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The region of the clock gene period (per) that encodes a repetitive tract of threonine-glycine (Thr-Gly) pairs has been compared between Dipteran species both within and outside the Drosophilidae. All the non- Drosophilidae sequences in this region are short and present a remarkably stable picture compared to the Drosophilidae, in which the region is much larger and extremely variable, both in size and composition. The accelerated evolution in the repetitive region of the Drosophilidae appears to be mainly due to an expansion of two ancestral repeats, one encoding a Thr-Gly dipeptide and the other a pentapeptide rich in serine, glycine, and asparagine or threonine. In some drosophilids the expansion involves a duplication of the pentapeptide sequence, but in Drosophila pseudoobscura both the dipeptide and the pentapeptide repeats are present in larger numbers. In the nondrosophilids, however, the pentapeptide sequence is represented by one copy and the dipeptide by two copies. These observations fulfill some of the predictions of recent theoretical models that have simulated the evolution of repetitive sequences.   相似文献   
Targeted inactivation of neurons by expression of toxic gene products is a useful tool to assign behavioral functions to specific neurons or brain structures. Of a variety of toxic gene products tested, tetanus neurotoxin light chain (TNT) has the least severe side effects and can completely block chemical synapses. By using the GAL4 system to drive TNT expression in a subset of chemo- and mechanosensory neurons, we detected walking and flight defects consistent with blocking of relevant sensory information. We also found, for the first time, an olfactory behavioral phenotype associated with blocking of a specific subset of antennal chemoreceptors. Similar behavioral experiments with GAL4 lines expressing in different subsets of antennal chemoreceptors should contribute to an understanding of olfactory coding in Drosophila. To increase the utility of the GAL4 system for such purposes, we have designed an inducible system that allows us to circumvent lethality caused by TNT expression during early development.  相似文献   
A quantitative three-dimensional model of the Drosophila optic lobes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A big step in the neurobiology of Drosophila would be to establish a standard for brain anatomy to which to relate morphological, developmental and genetic data. We propose that only an average brain and its variance would be a biologically meaningful reference and have developed an averaging procedure. Here, we present a brief outline of this method and apply it to the optic lobes of Drosophila melanogaster wild-type Canton S. Whole adult brains are stained with a fluorescent neuropil marker and scanned with the confocal microscope. The resulting three-dimensional data sets are automatically aligned into a common coordinate system and intensity averages calculated. We use effect-size maps for the fast detection of differences between averages. For morphometric analysis, neuropil structures are labelled and superimposed to give a three-dimensional probabilistic map. In the present study, the method was applied to 66 optic lobes. We found their size, shape and position to be highly conserved between animals. Similarity was even higher between left and right optic lobes of the same animal. Sex differences were more pronounced. Female optic lobes were 6% larger than those of males. This value corresponds well with the higher number of ommatidia in females. As females have their additional ommatidia dorsally and ventrally, the additional neuropil in the medulla, lobula and lobula plate, accordingly, was found preferentially at these locations. For males, additional neuropil was found only at the posterior margin of the lobula. This finding supports the notion of male-specific neural processing in the lobula as described for muscid and calliphorid flies.  相似文献   
During the development of the zebrafish nervous system both noi, a zebrafish pax2 homolog, and ace, a zebrafish fgf8 homolog, are required for development of the midbrain and cerebellum. Here we describe a dominant mutation, aussicht (aus), in which the expression of noi and ace is upregulated. In aus mutant embryos, ace is upregulated at many sites in the embryo, while noi expression is only upregulated in regions of the forebrain and midbrain which also express ace. Subsequent to the alterations in noi and ace expression, aus mutants exhibit defects in the differentiation of the forebrain, midbrain and eyes. Within the forebrain, the formation of the anterior and postoptic commissures is delayed and the expression of markers within the pretectal area is reduced. Within the midbrain, En and wnt1 expression is expanded. In heterozygous aus embryos, there is ectopic outgrowth of neural retina in the temporal half of the eyes, whereas in putative homozygous aus embryos, the ventral retina is reduced and the pigmented retinal epithelium is expanded towards the midline. The observation that aus mutant embryos exhibit widespread upregulation of ace raised the possibility that aus might represent an allele of the ace gene itself. However, by crossing carriers for both aus and ace, we were able to generate homozygous ace mutant embryos that also exhibited the aus phenotype. This indicated that aus is not tightly linked to ace and is unlikely to be a mutation directly affecting the ace locus. However, increased Ace activity may underly many aspects of the aus phenotype and we show that the upregulation of noi in the forebrain of aus mutants is partially dependent upon functional Ace activity. Conversely, increased ace expression in the forebrain of aus mutants is not dependent upon functional Noi activity. We conclude that aus represents a mutation involving a locus normally required for the regulation of ace expression during embryogenesis.  相似文献   
Is it possible to localize a memory trace to a subset of cells in the brain? If so, it should be possible to show: first, that neuronal plasticity occurs in these cells. Second, that neuronal plasticity in these cells is sufficient for memory. Third, that neuronal plasticity in these cells is necessary for memory. Fourth, that memory is abolished if these cells cannot provide output during testing. And fifth, that memory is abolished if these cells cannot receive input during training. With regard to olfactory learning in flies, we argue that the notion of the olfactory memory trace being localized to the Kenyon cells of the mushroom bodies is a reasonable working hypothesis.  相似文献   
There are debates about the function of the two main central brain structures of insects--mushroom bodies and the central complex--in the control of motor co-ordination and triggering of different behaviour programs including sound production. To throw additional light onto this problem we analysed the parameters of the love song produced by 5-day old males courting for 5 minutes a fertilised CS female at 25 degrees C, in two wild-type strains of Drosophila melanogaster (Berlin and CS), hydroxyurea (HU)-treated flies (chemical ablation of the mushroom bodies) two mushroom body mutants (mbm1 and mud1), two central complex mutants (ccbKS127 and cexKS181) and a mutant cxbN71 with defects both in the mushroom bodies and in the central complex. It was found that the love song of HU-treated flies devoid of the mushroom bodies is very similar to that of wild-type flies. In mbm1 and mud1 the main parameters of the song (interpulse interval, IPI, and train duration) are slightly shifted from those of wild type but the sharpness of tuning of the pulse oscillator is the same. The flies of all these strains are equal to wild-type strains in mating success (% of copulations with virgins in 10-min test). On the contrary, the songs of the central complex mutants differ from those of wild-type flies. First of all, the sharpness of tuning of the pulse oscillator is destroyed,--the IPIs become highly variable. The pulses often are much longer and polycyclic as in well known cacophony mutant. The mean duration of pulse trains is much shorter. The males of the mutant cexKS181 usually court violently, but in most cases abnormal sounds are produced. Both cexKS181 and ccbKS127 males are much less successful in matings in comparison to wild-type flies. One can conclude that the central complex plays probably a very important role in the control of singing, whereas the mushroom bodies are practically not involved in this function.  相似文献   
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