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Abstract: The metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) subtype 1 exists as at least three variants (−1a, −1b, and −1c) generated by alternative splicing at the C-terminal domain. Fluorometric Ca2+ measurements were used to compare the concentration dependency of agonist-induced rises in intracellular free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in human embryonic HEK 293 cells transiently expressing rat mGluR1a, mGluR1b, or mGluR1c. The rank order of agonist potencies was quisqualate ≫ (2 S, 1' S, 2' S )-2-(carboxycyclopropyl)glycine (L-CCG-I) > (1 S, 3 R )-1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid [(1 S, 3 R )-ACPD] and did not differ among the splice variants. However, agonists were consistently more potent at mGluR1a than at mGluR1c and mGluR1b. In the same system, we characterized the agonist pharmacology of two chimeric rat mGluR3/1 receptors where the first and/or the second intracellular loop(s) and the C-terminal domain were exchanged with the corresponding mGluR1a or mGluR1c sequences and that were previously shown to mediate elevations in [Ca2+]i in response to agonists. The potency of agonists was higher at the chimera having the C-terminus of mGluR1a as compared with those having the mGluR1c C-terminus. Both chimeric mGluR3/1 receptors had the same rank order of agonist potencies: L-CCG-I ≫ (1 S, 3 R )-ACPD ∼ quisqualate. These data support the hypothesis that the C-terminal domain of mGluRs plays a role in determining the potency of agonists for inducing mGluR-mediated functional responses.  相似文献   
The recovery, structure and function of dog granulocytes were determined before and after freeze-preservation. Leucocytes were isolated from defibrinated or anti-coagulated whole blood and subsequent erythrocyte sedimentation on a column of 2:1 dextran (6%)-isopaque (33.9%). Granulocytes isolated by these procedures were examined for changes in O2 consumption associated with phagocytosis, in vitro directed migration (chemotaxis), bactericidal activity, and ultrastructure before and after freezing. Granulocytes were frozen in DMSO (7.5%) and autologous serum or HBSS-minus and 20% autologous serum at the rate of ?1 °C/min to ?80 °C and stored in liquid N2 vapor.After freeze-preservation, O2 consumption associated with phagocytosis was decreased by 54 and 64% for granulocytes isolated from defibrinated or from ACD-anticoagulated blood, respectively. Bactericidal activity is only slightly depressed in samples from either isolation method after freeze-preservation when compared to the prefreeze controls, but granulocytes isolated from defibrinated blood are significantly less effective in killing bacteria than those from ACD-anticoagulated blood. Chemotactic response after freeze-preservation was completely inhibited in granulocytes isolated from defibrinated blood. Exposure of granulocytes to ACD inhibited chemotaxis prior to freezing, but the granulocytes responded chemotactically after freeze-thaw and additional washing. The ultrastructure of granulocytes observed before and after freeze-thaw was similar for cells isolated by both methods. However, nuclear, cytoplasmic, and granular changes observed were slightly greater in granulocytes isolated from defibrinated blood. Dog granulocytes isolated by either method withstood freeze-preservation in DMSO to a degree not previously reported.It is concluded that dog granulocytes freeze-preserved by these methods are functional in vitro, but that phagocytic, directed migration, and bactericidal functions and ultrastructure are impaired to different degrees, according to the method of isolation and preparation for storage. These results indicate the need for continued investigation on the effects of storage variables on the preservation of granulocytes.  相似文献   
It has been observed that multiple sulfatase deficiency disorder (MSDD) fibroblasts contained from profoundly deficient to near normal amounts of arylsulfatase (ARS) A depending on the medium in which they were cultured. Our present findings show that the major factor determining the enzyme level is the pH of the medium during growth. In media which became acidic or was maintained at low pH (less than 7), the cells expressed the enzymopathy, while in high pH media (7.4), the cells produced enzyme. The high and low enzyme states were reversible. The ARS A deficiency in MSDD must, therefore, be a secondary manifestation of a mutation in another system.  相似文献   
Plant‐based platforms are extensively used for the expression of recombinant proteins, including monoclonal antibodies. However, to harness the approach effectively and leverage it to its full potential, a better understanding of intracellular processes that affect protein properties is required. In this work, we examined vacuolar (vac) targeting and deposition of the monoclonal antibody (Ab) 14D9 in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. Two distinct vacuolar targeting signals (KISIA and NIFRGF) were C‐terminal fused to the heavy chain of 14D9 (vac‐Abs) and compared with secreted and ER‐retained variants (sec‐Ab, ER‐Ab, respectively). Accumulation of ER‐ and vac‐Abs was 10‐ to 15‐fold higher than sec‐Ab. N‐glycan profiling revealed the predominant presence of plant typical complex fucosylated and xylosylated GnGnXF structures on sec‐Ab while vac‐Abs carried mainly oligomannosidic (Man 7‐9) next to GnGnXF forms. Paucimannosidic glycans (commonly assigned as typical vacuolar) were not detected. Confocal microscopy analysis using RFP fusions showed that sec‐Ab‐RFP localized in the apoplast while vac‐Abs‐RFP were exclusively detected in the central vacuole. The data suggest that vac‐Abs reached the vacuole by two different pathways: direct transport from the ER bypassing the Golgi (Ab molecules containing Man structures) and trafficking through the Golgi (for Ab molecules containing complex N‐glycans). Importantly, vac‐Abs were correctly assembled and functionally active. Collectively, we show that the central vacuole is an appropriate compartment for the efficient production of Abs with appropriate post‐translational modifications, but also point to a reconsideration of current concepts in plant glycan processing.  相似文献   
Recent neuroscientific evidence has revealed that the adult brain is capable of substantial plastic change in areas such as the primary somatosensory cortex that were formerly thought to be modifiable only during early experience. We discuss research on phantom limb pain as well as chronic back pain that revealed functional reorganization in both the somatosensory and the motor system in these chronic pain states. In phantom limb pain patients, cortical reorganization is correlated with the amount of phantom limb pain; in low back pain patients the amount of reorganizational change increases with chronicity. We present a model of the development of chronic pain that assumes an important role of somatosensory pain memories. In phantom limb pain, we propose that those patients who experienced intense pain prior to the amputation will later likely develop enhanced cortical reorganization and phantom limb pain. We show that cortical plasticity related to chronic pain can be reduced by behavioral interventions that provide feedback to the brain areas that were altered by somatosensory pain memories.  相似文献   
The group III metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 7 (mGlu7) is an important regulator of glutamatergic and GABAergic neurotransmission and known to mediate emotionality and male social behavior. However, a possible regulatory role in maternal behavior remains unknown to date. Adequate expression of maternal behavior is essential for successful rearing and healthy development of the young. By understanding genetic and neural mechanisms underlying this important prosocial behavior, we gain valuable insights into possible dysregulations. Using genetic ablation as well as pharmacological modulation, we studied various parameters of maternal behavior in two different mouse strains under the influence of mGlu7. We can clearly show a regulatory role of mGlu7 in maternal behavior. Naïve virgin female C57BL/6 mGlu7 knockout mice showed more often nursing postures and less spontaneous maternal aggression compared to their heterozygous and wildtype littermates. In lactating C57BL/6 wildtype mice, acute central activation of mGlu7 by the selective agonist AMN082 reduced arched back nursing and accelerated pup retrieval without affecting maternal aggression. In addition, in lactating CD1 wildtype mice the selective mGlu7 antagonist XAP044 increased both pup retrieval and maternal aggression. With respect to receptor expression levels, mGlu7 mRNA expression was higher in lactating vs virgin C57BL/6 mice in the prefrontal cortex, but not hypothalamus or hippocampus. In conclusion, these findings highlight a significant role of the mGlu7 receptor subtype in mediating maternal behavior in mice. Region‐dependent studies are warranted to further extend our knowledge on the specific function of the brain glutamate system in maternal behavior.  相似文献   
Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a mosquito‐transmitted alphavirus, and its infection can cause long‐term debilitating arthritis in humans. Currently, there are no licensed vaccines or therapeutics for human use to combat CHIKV infections. In this study, we explored the feasibility of using an anti‐CHIKV monoclonal antibody (mAb) produced in wild‐type (WT) and glycoengineered (?XFT) Nicotiana benthamiana plants in treating CHIKV infection in a mouse model. CHIKV mAb was efficiently expressed and assembled in plant leaves and enriched to homogeneity by a simple purification scheme. While mAb produced in ?XFT carried a single N‐glycan species at the Fc domain, namely GnGn structures, WT produced mAb exhibited a mixture of N‐glycans including the typical plant GnGnXF3 glycans, accompanied by incompletely processed and oligomannosidic structures. Both WT and ?XFT plant‐produced mAbs demonstrated potent in vitro neutralization activity against CHIKV. Notably, both mAb glycoforms showed in vivo efficacy in a mouse model, with a slight increased efficacy by the ?XFT‐produced mAbs. This is the first report of the efficacy of plant‐produced mAbs against CHIKV, which demonstrates the ability of using plants as an effective platform for production of functionally active CHIKV mAbs and implies optimization of in vivo activity by controlling Fc glycosylation.  相似文献   
Aiming at learning the functional bacterial community in the high humus content, saline-alkaline soils of chinampas, the cellulolytic bacteria were quantified and 100 bacterial isolates were isolated and characterized in the present study. Analysis of 16S-23S IGS (intergenic spacer) RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) grouped the isolates into 48 IGS types and phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA genes identified them into 42 phylospecies within 29 genera and higher taxa belonging to the phyla Actinobacteria, Firmicutes and Proteobacteria, dominated by the genera Arthrobacter, Streptomyces, Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Pseudoxanthomonas and Stenotrophomonas. Among these bacteria, 63 isolates represent 26 novel putative species or higher taxa, while 37 were members of 17 defined species according to the phylogenetic relationships of 16S rRNA gene. Except for the novel species, the cellulolytic activity was not reported previously in 9 of the 17 species. They degraded cellulose in medium at pH?4.5–10.0 or supplied with NaCl up to 9 %. In addition, 84.8 and 71.7 % of them degraded xylan and Avicel, respectively. These results greatly improved the knowledge about the diversity of cellulolytic bacteria and demonstrated that the chinampa soils contain diverse and novel cellulolytic bacteria functioning at a wide range of pH and salinity levels, which might be a valuable biotechnological resource for biotransformation of cellulose.  相似文献   
1-Pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase was purified and crystallized from Bacillus sphaericus. The crystalline preparation gave a single band on polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis. The molecular weight of the enzyme was determined to be about 100,000 by gel filtration. The enzyme consists of two subunits which are identical in molecular weight (50,000), as judged on SDS slab gel electrophoresis. The enzyme shows an optimum pH of 6.5 to 7.0. Its activity was 8.1 times higher with NADP+ than with NAD +, and the enzyme was stabilized by NADP+. The apparent Km values for l-l-pyrroline-5-carboxylate, NADP+ and NAD+ are 4.2 × 10–5m (with NADP+), 9.5 × 10~6m and 2.5 × IO-3 m, respectively. The enzyme reaction is irreversible. A simple method for the determination of l-ornithine involving ornithine ¿-aminotransferase and 1- pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase from B. sphaericus was developed. A linear relationship was found between the absorbance at 340 nm and the amount of l-ornithine (50 ~ 400 nmol), and between the fluorescence and the amount of l-ornithine (0.2 ~ 10 nmol).  相似文献   
Antibiotic resistance has wide-ranging effects on bacterial phenotypes and evolution. However, the influence of antibiotic resistance on bacterial responses to parasitic viruses remains unclear, despite the ubiquity of such viruses in nature and current interest in therapeutic applications. We experimentally investigated this by exposing various Escherichia coli genotypes, including eight antibiotic-resistant genotypes and a mutator, to different viruses (lytic bacteriophages). Across 960 populations, we measured changes in population density and sensitivity to viruses, and tested whether variation among bacterial genotypes was explained by their relative growth in the absence of parasites, or mutation rate towards phage resistance measured by fluctuation tests for each phage. We found that antibiotic resistance had relatively weak effects on adaptation to phages, although some antibiotic-resistance alleles impeded the evolution of resistance to phages via growth costs. By contrast, a mutator allele, often found in antibiotic-resistant lineages in pathogenic populations, had a relatively large positive effect on phage-resistance evolution and population density under parasitism. This suggests costs of antibiotic resistance may modify the outcome of phage therapy against pathogenic populations previously exposed to antibiotics, but the effects of any co-occurring mutator alleles are likely to be stronger.  相似文献   
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