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Summary The pattern of intercellular connections between germ line cells has been studied in follicles of the mutantdicephalic (dic), which possess nurse cell clusters at both poles. Staining of follicles with a fluorescent rhodamine conjugate of phalloidin reveals ring canals and cell membranes and thus allows us to reconstruct the spatial organization of the follicle. Each germ line cell can be identified by the pattern of cell-cell connections which reflect the mitotic history of individual cells in the 16-cell cluster. The results indicate that in both wild-type anddicephalic cystocyte clusters one of the two cells with four ring canals normally becomes the pro-oocyte. However, in some follicles (dicephalic and wild-type) oocytes were found with fewer or more than four ring canals. Indic follicles, one or several nurse cells may become disconnected from the other cells during oocyte growth at stage 9–10. Such disconnected cells cannot later on empty their cytoplasm into the oocyte. This, in turn, might be of consequence for the determination of axial polarity of the embryo.  相似文献   
In the D22 medium of ECHALIER and OHANESSIAN for the culture of Drosophila cell lines lactalbumin hydrolysate could be replaced by a synthetic amino acids mixture. In spite of the presence of yeast extract and fetal calf serum the omission of any one of arginine, asparagine, cysteine, histidine, methionine, proline, serine, or threonine prevented cell proliferation. Of these eight amino acids cysteine had to be added in concentrations higher than 0.1 mM. Without much effect on cell proliferation foetal calf serum could be reduced from 10% to 2% or be replaced by 1% horse serum or 1% porcine serum. Cells could grow in media of osmolarities from 225 mOsm up to 400 mOsm depending on the osmotic agent used. Chloride concentrations up to 80 mM were compatible with proliferation as was a wide range of sodium/potassium ratios.  相似文献   
Abstract. Cations were precipitated with potassium antimonate in ovarian follicles of Drosophila and the distribution of the formed precipitates was studied. The precipitates were analyzed with a laser microprobe mass analyzer (LAMMA) and found to contain a high concentration of calcium; potassium and sodium were also detected. On counting the antimon precipitates in stage 10B follicles with the electron microscope, few precipitates per unit area were found in anterior nurse cells, but more in posterior nurse cells; the highest precipitate density occurred consistently in the oocyte. When follicles of different stages were compared, the precipitate density was found to increase in the ooplasm and in the posterior nurse cells during vitellogenesis, whereas it remained nearly constant in the anterior nurse cells. Thus, the ratio of precipitates between the posterior and anterior end of the follicle increases during vitellogenesis. It begins to decrease at the time when the nurse cells collapse. These results suggest that the electrical polarity observed in polytrophic ovarioles may be based on differences in the cation distribution along the antero-posterior axis of the follicle.  相似文献   
The phylogenetic relationships within the fungus gnat tribe Exechiini have been left unattended for many years. Recent studies have not shed much light on the intergeneric relationship within the tribe. Here the first attempt to resolve the phylogeny of the tribe Exechiini using molecular markers is presented. The nuclear 18S and the mitochondrial 16S, and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) genes were successfully sequenced for 20 species representing 15 Exechiini genera and five outgroup genera. Bayesian, maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses revealed basically congruent tree topologies and the monophyly of Exechiini, including the genus Cordyla , is confirmed. The molecular data corroborate previous morphological studies in several aspects. Cordyla is found in a basal clade together with Brachypeza , Pseudorymosia and Stigmatomeria . The splitting of the genera Allodiopsis s.l. and Brevicornu s.l. as well as the sistergroup relationship of Exechia and Exechiopsis is also supported. The limited phylogenetic information provided by morphological characters is mirrored in the limited resolution of the molecular markers used in this study. Short internal and long-terminal branches obtained may indicate a rapid radiation of the Exechiini genera during a short evolutionary period.  相似文献   
Hyperammonemia is a major contributing factor to the neurological abnormalities observed in hepatic encephalopathy and in congenital defects of ammonia detoxication. In rats variable changes in labile energy rich phosphates in the brain have been observed in hyperammonemia using biochemical methods. Using 31P-NMR spectroscopy however no significant changes of the relative concentrations of the energy rich phosphates alpha, beta and gamma-ATP, phosphocreatine, inorganic phosphate and the pH were found in the fronto parietal cortex of the urease treated hyperammonemic rat. Alterations in the metabolites of these compounds do not appear to be a major pathomechanism of ammonia toxicity in this brain area.  相似文献   
The rate of energy-dependent nucleoside triphosphatase (NTPase)-mediated nucleocytoplasmic translocation of poly(A)-containing mRNA [poly(A)+mRNA] across the nuclear envelope is thought to be regulated by poly(A)-sensitive phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of nuclear-envelope protein. Studying the phosphorylation-related inhibition of the NTPase, we found that phosphorylation of one polypeptide of rat liver envelopes by endogenous NI- and NII-like protein kinase was particularly sensitive to poly(A). This polypeptide (106 kDa) was also phosphorylated by nuclear-envelope-bound Ca2+-activated and phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase C). Activation of kinase C by tumour-promoting phorbol esters resulted in inhibition of nuclear-envelope NTPase activity and in a concomitant decrease of mRNA (actin) efflux rate from isolated rat liver nuclei. Protein kinase C, but not nuclear envelope NI-like or NII-like protein kinase, was found to be solubilized from the envelope by Triton X-100, whereas the presumable poly(A)-binding site [the 106 kDa polypeptide, representing the putative carrier for poly(A)+mRNA transport] remained bound to this structure. RNA efflux from detergent-treated nuclei lost its susceptibility to phorbol esters. Addition of purified protein kinase C to these nuclei restored the effect of the tumour promoters. Protein kinase C was found to bind also to isolated rat liver nuclear matrices in the absence but not in the presence of ATP. The NII-like nuclear-envelope protein kinase co-purified together with the 106 kDa polypeptide which specifically binds to poly(A) in an ATP-labile linkage.  相似文献   
Wild carnivore acceptance of baits for delivery of liquid rabies vaccine   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A series of experiments are described on the acceptance, by red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and other species, of two types of vaccine-baits intended to deliver liquid rabies vaccine. The baits consisted of a cube of sponge coated in a mixture of tallow and wax, or a plastic blister-pack embedded in tallow. All baits contained tetracycline as a biological marking agent: examination of thin sections of carnivore canines under an ultraviolet microscope revealed a fluorescent line of tetracycline if an individual had eaten baits. Baits were dropped from fixed-wing aircraft flying about 100 m above ground at approximately 130 km/h. Flight lines followed the edges of woodlots midway between parallel roads. Baits were dropped at one/sec, resulting in one bait/36 m on the ground, or 17 to 25 baits per km2. Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) removed many baits, but did not appear to lower the percent of the fox population which took bait. Dropping baits only into corn and woodland to conceal baits, to reduce depredation by crows, reduced acceptance by foxes. Acceptance by foxes ranged between 37 and 68%. Meat added as an attractant did not raise acceptance. Presence, absence, color and perforations of plastic bags did not alter bait acceptance. Dispersal by juvenile foxes probably lowered the estimates of bait acceptance. It took 7 to 17 days for 80% (n = 330) of foxes to eat their first bait. The rapidity with which foxes picked up their first bait appeared more affected by unknown characteristics of years or study areas than by experimental variables. Skunks (Mephitis mephitis) and raccoons (Procyon lotor) also ate these baits, but acceptance was lower. Small mammals contacted baits, but rarely contacted the vaccine, which had the potential for vaccine-induced rabies in some species. Aerial distribution of baits was more cost-effective than ground distribution as practiced in Europe. This system has potential for field control of rabies, although higher acceptance will be desirable.  相似文献   
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