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  • 1 Seasonal and local variations of some environmental conditions in the Rosetta branch of the River Nile are reported. The lowest air and water temperatures were recorded in January (winter) and the highest in July (summer). Slight decrease in water temperatures with depth is related to solar heating and mixing processes. The pH values, averaging between pH 7.5 and 8.2, showed seasonal changes which, in the main, may be related to photosynthesis.
  • 2 The seasonal average chlorosity values showed very wide variation, due to fluctuations in the discharge rate of the River Nile and its effect on the estuarine sea water. Sharp increase in chlorosity values with depth at the estuarine stations was produced by the less dense river water, flowing over denser tongues of sea water. In January, however, the maximum discharge flushed out the sea water.
  • 3 Minimum oxygen saturation values occurred in January and the highest values of dissolved organic matter were obtained in July. Both of these will be shown in a later publication to be related to phytoplankton abundance. Increase in dissolved organic matter near the bottom was common and is interpreted as due to the more complete decomposition of descending dead organisms and the release of organic matter from the bottom deposits.
  • 1 The effects of a forest disturbance were investigated by comparing production of leaf-shredding aquatic insects in three streams draining a mature hardwood forest and three streams draining an 11-year-old, cable-logged clearcut.
  • 2 Reference streams contained significantly greater mean annual standing crop of leaf material and significantly more slow-processing leaf material than disturbed streams. Disturbed streams had a significantly higher mean annual standing crop of fast-processing leaf material than the reference streams.
  • 3 Leaf-shredding cranefly (Tipula abdominalis), caddisfly (Pycnopsyche gentilis), and stonefly (Tallaperla maria) larvae comprised over 95% of shredder biomass in all streams. Total shredder production was significantly greater (P<0.05) in disturbed versus reference streams, but individual production rates were not significantly different between stream types.
  • 4 Pycnopsyche gentilis larvae were present at higher densities and achieved significantly greater annual biomass in disturbed versus references streams, Biomass of P. gentilis was significantly correlated with the standing crop of fast-processing, early successional leaf material in samples, whereas biomass of other shredders was correlated significantly with medium or slow-processing leaf species characteristic of later stages of forest succession.
Arabidopsis thaliana has emerged as a model organism for plant developmental genetics, but it is also now being widely used for population genetic studies. Outcrossing relatives of A. thaliana are likely to provide suitable additional or alternative species for studies of evolutionary and population genetics. We have examined patterns of adaptive flowering time variation in the outcrossing, perennial A. lyrata. In addition, we examine the distribution of variation at marker genes in populations form North America and Europe. The probability of flowering in this species differs between southern and northern populations. Northern populations are much less likely to flower in short than in long days. A significant daylength by region interaction shows that the northern and southern populations respond differently to the daylength. The timing of flowering also differs between populations, and is made shorter by long days, and in some populations, by vernalization. North American and European populations show consistent genetic differentiation over microsatellite and isozyme loci and alcohol dehydrogenase sequences. Thus, the patterns of variation are quite different from those in A. thaliana, where flowering time differences show little relationship to latitude of origin and the genealogical trees of accessions vary depending on the genomic region studied. The genetic architecture of adaptation can be compared in these species with different life histories.  相似文献   
The factors which modify the action of chelating agents in dissolvingthe intercellular cement in plant tissue have been investigated.The action was assessed by determining the degree of separationof cells in treated pea root tips. Greatly increased separation was observed when heavy metal chelatingagents were combined with EDTA (which, in addition to heavymetals, chelates Ca) indicating that two types of cations areinvolved in stabilizing the cement. After the cells had beenseparated by removal of the cations they could be recementedby treatment with divalent cations. In low concentrations onlycertain combinations of cations were effective, again pointingto the presence of more than one type of cation in the cement.Proteolytic enzymes or denaturing agents eliminated this capacityto recement. Pretreatment with divalent cations enhanced subsequentseparation (in EDTA solution). This effect could be counteredby treatment with monovalent cations. Pretreatment in buffers covering a wide range of pH resultedin increased separation both at pH 3 and at pH 11, suggestingan ampholytic component in the cement. Urea, when applied as a pretreatment, only enhanced separationwhen in high concentration. This effect was influenced by ionicstrength. When applied in combination with EDTA, urea producedan optimum effect at low concentration (0.125 M.). Pretreatmentin hot water also enhanced subsequent separation in EDTA solutions.High concentrations of KCl countered this effect. These findingspoint to the importance of H bonds in the intercellular cement.Thioglycollic acid, applied either as pretreatment or simultaneouslywith EDTA, lowered the EDTA concentration necessary to achieveseparation, suggesting the presence of S—S bridges. The curve relating the effect of pretreatment at varying temperatures,either in H2O or in apolar solvents, to temperature, showeda sharp break, suggesting that the melting-point of an organizedgel might be involved. The conclusion is reached that the intercellular cement canbe regarded as an oriented gel structure containing proteinmolecules cross-linked by two types of metallic ion, the metalliccross linkage being chelate in character.  相似文献   
Fanconi anemia (FA) is a recessive chromosomal instability syndrome that is clinically characterized by multiple symptoms. Chromosome breakage hypersensitivity to alkylating agents is the gold standard test for FA diagnosis. In this study, we provide a detailed laboratory protocol for accurate assessment of FA diagnosis based on mitomycin C (MMC) test. Induced chromosomal breakage study was successful in 171 out of 205 aplastic anemia (AA) patients. According to the sensitivity of MMC at 50 ng/ml, 38 patients (22.22%) were diagnosed as affected and 132 patients (77.17%) as unaffected. Somatic mosaicism was suspected in an 11-year-old patient with a FA phenotype. Twenty-six siblings of FA patients were also evaluated and five of them (19.23%) were diagnosed as FA. From this study, a standard protocol for diagnosis of FA was developed. It is routinely used as a diagnostic test of FA in Tunisia.  相似文献   
Bacterial-induced mineralization has been explored for protection and consolidation of degraded limestone, concrete and plaster by precipitation of calcium carbonate. It is the first time that Bacillus sphaericus was used for consolidating the nonsterilized decayed wall paintings samples by immersing them in sterile nutritional media. The B. sphaericus used in this study produced urease, which catalyzes the hydrolysis of urea (CO(NH2)2) into ammonium (NH4) and carbonate (CO3?2) leading to the precipitation of calcium carbonate. The effect of B. sphaericus on wall paintings was determined by recording the evolution of culture media chemistry and examining the treated wall paintings under a scanning electron microscope to show the structural and morphological evolution of calcium carbonate that was investigated in wall paintings models.  相似文献   
Three disinfectants commonly used in poultry farms (formalin, TH4+, and Virkon-S) were chosen for the present study. The effect of disinfectant concentration and the duration of exposure to these disinfectants on the survival of Escherichia coli serotypes (O114:K-, O86, O55:K39, and O86:K60) were investigated. Formalin (0.6%), TH4+ (0.06%), and Virkon (0.5%) all killed the four serotypes within 5 min of exposure. As the disinfectant concentration decreases, the length of exposure time to kill serotype increases. At 0.03%, 0.007%, and 0.03% of formalin, TH4+ and Virkon-S concentrations failed to kill the four E. coli serotypes within 360 min, respectively. An improvement of the inhibitory effect of these disinfectants occurred when added together with the inoculum instead of an established population. The influence of formalin, TH4+, and Virkon-S on the cell morphology of E. coli O55:K39 was investigated by using transmission electron microscopy. Formalin-treated cells exhibited normal cell morphology, with the exception that the treated cell was less fimbriated, and more destruction of pili increased when formalin concentrations were doubled. Cells treated with TH4+ (0.03%) showed destruction of the cell wall and cell surface membrane after 5 min. Cell filamentation occurred at 0.015% and increased with the increase of exposure time to this drug. Spheroplasts were observed only when cells were treated with 0.125% Virkon-S for 60 min, and cell lysis started to occur when 0.25% Virkon-S was applied for 15 min. Scanning electron microscope study revealed that Virkon-S at 0.03% and TH4+ at 0.007% completely prevented the adherence of E. coli O55:K39 serotype to chicken tracheal organ, whereas formalin (0.03%) disinfection minimized the adherence of E. coli cells to tracheal explants after 360 min of incubation.  相似文献   
A hydroponics experiment using hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens (alpine pennycress) and non-specific accumulator Raphanus sativus (common radish) was conducted to investigate the short-term effect of increasing Cd concentrations (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 microM) on metal uptake, chlorophyll content, antioxidative enzymes, and apoplastic bypass flow. As expected, T. caerulescens generally showed better resistance to metal stress, which was reflected by higher Cd accumulation within plant tissues with no signs of chlorosis, or wilt. Glutathione reductase (GR) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities in fresh leaves were monitored as the plant metal-detoxifying response. In general, both plant species exhibited an increase trend of GR activity before declining at 100 microM likely due to excessive levels of phytotoxic Cd. SOD activity exhibited almost a similar variation pattern to GR and decreased also at 100 microM Cd. For both plant species, fluorescent PTS uptake (8-hydroxy-1,3,6-pyrenetrisulphonic acid) increased significantly with metal level in exposure solutions indicating that Cd has a comparable effect to drought or salinity in terms of the gain of relative importance in apoplastic bypass transport under such stress conditions.  相似文献   
A new class of 7-azaindole analogs of MK-7246 as potent and selective CRTH2 antagonists is reported. The SAR leading to the identification of the optimal azaindole regioisomer as well as the pharmacokinetics and off-target activities of the most potent antagonists are disclosed.  相似文献   
A new series of indole amide acting as hCRTH2 receptor ligands had been explored and are described herein. Several amide derivatives displaying low nanomolar activity in hCRTH2 binding and whole blood assays were identified. They were found to behave as a full antagonists, exhibiting good selectivity over related prostaglandin receptors. Also, prototypical compounds in this novel series which displayed acceptable CYP profiles and were orally bioavailable in rats were identified.  相似文献   
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