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Dehydration reduces the main phase transition pressure of phospholipids. An analysis based on the Gibbs-Duhem equation shows how the shift of the transition pressure is correlated to the hydration pressure.By using Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy we determined the hydration-dependent phase transition pressure. The application of our new approach gives hydration pressure values which agree with the values obtained with the osmotic stress method.  相似文献   
IL-4 is known to inhibit the growth and differentiation of 14-day-old fetal mouse thymus in organ culture. Here we report that IFN-gamma reverses this IL-4-mediated growth inhibition. Thymus lobes from 14-day-old fetuses were cultured for 12 days in medium containing 100 IU/ml rIL-4 either in the absence or presence of rIFN-gamma (100 to 1000 IU/ml). After culture, the cell yields and the absolute numbers and frequencies of the major subpopulations according the coordinate expression of CD4 and CD8 were estimated. IL-4 treatment alone was found to result in a seven-fold decrease in cell yield and an almost complete absence of the CD4+CD8+ subpopulation. Addition of IFN-gamma reversed IL-4-mediated inhibition in a dose-dependent fashion, with an optimal dose ranging from 200 to 500 IU/ml. IFN-gamma exerted this effect only when added within the first 48 h of initiating the culture. The specificity of the reversal effect was ascertained by neutralization of the effect by a neutralizing anti-IFN-gamma mAb and by lack of activity of human IFN-gamma. In the absence of IL-4, IFN-gamma had a growth-promoting effect as evident from a threefold increase in cell numbers.  相似文献   
The heat activation of trehalase in extracts of sporangiospores of Phycomyces blakesleeanus, following the induction of germination by heat activation and the gelatinization of potato starch granules were studied under different conditions in order to discriminate between several phenomena as possible triggers in the activation of trehalase.Short-chain alcohols (from methanol to pentanol) lower the activation temperature of trehalase while long-chain alcohols (from heptanol to nonanol) raise it. Short-chain alcohols also lower the gelatinization temperature of potato starch granules, while long-chain alcohols, hexanol and heptanol have hardly any influence on the gelatinization temperature. Octanol raises the gelatinization temperature. More polar phenols lower the activation temperature of trehalase, while more apolar phenols will raise it. The gelatinization temperature of starch granules is more lowered by the polar polyphenols than by the more apolar phenols.The effect of high pressure on starch gelatinization was investigated in order to compare data from such a model system with the data on trehalase activation.The gelatinization temperature of starch granules is shifted upwards with about 3–5 K/1000 atm (1.013×105 kPa). Pressures higher than 1500 atm do not further increase the gelatinization temperature. However, no reversal of the effect, as occurs with protein conformational changes, is seen with pressure up to 2500 atm. Also for trehalase activation we find a continuous upward shift of the activation temperature with about 5–9 K/1000 atm. These data are in agreement with a thermal transition in a polysaccharide matrix, being the trigger in the heat activation of trehalase.  相似文献   
We studied the cold unfolding of myoglobin with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and compared it with pressure and heat unfolding. Because protein aggregation is a phenomenon with medical as well as biotechnological implications, we were interested in both the structural changes as well as the aggregation behavior of the respective unfolded states. The cold- and pressure-induced unfolding both yield a partially unfolded state characterized by a persistent amount of secondary structure, in which a stable core of G and H helices is preserved. In this respect the cold- and pressure-unfolded states show a resemblance with an early folding intermediate of myoglobin. In contrast, the heat unfolding results in the formation of the infrared bands typical of intermolecular antiparallel beta-sheet aggregation. This implies a transformation of alpha-helix into intermolecular beta-sheet. H/2H-exchange data suggest that the helices are first unfolded and then form intermolecular beta-sheets. The pressure and cold unfolded states do not give rise to the intermolecular aggregation bands that are typical for the infrared spectra of many heat-unfolded proteins. This suggests that the pathways of the cold and pressure unfolding are substantially different from that of the heat unfolding. After return to ambient conditions the cold- or pressure-treated proteins adopt a partially refolded conformation. This aggregates at a lower temperature (32 degrees C) than the native state (74 degrees C).  相似文献   
Interaction between CD154 (CD40 ligand) on activated T lymphocytes and its receptor CD40 has been shown to be critically involved in the generation of cell-mediated as well as humoral immunity. CD40 triggering activates dendritic cells (DC), enhances their cytokine production, up-regulates the expression of costimulatory molecules, and induces their maturation. It is unknown how stimulation of CD40 during sensitization to an airborne allergen may affect the outcome of allergic airway inflammation. We took advantage of a mouse model of allergic asthma and a stimulatory mAb to CD40 (FGK45) to study the effects of CD40-mediated DC activation on sensitization to OVA and subsequent development of OVA-induced airway inflammation. Agonistic anti-CD40 mAb (FGK45) injected during sensitization with OVA abrogated the development of allergic airway inflammation upon repeated airway challenges with OVA. Inhibition of bronchial eosinophilia corresponded with reduced Th2 cytokine production and was independent of IL-12, as evidenced by a similar down-regulatory effect of anti-CD40 mAb in IL-12 p40-deficient mice. In addition, FGK45 equally down-regulated allergic airway inflammation in IL-10-deficient mice, indicating an IL-10-independent mechanism of action of FGK45. In conclusion, our results show that CD40 signaling during sensitization shifts the immune response away from Th2 cytokine production and suppresses allergic airway inflammation in an IL-12- and IL-10-independent way, presumably resulting from enhanced DC activation during sensitization.  相似文献   
Lack of sufficient IL-12 production has been suggested to be one of the basic underlying mechanisms in atopy, but a potential role of IL-12 in established allergic airway disease remains unclear. We took advantage of a mouse model of experimental asthma to study the role of IL-12 during the development of bronchial inflammation. Administration of anti-IL-12p35 or anti-IL-12p40 mAb to previously OVA-sensitized BALB/c mice concomitantly with exposure to nebulized OVA, abolished both the development of bronchial hyperresponsiveness to metacholine as well as the eosinophilia in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and peripheral blood. Anti-IL-12 treatment reduced CD4(+) T cell numbers and IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13 levels in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and the mRNA expression of IL-10, eotaxin, RANTES, MCP-1, and VCAM-1 in the lung. Anti-IL-12p35 treatment failed to show these effects in IFN-gamma knockout mice pointing to the essential role of IFN-gamma in IL-12-induced effects. Neutralization of IL-12 during the sensitization process aggravated the subsequent development of allergic airway inflammation. These data together with recent information on the role of dendritic cells in both the sensitization and effector phase of allergic respiratory diseases demonstrate a dual role of IL-12. Whereas IL-12 counteracts Th2 sensitization, it contributes to full-blown allergic airway disease upon airway allergen exposure in the postsensitization phase, with enhanced recruitment of CD4(+) T cells and eosinophils and with up-regulation of Th2 cytokines, chemokines, and VCAM-1. IFN-gamma-producing cells or cells dependent on IFN-gamma activity, play a major role in this unexpected proinflammatory effect of IL-12 in allergic airway disease.  相似文献   
The present paper reports on the phase behaviour of the pseudobinary aqueous mixtures of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC)/pentaethylene glycol monododecyl ether (C12E5) and 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine monohydrate (DMPC)/C12E5. Both systems exhibit a variety of mesophases, such as lamellar gel, liquid crystalline and micellar phases. The phase diagrams show peritectic and eutectic behaviours. The existence of a compound complex is established. From the phase diagrams, the temperature dependence of the solubilisation parameters is obtained. The phase diagrams, especially with respect to the solubilisation process were qualitatively explained assuming that the packing of the constituents plays a dominating role. Finally, differential scanning calorimetry and ultrasonic velocimetry are compared concerning their potentials to determine characteristics of phase transitions in pseudobinary phospholipid/surfactant mixtures.  相似文献   
Refolding of hen egg white lysozyme after pressure unfolding was measured by FTIR spectroscopy. The high-pressure treatment was found to be useful for unfolding/refolding studies because pressure acts against aggregation, and therefore no irreversible aggregation takes place during the pressure treatment. After the release of the pressure, folding intermediate structures were found which were formed during the decompression of the lysozyme. These were aggregation prone when heated, as indicated by their lower stability against aggregation. The intermediates were only formed if the protein was unfolded, subdenaturing pressures could not populate these intermediates. We introduced the notion of a superfunnel to describe the free energy landscape of interacting polypeptide chains. This can explain the propensity of folding intermediates to aggregate. A possible Gibbs-free energy landscape for lysozyme was constructed for the whole pressure-temperature plane.  相似文献   
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