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The endemic Anatolian cyprinodonts Aphanius chantrei, A. (Kosswigichtys) asquamatus, and A. anatoliae show definite interspecific differences in their territorial and sexual behaviour under laboratory conditions. Intraspecific differences were found in the nine populations of A. anatoliae investigated.A. chantrei and Kosswigichthys show almost the same territorial behaviour. In A. anatoliae territoriality is found in three populations; the remaining six populations show no territoriality.The sexual behaviour consists of visual display elements and of elements which enable the fish to keep close contact without actually touching each other. The sequence of elements can be variable. Only two populations of A. anatoliae have retained display elements; the remaining seven populations have lost all of them.A correlation is discussed between biotope conditions and sexual behaviour. Display and territorial behaviour may have become superfluous in extreme, sulphate-containing habitats, where a lack of flora has led to a lack of spawning sites. Under changing breeding conditions the newly evolved element with fish staying close together (male underneath the female) may have replaced the former display elements.  相似文献   
The streptothricin resistance transposons Tn1825 and Tn1826 are closely related, based on physical and genetic characteristics, to the trimethoprim resistance transposon Tn7. These transposons may be considered to be members of a transposon family sharing in common the transposition functions and a basic streptomycin/spectinomycin resistance determinant but differing from one another with respect to particular additional resistance genes inserted to the left of the aadA gene.  相似文献   
Measurement of the light response of photosynthetic CO2 uptake is often used as an implement in ecophysiological studies. A method is described to calculate photosynthetic parameters, such as the maximum rate of whole electron transport and dissimilative respiration in the light, from the light response of CO2 uptake. Examples of the light-response curves of flag leaves and ears of wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. ARKAS) are shown.Abbreviations and symbols A net photosynthesis rate - D 1 rate of dissimilative respiration occurring in the light - f loss factor - I incident PPFD - I effective absorbed PPFD - J rate of whole electron transport - J m maximum rate of whole electron transport - p c intercellular CO2 partial pressure - PPFD photosynthetic photon flux density - q effectivity factor for the use of light (electrons/quanta) - absorption coefficient - I * CO2 compensation point in the absence of dissimilative respiration (bar) - II conversion factor for calculation of CO2 uptake from the rate of whole electron transport - convexity factor Gas-exchange rates relate to the projective area and are given in mol·m-2·s-1. Electron-transport rates are given in mol electrons·m-2·s-1; PPFD is given in mol quanta·m-2·s-1.  相似文献   
The self-association of nucleosides decreases within the series adenosine>guanosine>inosine>cytidine ≈uridine. The same trend is observed for the corresponding nucleotides, though less pronounced, as the charge effect governs series like adenosine ? AMP2?>ADP3??ATP4?. Protonation of adenosine considerably reduces its self-stacking tendency: this is different with ATP4?, where a maximum is reached for H2(ATP)2? caused by additional ionic interactions in the [H2(ATP)]2 4? dimer. Metal ion coordination may promote self-association, e.g., of ATP4? via (mainly) charge neutralization (Mg2+) and the formation of intermolecular bridges in dimeric stacks (Zn2+, Cd2+). These results allow definition of conditions with negligible self-association and thus the determination of the stability and structure of monomeric nucleotide complexes in aqueous solution, e.g., quantification of macrochelate formation in M(ATP)2? complexes. Some biological implications of the results are indicated.  相似文献   
Recombinant hirudin was produced by the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae using the alpha-pheromone prepro sequence to direct its secretion into the culture medium. The secreted hirudin was isolated to greater than or equal to 95% purity as measured by 205-nm absorbance integration from a reverse-phase chromatogram. One major activity peak corresponding to the complete, correctly processed molecule and two minor activity peaks corresponding to C-terminally truncated forms were identified. The primary structure of the major peak, determined by N-terminal sequencing of tryptic peptides, was that predicted from the cDNA sequence, and the molecular mass analyzed by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FAB-MS) was 6892.6 (calculated 6892.5). UV spectral analysis suggested that, in contrast to the natural molecule, recombinant hirudin produced by S. cerevisiae is not sulfated.  相似文献   
Three field experiments were performed in Lake Lacawac, PA to determine the importance of potentially limiting nutrients relative to other factors (grazing, depth) in structuring shallow water algal periphyton communities. All three experiments measured periphyton growth (as chlorophyll-a, AFDM or biovolumes of the algal taxa) on artificial clay flower pot substrates which released specified nutrients to their outer surfaces.Control of standing crop by nutrient supply rate vs. grazing was examined in Expt. I. Substrates releasing excess N and P, together with one of 4 levels of C (as bicarbonate) were placed either inside or outside exclosures designed to reduce grazer densities. Chlorophyll-a rose from 1.1–25.6 µg.cm–2, and some dominant taxa (e.g., Oedogonium, Nostoc, Anacystis) were replaced by others (e.g., Scenedesmus, Cryptomonas) as bicarbonate supply increased. Reductions in invertebrate density did not significantly affect chlorophyll-a at any of the nutrient levels.Reasons for the species shift were further evaluated in Expt. II, using a minielectrode to measure the elevation of pH within the periphyton mat through photosynthetic utilization of bicarbonate. The pH adjacent to pots diffusing N, P and large quantities of bicarbonate, and supporting high chlorophyll-a densities of 32 µg cm–2, averaged 10.0 compared to 6.3 in the water column. Pots diffusing only N and P supported 0.7 µg chlorophyll-a cm–2 and elevated pH to 8.2. We suspect that bicarbonate addition favored efficient bicarbonate users (e.g., Scenedesmus), while inhibiting other taxa (e.g., Oedogonium) because of the attendant high pH.Expt. III was designed to test effects of depth (0.1 m vs. 0.5 m) and N (NH4 + vs. NO3 ) upon the growth response to bicarbonate observed in Expts. I and II. Similar standing crop and species composition were noted on pots at 0.1 m vs. 0.5 m. Enrichment with NH4 + vs. NO3 also appeared to have little effect upon the periphyton community.Shallow water periphyton communities in Lake Lacawac, when supplied with sufficient N and P, appear to show a distinctive response to increasing bicarbonate concentration and pH which is robust to moderate variation in grazer densities, distance from the water surface, and the form of N enrichment.  相似文献   
Inhibition of protein kinase C (PKC) by calmodulin is investigated and we describe the localization of inhibitory sequences within the calmodulin molecule. We present evidence that calmodulin inhibits PKC through an inhibition of the activation of PKC associated with lipid membranes: Binding of PKC to lipid vesicles is not affected, but activation is abolished. The potent calmodulin antagonist R24571 (calmidazol) did not affect the inhibition of PKC by calmodulin at concentrations up to 10–5 M. Two tryptic fragments of calmodulin were isolated which inhibited PKC. They were only slightly less potent than intact calmodulin with an IC50 of 6 µ M compared to 1 µ M of intact calmodulin. They were identified as Ser38-Arg74 and His107-Lys148. Each of the inhibiting fragments contains an intact Ca2+-binding domain with complete helix-loop-helix structure (EF hand). Other calmodulin peptides showed only weak inhibitory activity. Both fragments did not stimulate cAMP phosphodiesterase even at concentrations 100-fold higher than the calmodulin concentration needed for maximal stimulation. None of the fragments acted as a calmodulin antagonist.  相似文献   
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