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Stoichiometry of the reaction between horseradish peroxidase and p-cresol.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Over a wide range of pH horseradish peroxidase compound I can be reduced quantitatively via compound II to the native enzyme by only 1 molar equivalent of p-cresol. Since 2 molar equivalents of electrons are required for the single turnover of the enzymatic cycle, p-cresol behaves as a 2-electron reductant. With p-cresol and compound I in a 1:1 ratio compound II and p-methylphenoxy radicals are obtained in the transient state. Compound II is then reduced to the native enzyme. A possible explanation for the facile reduction of compound II involves reaction with the dimerization product of these radicals, 1/2 molar equivalent of 2,2'-dihydroxy-5,5'-dimethylbiphenyl. If only 1/2 molar equivalent of p-cresol is present, than at high pH the reduction stops at compound II. The major steady state peroxidase oxidation product of p-cresol (with p-cresol in large excess compared to the enzyme concentration) is Pummerer's ketone. Pummerer's ketone is only reactive at pH values greater than about 9 where significant amounts of the enol can be formed via the enolate anion. Therefore, in alkaline solution it is reactive with compound I, but not with compound II, which is converted into an unreactive basic form. These results indicate that Pummerer's ketone cannot be the intermediate free radical product responsible for reducing compound II in the single turnover experiments. It is postulated that Pummerer's ketone is formed only in the steady state by the reaction of the p-methylphenoxy radical with excess p-cresol.  相似文献   
This work investigates how functionalization of aluminium surfaces with natural type III Anti-Freeze Protein (AFP) affects the mechanism of heterogeneous ice nucleation. First the bulk ice nucleation properties of distilled water and aqueous solution of AFP were evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry. Then the modified surface was characterized by Secondary Ions Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS), Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) spectroscopy and contact angle measurement. Freezing experiments were then conducted in which water droplets underwent a slow controlled cooling. This study shows that compared to uncoated aluminium, the anti-freeze proteins functionalized surfaces exhibit a higher and narrower range of freezing temperature. It was found that these proteins that keep living organisms from freezing in cold environment act in the opposite way once immobilized on surfaces by promoting ice nucleation. Some suggestions regarding the mechanism of action of the observed phenomena were proposed based on the Classical Nucleation Theory (CNT).  相似文献   
Viruses are the most abundant biological entities in aquatic environments, typically exceeding the abundance of bacteria by an order of magnitude. The reliable enumeration of virus-like particles in marine microbiological investigations is a key measurement parameter. Although the size of typical marine viruses (20-200 nm) is too small to permit the resolution of details by light microscopy, such viruses can be visualized by epifluorescence microscopy if stained brightly. This can be achieved using the sensitive DNA dye SYBR Green I (Molecular Probes-Invitrogen). The method relies on simple vacuum filtration to capture viruses on a 0.02-microm aluminum oxide filter, and subsequent staining and mounting to prepare slides. Virus-like particles are brightly stained and easily observed for enumeration, and prokaryotic cells can easily be counted on the same slides. The protocol provides an inexpensive, rapid (30 min) and reliable technique for obtaining counts of viruses and prokaryotes simultaneously.  相似文献   
Animal models have played an important part in establishing our knowledge base on reproduction, development, and the occurrence and impact of chromosome abnormalities. Translocations involving the X chromosome and an autosome are unique in that they elicit sex-dependent infertility, with male carriers rendered sterile by synaptic anomalies during meiosis, whereas female carriers conceive but repeatedly abort. Until now the limited access to relevant fetal oocytes has precluded direct study of meiotic events in female carriers. Because somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) circumvents meiotic problems associated with fertility disturbances in translocation carriers, we used SCNT to generate embryos, fetuses, and calves from a cell line derived from a deceased subfertile X-autosome translocation carrier cow to study the meiotic configurations in carrier oocytes. Data from 33 replicates involving 2470 oocyte-donor-cell complexes were assessed for blastocyst development and of these, 42 blastocysts were transferred to 21 recipients. Fourteen pregnancies were detected on day 35 of gestation. One of these was sacrificed for ovary retrieval on day 94 and three went to term. Features of oocytes from the fetal ovary and from the newborn ovaries were examined. Of the pachytene spreads analyzed, 16%, 82%, and 1.5% exhibited quadrivalent, trivalent/univalent, and bivalent/univalent/univalent structures, respectively, whereas among the diakinesis/metaphase I spreads, 16% ring, 75% chain, and 8.3% bivalent/bivalent configurations were noted, suggesting that the low fertility among female carriers may be related to synaptic errors in a predominant proportion of oocytes. Our results indicate that fibroblasts carrying the X-autosome translocation can be used for SCNT to produce embryos, fetuses, and newborn clones to study such basic aspects of development as meiosis and to generate carriers that cannot easily be reproduced by conventional breeding.  相似文献   
9-cis Retinoic acid (RA) induces gene expression in neuroblastoma cells more effectively and with different kinetics than other RA isomers, and could be acting in part through Retinoid X Receptors (RXRs). The aim of this study was to characterise the effects of an RXR agonist and RXR homodimer antagonist on the induction of cellular RA binding protein II (CRABP-II) and RA receptor-beta (RARbeta) in neuroblastoma cells in response to different retinoids. The RXR agonist, LDG1069, was as effective as all-trans RA in inducing gene expression, but less effective than 9-cis RA. The RXR-homodimer antagonist, LG100754, inhibited the induction of CRABP-II mRNA in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells by 9-cis RA or the RXR-specific agonist LGD1069, but had no effect when used with all-trans RA. Conversely, LG100754 did not inhibit induction of RARbeta mRNA by 9-cis or all-trans RA, or by LGD1069. RAR- and RXR-specific ligands used together induced CRABP-II and RARbeta as effectively as 9-cis RA. These results demonstrate the value of combining RXR- and RAR-specific ligands to regulate RA-inducible gene expression. The possibility that RXR-homodimers mediate, in part, the induction of CRABP-II by 9-cis RA and RXR-specific ligands is discussed.  相似文献   
Capsule Repeated counts of fledged broods can provide a useful estimate of breeding success for most common woodland birds.

Aims To assess the efficacy of comparing fledged-brood survey data with territory mapping using simple mark–recapture analysis techniques to provide an estimate of breeding success for common woodland birds that does not involve finding nests.

Methods Three observers undertook territory mapping surveys of adults, followed by counts of fledged broods four times a week during May–July 2007 in two 15 ha woods each, both in southern England. Using known fledging to maturity periods, these counts were used to calculate daily detection probabilities for broods of ubiquitous species. These enabled fledged brood territory occupancy probabilities (i.e. brood to territory ratios) to be estimated that take account of the possibility that broods were present but missed by surveys.

Results Of the 19 species found in all six woods, mean daily detection probability estimates for fledged broods of 17 species ranged from 0.17 to 0.50 with significant variation between woods for 12 species, but within region/observer for four species. The mean probability of detecting a brood at least once was over 75% using four visits per week and over 50% using two visits. Only for Great Spotted Woodpeckers Dendrocopos major and Garden Warblers Sylvia borin was the fledging period too short and the daily detection probability too low to provide a reasonable estimate of the territory occupancy probability.

Conclusion Daily detection probabilities for fledged broods of most common woodland birds were sufficiently high to enable useable estimates of fledged-brood territory occupancy probabilities to be made based on a survey programme involving two or three visits per week between late May and the end June. The method used may have application as a means of providing a relatively easily derived productivity index for woodland bird monitoring programmes or for research studies.  相似文献   
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