. Maturation of the precursor into the active alpha beta heterodimer takes place in the extracellular environment and results from a serum-dependent proteolytic cleavage. In vitro, pro-HGF/SF was cleaved at a single site by nanomolar concentrations of pure urokinase, generating the active mature HGF/SF heterodimer. This cleavage was prevented by specific urokinase inhibitors, such as plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 and protease nexin-1, and by antibodies directed against the urokinase catalytic domain. Addition of these inhibitors to HGF/SF responsive cells prevented activation of the HGF/SF precursor. These data show that urokinase acts as a pro-HGF/SF convertase, and suggest that some of the growth and invasive cellular responses mediated by this enzyme may involve activation of HGF/SF.  相似文献   
Meiotic recombination plays an essential role in the proper segregation of chromosomes at meiosis I in many sexually reproducing organisms. Meiotic recombination is initiated by the scheduled formation of genome-wide DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). The timing of DSB formation is strictly controlled because unscheduled DSB formation is detrimental to genome integrity. Here, we investigated the role of DNA damage checkpoint mechanisms in the control of meiotic DSB formation using budding yeast. By using recombination defective mutants in which meiotic DSBs are not repaired, the effect of DNA damage checkpoint mutations on DSB formation was evaluated. The Tel1 (ATM) pathway mainly responds to unresected DSB ends, thus the sae2 mutant background in which DSB ends remain intact was employed. On the other hand, the Mec1 (ATR) pathway is primarily used when DSB ends are resected, thus the rad51 dmc1 double mutant background was employed in which highly resected DSBs accumulate. In order to separate the effect caused by unscheduled cell cycle progression, which is often associated with DNA damage checkpoint defects, we also employed the ndt80 mutation which permanently arrests the meiotic cell cycle at prophase I. In the absence of Tel1, DSB formation was reduced in larger chromosomes (IV, VII, II and XI) whereas no significant reduction was found in smaller chromosomes (III and VI). On the other hand, the absence of Rad17 (a critical component of the ATR pathway) lead to an increase in DSB formation (chromosomes VII and II were tested). We propose that, within prophase I, the Tel1 pathway facilitates DSB formation, especially in bigger chromosomes, while the Mec1 pathway negatively regulates DSB formation. We also identified prophase I exit, which is under the control of the DNA damage checkpoint machinery, to be a critical event associated with down-regulating meiotic DSB formation.  相似文献   
Seeds of grain amaranths contain a high amount (about 60% of total nitrogen) of albumin and globulin and a trace amount of prolamin. From salt-soluble extracts of A. hypochondriacus seeds, a globulin (440,000 in apparent molecular weight and ) was purified by Sepharose 6B gel and DEAE-cellulose column chromatographies. The protein comprised at least four kinds of subunits whose molecular weights were 36,000, 32,000, 20,000 and 18,000, respectively. The amino acid composition of the globulin was almost similar to those of soybean and oat globulins.  相似文献   
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