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Pretreatment of human large granular lymphocytes (LGL) or unseparated peripheral blood mononuclear cells with interferon (IFN) resulted in a significant augmentation of natural killer (NK) activity. This increase was paralleled by an increase in the 2'-5'A synthetase activity. In order to investigate the possibility that IFN might be inducing augmentation of NK cells via the 2'-5'A pathway, we tested the effects of nonphosphorylated core material [(A2'p)2A] and of the triphosphorylated form of the 2'-5'A [ppp(A2'p)2A]. The core material had no detectable effect on NK activity. In contrast, when experiments were performed with the triphosphorylated form of 2'-5'A, NK activity was stimulated. In order to achieve activation, permeabilization of LGL with calcium chloride was necessary and, under these conditions, a dose-dependent augmentation of NK activity was seen. However, the calcium treatment had considerable toxic effects on basal levels of NK activity. Collectively, these results suggest that IFN may be inducing augmentation of NK activity via the 2'-5'A pathway. Further studies will be necessary to determine the effects of IFN and/or 2'-5'A on subsequent activation steps in the process leading to cytotoxicity by NK cells.  相似文献   
The developmental relationships among large agranular lymphocytes (LAL) large granular lymphocytes (LGL) and the activation of these cells into lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells by rIL-2 was investigated. Highly enriched populations of LAL were isolated from Fischer 344 spleen cells by a combination of nylon-wool filtration (to remove B cells and macrophages), treatment with a pan T cell antibody plus complement (to remove T cells) and incubation in L-leucine methyl ester (to remove LGL). The resultant cells were highly enriched in morphologically identifiable LAL which expressed asialo GM1 and partially expressed the OX8 surface marker. The enriched LAL did not contain detectable NK cytotoxic activity, did not express pan T cell (OX19), Ia, Ig, or laminin surface markers and contained less than 0.2% LGL. Incubation of LAL in a low dose of rIL-2 (100 U/ml) induced the generation of LGL having NK activity within 24 h of culture. Longer culture periods (48 h) resulted in a continued increase in the percentage of LGL and higher levels of NK activity. However, with this low dose of rIL-2, little or no LAK activity (i.e., reactivity against NK-resistant target cells) was generated. With a high dose of rIL-2 (500 U/ml), LAL responded by first generating LGL with NK activity (within 24 h), with subsequent generation of LAK activity by 48 h. Evidence that the development of granular lymphocytes from LAL was responsible first for NK activity and then LAK activity was demonstrated by depletion of the generated granular NK or LAK effector cells by second treatments with L-leucine methyl ester. Concomitant with the induction of LGL with NK or LAK activity, rIL-2 also caused LGL to proliferate and expand four- to five-fold in 48 h. This occurred in the presence of high or low dose rIL-2. These results indicate that LAL are the precursors of LGL/NK cells, that LAL, LGL/NK cells and LAK cells appear to represent sequential developmental or activation stages and that LAL may comprise major source of LAK progenitors in lymphoid populations having few LGL or mature active NK cells.  相似文献   
The sensitivity of H-2b-high and H-2b-low variants of BL6 melanoma to the cytotoxic action of NK and lymphokine-activated killer cells was investigated. BL6 mouse melanoma cells lack detectable H-2Kb and had low levels of expression of H-2Db Ag. The BL6T2 variant cells, obtained after treatment of BL6 cells with mutagen N-methyl-N-nitro-N'-nitro-soguanidine, had relatively high levels of expression of class I H-2b Ag. Poly(I:C)-stimulated spleen cells of nude mice were highly cytotoxic for BL6T2, whereas H-2b-low BL6 cells were less sensitive to NK activity in an 18-h 51Cr-release assay. Similar results were obtained after 4-h incubation of radio-labeled tumor cells with IL-2-activated effector cells. In contrast, both lines were equally sensitive to lysis by purified granules derived from rat large granular lymphocytes (LGL) or by macrophages. By using various clones selected from BL6 or BL6T2 cells, it was found that BL6 or BL6T2 clones with low H-2b Ag expression were less sensitive to lysis by NK cells than H-2b-high clones. After IFN treatment of either BL6 or BL6T2, the target cells became more resistant to lysis by either NK cells or by purified LGL granules. IFN-treated BL6 cells had substantially increased expression of H-2b Ag and in this respect became similar to untreated BL6T2. However, IFN-treated BL6 cells were more resistant than BL6T2 cells to lysis by NK cells and LGL granules, suggesting that augmentation of H-2b Ag expression and NK resistance could be two independent IFN-induced effects. With a cold target inhibition assay, it was found that BL6T2 or its H-2 positive clones were highly competitive and inhibited the cytotoxic activity of NK and lymphokine-activated killer cells against radiolabeled YAC-1 and BL6T2, whereas BL6 cells or H-2-negative clones of BL6T2 and BL6 lines showed poor competitive ability. Thus, our data indicate that the NK resistance of H-2-low BL6 cells may be due to a paucity of NK recognizable determinants. N-Methyl-N-nitro-N'-nitroguanidine treatment of BL6 melanoma cells was associated with an increase in class I H-2b Ag expression and NK sensitivity, suggesting the involvement of class I MHC Ag in the sensitivity of tumor cells to NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity.  相似文献   
Highly purified populations of large granular lymphocytes (LGL) have been shown to mediate natural killer (NK) cell activity. The mechanism of target cell killing by NK cells is as yet undefined; however, it has been postulated that such killing may involve soluble cytotoxic factors produced and secreted by NK cells. The data presented show that NK-sensitive, but not NK-resistant, tumor cell lines induce highly purified populations of human LGL to produce factors with cytotoxic and/or cytostatic activities. We have identified one of these factors as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), and have shown that production of this factor is enhanced by recombinant human interferon-gamma (rHuIFN-gamma). We have also examined the role of TNF-alpha in the cytotoxic function of NK cells. The data show that although highly purified LGL populations produce low levels of TNF-alpha, the cytotoxic/cytostatic activity of this lymphokine on tumor target cells does not correlate with the cytotoxic activity of highly purified populations of LGL on tumor target cells. Furthermore, NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity is not reliably inhibited by antibodies directed against various epitopes of recombinant human TNF-alpha and/or recombinant TNF-beta (lymphotoxin) or rHuIFN-gamma. These data show that although TNF-alpha is produced by highly purified NK-containing LGL cell populations, this factor does not appear to be responsible for NK cell cytotoxicity against classical NK target cells such as Molt-4 or K562. We suggest that NK function can be attributed to a combination of factors rather than to a single factor alone, and that at least two major phenomena are involved in LGL function: the rapid cytotoxic events which lead to the cell lysis measured in classical in vitro NK assays such as against K562; and the release of factors such as TNF-alpha with cytotoxic/cytostatic activities which would inhibit the growth of invading tumor cells in vivo.  相似文献   
We have examined the effect of several monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) to monomorphic determinants of class II HLA antigens, and MoAb to monomorphic determinants of class I HLA antigens and to beta-2-microglobulin (beta 2-mu) on lectin- and MoAb OKT3-induced proliferation of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNC) and cultured T cells (CTC). Some, but not all, anti-class II HLA MoAb inhibited the proliferative response of PBMNC to MoAb OKT3 and pokeweed mitogen (PWM). The degree of inhibitory effect varied considerably. This effect was not limited to anti-class II HLA MoAb since anti-class I HLA MoAb and anti-beta 2-mu MoAb also inhibited MoAb OKT3- or PWM-induced proliferative responses. In contrast, the response of PBMNC to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and concanavalin A (Con A) was not blocked by any anti-class II HLA MoAb. However, some anti-class II HLA MoAb also inhibited the proliferative response of CTC plus allogeneic peripheral blood adherent accessory cells (AC) to PHA or Con A as well as to MoAb OKT3 or PWM. This may be attributable to the substantially greater class II HLA antigen expression by CTC than by fresh lymphocytes. Pretreatment of either CTC or AC with anti-class II HLA MoAb inhibited OKT3-induced proliferation. In contrast, pretreatment of CTC, but not AC, with anti-class I HLA MoAb inhibited the proliferative response of CTC to OKT3. Pretreatment of CTC with anti-class I HLA MoAb inhibited PHA-, Con A and PWM-induced proliferation, to a greater degree than the anti-class II HLA MoAb. It appears as if lymphocyte activation by different mitogens exhibits variable requirements for the presence of cells expressing major histocompatibility determinants. Binding of Ab to membrane markers may interfere with lymphocyte-AC cooperation, perhaps by inhibiting binding of mitogens to their receptors or by interfering with lymphocyte and AC function. We also have examined the role of class II HLA antigens on CTC by depleting class II HLA-positive cells. As expected, elimination of class II HLA-positive AC with anti-class II HLA MoAb plus complement caused a decrease in proliferation of CTC in response to all the mitogens tested. In contrast, elimination of class II HLA-positive CTC was shown to clearly increase proliferation of CTC, perhaps because this may deplete class II HLA-positive suppressor cells.  相似文献   
An H-2Kb- negative clone of BL6 melanoma (BL6-8) was transfected with neor, H-2Kb, or H-2IAk genes. In an 18-h cytotoxicity assay clones with high levels of H-2Kb Ag expression were found more sensitive to lysis by spleen cells of syngenic and allogeneic mice than H-2Kb low clones. NK cells were involved in the lysis of H-2Kb+ BL6 melanoma clones, with spleen cell cytotoxicity of mice increased after poly I:C stimulation or decreased after pretreatment with anti-asialo GM1 serum or NK1.1 mAb. Anti-TNF Ab were also able to reduce the cytotoxicity of normal spleen cells and completely abolished the cytotoxicity of the NK-depleted spleen cells suggesting involvement of NC cells in lysis of H-2Kb+ BL6 melanoma clones. Increase in sensitivity of H-2Kb+ BL6 cells to natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity was associated with the appearance of NK recognizable determinants as assessed by the cold target inhibition assay. All BL6 clones, irrespective of sensitivity to natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity, showed high sensitivity to lysis by LGL-derived granules. In contrast, all H-2Kb low BL6 clones were resistant and all H-2Kb highly positive clones were sensitive to lysis by TNF-alpha. When an H-2Kb highly positive clone was selected in vitro for resistance to TNF, it concomitantly showed increased resistance to cytotoxicity by spleen cells, confirming the importance of TNF in spleen cell cytotoxicity against H-2Kb+ melanoma cells. Taken together, the data indicate that class I H-2Kb but not class II H-2IAk gene product could increase the sensitivity of BL6 cells to lysis by NK and natural cytotoxic cells as well as TNF. We hypothesize that these effects could be due to pleiotropic effects of H-2Kb gene products on various biologic properties of BL6 melanoma cells some of which may be more directly involved in regulation of tumor cell sensitivity to lysis by NK and/or natural cytotoxic cells.  相似文献   
Mouse effector cells mediating natural cytotoxicity against tumor cells have been previously thought to be lymphocytes that lack any detectable cell surface markers. The present study presents evidence for receptors for the Fc portion of IgG on these cells. By adsorption of cytotoxic spleen cells on monolayers of sheep erythrocytes (E) plus IgG antibodies to sheep erythrocytes (EA), 50 to 96% of the total cytotoxic reactivity could be removed. Parallel adsorption of cells on E monolayers or on EA monolayers coated with protein A, to block the Fc portion of IgG, resulted in little or no depletion of cytotoxic activity. The presence of Fc receptors on the NK cells was confirmed by combining EA rosette formation with velocity sedimentation at unit gravity. Peak cytotoxicity occurred at the same sedimentation velocity as the peak of Fc-positive cells. After EA rosette formation, there was a shift to a higher sedimentation velocity in the Fc-positive cells and in the natural cytotoxic activity. The increase in sedimentation velocity of NK activity that was observed in these experiments indicated that most of the cells had only bound a small number (three or four) of antibody-coated erythrocytes. Together, these data indicate that cells with Fc receptors account for most of the total lytic activity of normal mouse spleen cells.  相似文献   
The expression of the Thy-1 antigen on mouse spleen cells responsible for NK activity and ADCC was investigated by using a monoclonal IgM anti-Thy-1.2 antibody. Both C-mediated cytotoxicity and the fluorescence-activated cell sorter were used to fractionate cells. The effector cells were found to be heterogeneous in their expression of Thy-1. Effector cells from nude BALB/c mice were predominantly Thy-1 positive; some of the NK cells in CBA spleens appeared to be Thy-1 positive, but at least one-third of the lytic activity was due to Thy-1 negative cells. The effects of treatments on NK cytotoxicity and ADCC were very similar, supporting the hypothesis that the same cells mediate both activities.  相似文献   
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