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Hurricane Danny resulted in the rapid deposition of 10cm of oxidized, acidic sediment in the Contrary Creek arm of Lake Anna, Virginia. Several biological and geochemical parameters were monitored with time to ascertain how long it took the newly-deposited lake sediments to attain the anaerobic, circumneutral, actively sulfate-reducing state normally observed in this portion of the lake. The sediment platinum-electrode potential dropped from 350 mV to 100 mV within the first week after the storm. The pH of the pore water increased from 4.5 to 5.8 within three weeks, and titratable alkalinity was detected within two weeks and three weeks at 3 cm and 1 cm depths, respectively. Accumulation of reduced products of sulfate reduction (acid volatile sulfide) began by three to four weeks after the storm event. Both methanogens and sulfate reducers were present in high and approximately equal numbers in the freshly deposited material. The rapid neutralization of the acidity in the fresh sediment prior to the onset of sulfate reduction suggests that reactions other than sulfate reduction caused the initial increase in pH and alkalinity in this system.  相似文献   
Eighty seven sows, taken from a herd whose mean gestation length was 116 days, were allotted at random on day 114 of gestation to one of five treatment groups as follows: (1) 175 mug prostaglandin analogue (closprostenol I.C.I. Ltd) (2) 1 mg K11941 (alfaprostol VETEM Ltd), (3) 2 mg K11941, (4) 3 mg K11941 (5) 2 ml saline (control). All prostaglandin analogues induced parturition significantly earlier than controls (P < 0.05), but there were no differences between any of the prostaglandin treatments in the interval to birth of the first piglet (P > 0.05). The mean intervals to parturition were 24.6, 22.3, 24.9, 30.7 and 53.0 hours for treatments 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Almost two-thirds of treated sows farrowed during the working period of the day following injection compared with a small proportion of control animals. Induction of parturition had no effect on birth weight, piglet survival to 3 weeks or on subsequent weaning to service interval in treated sows. Results show that this new analogue of prostaglandin (K11941) is effective in inducing farrowing in the sow.  相似文献   
The differentiation of leucine and isoleucine is a well known difficulty in mass spectrometric peptide sequencing. A technique has been developed which allows these two amino acids to be distinguished by growing a bacterial or cell culture in a medium containing γ,δ-dl-dideuteroleucine. The isotopically labelled residue is incorporated into the cell's proteins, and the resulting mass spectra of leucine containing peptides exhibit sequence ions 2 amu higher than the corresponding isoleucine peptides.  相似文献   
Egg parasitoids of the exotic invasive brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål), were investigated using lab-reared fresh (live) and frozen (killed) lab-reared sentinel egg masses deployed for 72h on foliage in three habitats—woods, orchard, and soybean field—in Maryland, USA, in summer 2014. Four native hymenopteran species, Telenomus podisi Ashmead (Scelionidae), Trissolcus euschisti (Ashmead) and Tr. brochymenae Ashmead (Scelionidae), and Anastatus reduvii (Howard) (Eupelmidae), developed and emerged from H. halys eggs. One exotic parasitoid, Trissolcus japonicus (Ashmead), emerged, providing the first known occurrence of this species in North America. Native parasitoids emerged from frozen eggs significantly more often than from fresh eggs (89.3% of egg masses and 98.1% of individual eggs), whereas the exotic Tr. japonicus did not show a similar difference, strongly suggesting adaptation to H. halys as a host by Tr. japonicus but not by the native species. Parasitoids were habitat-specific: all three Trissolcus species were significantly more likely to occur in the woods habitat, whereas Te. podisi was found exclusively in the soybean field. Further investigations are required to elucidate evolving host-parasitoid relationships, habitat specificity, and non-target effects of Tr. japonicus over the expanded range of H. halys in North America.  相似文献   
The mating system of flowering plant populations evolves through selection on genetically based phenotypic variation in floral traits. The physical separation of anthers and stigmas within flowers (herkogamy) is expected to be an important target of selection to limit self-fertilization. We investigated the pattern of phenotypic and genetic variation in herkogamy and its effect of self-fertilization in a broad sample of natural populations of Aquilegia canadensis, a species that is highly selfing despite strong inbreeding depression. Within natural populations, plants exhibit substantial phenotypic variation in herkogamy caused primarily by variation in pistil length rather than stamen length. Compared to other floral traits, herkogamy is much more variable and a greater proportion of variation is distributed among rather than within individuals. We tested for a genetic component of this marked phenotypic variation by growing naturally pollinated seed families from five populations in a common greenhouse environment. For three populations, we detected a significant variation in herkogamy among families, and a positive regression between parental herkogamy measured in the field and progeny herkogamy in the greenhouse, suggesting that there is often genetic variation in herkogamy within natural populations. We estimated levels of self-fertilization for groups of flowers that differed in herkogamy and show that, as expected, herkogamy was associated with reduced selfing in 13 of 19 populations. In six of these populations, we performed floral emasculations to show that this decrease in selfing is due to decreased autogamy (within-flower selfing), the mode of selfing that herkogamy should most directly influence. Taken together, these results suggest that increased herkogamy should be selected to reduce the production of low-quality selfed seed. The combination of high selfing and substantial genetic variation for herkogamy in A. canadensis is enigmatic, and reconciling this observation will require a more integrated analysis of how herkogamy influences not only self-fertilization, but also patterns of outcross pollen import and export.  相似文献   
In water microcosm experiments, the survival times of Campylobacter isolates differed by up to twofold, as determined by culturing; this difference increased to fourfold when particular combinations of temperature and oxygenation were used. The mean survival times were much longer at 4 and 10°C (202 and 176 h, respectively) than at 22 and 37°C (43 and 22 h, respectively). The influence of anaerobiosis on survival time was less dramatic and differed considerably between isolates. In a two-stage water distribution model preparation containing a biofilm consisting of standardized autochthonous water microflora, Campylobacter isolates continued to differ in survival time. However, the survival times of cultures were considerably longer in the presence of the autochthonous water microflora (strains CH1 and 9752 survived 700 and 360 h, respectively, at 4°C) than in the sterile microcosms (strains CH1 and 9752 survived 230 and 157 h, respectively). Although increased temperature and oxygenation were generally detrimental to culturability, the interaction of these two factors influenced the two strains examined differently. When the organisms were grown aerobically at 30°C, the survival of the two strains was reversed; aerobiosis decreased the survival time of strain CH1 by 30%, but unexpectedly improved the persistence time of strain 9752 by more than threefold. Persistence times within biofilms were much longer when they were determined by detection methods not involving culturing. Immunofluorescent-antibody staining demonstrated that the pathogen persisted up to the termination of the experiments after 28 and 42 days of incubation at 30 and 4°C, respectively. The specificity of detection within intact biofilms was reduced because of high background fluorescence. However, preliminary studies with a Campylobacter-specific rRNA probe revealed the same extended persistence of the pathogen within the biofilms.  相似文献   
Character displacement is a potentially important process driving trait evolution and species diversification. Floral traits may experience character displacement in response to pollinator‐mediated competition (ecological character displacement) or the risk of forming hybrids with reduced fitness (reproductive character displacement). We test these and alternative hypotheses to explain a yellow‐white petal color polymorphism in Leavenworthia stylosa, where yellow morphs are spatially associated with a white‐petaled congener (Leavenworthia exigua) that produces hybrids with complete pollen sterility. A reciprocal transplant experiment found limited evidence of local adaptation of yellow color morphs via increased survival and seed set. Pollinator observations revealed that Leavenworthia attract various pollinators that generally favor white petals and exhibit color constancy. Pollen limitation experiments showed that yellow petals do not alleviate competition for pollination. Interspecific pollinator movements were infrequent and low hybridization rates (~0.40–0.85%) were found in each morph, with natural rates likely being lower. Regardless, hybridization rates were significantly higher in white morphs of L. stylosa, yielding a small selection coefficient of s = 0.0042 against this phenotype in sympatry with L. exigua. These results provide support for RCD as a mechanism contributing to the pattern of petal color polymorphism in L. stylosa.  相似文献   
Biogeographic models predict that geographically peripheral populations should be smaller, more sparsely distributed, and have a lower per-capita reproductive rate than populations near the center of a species' range. Plants in peripheral populations may, therefore, receive less pollinator visitation and outcross pollination, which may select for self-fertilization to provide reproductive assurance. We tested these predictions by comparing population size, plant density, seed production, floral traits, and mating system parameters between 10 populations of Aquilegia canadensis near the northern margin of the range with 10 near the range center. Contrary to predictions, peripheral populations were not smaller, less dense, nor less productive than central populations. Nevertheless, we detected substantial regional differences in key floral traits. Plants in central populations produced larger flowers with 68% greater herkogamy and had 30% more flowers open simultaneously than plants in northern populations. However, there was no regional difference in the mating system. In northern populations, 73% (range = 60-88%) of seeds were self-fertilized compared to 76% (51-100%) in central populations. In both regions, adult inbreeding coefficients were near zero, indicating very strong inbreeding depression despite high selfing. Marked geographic variation in key floral traits does not reflect evolutionary differentiation in the mating system.  相似文献   
The large-conductance, Ca2+-activated K+ (BK) channels are regulators of voltage-dependent Ca2+ entry in many cell types. The BK channel accessory beta1-subunit promotes channel activation in smooth muscle and is required for proper tone in the vasculature and bladder. However, although BK channels have also been implicated in airway smooth muscle function, their regulation by the beta1-subunit has not been investigated. Utilizing the gene-targeted mice for the beta1-subunit gene, we have investigated the role of the beta1-subunit in tracheal smooth muscle. In mice with the beta1-subunit-knockout allele, BK channel activity was significantly reduced in excised tracheal smooth muscle patches and spontaneous BK currents were reduced in whole tracheal smooth muscle cells. Knockout of the beta1-subunit resulted in an increase in resting Ca2+ levels and an increase in the sustained component of Ca2+ influx after cholinergic signaling. Tracheal constriction studies demonstrate that the level of constriction is the same with knockout of the beta1-subunit and BK channel block with paxillin, indicating that BK channels contribute little to airway relaxation in the absence of the beta1-subunit. Utilizing nifedipine, we found that the increased constriction caused by knockout of the beta1-subunit could be accounted for by an increased recruitment of L-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels. These results indicate that the beta1-subunit is required in airway smooth muscle for control of voltage-dependent Ca2+ influx during rest and after cholinergic signaling in BK channels.  相似文献   
Variability in stream macroinvertebrates at multiple spatial scales   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
1. We intensively sampled 16 western Oregon streams to characterize: (1) the variability in macroinvertebrate assemblages at seven spatial scales; and (2) the change in taxon richness with increasing sampling effort. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) model calculated spatial variance components for taxon richness, total density, percent individuals of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT), percent dominance and Shannon diversity.
2. At the landscape level, ecoregion and among‐streams components dominated variance for most metrics, accounting for 43–72% of total variance. However, ecoregion accounted for very little variance in total density and 36% of the variance was attributable to differences between streams. For other metrics, variance components were more evenly divided between stream and ecoregion effects.
3. Within streams, approximately 70% of variance was associated with unstructured local spatial variation and not associated with habitat type or transect position. The remaining variance was typically split about evenly between habitat and transect. Sample position within a transect (left, centre or right) accounted for virtually none of the variance for any metric.
4. New taxa per stream increased rapidly with sampling effort with the first four to eight Surber samples (500–1000 individuals counted), then increased more gradually. After counting more than 50 samples, new taxa continued to be added in stream reaches that were 80 times as long as their mean wetted width. Thus taxon richness was highly dependent on sampling effort, and comparisons between sites or streams must be normalized for sampling effort.
5. Characterization of spatial variance structure is fundamental to designing sampling programmes where spatial comparisons range from local to regional scales. Differences in metric responses across spatial scales demonstrate the importance of designing sampling strategies and analyses capable of discerning differences at the scale of interest.  相似文献   
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