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S Y Mao  A H Maki  G H de Haas 《Biochemistry》1986,25(10):2781-2786
The direct binding of porcine pancreatic phospholipase A2 and its zymogen to 1,2-bis(heptanylcarbamoyl)-rac-glycerol 3-sulfate was studied by optical detection of triplet-state magnetic resonance spectroscopy in zero applied magnetic field. The zero-field splittings of the single Trp3 residue undergo significant changes upon binding of phospholipase A2 to lipid. Shifts in zero-field splittings, characterized mainly by a reduction of the E parameter from 1.215 to 1.144 GHz, point to large changes in the Trp3 local environment which accompany the complexing of phospholipase A2 with lipid. This may be attributed to Stark effects caused by the binding of a charged group near Trp3 in the enzyme-lipid complex. The cofactor, Ca2+, which is strongly bound to the enzyme active site, has an influence on the bonding, as reflected by smaller zero-field splitting shifts. A relatively small change in the Trp environment was observed for the interaction of the zymogen with lipid.  相似文献   
It has been demonstrated that the carboxyl terminus of microbodyenzymes functions as a targeting signal to microbodies in higherplants. We have examined an ability of 24 carboxy-terminal aminoacid sequences to facilitate the transport of a cytosolic passengerprotein, ß-glucuroni-dase, into microbodies in greencotyledonary cells of trans-genic Arabidopsis. Immunoelectronmicroscopic analysis revealed that carboxy-terminal tripeptidesequences of the form [C/A/S/P]-[K/R]-[I/L/M] function as amicrobody-targeting signal, although tripeptides with prolineat the first amino acid position and isoleucine at the carboxylterminus show weak targeting efficiencies. All known micro-bodyenzymes that are synthesized in a form similar in size to themature molecule, except catalase, contain one of these tripeptidesequences at their carboxyl terminus. (Received April 14, 1997; Accepted April 8, 1997)  相似文献   

The stability of clathrate hydrates encaging highly polar guests has been investigated in order to explain the experimental observation that some amines form clathrate hydrates but alcohols act as inhibitor to hydrate formation. We choose methylamine and methanol as guest species and examine the stable structure, at which the total potential energy has a minimum value. At the local minima of those two hydrates, the potential energies of water-water and guest-water, and their hydrogen bonded networks are compared. It is found that methanol does not retain the host lattice structure, while the host-network structure is kept in the presence of methylamine. It is shown that the difference in the magnitude of the partial charge on the hydrogen atom between the hydroxyl and amino groups plays a much more significant role on the stability of both clathrate hydrates than the difference in molecular geometry. This is supported from the result of a methylamine-like model that has the same partial charges on the atoms in the hydrophilic site as methanol.  相似文献   
Substance P is known to modulate neuronal nicotinicacetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in the sympathetic nervous system.There are two conflicting proposals for the mechanism of this effect, an indirect action mediated by protein kinase C (PKC) and a direct interaction with receptor subunits. We studied the mechanisms of thiseffect in PC-12 cells. Substance P enhanced the decay of thenicotine-induced whole cell current. This effect was fast in its onsetand was not antagonized by guanosine5'-O-(2-thiodiphosphate), a G protein blocker, orstaurosporine, a nonselective PKC blocker. Staurosporine failed toreverse the inhibition by 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol (OAG), a synthetic diacylglycerol analog known to activate PKC. Theinhibitory effects of the peptide and OAG were preserved in excisedpatches, but substance P applied to the extra patch membrane wasineffective in the cell-attached patch configuration. We conclude thatsubstance P modulates neuronal nAChRs most likely by direct interactions with the receptors but independently from activation ofPKC or G proteins and that PKC does not participate in modulation by OAG.

Summary In order to study possible functions of the inclusion body matrix protein (IBMP) encoded by gene VI of cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), the XbaI fragment containing the gene VI of a Japanese strain of CaMV (CaMV S-Japan) was transferred to tobacco plants by Ti mediated transformation. Eight out of 18 kanamycin resistant plants (40%) expressed detectable levels of IBMP. Those transgenic plants expressing IBMP produced leaves with light green color, and their growth was suppressed as compared with control plants. Symptom-like necrotic spots also appeared on the leaves and stems of the mature transgenic plants. Furthermore, in these transgenic plants, pathogenesis-related proteins 1a, 1b and 1c were highly expressed and the activity of 1,3--glucanase was increased up to eightfold. From these results, we concluded that expression of the IBMP is associated with symptom development.  相似文献   
A CCAAT-binding factor that recognizes a CCAAT sequence (Y box) located upstream of the major histocompatibility class II gene I-A beta has been partially purified. This CCAAT-binding factor was found to consist of two components, designated factors A and B, both of which were required for efficient binding to the DNA. Factor A had an apparent molecular size of 34 kilodaltons, and factor B had an apparent molecular size of 42 to 46 kilodaltons.  相似文献   
Complexes of point-mutated E. coli single-stranded DNA-binding protein (Eco SSB) with homopolynucleotides have been investigated by optical detection of magnetic resonance (ODMR) of the triplet state of tryptophan (Trp) residues. Investigation of the individual sublevel kinetics of the lowest triplet state of Trp residues 40 and 54 in the poly (dT) complex of Eco SSB-W88F,W135F (a mutant protein whose Trp residues at positions 88 and 135 have been substituted by Phe) shows that Trp 54 is the most affected residue upon stacking with thymine bases, confirming previous results based on SSB mutants having single Trp----Phe substitutions. (Zang, L. H., A. H. Maki, J. B. Murphy, and J. W. Chase. 1987. Biophys. J. 52:867-872). The Tx sublevel of Trp 54 shows a fourfold increase in the decay rate constant, as well as an increase in its populating rate constant by selective spin-orbit coupling. The two nonradiative sublevels show no change in lifetime, relative to unstacked Trp. For Trp 40, a weaker perturbation of Tx by thymine results in a sublevel lifetime about one-half that of normal Trp. Trp54 displays a 2[E]transition of negative polarity in the double mutant SSB complex with Poly (dT), but gives a vanishingly weak [D] - [E] signal, thus implying that the steady-state sublevel populations of Tx and Tz are nearly equal in this residue. Poly (5-BrU) induces the largest red-shift of the Eco SSB-W88F,W135F Trp phosphorescence 0,0-band of all polynucleotides investigated. Its phosphorescence decay fits well to two exponential components of 1.02 and 0.12 s, with no contribution from long-lived Trp residues. This behavior provides convincing evidence that both Trp 40 and 54 are perturbed by stacking with brominated uridine. The observed decrease in the Trp [D] values further confirms the stacking of the Trp residues with 5-BrU. Wave-length-selected ODMR experiments conducted on the [D[ + [E] transition of Eco SSB-W88F,W135F complexed with poly(5HgU) indicate the presence of multiple heavy atom-perturbed sites. Measurements made on poly (5-HgU) which each of its 4 Trp residues has been replaced in turn by Phe demonstrate that Trp 40 and 54 are the only Trp residues undergoing stacking with nucleotide bases, as previously proposed.  相似文献   
Rotational streaming of the cytoplasm including chloroplastswas induced by L-histidine, as well as by light, on the anticlinalface of leaf cells of Egeria densa. In the case of treatmentwith L-histidine some of the chloroplasts remained stationaryon the periclinal face of cells after rotational cytoplasmicstreaming was initiated. However, these chloroplasts were easilydislodged and translocated to the centrifugal end of the histidine-treatedcells by application of a centrifugal force that barely affectedthe location of chloroplasts in cells incubated in the darkwithout L-histidine. This result indicates that the anchoringof chloroplasts was weakened by L-histidine. Thus only the releaseof chloroplasts from anchoring was not enough for initiationof their streaming. The cytoplasmic pH (pHc) and vacuolar pH(pHv) were noninvasively monitored by in vivo 31P-nuclear magneticresonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Compared with the dark controlvalue, both illumination and treatment with L-histidine increasedthe pHc by 0.3 units. In contrast, pHv changed only a littlewith both illumination and treatment with L-histidine. Releaseof chloroplasts from anchoring and initiation of cytoplasmicstreaming are discussed in relation to the increase in pHc inducedby both light and L-histidine. 4 Present address: Department of Cell Biology, National Instituteof Agrobiological Resources, Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305Japan 5 Present address: Marine Biotechnology Institute Co., Ltd.,Head Office, 2-35-10 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113 Japan (Received July 16, 1990; Accepted December 20, 1990)  相似文献   
Escherichia coli dnaZX, the gene which when mutant blocks DNA chain elongation, was cloned into a lambda PL promoter-mediated expression vector. In cells carrying this plasmid, the activity that complements a mutant dnaZ extract in replicating a primed single-stranded DNA circle was increased about 20-fold. Two polypeptides of 71 and 52 kDa were overproduced. Upon fractionation, two complementing activities were purified to homogeneity and proved to be the 71- and 52-kDa polypeptides. Immunoassays revealed their respective identities with the tau and gamma subunits of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of the first 12 residues were identical in both subunits, as were their molar specific activities in dnaZ complementation. Thus, the tau subunit complements the defect in the mutant holoenzyme from the dnaZts strain as efficiently as does the gamma subunit. Inasmuch as the 71-kDa subunit (tau) can also overcome the enzymatic defect in a dnaX mutant strain, this polypeptide has dual replication functions, only one of which can be performed by the gamma subunit. Availability of pure tau and gamma subunits for study has provided the basis for proposing an asymmetry in the structure and function of a dimeric DNA polymerase III holoenzyme.  相似文献   
The role of platelet-activating factor (PAF, 1-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) in initiating glycogen breakdown in the fetal rabbit lung was assessed by intraperitoneal administration of this potent ether-linked glycerophospholipid. Forty-five min after in utero injection of PAF (2.5 X 10(-7) mol), fetal pulmonary and hepatic glycogen concentrations were reduced from 326 to 256 and from 9.8 to 6.6 micrograms of glycogen/mg protein, respectively. Glycolytic activity was similarly increased as judged by an elevation of lactate (2-fold) in lung, liver, and plasma upon PAF injection. These actions of PAF were dose- and time-dependent. The glycogenolytic response did not occur when an equimolar dose of the inactive enantiomer, D-PAF was injected. Pretreatment of the fetus with a specific PAF receptor antagonist, SRI-63-441, prevented the PAF response. We have previously demonstrated (Hoffman, D. R., Truong, C. T., and Johnston, J. M. (1986) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 879, 88-96) that PAF biosynthesis and PAF concentrations increase significantly on day 24 of fetal rabbit lung development. A concurrent decrease in pulmonary glycogen concentration at this point of gestation is potentially reflective of the PAF-induced action. Thus, these observations would suggest a role for PAF in the normal physiology of fetal lung maturation.  相似文献   
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