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Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv. Vernal) nodules were separatedinto host plant fractions and fractions of rhizobial originby differential centrifugation and sedimentation equilibriumcentrifugation. Both NAD- and NADP-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase(70%, 90%) and glutamate dehydrogenase activities (90%, 83%)were located primarily (percent total nodule activity) in thefractions of plant origin and their specific activities werehighest in the fractions of plant origin. More than 50% of thenodules' total activity of both glutamine synthetase and NAD-glutamatesynthase and greater than 90% of the total glutamate oxaloacetatetransaminase activity was located in plant fractions. However,the fractions of rhizobial origin had the highest specific activitiesof glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthase. (Received September 5, 1981; Accepted December 7, 1981)  相似文献   
The Escherichia coli dnaW mutation is an allele of the adk gene   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary A dnaW mutant, isolated on the basis of inability to effect conjugal DNA transfer at high temperature, has been shown by complementation and enzyme assay to be defective in the adk (adenylate kinase; EC locus. The adk mutant, known to have reduced ATP concentration at the nonpermissive temperature (Cousin and Belaich 1966), was used to demonstrate a donor energy requirement for stable aggregate formation and for chromosome transfer in conjugation.  相似文献   
The restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of DQ was assessed in a panel of control and insulin-dependent diabetes (IDD) patients who were serologically typed as HLA-DR4 homozygotes or HLA-DR3, DR4 heterozygotes. Digestions of genomic DNA with Barn HI, Bg1 II, Pst I, Xba I, and Hind III revealed a total of 15 RFLPs in the panel of 71 HLA-DR4 chromosomes. These RFLPs were organized into six allelic groups on the basis of segregation analysis in families. Complete RFLP haplotypes for the 5 restriction enzymes could be constructed for 42 of the HLA-DR4 chromosomes. This analysis revealed 18 RFLP haplotypes of DQ associated with the DR4 chromosomes tested. Two of these haplotypes, designated DQ3.DR4.a and DQ3.DR4.b, accounted for over 50 % of the DR4 chromosomes analyzed. These two haplotypes were antithetical for the RFLPs detected by all five enzymes, indicating that they represent very distinct forms of DQ . The remaining 16 haplotypes were infrequent or unique and were closely related to either a DQ3.DR4.a or DQ3.DR4.b. Two of the RFLPs detected, a 5.8 kb Bg1 II fragment and a 10.5 kb Barn HI fragment, had increased frequencies in disease-associated chromosomes. However, none of the RFLPs we detected exhibited a statistically significant increase in IDD or control populations. In contrast, the DQ3.DR4.b DQ haplotype was significantly decreased in IDD-associated DR4 chromosomes. (P=0.04). These results suggest that the DQ3.DR4.b DQ allele may be protective for the development of IDD.  相似文献   
Recent evidence localizing the inflammatory mediator, platelet activating factor, (PAF, 1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) to the membranes of stimulated neutrophils raises the possibility that PAF may, in addition to its activities as a mediator, alter the physical properties of membranes. Accordingly, the effects of PAF and related alkyl ether and acyl analogs on phase transition thermodynamics of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) were studied using fluorescence polarization of the fluorescent probe, 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH). PAF, its ester analog (1-palmitoyl-2-acetylphosphatidylcholine) and both the corresponding alkyl and acyl lysophospholipid analogs (each at a concentration of 10 mol%) significantly decreased the phase transition temperature and broadened the phase transition of DPPC (P less than 0.05). The relative potency of the lipids in causing this effect was ester-PAF greater than or equal to PAF greater than or equal to lyso-PAF greater than lyso-PC suggesting that the fluidization of the synthetic membranes was attributable to both the 2-position acetyl group and the 1-position alkyl linkage. Furthermore, using various related compounds, increases in chain length and degree of unsaturation in the 2-position were shown to enhance the depression in transition temperature and broadening of the phase transition. Phase transition thermodynamics were also assessed using differential scanning calorimetry. Similar depression in the phase transition temperature was measured for PAF and both the alkyl and acyl lysophospholipids. Broadening of the phase transition for DPPC by the various analogs was assessed by calculation of transition peak width and cooperative unit. Data from fluorescence polarization and differential scanning calorimetry provide similar though not identical results and support the hypothesis that the unique features of PAF may alter membrane physical properties and could ultimately explain some of its biologic actions.  相似文献   
Although bacterial endotoxins have potent effects on blood monocytes and tissue macrophages, the role of alveolar macrophages in regulating intrapulmonary neutrophil traffic following endotoxemia has not been studied previously. We have previously reported that a single intraperitoneal injection of endotoxin from Escherichia coli serotype 055B5 causes acute lung inflammation by neutrophils (PMN) in rats. The factors which influence the migration of PMN in the lung in this model are unknown. To determine whether macrophage-derived products could play a role in directing migration, we enumerated neutrophils in histologic sections and employed electron microscopy to document the location of neutrophils in the lung in vivo following endotoxin. We also cultured the alveolar macrophages recovered by lung lavage to measure the effect of their culture supernatants on neutrophil migration in vitro. In the first 6 hr following endotoxin, and also 24 hr later, there was an increase in the number of PMN enumerated in the lung parenchyma by light microscopy. Electron microscopy showed the location of the neutrophils to be exclusively intravascular at 6 hr. By contrast, neutrophils were observed in both interstitial and bronchoalveolar spaces at 24 hr, confirming that transvascular migration was active at that time. The pulmonary macrophages which were recovered by lung lavage from groups of rats sacrificed at 4 and at 15 hr following the administration of endotoxin were assayed for the release into culture media of migration-stimulatory activity for neutrophils. Macrophages from animals sacrificed 4 hr following endotoxin released less migration-stimulating activity into media than macrophages from controls. These macrophages could be stimulated to release migration-stimulating activity into culture media at levels comparable to macrophages from controls by the addition of opsonized Zymosan to the culture media. By contrast, macrophages from animals sacrificed 15 hr after endotoxin spontaneously released more migration-stimulating activity for neutrophils than did macrophages from controls. Thus, in this model, a specific increase in the synthesis or release by alveolar macrophages of factors which stimulate the migration of neutrophils in vitro coincided with a transition from intravascular to extravascular alveolar inflammation by neutrophils in vivo. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that pulmonary alveolar macrophages may contribute to the regulation of alveolar inflammation following endotoxemia by releasing factors which influence the migration of neutrophils.  相似文献   
Summary Cochlear microphonic (CM) and evoked neural (N-1) potentials were studied in two species of Doppler shift compensating bats with the aid of electrodes chronically implanted in the scala tympani. Potentials were recorded from animals fully recovered from the effects of anesthesia and surgery. InPteronotus p. parnellii andRhinolophus rouxi the CM amplitude showed a narrow band, high amplitude peak at a frequency about 200 Hz above the resting frequency of each species. InPteronotus the peak was 25–35 dB higher in amplitude than the general CM level below or above the frequency of the amplitude peak. InRhinolophus the amplitude peak was only a few dB above the general CM level but it was prominent because of a sharp null in a narrow band of frequencies just below the peak. The amplitude peak and the null were markedly affected by body temperature and anesthesia. InPteronotus high amplitude CM potentials were produced by resonance, and stimulated cochlear emissions were prominent inPteronotus but they were not observed inRhinolophus. InPteronotus the resonance was indicated by a CM afterpotential that occurred after brief tone pulses. The resonance was not affected by the addition of a terminal FM to the stimulus and when the ear was stimulated with broadband noise it resulted in a continual state of resonance. Rapid, 180 degree phase shifts in the CM were observed when the stimulus frequency swept through the frequency of the CM amplitude peak inPteronotus and the frequency of the CM null inRhinolophus. These data indicate marked differences in the physiological properties of the cochlea and in the mechanisms responsible for sharp tuning in these two species of bats.  相似文献   
Exposure to ethanol in man has been linked to an alteration of the immune surveillance system and reduced ability of the macrophage to undergo phagocytosis. Since ethanol has been suggested to alter membrane function and inhibit the production of calcium ionophore stimulated synthesis of prostaglandins and leukotrienes by the human neutrophil and transformed murine mast cell, the dose response effect of ethanol on the biosynthesis of icosanoids by the peritoneal macrophage during zymosan phagocytosis was studied. Peritoneal macrophages from two inbred strains of mice derived from a common stock (HS) and selected for sensitivity to ethanol (shoprt sleep [SS]/long sleep [LS]) were studies. Zymosan phagocytosis was found to lead to synthesis of LTC4 (70 ng/106 cells), 6-keto-PGF1a (5 ng/106 (3 ng/106 cells). For the HS macrophage, ethanol caused a dose dependent inhibition of these lipid mediators as well as inhibition of phagocytosis and release of beta-hexosaminidase. However, a difference was observed in arachidonate metabolism stimulated by phagocytosis between the LS and SS mice below 100 mM ethanol. The SS mouse had a 50% inhibition of cyclooxygenase products at 86 mM ethanol with no inhibition of lipoxygenase metabolites. The LS mice had a trend suggesting increased lipoxygenase metabolites below 100 mM ethanol. At these levels of ethanol which can be found in man, these results suggest there may be differential production of lipid mediators under genetic control.  相似文献   
We describe a triaxial magnetometer (Tri-mag) system, which consists of a transmitter, four sensors, a processing unit, and a personal computer (PC). The Tri-mag processing unit outputs the position of each sensor relative to the transmitter in three orthogonal coordinates, and this information is communicated to the PC. First, we demonstrated that within a defined octant of a sphere in which the center is the transmitter, we can measure radial distances with an accuracy of +/- 1 mm over a range extending from 10 to 70 cm from the transmitter. Second, we recorded the three-dimensional movement of sensors on the anterior and posterior surfaces of the chest wall during maximum voluntary ventilation in four normal men; all sensors were placed in the midsagittal plane of the body. Anterior sensors were located on the sternum at the level of the third intercostal space and at 2 cm above the umbilicus, whereas posterior sensors were located on the posterior spine at the same vertical levels as the anterior sensors. In all subjects the following was found. 1) Both anterior sensors moved anterior and cephalad during inspiration. The anterior thoracic sensor showed greater vertical than anteroposterior (A-P) movement, whereas the anterior abdominal sensor showed greater A-P than vertical movement. 2) Inspiration was associated with spinal extension, whereas expiration was associated with spinal flexion. Third, we used Tri-mag information to 1) measure tidal volume (VT) over a range extending from 500 ml to inspiratory capacity and 2) measure the change in end-expiratory lung volume (EELV) over a range extending from FRC to FRC plus a minimum of 1.5 liters. Our results indicate that greater than 96% of the changes in VT and greater than 82% of the changes in EELV can be accounted for by changes in A-P, vertical, and lateral dimensions of the chest wall.  相似文献   
The intrapulmonary instillation of C5a results in a local inflammatory response that, in this site, is accompanied by a decrease in local blood flow. Reversal of this decrease by vasodilators or the thromboxane synthesis inhibitor dazmegral has been shown to result in enhanced lung inflammation. In the present study the mechanisms underlying the decrease in flow in pulmonary inflammation were investigated in the rabbit in vivo and in the isolated blood-perfused rabbit lung. In vivo, the decrease in local blood flow was shown to be dependent on circulating neutrophils. In the isolated blood-perfused lung, inflammation induced by airway instillation of C5a was similar histologically to that seen in vivo and was also accompanied by a decrease in local blood flow. The decrease in blood flow appeared to require circulating neutrophils and was prevented by dazmegral and the platelet-activating factor (PAF) antagonists WEB 2086 and L-659,989. Furthermore, no decrease occurred in aspirin-treated lungs perfused with normal blood, suggesting that the source of thromboxane was lung rather than circulating cells. The decrease in blood flow in inflammation did not appear to be a consequence of hypoxic vasoconstriction. Inflammation in the guinea pig lung was also accompanied by a decrease in local blood flow and was also prevented by dazmegral and PAF antagonists. We conclude that local inflammation in the lung is accompanied by a decrease in blood flow that involves neutrophils and the lipid mediators PAF and thromboxane. We suggest that this form of negative feedback by the neutrophil serves to control the inflammatory response.  相似文献   
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